Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5592 Confrontation with the Immortal Blood Demon Sect

"Junior Brother Chen Xuan, please leave this place as soon as possible. In the past few years, we have been fighting against the Immortal Blood Demon Sect crazily. We have killed several of them at the risk of our lives. Even so, we have also suffered heavy losses." Wang Guo said: " They killed all the high-level Taoists."

Chen Xuan showed an expression of surprise, guessing that Wang Guo and the others recognized the residual image of the Taoist connection as the Taoist connection of the seventh-level early stage warrior of the Divine Lord.

"Wang is doing well. There's no way we can be their opponents. You're not injured, so we should be able to buy some time." Lu Beiyun said in a deep voice, with some helplessness in his words.

Wang Yun, who was not far away, also said softly: "If you can escape from this place, I hope to encounter the Immortal Blood Demon Sect in a while and kill a few more Immortal Blood Demon Sect warriors as revenge for me."

He was the number one talent no matter what, yet he was defeated.

"Kill our brothers and you still want to escape from under my nose?"

The elder of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect said angrily.

Wang Guo looked at Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan and asked him to leave quickly.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan sighed and said, "I won't leave."

"Haha, if you want to avenge us, just leave." Wang Guo shouted loudly.

If even Chen Xuan was killed, they would all be slaughtered.

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly, looked at Wang Guo, and then said: "Brother Wang Guo, I am fully capable of avenging you now."

They are just a few rubbish and cannot threaten Chen Xuan at all.

Immortal Blood Demon Sect? Rubbish?

This really made them feel extremely unhappy.

"It's really arrogant."

"Do not worry."

Seeing Chen Xuan preparing to use his skills, Wang Guo stopped him directly.

Chen Xuan's original strength was not as good as theirs, and his strength must not have improved much in the past few years.

So Wang Guo was still worried.

"Brother Wang Guo, when have I ever lied so much?"

Chen Xuandao.

Wang Guo finally showed a puzzled expression and found that he didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, the few remaining Immortal Blood Demon Sects were completely angry.

"My lord, kill him first."

Wang Yunling performed the technique directly.

The crimson murderous aura containing a terrifying aura burst out instantly, and a powerful offensive instantly filled Chen Xuan.

Wang Guo saw this situation, glanced at them, and then said: "We are already like this. We must protect Chen Xuan no matter what."

Then several of them prepared to fight to the death.

But at this moment, Chen Xuan simply slashed out a burst of sword energy, quickly killing the body of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect warrior.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

A sound of illusory aura erupted, resounding continuously.

Immortal Blood Demon Sect, who was still alive just now, died instantly.

Wang Guo, who was about to take action just now, stopped and was completely shocked.

"How could it be so terrifying?" Lu Beiyun said.

"He probably got the inherited magic weapon." Wang Yun looked at Chen Xuan with extremely frightened pupils.

The remaining two warriors in gray roared when they saw this scene.


When Song Beiguang used his technique, the power became even stronger, several times stronger than the previous attacks.

"You guys are really not that good. There's no way you can get me interested."

Another sword energy directly penetrated Song Beiguang's body.

The elder who was attacking felt a little panic in his heart.

Full of killing intent, he continued to increase his strength and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

Seeing this situation, there was another sword energy, and this sword energy was obviously strengthened a lot.

The elders of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect were stronger than Song Beiguang, but Chen Xuan could deal with the elders of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect so easily.

With just four sword energy, he directly killed several very powerful warriors from the Immortal Blood Demon Sect who entered the Divine Will Vein Space this time.

Wang Guo and the others were very shocked in their hearts.

They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"My dear, how powerful is his cultivation?" Lu Beiyun of the Dragon God Sect suddenly said loudly.

It must be understood that in the secret door space, they fought against the Immortal Blood Demon Sect for about several years, and it was very difficult to completely kill several of the weaker warriors of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect.

The remaining few of them were directly forced to the point of desperate resistance.

Fortunately, the secret door space was opened, otherwise they thought they would definitely die this time.

It took Wang Guo some time to react.

"It seems that Junior Brother Chen Xuan has received a lot of inheritance." Wang Guo said with a little surprise: "Your current cultivation level can be ranked first among the three major sects."

Wang Yun, who was not far away, looked at Chen Xuan with extremely frightened eyes, and secretly swore in his heart that he would chase Chen Xuan.

"You are indeed very powerful."

Wang Yun glanced at it and then said in deep thought.

In response, Chen Xuan just chuckled.

"This time, there should be only twelve warriors from the Immortal Blood Demon Sect hiding in the Divine Will Vein Space this time. Their purpose is to kill several of our sect disciples and kill the high-level Dao Veins." Chen Xuandao: "However, Their plan failed. Although at least we were not all killed, many people died."

"That's right. We are the only warriors who came in now." Wang Guo said.

"Come to think of it, I don't know how Song Longqing is doing?" Lu Beiyun said suddenly.

"Song Longqing is not in any danger. He is in the space of divine will." Chen Xuandao.

Hearing this, Lu Beiyun sighed helplessly.

After they chatted for a short period of time, they left the undercurrent of the divine vein space one after another, and then left.

There are still more than six months left until the Divine Will Vein Space is opened.

Since they came back alive, they would naturally not miss an opportunity to improve their strength.

In Water God City, although many warriors could not remember what happened a few years ago, many strong men were still observing from a distance.

Immortal Shiyun had already left before, and the powerful men with similar cultivation levels to him had also left.

With their skills, they can come to Water God City at any time.

The sect leader and the others continued to hide in secret and carefully investigate the remaining disciples of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect.

However, the sect leaders of several sects stayed directly in Water God City.

It is definitely a gratifying thing for their sect to have another disciple who can swallow the high-level Taoist lineage.

The second level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

Venerable Immortal Dragon has been releasing the secrets of time and space one after another.

In the entire second level, as long as you reach the seventh level of perfection in the divine realm, you can check the time and space secret method stone at will.

At this moment, this most basic skill stone has been completely opened.

However, although it is the most basic skill stone, if you want to practice in seclusion, you need to be at least a seventh-level early stage warrior of the God Lord, and have a very powerful talent for the secret method of time and space.

Chen Xuan's phantom soul is also planning to suppress the secret method of divine time.

After the Divine Vein Space was opened, Chen Xuan created the fourth level of the Divine Time Secret Technique. This level was close to the eighth level of the Divine Realm.

That is, a few years after the Divine Will Vein Space was opened, Chen Xuan suppressed the fifth level of the neighbor, which had reached the eighth level of the divine realm.

If the cultivation is completely successful, it can be equivalent to the eighth-level perfect powerhouse in the realm of gods.

This level made Chen Xuan directly realize the opportunity for breakthrough. It only took him a few months to suppress the ninth level next to him.

The ninth level of the Divine Time Secret Technique has completely reached the limit of the eighth level of the Divine Realm.

If a warrior can advance from the first level to the ninth level, he can definitely reach the eighth level of the divine realm.

After this level of suppression came out, Master Xianlong was very shocked.

After thinking about it, I feel that the secret method of divine time has reached a bottleneck, and time and space have also reached an extremely powerful point.

At this moment, Chen Xuan, who was practicing in seclusion in the Divine Vein Space, suddenly opened his eyes.

"I didn't expect that the Divine Will Vein Space would be opened, and the Secret Technique of Divine Time would actually reach the ninth level."

Chen Xuan showed a faint smile, feeling very happy inside.

"Based on my current understanding of the secret method of time and space, it is already the limit for this secret method of divine time to reach the ninth level." Chen Xuan said coldly.

The Divine Time Secret Technique has been perfected to the ninth level and is almost equivalent to the advanced top Immortal Level Secret Technique.

With a slight drink, and then the spirit moved slightly, Chen Xuan's body suddenly disappeared, and the next moment he appeared at the other end of the divine vein space.

Chen Xuan contacted them, and soon several warriors met above the undercurrent of the divine vein space.

More than 20 warriors came in, and only a few warriors were left. If Chen Xuan hadn't devoured the high-level Dao veins and greatly increased his strength, they would have died after killing the strongest of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect.

Several disciples entered the space of divine will, and now only a few warriors survived.

"Finally we can go out." Seeing Chen Xuan, Wang Guo sighed with emotion.

He had gone to find Chen Xuan before the Divine Will Vein Space was opened. If not for Chen Xuan, he would have died in the undercurrent of the Divine Will Vein Space.

"That's right. In more than nine years, great changes have taken place." Lu Beiyun said. Song Longqing, who was not far away, looked directly at Chen Xuan with a little doubt in his heart.

But it quickly disappeared.

"Keep going, don't waste time here."

Chen Xuan said softly. At this moment, the entire divine vein space was still shaking, and it was also exuding a terrifying aura.


A turbulent aura appeared, and then a bronze gate appeared in mid-air.

Chen Xuan and several warriors walked out of the red bronze door.

Inside Water God City.

All eyes are fixed on the Gate of Space, because now is the opening of the Divine Vein Space.

The sect leader and the others looked directly at Kong Zhimen with frightened eyes.

In mid-air, several sect leaders were laughing and talking about this time's Divine Will Vein Space.

In an instant, the first one to step out was Song Longqing.

"He is a disciple of the Dragon God Sect."

Song Weihua saw Song Longqing and came not far from him.

"Yes, your strength has improved a lot. It seems that over the past nine years, you have obtained a lot of legends in the Divine Will Space." Song Weihua said with a smile: "By the way, where are the other warriors?"

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