Chen Xuan spoke.

In the silent Qingshi Fairyland, a soul light suddenly flew out.

"What is your origin?" A sound came from the soul light.

"You want to regain control of Qingshi Fairy City?" Chen Xuan said.

"Of course, control Qingshi Fairy City, hehe."

City Lord Wang Longfang said in a faint voice. For hundreds of thousands of years, he wanted to regain control of Qingshi Fairy City every day.

But he has been suppressed by Xuanyuan Longhua and has no chance to control Qingshi Fairy City.

"I can help you kill Xuanyuan Longhua, but whether you can recover depends on you." Chen Xuan said.

If City Lord Wang Longfang can recover his peak strength, it is indeed a very good opportunity.

"No way, how is this possible?" There was an excited sound in the soul light.

In fact, Chen Xuan was ready to release City Lord Wang Longfang for another reason.

It is definitely that Qingshi Fairy City always needs a strong man to defend it.

If City Lord Wang Longfang can recover his peak strength, it is indeed very good.

However, Luo Yunqing and his men were too weak to control the entire Qingshi Immortal City.

"What's going on?"

This was the starting point of his third level in the Wanxian Continent, and he didn't want to see Qingshi Immortal City disappear.

"Will you help me?"

Obviously, City Lord Wang Longfang didn't believe it.

Before, he was attacked by Xuanyuan Longhua, and then his body was broken, and his soul was suppressed in Qingshi Immortal Realm.

He lived madly and hard.

And Xuanyuan Longhua used him to get the precious treasures of the entire Qingshi Immortal City, and his strength increased significantly.

"I came back this time to kill Xuanyuan Longhua." Chen Xuan said: "But helping you is just a convenience."

Next, Chen Xuan directly rescued City Lord Wang Longfang from Qingshi Immortal Realm.

However, his soul was severely damaged, but Chen Xuan didn't care about it. Anyway, the target was Xuanyuan Longhua.

In a blink of an eye, more than 20 years passed.

During this period, Luo Yunqing led the clan forces in the north of the city to fight, and almost no clan forces could stop them.

From time to time, a few clan forces defended, but were directly suppressed by Chen Xuan with the Thunder Fire technique.

In just over twenty days, Luo Yunqing unified the entire Qingshi Immortal City.

At this time, with the help of Chen Xuan, City Lord Wang Longfang also got a suitable place to rebuild his golden body.

"I will never forget the kindness of this brother."

City Lord Wang Longfang, wearing white hair, smiled slightly.

Chen Xuan waved his hand and said, "I am leaving. You must also appoint Luo Yunqing as the commander-in-chief of the city."

"I, Wang Longfang, make a rule oath here. If you can help me kill Xuanyuan Longhua, Qingshi Immortal City will always be safe."

At this moment, in the air outside Qingshi Immortal City.

Xuanyuan Longhua's face was full of excitement.

Looking at the fairy grass in front of him, Xuanyuan Longhua was also very happy.

He already had a plan in his mind to go back to Qingshi Immortal City and arrange for the clan forces to cultivate the fairy grass.

In a blink of an eye, more than twenty days passed.

Soon, Xuanyuan Longhua returned to Qingshi Immortal City.

"Xuanyuan Longhua." Chen Xuan found Xuanyuan Longhua in a short time, and his cold voice was transmitted to Xuanyuan Longhua. At this moment, Xuanyuan Longhua found that Chen Xuan and a gray-clothed warrior were standing together in the sky of Qingshi Immortal City. Suddenly, Xuanyuan Longhua was extremely angry. "Do you still have the courage to come back?" Xuanyuan Longhua said with a gloomy face. "Xuanyuan Longhua." City Lord Wang Longfang said in a gloomy tone: "You are the biggest traitor of Qingshi Immortal City." Xuanyuan Longhua suddenly found City Lord Wang Longfang, and he widened his eyes and said: "How could you be?" City Lord Wang Longfang showed a trace of irony on his face, and walked with Chen Xuan, and came to Xuanyuan Longhua's side in an instant. "Hehehe, let's see how you survive this time." Xuanyuan Longhua waved his long sword, and a sword light attacked immediately, trying to completely kill Chen Xuan with the God Thunder Fire technique. "It is absolutely impossible for me to die, but you." Chen Xuan shouted in a low voice and displayed the Soul Sword Secret Technique. The powerful breath tore through the heavy and directly broke Xuanyuan Longhua's body. He didn't hold on for long at all, and he had no defense at all.

Xuanyuan Longhua's body flew backwards.

"How is it possible? What is going on? I will never believe it."

Xuanyuan Longhua was very frightened. It was just a short time ago. How could this guy's cultivation level be improved to this level?

"Xuanyuan Longhua, you are completely finished." City Lord Wang Longfang laughed with murderous intent.

"I can't die."

Xuanyuan Longhua had given up on performing his skills, and many thoughts flashed through his mind.

He knew he was not his opponent. At this moment, Xuanyuan Longhua suddenly burst out a sword light, and took advantage of Chen Xuan's defense to perform his body skills, and then his body flashed and rushed directly to the outside of Qingshi Xiancheng.

"Slip away from under my nose?"

Chen Xuan sneered, performed his spiritual secret method, and began to chase and kill frantically.

Soon, he was chasing Xuanyuan Longhua.

Soon, Xuanyuan Longhua escaped from Qingshi Immortal City and rushed to this Immortal Grass Area.

"Let you be proud for a while."

Chen Xuan said in the dark.

A few days later, in the third level of Wanxian Continent, there was a floating Immortal Grass Area.

Xuanyuan Longhua appeared inside the Immortal Grass Area and sighed helplessly.

"Damn guy, just take my Bluestone Immortal City. I won't let you go. Even if I chase you for tens of thousands of meters, I will definitely kill you." Xuanyuan Longhua said very angrily.

Outside the Xiancao area, Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness filled the air.

"It's actually the Ten Thousand Tiger Immortal Grass District. What a surprise." Chen Xuan said with a sarcastic expression.

I have seen an introduction to the Ten Thousand Tiger Immortal Grass Area in Shenmen's classics before.

Wanhu Xiancao is a very precious Xiancao.

I didn't expect to find the grass jelly area here.

The value of this Ten Thousand Tigers of Immortal Grass has surpassed that of the entire Immortal Grass Area.

"Haha, that's it."

There are several golden petals on Ten Thousand Tiger Immortals, and all the golden petals contain a terrifying aura.

Chen Xuan coughed lightly and entered the Xiancao area.

"Xuanyuan transforms into a dragon."

Xuanyuan Longhua, who was resting, wanted to escape from him, but Chen Xuan didn't give him a chance, and killed him with a burst of sword energy.

Xuanyuan's dragon-shaped head fell on Lin's face, losing its vitality.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan entered the Xiancao area.

The deeper you go into the Xiancao District, the more you discover the extremely powerful aura of the Xiancao District.

"I don't know if there is Ten Thousand Tigers of Immortal Grass in this Immortal Grass Area." Chen Xuan said coldly.

"Very good." City Lord Wang Longfang said, clenching the sword in his hand.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to have Ten Thousand Tiger Immortals.

"Don't worry yet, what's going on?"

Going deep into the Xiancao area, Chen Xuan discovered something abnormal.

He walked along the red fairy grass for about four sticks of incense and found a strange place.

In this strange place, there is no way for spiritual consciousness to spread.

"Is it possible that there really is Ten Thousand Tigers of Immortal Grass?"

This place is basically the same as the place where Ten Thousand Tigers of Immortal Grass exists.

Chen Xuan hurriedly discovered a red golden fairy grass.

"Ten Thousand Tigers of Immortal Grass."

Chen Xuan was also very happy and held the golden fairy grass directly in his hand.

Holding Ten Thousand Tigers of Immortal Grass in his hand, Chen Xuan was excited.

"Haha, very good, this time is good."

Chen Xuan laughed excitedly.

At this moment, after Chen Xuan put away Ten Thousand Tigers of Immortal Grass, he carefully checked the area of ​​​​the Immortal Grass to ensure that there was no danger. Finally, outside the area of ​​​​the Immortal Grass, he arranged a sixth-order immortal-level formation to hide the area of ​​​​the Immortal Grass.

Later, Chen Xuan returned to Qingshi Fairy City.

The other clan forces completely respect the Lord Wang Longfang.

"Haha, how about this time?"

"You're back?"

City Lord Wang Longfang said anxiously.

"Xuanyuan Longhua has been killed." Chen Xuandao.

"It's really great." City Lord Wang Longfang said, clenching the sword in his hand.

The killing of Xuanyuan Longhua showed that Qingshi Fairy City had once again returned to its safe period.

With the cooperation of City Lord Wang Longfang and Luo Yunqing, they carefully searched the clan forces in the entire Bluestone Immortal City.

All the clan forces loyal to Xuanyuan Longhua were completely wiped out.

In just a few short days, Qingshi Fairy City was on the right track.

City Lord Wang Longfang made an oath to rule, so Chen Xuan didn't need to worry.

He finally told City Lord Wang Longfang about Ten Thousand Tigers of Immortal Grass and asked him to arrange for warriors to go to the Immortal Grass Area to cultivate the Immortal Grass.

"Part of the cultivated fairy grass will be kept in Qingshi Fairy City, and the rest will be given to me." Chen Xuandao.

"There is no need to worry at all, leave this matter to me." City Lord Wang Longfang said confidently.

Chen Xuan waved his long sword and imprinted the nebula diagram on the memory of City Lord Wang Longfang.

The most important thing is that if you want to refine elixirs from Ten Thousand Tiger Immortals, it will definitely be good.

"After some time or so, I will come to get Ten Thousand Tigers of Immortal Grass." Chen Xuandao.

After arranging everything, Chen Xuan left Qingshi Fairy City.

Luo Yunqing had never expected that this powerful warrior could reach this level.

Looking at the City Lord Wang Longfang in front of him, Luo Yunqing felt sad in his heart.

"Ten Thousand Tigers of Immortal Grass."

The entire Bluestone Fairy City is running.

Everyone knows that the Qingshi Fairy City can reach its current situation, and there is absolutely no way to break away from Chen Xuan.

Then he took Wang Yulong back to Shenmen.

Divine Gate.

Today's sub-sects no longer pose any challenge to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's arrival shocked the place.

The revenge of Qingyun Stone City, Qingshi Immortal City beheaded Xuanyuan Longhua. This was the obsession in Chen Xuan's heart. After returning to Jianchen Sect this time, Chen Xuan arranged Wang Yulong within the sect's territory and provided him with a large number of Dao Vein Stones so that he could practice as he pleased.

When he reaches Shenmen's criteria for recruiting disciples, he can become an inner disciple of Jianchen Sect.

"Come to think of it, you have been discovered by the Immortal Blood Demon Sect. At the moment you go to Qingyun Stone City, the Immortal Blood Demon Sect is preparing to hide in the dark and use techniques on you. But I have already solved it. I will take you to Qingyun Stone City. Erase all traces to prevent them from destroying the Bluestone Immortal City."

Wang Yulong was surprised in his heart.

He looked at Chen Xuan's retreating back, feeling envious in his heart.

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