Song Longqing was about to speak when Lu Beiyun came out.

"Lu Beiyun."

Song Weihua was very excited when he saw Lu Beiyun.

Among the several disciples of the Dragon God Sect, Lu Beiyun's talent is the strongest, which is almost undisputed. For them, if he died, the loss to the sect would be too great.

"See Elder Song Weihua." Lu Beiyun bowed slightly.

"Hehe, how was it this time?" Song Weihua said with extremely horrified pupils.

Lu Beiyun shook his head slightly with helplessness on his face, and then said: "Elder Song Weihua, I failed to protect my brothers."

Hearing Lu Beiyun's words, Song Weihua's face changed for a moment, and he said quietly: "What do you mean? Except for you, they were all killed in the divine vein space?"

Lu Beiyun nodded slightly after hearing it.

Song Weihua fell into silence.

He couldn't accept this fact in a short time, even though he knew that there was danger in the divine vein space during that period of time.

But now that several disciples have been killed, it is also a blow to him.

In the air, the leader of the Dragon God Sect shook his head helplessly.

"It seems that the divine will vein space is very intense this time." The leader of the Dragon God Sect said: "But Lu Beiyun came out."

"A warrior came out."

Wang Liang said suddenly, he found Chen Xuan and Wang Guo directly.

"It's good that Chen Xuan is okay." After seeing Chen Xuan, Wang Liang sighed helplessly in his heart.

And their appearance once again shook the place.

"Except you, all other warriors were killed?"

The face of the sect leader Da Rao was extremely gloomy.

"Master Sect Leader..."

Wang Guo said.

The master sect leader waved his hand: "Forget it."

Huh... Yun also came out, but when he came out, it was obvious that people found a very shocking feeling.

"No way, how is this possible? Wang Yun actually lost his cultivation?"

"My dear, what kind of person is this?"

"There is a high probability that the other sects are hiding in the dark and attacking Wang Yun."

In the Water God City, all the warriors were talking about Wang Yun.

Sect Master Wang Kuang's face was extremely gloomy. Seeing Wang Yun being defeated, he was extremely upset.

However, what made him even more angry was that Wang Yun came out and then the Gate of Void disappeared.

Several disciples of the school, except for the defeated Wang Yun, were killed.

"What happened? Several disciples of the school were killed?"

Sect Master Wang Kuang stepped lightly on the ground and rushed to a place not far from Wang Yun, saying in a deep voice.

"Where are the other warriors? Is it the Divine Gate?"

A powerful and mysterious force burst out from the body of Sect Master Wang Kuang, sweeping across the entire land, and his pupils looked at Chen Xuan and Wang Guo with gray eyes.

"It's not the Divine Gate." Wang Yun whispered.

"What's going on? With your cultivation, looking at the entire Divine Will Vein Space, no warrior is your opponent." Sect Master Wang Kuang said.

Wang Yun shook his head slightly and said softly: "We met the remaining disciples of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect in the space of the divine will veins. They launched a crazy killing against us. If it weren't for Chen Xuan of the Divine Sect who performed his skills at the critical moment, we might not be standing here." Hearing this, the face of the leader Wang Kuang showed surprise. "You mean you were defeated by the Immortal Blood Demon Sect? And it was Chen Xuan who saved you?" The leader Wang Kuang couldn't believe what Wang Yun said, defeated by the Immortal Blood Demon Sect? His voice was full of doubts about Chen Xuan. "Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could his cultivation be so terrifying?" The leader Wang Kuang shook his head and denied it. "If it wasn't for Chen Xuan coming, we would have all been killed." Lu Beiyun of the Dragon God Sect also spoke. "That's right, we are alive because of Chen Xuan." Song Longqing said. Even Wang Guo of the Divine Gate said, "Chen Xuan probably got the inherited magic weapon in the Divine Will Vein Space, and his strength has greatly improved. He killed the strongest few of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect, which really gave us a chance to survive."

After Wang Yun finished, Sect Master Wang Kuang didn't believe it at all.

At this moment, Sect Master Wang Kuang widened his eyes and looked at Chen Xuan in confusion.

He couldn't imagine how Chen Xuan could surpass Wang Yun?

Song Weihua and the Sect Master looked at Chen Xuan with surprise in their pupils.

They inferred that Chen Xuan had a great understanding in the Divine Will Vein Space.

"On behalf of the Dragon God Sect, I thank Chen Xuan." Song Weihua said with a smile.

"You're welcome." Chen Xuan said calmly.

At this moment, several Sect Masters in the air already knew that Chen Xuan was the warrior who got the advanced Dao Vein.

Several Sect Masters appeared at the same time, causing a sensation in the entire Water God City.

"Sect Master." Sect Master Wang Kuang said hurriedly.

The school master said very calmly: "The appearance of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect is very dangerous. This time's loss cannot be caused by you."

After that, Song Weihua also greeted the Dragon God Sect Master.

Only Wang Liang showed a smile and looked at Chen Xuan.

Standing nearby with the school master and the Dragon God Sect Master, who else but the God Sect Master?

"He is actually the God Sect Master? What is going on?"

Chen Xuan's eyes were full of surprise. When the warrior took Li Qiuyu away, he inferred that the other party was a veteran of the God Sect.

But he never expected that he, Wang Liang, was the master.

"Lord Wang Liang? Are you the master?"

Chen Xuan suddenly said.

Wang Liang coughed lightly: "Haha, what's wrong? Are you surprised?"

Several other sect leaders had a brief exchange with the disciples who came out of the divine vein space, and then their eyes fell on Chen Xuan.

Being watched by several sect leaders, Chen Xuan looked helpless.

"It's really extraordinary." Suddenly, the leader of the Dragon God Sect spoke up.

The leader of the school not far away nodded and said: "It is a very rare warrior to be able to swallow high-level Tao veins. The Shenmen is really lucky to have top-level talents."

Their words made Wang Liang extremely happy.

But the inadvertent words of several sect leaders once again caused a sensation in Water God City.

Many warriors looked at Chen Xuan with surprised expressions, including the sect leader, Song Weihua, sect leader Wang Kuang, Wang Yun and others.

"Has he obtained the high-level Dao connections?"

"How is it possible? What is going on? I will never believe it. Wasn't the high-level Taoist lineage killed by the Immortal Blood Demon Sect?" Wang Yun and the others were even more shocked after hearing this.

The high-level Dao veins were destroyed by the remaining disciples of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect in the secret door space. Why was Chen Xuan still able to swallow the high-level Dao veins?

Is it possible that there is more than just one high-level Dao vein in the Divine Will Vein Space?

Realizing that they were curious about the high-level Taoist connections, Chen Xuan did not explain how to obtain the high-level Taoist connections. There were sighs throughout the Water God City.

Many warriors stared directly at Chen Xuan with their eyes widened.

"My dear, this guy actually got the high-level Dao veins?"

Many warriors were shouting in their hearts.

Their bodies, including the sect leader, were also a little trembling.

It is obvious that the admiration in the pupils of the Dragon God Sect Master and the School Master can be seen.

The several sect leaders were extremely helpless and took their warriors directly to leave Water God City.

"Sect Master Wang Kuang, remember what happened to me." After finishing the study, the leader of the school turned his head and left here.

Sect Leader Wang Kuang followed him directly. The moment Wang Yun turned around, she looked at Chen Xuan with fighting intent.

Chen Xuan didn't care at all.

"Sect Master Wang Kuang, I have also gone back." The leader of the Dragon God Sect said: "The Immortal Blood Demon Sect has been restored again, and we need to pay attention to the Immortal Blood Demon Sect. We will talk about the Immortal Blood Demon Sect when we have time."

Song Longqing and Lu Beiyun nodded slightly to Chen Xuan and followed Song Weihua and the leader of the Dragon God Sect to leave the Water God City.

In the end, only the warriors of Shenmen were left in Water God City.

"You really shocked me."

The lord of the clan walked not far away from Chen Xuan and laughed.

However, Chen Xuan's mind was not focused on the advanced path at all. He looked at Wang Liang and said, "Sect Master, I don't know..."

Chen Xuan was asked immediately, and Wang Liang waved his hand and said: "There is no need to worry at all, her talent is very good."

Soon, the matter of the high-level Dao lineage will continue to spread in the Wanjinlong area.

By then, all the top forces will notice Chen Xuan's high-level Dao connections.

You don't need to think clearly, there will definitely be many warriors with basically the same cultivation level challenging Chen Xuan, just because he has high-level Taoist connections.

However, these Wang Liang did not have any worries. He was worried about the remaining disciples of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect hidden in the dark.

"Farewell, let's go, go back first." Wang Liang said.

The warriors of Shenmen returned to Shenmen instantly.

After this day, news of the high-level Taoist connections spread directly throughout the entire Wanjinlong area.

The first reaction of many warriors when they heard the news about the high-level Dao lineage was that they couldn't believe that the high-level Dao lineage had been given away.

But soon, the news of this high-level Taoist connection was confirmed. With several sect leaders speaking out, can high-level Taoist connections still exist?

At this moment, many top talents with basically the same cultivation level as Chen Xuan are filled with murderous intent.

And this top force, which has a grudge against Shenmen, is a little nervous.

This matter even caused a stir among the surrounding warriors in the cabinet factions of several sects.

Blood Plains.

"Haha, how about this time?"

After all the other warriors retreated, and only Wang Liang and the sect leader were left, Wang Liang said.

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