However, they don't know whether the remaining disciples of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect have entered the Divine Will Vein Space.

"There are rules in the Divine Will Vein Space, and we have no way to enter it. So we don't know what is going on inside at all." Song Weihua said: "However, we can hide in the dark and find all the warriors in the Water God City to see if it is If there are any remaining disciples of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect, you can ask how many there are."

The lord of the clan nodded slightly after hearing this.

"Song Wei has done well, but this is all we have now."

"But you must not forget that if the Immortal Blood Demon Sect wants to hide, we and the others will not be able to discover it at all. Unless the sect master and other powerful people search carefully." Sect Leader Wang Kuang said.

"Sect Master Wang Kuang, millions of years have passed. Even if the Immortal Blood Demon Sect is still alive, there is no way for their cultivation to return to its peak. But now, things may not be as complicated as you imagined." Song Weihua said. .

"The Divine Will Vein Space has been opened. We must investigate carefully in the shortest possible time and then consider the next step." Sect Master Dayang.

After reaching an agreement, several strong men began to carefully investigate Water God City in secret.

Indeed, as Sect Master Wang Kuang said, the Immortal Blood Demon Sect has the power of the soul, if you want to hide it. Unless you are a powerful person such as the sect leader, it is impossible to find any clues.

After using three, several strong men found nothing.

In the end, they gave up the investigation and prepared to open the space of divine will.

Wanhua Residence Hotel.

The master of the sect looked at the several disciples in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Some changes have occurred in the Divine Vein Space this time. If you go in, there is a high chance that you will encounter terrible dangers."

"Lord Sect Leader, what's going on?" Wang Guo said.

Other eyes also looked at the sect leader curiously.

"The Immortal Blood Demon Sect millions of years ago has been restored again. We guess that they entered the Divine Will Vein Space." Sect Leader Dayang.

Hearing this, many warriors were extremely shocked.

"No way, how is this possible? The Immortal Blood Demon Sect? Aren't they even in trouble?"

"How could the Immortal Blood Demon Sect secretly run into the Divine Will Vein Space?"

"The time you have been practicing in seclusion is too short, and you don't know the skills of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect." Sect Leader Dayang said: "The previous battle between the entire Bluestone City and the Immortal Blood Demon Sect was absolutely terrifying. But even if they recover again, in a short time I don’t even have the guts to confront several of our top forces during this time.”

Chen Xuan was also very shocked.

Has the Immortal Blood Demon Sect, the top power of the demon sect that stirred up the storm in the Bluestone Layer before, really recovered? Many warriors may not be fully aware of the horror of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect.

But no matter what, he is the sect leader. He knows very well and cannot forget that the bluestone layer was almost defeated.

If the entire Bluestone layer had not finally united, and even had the help of other warriors, the current Bluestone would have been occupied by the Immortal Blood Demon Sect before.

The lord of the sect just told them not to be anxious and to be careful. This time, the practice in the Divine Vein Space was much more dangerous and they should not act casually.

After digesting some information in the divine vein space, the sect leader took several disciples and left the Wanhua Residence Hotel.

Soon, several sect disciples gathered in the central hall.

This central hall is called the Divine Will Lineage Central Hall. The legendary Divine Will Vein Space is hidden on the ground of the Divine Will Vein.


The sect leader glanced at Song Weihua and Wang Kuang and said.

After hearing this, they nodded slightly, then tapped the ground with their toes, and came to the sky above the central hall to gather with the sect leader.

Under the gazes of several disciples, several strong men waved their swords, and terrifying power erupted around them.

"It's so powerful."

Chen Xuan looked at the several powerful men in the sky with extremely frightened eyes. Their technique of opening the divine vein space was very powerful, which obviously made him feel very surprised.

For a moment, Dao veins appeared one by one in the air.

"No...impossible. If I guessed correctly, this should be the one!"

Chen Xuan felt a little excited in his heart.

Before the divine vein space was opened, so many veins were seen. Each vein contains extremely terrifying power.

Suddenly, at this moment when many Dao veins were in mid-air, they suddenly gathered at the Gate of Space.

In an instant, a turbulent aura emanated from the Sky Gate.

Many warriors know that the space of divine will has been opened. The turbulent aura erupted from the divine vein space, and many warriors already wanted to enter.


Sect Master Wang Kuang said directly, and immediately several disciples of the school, under the leadership of Wang Yun, appeared directly at Kongzhimen Zheng

When all the warriors enter, they will actually have part of their Dao veins disappear.

The disciples of the school went in and were followed by the disciples of the Dragon God Sect.

Song Weihua said softly, the disciples of the Dragon God Sect also entered the center one after another.

"Something's not right, the Tao veins have decreased."

Chen Xuan discovered the changes in the Gate of Space. After a little thought, he realized that the Gate of Space composed of Tao veins would cause some of the Tao veins to disappear if a warrior entered it.

When several disciples entered, the Dao veins that condensed into the Gate of Void disappeared.

The master waved his hand, and Wang Guo nodded slightly after hearing it, and then shouted loudly, and all the disciples of the Divine Sect also entered the Divine Will Vein Space.

In an instant, the Divine Will Vein in the air completely disappeared.

The master and the others looked at each other.

"Master, the younger generation of your Divine Sect is not good enough." Master Wang Kuang said with a face full of sarcasm.

The school and the Divine Sect have always been competing for the title of the top talent of the big sect. In the past, the cultivation of the Divine Will Vein Space did not determine the winner.

But this time, Master Wang Kuang was very confident in Wang Yun.

Wang Yun alone could easily defeat all other mid-level warriors of the eighth level of the Divine Realm.

"The disciples of your school may not be good either." The master said helplessly.

"Haha, it's really funny. I hope you can still do this after the divine will vein space is closed." After finishing speaking, Sect Master Wang Kuang turned around and left.

The Sect Master whispered to Song Weihua: "Song Weihua, I'm leaving first."

"See you later." Song Weihua said.

There are many warriors around the central hall of the divine will vein.

All the warriors are looking at the central hall.

"Is it definitely the entrance to the divine will vein space?"

"When can I also enter the divine will vein space for closed-door cultivation."

The divine will vein space is actually under the absolute control of several powerful sects\\/

No warrior can enter it.

Even for several sects, there are probably only a few places.

Although many warriors who came to Shuishen City had heard about the mystery of the divine will vein space before, they could not enter it.

Their hearts were full of murderous intent.

Why can't I go in?

Among the many warriors, two gray-clothed warriors saw the divine vein space closed, and a little strange color flashed in their pupils.

"Kill all these guys in the middle stage of the eighth level of the Godly Realm, cut off the foundation of several sects, and then slowly occupy their territory with a smile."

"Yes, the plan of the divine vein space is the first step for our Xianxue Demon Sect to return to the Wanjinlong area. We must do it to surprise them."

The two black-eyed warriors were in a very good mood. After watching for a while, they disappeared among the many warriors.

After entering the Gate of the Void, Chen Xuan felt that his body was filled with Dao veins, and he could find that there was a crazy force raging around him.

"Is the Dao vein protecting me?" Chen Xuan said to himself.

Wrapped in the Dao vein, he was crazy before school

Because it was the first time to enter the divine vein space, he was very unfamiliar with the situation here, and Chen Xuan was not very clear about how to enter the divine vein space.

After thinking for a long time, Chen Xuan closed his eyes and practiced.

Entering the divine will vein space, there is absolutely no lack of killing.

So taking advantage of this time, it is also a very good preparation to improve your strength.

Soon Chen Xuan felt the yellow sand everywhere.

"What a depressing atmosphere."

Without the protection of the drying veins, the violent power around instantly suppressed Chen Xuan.

However, he released the divine fire defense in a short moment to deal with it, and finally gradually adapted.

Then he felt pain around him, and his body suddenly fell on Lin's face.

Chen Xuan climbed up from the black abyss stone and looked around.

"Is this the divine will vein space?"

Chen Xuan said coldly, his specific location is actually a cultivation mountain Zheng

"No... Impossible, if I'm not mistaken, this should be that!"

Suddenly Chen Xuan's heart was very shocked, and he stared at the cultivation mountain Zheng with wide eyes

"How is it possible? What is going on? I will never believe it."

Every black crystal is surrounded by the Tao veins. What makes him even more terrified is that these black crystals are actually condensing Tao veins.

"Can he devour the Dao veins?" This was Chen Xuan's inner doubt. He had heard for the first time that black crystals could devour Dao veins. After observing this moment, Chen Xuan finally stabilized his inner shock. He shook his head slightly and said, "It is indeed the divine will vein space. It really shocked me." The divine consciousness spread and filled the entire cultivation mountain. He found that he did not encounter anything terrible. Chen Xuan sighed helplessly. He had just entered the divine will vein space. The most important thing was to figure out the approximate area of ​​the divine will vein space, and then look for low-level Dao veins. "Where did the Dao veins devoured by these black crystals come from?" Chen Xuan felt that he could find them from these black crystals... In a short moment, he approached a nearby black crystal, swung his long sword, and hit the Dao veins around the black crystal. The Dao veins were instantly broken, showing a little light directly, gathering the black crystal Zheng This scene shocked Chen Xuan again. "What's going on? Why can't I devour it?" Everything that happened in the divine will vein space made Chen Xuan look surprised. After exploring, Chen Xuan discovered that the Dao veins in the cultivation mountain where he was located should have a final direction.

After the black crystal swallowed up the Dao veins, another Dao vein would appear at this moment.

This really made Chen Xuan a little confused. Could it be that the Dao veins could suddenly appear?

Obviously it is impossible for veins to suddenly appear. However, now there is 100% certainty that there is a source of Dao connections in this cultivation mountain peak.

Moreover, in the Divine Vein Space, all the black crystal nine-legged golden insects here can devour the Dao Veins, which may be the rule here.

Anyway, with Chen Xuan's current cultivation level, it is impossible to explore the Tao context clearly.

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