Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5573: First Level of Inner Retreat

However, now Chen Xuan asked Wang Hua to see what plans he had for the nineteenth level.

"We have just entered the first level and have not yet been able to fully adapt. At this time, we will practice in seclusion in the first level of the Immortal Order for a period of time, and then go to the 19th level." Wang Hua said.

"Haha, no problem."

After Chen Xuan heard this, he stayed directly in a place with a very strong aura.

Wang Hua glanced at Chen Xuan, with some doubts flashing in his pupils.

When Fang Lingtong arrived at the first level, he directly saw Wang Hua and Chen Xuan.

"Are you completely falling out with me?"

Fang Lingtong's expression was extremely ferocious.

Wang Hua is very strong and he cannot afford to offend him.

But he wanted to deal with Chen Xuan, and then he walked directly towards Chen Xuan.

In an instant, Fang Lingtong stepped on the ground with the soles of his feet close to Chen Xuan. Suddenly, the crazy aura began to gradually dissipate, and the crazy power gradually broke out.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

Chen Xuan's whole body was affected by his impact.

"What's going on?"

Chen Xuan, who was practicing, saw Fang Lingtong nearby.

"What's wrong?"

Fang Lingtong said angrily.

"Fang Lingtong, are you okay?"

Suddenly Wang Hua said in a cold tone.

Fang Lingtong became even more angry when Wang Hua said this.

"Wang Hua, you actually said this to me?" Fang Lingtong looked at Chen Xuandao.

"Yes, do you want to cause trouble for Brother Chen Xuan?" Wang Hua said in a cold voice.

Fang Lingtong kept causing trouble for him, which made Wang Hua a little unhappy.

"Good boy... I don't dare to kill him!! But you want to die." Fang Lingtong said in a deep voice.

Chen Xuan spread his hands, feeling helpless.

Although he was helpless, Chen Xuan still hated Fang Lingtong.

If Wang Hua hadn't been in this place, he would have already used the technique before.

"Fang Lingtong, Brother Chen Xuan is more powerful than me... You must not let me go. Let me go. Don't let me see you again." Wang Hua said.

At this moment, Fang Lingtong suppressed his inner dissatisfaction.

He knew that he was no match for the two combined.

Qing Zong.

"Damn guy, if you dare to completely fall out with me, you are simply asking for your own death."

Fang Lingtong roared.

Suddenly a monk in black appeared.

"Fang Lingtong, what's wrong?" Wang Bo said.

"Jianchen Sect Chen Xuan." Fang Ling said.

"What's going on? How could you resist Jianchen Sect Chen Xuanli?" Wang Bo asked very puzzled.

After returning to Shenmen and the incident with Chen Xuan, Wang Bo's attitude towards Chen Xuan changed significantly.

"I don't have a good relationship with Wang Hua. This guy, who is his brother, Wang Hua has a strong background. I can't kill Chen Xuan," said Fang Ling.

Hearing this, Wang Bo said helplessly: "Fang Lingtong, I have seen this guy Chen Xuan fight against him before, he is very strong."

"By the way, where is this guy Chen Xuan now?" Wang Bo asked, somewhat surprised.

"In the Immortal Level 1 of the Ten Thousand Gold Palace." Fang Lingtong said helplessly.

"Haha, very good. During this period, I don't know if his cultivation level has improved." Wang Bo wanted to have a try with Chen Xuan.

"Fang Lingtong, you'd better not provoke Chen Xuan, otherwise you will be in danger."

After that, Wang Bo left Qingzong.

"Haha, it's so funny, even Wang Bo helped this guy."

Fang Ling's sword energy instantly knocked away a stone bench next to him, and he vaguely regarded Chen Xuan as his opponent.

The Immortal Rank of Wanjin Palace is at the first level.

Chen Xuan and Wang Hua were practicing when suddenly Wang Bo came.

"Why is Wang Bo here?" Chen Xuan was very confused.

"Chen Xuan, has your cultivation improved?" Wang Bo said.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan was a little helpless.

Wang Bo was slightly shocked, but then he still said: "Last time you were able to defend against my four sword energies. After you returned, my crazy dizziness finally broke through again..."

Now the aura around Wang Bo instantly filled the air, and the surrounding power gathered on that extremely terrifying long sword.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan was helpless.

"What do I have to do?" Chen Xuandao said.

"You must, are you afraid of me?" Wang Bo refused directly, his face full of sarcasm.

"Haha, how about this time? Do you use the technique first, or do I use the technique first?" Wang Bo said.

Chen Xuan smiled, then coughed lightly and said, "Okay, press me."

"Do you think I will lose?" Wang Bo was very confident in his cultivation.

Among the disciples of the sect, no warrior could surpass his cultivation level, so he agreed.

Suddenly, the strength around him continued to gather. Wang Bo stepped on the ground with the soles of his feet. His defense had been raised to the strongest. He observed Chen Xuandao: "Haha, not so much, come on."

When Chen Xuan saw this situation, his pupils showed murderous intent.

Then the divine fire defense was activated, and crazy power attached to the long sword.


A sword energy fiercely attacked around Wang Bo, but Wang Bo defended Chen Xuan's attack and quickly destroyed the power of his long sword.

"You have improved a lot."

After defending against Chen Xuan's first sword energy, Wang Bo also showed a faint smile.

"We can't waste time, we must speed up."

Chen Xuan was fine and looked at Wang Bo calmly.

Based on his understanding of divine fire defense, the power of the second level immortal body should be not much lower than Wang Bo.

Chen Xuan was thinking in his mind and suddenly slashed out a sword energy.

This sword energy contained the operating rules of divine fire defense, and its power was greatly increased, hitting Wang Bo's surroundings.

But this time, Wang Bo's expression changed.

"Don't worry yet, what's going on?"

Wang Bo was a little surprised in his heart. Obviously, he also didn't expect that Chen Xuan's power could threaten him.


He praised Chen Xuan.

"Come on, the last sword energy." Wang Bo said with a smile.

Opposite him, Chen Xuan was running the rules of divine fire defense in his consciousness, mobilizing crazy power.

"Looking at it this way, if you want to defeat him with defensive methods, you must use this terrifying sword energy."

Chen Xuan thought to himself, his body was rapidly gathering strength.

Throughout the first level of the Immortal Order, the power of crazy fire appeared in front of Chen Xuan one after another.

Wang Hua in front looked at Chen Xuan, with a powerful look on his face.

"His improvement speed is indeed very fast." Wang Hua murmured to himself: "I must act as soon as possible, otherwise this time I will fail."

At this moment, Wang Hua's heart flashed with some complicated expressions.

At this moment, the aura of the Crazy Divine Sword Intention was raging.

At the moment when the power quickly gathered high, Chen Xuan let out a light drink, and then the spiritual god moved slightly, directly integrating the Ten Thousand Swords Sky Fire Spirit Array with the power in front of him.

"Mystical Fire and Immortal Sword Technique."

Suddenly, Chen Xuan let out a low shout, and his long sword was wrapped in the terrifying aura of Divine Sword Intent.

On top of this breath of divine sword intent, there is also a layer of power of the empty fire spirit formation.

The power of the two has been raised to the extreme, and the entire first level of the Immortal Order is still shaking constantly, and it also exudes a terrifying aura.


Chen Xuan stamped his feet on the ground, and his terrifying long sword, carrying a power that shocked him, directly attacked Wang Bo.

When Wang Bo saw this situation, his expression changed, and the nearby defenses of his body increased again, directly blocking Chen Xuan.

In an instant, the turbulent breath suddenly filled the entire sky.

The moment Chen Xuan's long sword came into contact with Wang Bo's body, he was shocked in his heart.

"How is it possible? What on earth is going on? I will never believe it."

But before he woke up from the shock, Wang Bo felt that his body seemed to be suppressed by a terrifying force.


Amid the crazy power, Wang Bo's body took a few steps back.

After stabilizing his body, he looked at Chen Xuan with a surprised expression and couldn't let go for a long time.

"I'm not my opponent anymore?"

Wang Bo looked at Chen Xuan with wide eyes.

"Haha, how about this time?"

Chen Xuan pulled Wang Bo back from his thoughts.

He then looked at Chen Xuan: "Although you suppressed me, if I attack you, we will be about the same at most."

Wang Bo is the strongest person in the body training of different sects. How could he lose to a guy who is in the middle eighth level of the divine realm?

Wang Bo shouted, and suddenly a sword energy slashed out.

When Chen Xuan saw this situation, his expression was also very surprised. Then he directly used the secret method of divine time, and his body directly gathered into the time and space Zheng.

Wherever his body passed at this moment, it directly blocked the tracking of Wang Changbo's sword.

Wang Bo's first sword energy was blocked by Chen Xuan.

"The first four sword energies."

Wang Bo's first four sword energy struck out very quickly. On this sword energy, Chen Xuan obviously discovered the spiritual energy fluctuations, and soon he understood that he wanted to use the spiritual energy fluctuations to stop him.

"The third level of the secret method of divine time."

Chen Xuan said softly, watching as Wang Bo's first four sword energies were about to attack fiercely, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

In an instant, Wang Bo's first four sword energy failed. At this moment, his heart was filled with shock.

"What on earth is going on? His understanding of the rules of Tao is so great?"

Even Wang Bo lamented that Chen Xuan's understanding of Tao rules was really amazing.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

Wang Bo had a life-threatening thought in his heart.

"Although your understanding of Tao rules is very powerful, I want to see how you can defend against my fourth sword energy."

Seeing Wang Bo's face, all the crazy fire power in the first level of the Immortal Order instantly shook.

Then Wang Bo stepped on the ground with the soles of his feet, and the entire first level of the Immortal Steps was burned.

"Want to stop me?"

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan looked very surprised, and then he shook his head.

His secret method of divine time is actually the realization of extremely powerful Tao rules.

If Wang Bo were a powerful person at the eighth level of the divine realm, there would be absolutely no way for him to escape by doing this.

But he is only in the middle stage of the eighth level of the divine realm.

However, at this moment, Wang Bo relied on the power of the entire Immortal Level 1 to prevent Chen Xuan from escaping.

He used the third level of the secret technique of God's Time and still escaped Wang Bo's attack.

In an instant,

Wang Bo's fourth sword energy failed, and he directly restrained his energy.

"Chen Xuan! I am no longer your opponent."

"If it were a head-on confrontation, I might not be able to defend against your attack." Chen Xuandao: "Actually, I will use other methods."

After hearing this, Wang Bo nodded slightly and said softly: "I won't come to you for discussion from now on. However, I have something to do."

"Anything can be direct."

"What kind of immortal-level secret method are you using to understand the rules of the Tao?" Wang Bo asked curiously.

He could find that Chen Xuan's understanding of Tao rules was indeed very mysterious.

"The Secret Technique of Divine Time." Chen Xuandao said. In this regard, he did not hide his secret method of Divine Time.

Even if he came up with the secret method of divine time, Wang Bo would not understand that it was the secret method of divine time.

"The secret method of divine time! Thank you very much."

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