Therefore, what Chen Xuan has to do now is to find the source of the Dao veins in the cultivation mountain.

If he can find it, he will be able to explode.

The divine will vein space itself is for the eighth-level middle-stage warriors of the Divine Lord Realm to find the Dao veins.

However, low-level Dao veins are many times stronger than ordinary Dao veins. So it is much more difficult to find.

In fact, in Chen Xuan's heart, he still wondered whether the divine will vein space appeared naturally or was controlled by a warrior?

If there were warriors controlling it, where did these low-level Dao veins come from.

Just in the cultivation mountain, so many low-level Dao veins were seen, and this was only a corner of the divine will vein space.

Chen Xuan couldn't imagine how many low-level Dao veins there were in the extremely large area of ​​the divine will vein space.

If there were really warriors controlling it, how many warriors would be killed here?

"The most important thing is to find the Dao veins, and then devour them to improve your strength." Chen Xuan said coldly.

This cultivation mountain is not too big, and Chen Xuan's consciousness can completely permeate it.

Every black crystal in the cultivation mountain cannot escape Chen Xuan's consciousness.

But these black crystals are nothing special.

"Where exactly is the low-level Dao vein?"

Chen Xuan was puzzled. The low-level Dao vein suddenly appeared, which was completely incomprehensible.

Chen Xuan's perception of the secret method of time and space has reached an unprecedented height. He shouted lightly, and then his spirit moved slightly, and his consciousness was full of the perception of time and space cultivation.

A lot of terrible auras burst out around him, contacting with spiritual power. Then his body gradually disappeared in the air.

"If I were to use the secret method of time and space, I would definitely fly into the air, and then I would be able to come to the black crystal."

Chen Xuan muttered to himself, his eyes fell on the center of the cultivation mountain.

This obsidian has the bodies of nine earth fire spirits. Each earth fire spirit is surrounded by a low-level Dao vein.

"What's going on?" Chen Xuan looked directly at the body of one of the Earth Fire Spirits. The low-level Dao veins on the body of the Earth Fire Spirit disappeared very quickly. Chen Xuan's consciousness enveloped the body of the Earth Fire Spirit in a short moment. Suddenly, a series of space ripples appeared in the air, followed by space fluctuations, and the next moment the low-level Dao veins appeared without any movement. "Don't worry, what's going on?" Chen Xuan found something abnormal. "The space ripples appeared before the Dao veins appeared, which means that the Dao veins are far away from this obsidian." Chen Xuan thought to himself: "At least within a hundred miles, such subtle space ripples will appear." Then Chen Xuan's consciousness directly tracked the area within a hundred miles. After about four incense sticks, Chen Xuan finally found something strange. Behind the obsidian, there is a golden giant tree. "If there is no impact, the aura will definitely be stronger." Chen Xuan said with a slightly surprised expression. After discovering this, Chen Xuan tapped the ground with his toes and came to the golden giant tree. The breath continued to emanate, and Chen Xuan stared at the golden giant tree.

Closed his eyes, calmly sensing the golden giant tree.

At this moment, Chen Xuan finally opened his eyes.

"It's really good."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh. The fairy-level formation in this place almost suppressed him directly.

Fortunately, his fairy-level formation was thoroughly upgraded and reached the absolute realm, otherwise, it would really be suppressed by the golden giant tree.

"This golden giant tree is a fairy-level formation."

Chen Xuan whispered.

He raised his palm, and suddenly a terrifying dragon hegemony burst out from his body.


The wild and chaotic breath was filled, and the extremely powerful dragon hegemony gathered in front of him, gathering a terrifying red sword energy.

The red sword energy burst out with surging power and flew directly to the fairy-level formation.

With a bang!

A breath suddenly filled the entire sky.

The surging power of the terrifying red sword energy directly touched the golden giant tree.

In an instant, a zero-point light appeared on the golden giant tree, defending against the swallowing of the terrifying red sword energy.

"It is so."

Chen Xuan smiled slightly and looked directly at the golden giant tree.

"The strong man who arranged this golden giant tree has extraordinary skills. With my current fairy-level formation perception, I cannot defend it with my body defense."

Although the fairy-level formation is very powerful, Chen Xuan has already seen the breath of the fairy-level formation.

With a tip of his toes, Chen Xuan's body came in front of the golden giant tree.

In an instant, the Liaoyuan Sword suddenly swung out desperately, and swung it out at once, almost breaking the golden giant tree.

And this is the time for the terrifying red sword energy to attack.

After doing this several times in a row, the golden giant tree instantly burst out with an illusory breath.


The surging breath emanated from the golden giant tree.

"Low-level Dao veins."

The fairy-level formation was lifted, and then Chen Xuan saw the shackle-level Dao veins emerging from the inside of the golden giant tree.

"So that's it."

At this moment, Chen Xuan finally understood why the low-level Dao veins suddenly appeared.

The root of the low-level Dao veins is inside the golden giant tree. However, because of the fairy-level formation of the golden giant tree, whenever a low-level Dao vein appears, it will be absorbed by the golden giant tree.

After knowing this, a smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face.

He walked up to the golden giant tree, shouted low, and the surrounding power attached to the long sword, and then suddenly attacked towards the golden giant tree.

In the cultivation mountain peak, golden spiritual power suddenly came from one by one.

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Chen Xuan directly collected the ten low-level Tao veins that appeared from the golden giant tree into the Najie.

"What exactly are the roots of the Tao veins in this golden giant tree?" Chen Xuan laughed.

But he had no way to completely defend against this giant golden tree.

A fierce attack with a long sword can cause the low-level Dao veins inside to burst out.

Chen Xuan took this opportunity to directly collect the low-level Taoist veins.

Outside the cultivation mountain peak.

Disciples of the school began to arrive.

"There are low-level Tao veins in this cultivation mountain."

The disciple lowered his head and glanced at the cultivation mountain peak in front of him.

"Go in and have a look."

The disciples of this school appeared on the mountain of cultivation with fierceness in their eyes.

After entering the cultivation mountain peak, the strange aura on the divine vein detector continued to grow stronger.

This scene made the disciples of the school even more happy.

"There are definitely a lot of Tao veins." The disciples of the school laughed secretly, and then their spiritual consciousness spread, looking for the Tao veins: "Here."

Soon, the disciples of the school discovered the low-level Tao veins that had erupted from the golden giant tree, but at this moment when he was full of excitement, he directly discovered Chen Xuan standing under the golden giant tree.

"A guy from Shenmen?"

Some time ago, disciples of the school met Chen Xuan. Although they did not know his name, they were sure that he was a disciple of Shenmen.

"It's really effortless to get through the iron shoes and find nowhere."

A cold look flashed through the hearts of the disciples of the school, and then they used their movements, and then their bodies flashed and they rushed towards Chen Xuan's specific location.


Suddenly, Chen Xuan's sword energy fell on the giant golden tree, and more than ten low-level Dao veins burst out, which were collected by him into the Najie.

However, suddenly he noticed a breath approaching.

Turning around, the disciples of the school showed a smile and watched Chen Xuan approaching.

"This cultivation mountain peak is my territory. Hand over the low-level Taoist veins."

Chen Xuan's expression darkened when he saw this situation.

"Do the disciples of the school really want to die?" Chen Xuandao said.

Wang Mengdong is one of several disciples of the school who have entered the space of divine will.

However, his cultivation was only ranked last among several disciples, and Wang Mengdong was confident that he could defeat the disciples of Shenmen.

"Hurry up and hand over the low-level Dao veins." Wang Mengdong said with a cold face, his words full of murderous intent.

Chen Xuan spread his hands and said softly: "Actually, you can't even let me go, right?"

Chen Xuan revealed what Wang Mengdong was thinking.

The school and the Shenmen are enemies, and the disciples of several sects are competing for the title of the top talent of the sect.

Especially before entering the Divine Will Space this time, Sect Master Wang Kuang gave them some words to let them deal with the Shenmen disciples secretly compared to before.

Now Wang Mengdong took out his long sword.

"You are simply committing suicide." Wang Mengdong said sarcastically.

"It's really interesting, haha. Even the leader of your school doesn't have the guts to talk big, does he?" Chen Xuandao.

"What do you mean? What do you mean?"

Wang Meng held the long sword in his hand, and suddenly it started to move, and suddenly the crazy magic sword aura burst out.

"Would it be embarrassing if you died by my sword?" Wang Mengdong said: "After I kill you, all your magic weapons will definitely belong to me."

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly and said calmly: "If it were Wang Yun, I might really be afraid, but you, Wang Mengdong, are not qualified to make me afraid."

Chen Xuan's face was cold, he didn't have to worry about Wang Mengdong.

A bit of coldness flashed through his heart.

Then Chen Xuan gave a low shout and suddenly swung the sword in his hand as if he was desperate.

Suddenly, sword lights flashed in the air, gathering extremely terrifying attacks.

"The Secret Technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent."

Facing Wang Mengdong's attack, Chen Xuan also directly used the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent.

In an instant, the sword light gathered, and the turbulent aura suddenly filled the entire sky.

The spiritual energy burst out instantly and hit the giant golden tree.

Suddenly, many low-level Dao veins burst out.

Chen Xuan's body approached the golden giant tree, took a few steps back, and directly collected the low-level Dao veins.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mengdong roared and struck with a sword.

"The low-level Dao veins are mine."

Taking advantage of Chen Xuan's defensive sword light, Wang Mengdong collected the remaining low-level Dao veins into the Najie.

After Wang Mengdong stabilized his body, he looked at Chen Xuan.

"No wonder you are so arrogant. It turns out that you have mastered the secret method of the Divine Soul Sword Intent." Wang Mengdong said with a cold face: "But do you know that the top masters of your sect who have mastered the secret method of the Divine Soul Sword Intent were stabbed to death by talents from our school? ”

"So what?" Chen Xuandao.

"The secret method of the Divine Soul Sword Intent does not represent the whole. I will kill you immediately today." The magic sword aura erupted around Wang Mengdong's body.


They exchanged blows instantly. Chen Xuan's Divine Soul Sword Intention Secret Technique is extremely powerful, and it is difficult for Wang Mengdong to defend against it.

As Chen Xuan used all his cultivation skills to attack, Wang Mengdong gradually felt that he was not doing well.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

Wang Mengdong screamed in his heart, and one after another terrifying sword light suddenly burst out.

At the moment when they were fighting, on the golden giant tree

Inside the giant golden tree, the black-eyed warrior watched this scene calmly.

Near him, there was a golden tree heart.

There are many low-level Tao connections inside, and this golden tree heart is also the source that Chen Xuan is looking for.


The sword light and sword light, all struck at once, really made the golden tree shake.

In an instant, Chen Xuan used the secret method of divine time to avoid Wang Mengdong's attack, and directly used the secret method of sword energy and divine soul sword intention.

Wang Mengdong's body was completely unable to dodge, and was directly stabbed by the sword light.

His body was slammed onto the golden tree, and the golden tree in front of him was suddenly released.

Wang Mengdong's body fell on Lin's face.

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