Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5572 The secret technique used by Chen Xuan

At this moment, Chen Xuan also used a secret technique.

He closed his eyes tightly, and the extremely powerful and terrifying power spread to the surroundings in an instant.

Just three minutes later, the sixth-order immortal-level formation was instantly deployed.

Based on Chen Xuan's current understanding, the formation he arranged was very powerful.

This time, he arranged the formation, and Chen Xuan unleashed his more powerful immortal-level formation.

The sudden and terrifying dragon domineering energy suddenly filled the surroundings of Wang Liang.

Seeing this situation, Wang Liang paused slightly. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the leader of the Immortal Time Sect, Da Rao's dark sword, fell directly around Wang Liang and suppressed him.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

Wang Liang was a little unhappy. A long sword appeared in front of him, and some breath burst out.

"It's going to be bad now."

Chen Xuan secretly shouted something bad, and at the same time increased the power of Long Baqi.

"The Secret Technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent."

This secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent is Chen Xuanzui's most powerful force now.

Two very fast sword lights shot through the air at this moment and appeared near Wang Liang.

Wang Liang also used a sword energy to kill the red sword light instantly, but it was completely beyond his expectation. The red sword light instantly showed crazy power, hiding in the dark, staying away from his attack, and hitting his body.

Seeing this scene, Wang Liang's face showed surprise.

"You actually mastered the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent?"

In the entire Wanjinlong area, there are almost no warriors who do not know the secret method of the Divine Soul Sword Intent.

The secret method of Divine Sword Intent is actually an extremely powerful secret method of Shenmen, and Chen Xuan actually mastered it.


Wang Liang murmured to himself in his heart.

At this moment, Wang Liang also displayed the power of his soul.

His body's aura immediately increased significantly, and the terrifying red spiritual power spread to the surroundings instantly.

At the moment when red spiritual power swept across the earth, Wang Liang's body gradually decomposed and turned into a strange red spiritual energy.

The attack power of these strange red auras is very powerful, directly breaking through the sixth-order immortal-level formation, and then breaking through Chen Xuan's immortal-level formation.

The master of Xianshi Sect became confused and grabbed Chen Xuan and retreated.

At this moment, he directly suppressed the strange red aura Zheng with the dark red sword in his hand.

Soon, the powerful dark red sword was blasted away.

"Get out of this place quickly."

The master of the Immortal Time Sect directly suppressed Chen Xuan to a distant place, and then he fought with the strange red aura.

"Don't worry, Wang Liang may not be able to kill me at all."

After hearing the words of Da Rao, the leader of Xianshi Sect, Chen Xuan did not stay any longer, and then Chen Xuan's body disappeared into the air.

This battle shocked the entire Qingyun Stone City.

Chen Xuan had already left the Qingyun Stone City area before and came to this place.

"I heard that there were very powerful warriors fighting in Qingyun Stone City five years ago."

"According to your very powerful warrior... he is Wang Liang and the sect leader of Qingyun Stone City's Immortal Time Sect."

Several warriors at the early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm near Chen Xuan were discussing.

"I don't know, can you explain it to me in detail?" Chen Xuan released the aura of the middle eighth level of the divine realm.

"Brother, what do you want to know?"

"What was the outcome of this battle?" Chen Xuandao said.

"Wang Liang's strength is very terrifying. Now the master of the Senshi Sect is injured. Wang Liang chased the Senshi Sect to the sect and injured the Senshi Sect."

"Injured Senji Zong? What happened?"

Chen Xuan frowned slightly.

"Thankfully, the leader of the Immortal Time Sect, Darao Friend, suppressed Wang Liang. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a good thing that there is still the Immortal Time Sect in Qingyun Stone City." Several warriors at the early stage of the eighth level of the Divine Realm sighed extremely when they came here.

A Wang Liang actually suppressed the Immortal Time Sect. He was really terrifying.

Chen Xuan clenched the sword in his hand, feeling unhappy inside.

"Wang Liang, you are dead."

If the master of Xianshi Sect hadn't protected him and lost the dark red long sword, the top inheritance magic weapon, he would have been completely defeated by Wang Liang.

With the top-level inherited magic weapon, although the master of the Immortal Time Sect is no match for Wang Liang, he can at least be saved.

"Senji Sect, I will definitely go there in a while."

After more than twenty years, Chen Xuan finally arrived in Shicheng.

After arriving at Shicheng, he sighed helplessly.

The Wanjinlong area is so large that it is difficult to find a warrior in the middle eighth level of the divine realm.

The light suddenly emitted, and Chen Xuan returned to the Divine Gate.


"Senior Brother Fang Luoyu."

Fang Luoyu was practicing in seclusion, and suddenly Wang De came quickly.

"Have you found Chen Xuan?" Fang Luoyu said hurriedly.

More than twenty years ago, Wang Liang directly told them the news that the assassination of Chen Xuan failed.

However, Wanting Sect still arranged for its disciples to look for Chen Xuan outside.

"Chen Xuan is here." Wang De said with a bitter smile.

"What are you? He's here?"

Hearing this, Fang Luoyu's heart flashed with cold murderous intent.

"I saw with my own eyes that he has returned to the branch sect." Fang Luoyu was extremely angry that Chen Xuan could return to the branch sect without risking his life.

"After a while, we will definitely have to be very careful. It's hard for Chen Xuan to make a move now." Wang De said.

Fang Luoyu looked calm and said softly: "Don't do anything yet."

"There is no need to worry at all. I, the Wan Ting Sect, will never provoke him in the branch sect." Wang De said.

Jianchen Sect.

"Chen Xuan, what's wrong?" Yu Wenqiu asked hurriedly.

"I was killed secretly, but there is no need to worry at all. I was fine before." Chen Xuandao.

"Who is this dog man who wants to deal with you?" Yu Wenqiu asked.

Chen Xuan smiled softly. It was obvious. What kind of person could allow a powerful person at the eighth level of the divine realm to deal with me?

"Qing Xueyun Sect?"

The first thing Chen Xuan thought of was the Qing Xueyun Sect.

The most important thing is that Wang Qingge, a very outstanding disciple of Qing Xueyun Sect, died in his hands.

I guess Qing Xueyun Sect will take action against him, right?

"Wanting Sect?"

Chen Xuan thought that the person he was talking to was definitely Wang Tingyu.

The hatred against the Wanting Sect was basically focused on Wang Tingyu.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Xuan thought that he had returned to Shenmen now, so he no longer had to worry about Wang Liang.

"Sooner or later... I will know who sent Wang Liang." Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

It is a bit difficult to break through the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent in a short time.

We can only look for perfect opportunities from the Ten Thousand Demon Soul Method.

At the moment when Chen Xuan understood the Ten Thousand Demons Soul Technique, Wang Hua arrived.

"Chen Xuan."

After seeing Chen Xuan, Wang Hua's face showed doubts.

"Wang Hua, why did you come to see me?"

"Chen Xuan." Wang Hua said: "I have come to see brother Chen Xuan before."

"What's the meaning?"

Chen Xuan also looked a little surprised. What was Wang Hua doing?

"Chen Xuan, I invite you to go to the 19th level of seclusion in Wanjin Hall to practice together."

"Nineteenth level?"

In fact, Chen Xuan must also be very surprised at the 19th level of Wanjin Palace.

Moreover, the nineteenth level contains the power of fire that even the eighth level of the divine realm cannot defend against.

Currently, many warriors want to enter the nineteenth level of seclusion to practice, but they can only last for a quarter of an hour at most.

When Wang Hua came to see him and entered the nineteenth level, Chen Xuan was not surprised at all.

Chen Xuan looked at Wang Hua and immediately realized that his aura was so powerful.

"It turns out that Wang Hua has achieved a breakthrough." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

Wang Hua smiled softly, then nodded slightly when he heard it, and said softly: "Thanks to Brother Chen Xuan for this."

Chen Xuan also nodded slightly, and then said: "Let's go."

Obviously, he also wants to see what is so weird about this nineteenth level?

Now. They arrived in front of Wanjin Palace.

"Wang Hua."

At this moment, a voice filled the air near Chen Xuan.

"I guess you also want to enter Wanjin Palace to practice in seclusion, right?" A monk in black came over instantly.

Seeing this warrior, Wang Hua's expression changed a little and became a little gloomy.

Seeing that Wang Hua didn't say a word, the warrior quickly regained his composure.

His eyes looked at Chen Xuan, and then he showed sarcasm.

"Do you know him?" the warrior asked.

"What's wrong?" Chen Xuandao said.

"Chen Xuan, don't pay attention to this guy." Wang Hua pulled Chen Xuan up and entered the divine gate.

"Haha, let's go." Chen Xuandao.

Fang Lingtong felt unhappy in his heart.

"Jianchen Sect Chen Xuan?"

Today's Chen Xuan has already reached the 100th disciple list before, and he also directly killed Wang Qingge of the Qing Xueyun Sect.

However, in Fang Lingtong's eyes, Chen Xuan didn't care at all.

After all, you think he is also the top talented martial artist of Qingzong, and he has a bad relationship with Wang Hua...

At this moment, seeing Chen Xuan and Wang Hua together, he suddenly felt a lot of discomfort.

Immediately afterwards, he also entered the Wanjin Palace directly.

The first level of Wanjin Palace, the power of fire in this place is extremely powerful.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan's cultivation level improved this time, otherwise it would be impossible to stay in the first level.

Feeling the crazy power of fire raging through his body, Chen Xuan hid in the dark and condensed the power of the fire.

He turned his head and glanced at Wang Hua, feeling very surprised.

At this moment in the Cloud Dragon Secret Realm, Wang Hua was only one of the next hundred disciples.

But before he returned from the Cloud Dragon Secret Realm, this time, compared to before, he was directly ranked within one hundred on the disciple list.

Chen Xuan couldn't help but secretly sigh in his heart, it was impossible for Wang Hua to suddenly break through to such an extent.

"The level of fire power at this level of Immortal Level is so strong that only a few disciples can break through it," Wang Hua said.

"The first level of Immortal Level is already so depressing, what about this nineteenth level?" Chen Xuandao said.

"In the tens of thousands of years before our Shenmen sect was divided into sects, there was a terrifying top talent who still holds the record of the 19th level. He stayed in the 19th level for a full quarter of an hour." Wang Huadao .

Chen Xuan was also very surprised. This nineteenth level was much more terrifying than he had imagined.

"This... we are divided into sects at this stage. Who can enter the 19th level?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

Wang Hua said slowly: "The ones who dare to enter the 19th level are the other guys in the top ten. But the one who has lasted the longest is Wang Guo. He is actually very rare among the Divine Sword Intent warriors."

"Wang Guo, how long did he last?" Chen Xuan must be very interested.

When I first came to Shenmen, I had seen Wang Guo's battle.

"Senior Brother Wang Guo only lasted almost a quarter of an hour." Wang Hua said: "However, it is difficult for any disciple to reach the level of Senior Brother Wang Guo."

"There were rumors before that Senior Brother Wang Guo has recently been trying to reach the eighth level of the Divine Realm. If he succeeds, he will eventually easily defeat all the warriors at this stage of the eighth level of the Divine Realm and be sent to the cabinet."

"Is that so... when will we enter the 19th level?" Chen Xuandao said.

Wang Hua should know the situation in the 19th level better than he does.

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