After taking a look at the place where Yu Wenqiu was retreating, there wasn't much movement.

At this moment, Wang Yulong shook his head slightly and then entered the secret room.

Because he knew that this warrior was Chen Xuan's friend, his attitude was still very polite.

Although Chen Xuan's relationship with Xianshi Zong is completely able to protect Xianshi Zong, his cultivation will only be safe if he is strong.

Wang Yulong practiced in seclusion, and Master Wanmi often practiced in Wanjin Hall and Wanjulong Mountain.

However, Yu Wenqiu had many changes in his Immortal Bird Secret Technique, and was cultivating crazily.

"First go to the Wanlong Golden Palace to break through the seven-level divine fire defense of the Immortal Order. There is no need for you to worry, Li Qiuyu. His elder is the master of the Shenmen Sect." Chen Xuandao.

After a while, it is not impossible for Jianchen Sect to rank first.

The divine fire defense reaches the seventh level of Immortal level, which is entirely due to the explosion of advanced Tao veins.

There is no complete breakthrough and you need to continue practicing.

Soon, Chen Xuan arrived at the Wanlong Golden Palace.

Without any stop, we went directly to the top of the Bandung Golden Palace.

The suppression here is very strong, and there is no way for weak warriors to get in.

Even Wang Guo can only reach the next level at most.


The power of flames containing a terrifying aura continuously attacked around him, and the divine fire defense was instantly released, receiving an increase in powerful power.

It lasted about twenty years.

In an instant, when the last blast of flame power struck Chen Xuan, he opened his eyes.

Around him, the power of fire and the defense of divine fire have reached a very high level.

Chen Xuan discovered that he could control the divine fire defense at will and had completely broken through the divine fire defense.

After doing all this, Chen Xuan left the Wanlong Golden Palace.

Just after walking down Xuanjin Peak, I noticed a strong wave coming from the direction of Jianchen Sect.

Chen Xuan was somewhat surprised, and then he used the secret technique of Shenshi and returned directly to Jianchen Sect.

The turbulent breath resounded continuously.

This alarmed some of the surrounding sect disciples, who watched carefully.

"Yu Wenqiu is finally about to break through." Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

The place where Yu Wenqiu Qian cultivates has been surrounded by the power of Tao origin for a long time.

Three hours later, the vibration disappeared.

Yu Wenqiu, who was wearing a gray robe, walked out of Qianxiu's place.

After breaking through to the middle stage of the eighth level of the divine realm, Yu Wenqiu's aura began to change.

"Haha, how about this time?" Chen Xuan said casually.

"You should be able to get on the disciple list." Yu Wenqiu whispered.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan finally showed a puzzled expression, and then looked directly at Yu Wenqiu.

"I believe you can be on the disciple list." Yu Wenqiu said.

Soon he discovered that Yu Wenqiu's secret technique of the fairy bird seemed to have a breakthrough.

"Haha, in that case, don't waste time. Go and give it a try." Chen Xuan coughed lightly and left Jianchen Sect with his friends.

In the more than ten years since Chen Xuan came to the branch sect, he destroyed all the records.

There are many disciples before the disciple list.

Chen Xuan's arrival shocked the place.

"Senior Brother Chen Xuan."

Many disciples were greeting Chen Xuan.

At this moment, after seeing the strong man behind Chen Xuan, his pupils were filled with admiration.

"I'll challenge you."

After hearing this, Yu Wenqiu nodded slightly and walked to the disciple list.

The war begins.


As soon as Yu Wenqiu used his skills, Chen Xuan knew how terrifying Yu Wenqiu was.

"As soon as I broke through to the middle stage of the eighth level of the divine realm, I was on the disciple list."

At this moment, Chen Xuan said with a sarcastic face.

There was a lot of noise in the battle, and they were evenly matched at the beginning. But when Yu Wenqiu used the secret technique of the Immortal Bird to directly suppress the disciple, there was a loud noise and the disciple flew backwards.

He got up from the ground, his face was calm, and he said: "I am indeed no match for you."

In front of the disciple list, all the disciples looked at Yu Wenqiu with wide eyes.

After boarding the disciple list, Yu Wenqiu became an inner disciple of Jianchen Sect.

This really made Chen Xuan sigh helplessly. At least after he entered the cabinet faction, Yu Wenqiu was also very strong.

The most important thing is that with Yu Wenqiu's talent, he will soon be able to have a say in the branch sect.

"I will join the cabinet faction in a few days. In the cabinet faction, I may not be able to get out in a short time. If you have anything to do, you can go to the sect leader." Chen Xuandao.

"There is no need to worry at all, Jianchen Sect will continue to be strong." Yu Wenqiu said.

The current Jianchen Sect can be ranked third among the twenty-five branches, second only to Wang Guo's sect.

But this is because the Jianchen Sect’s protector’s spiritual power is not enough.

After a while, it is not impossible for Jianchen Sect to become number one.

"You also strive to join the cabinet faction as soon as possible." Chen Xuandao.

Now Chen Xuan gave the ring to Yu Wenqiu.

"There are many Dao Baoyu spirits here, and there is also a Dao Baoyu spirit. These were of no use to me before." Chen Xuandao: "There are also Dao vein stones."

Yu Wenqiu took over the Najie, and Chen Xuan also obtained many low-level Tao veins in the divine vein space, all of which were left to Yu Wenqiu.

With these precious treasures, Yu Wenqiu's cultivation speed will definitely increase.

"In the future, I, Chen Xuan, and you, Li Qiuyu, will definitely be able to conquer the Wanjinlong region." Chen Xuan laughed.

"Haha, of course." Yu Wenqiu said.

Second, Chen Xuan found the sect leader.

"Has it been dealt with?" the sect leader asked.

The lord of the clan was extremely happy in his heart.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and the sect leader Dayang said: "Haha, very good, I will take you to the cabinet faction now."

Sect leader Darao could hear that the voice was obviously filled with excitement.

In the ten years since Chen Xuan came to the branch sect, he had destroyed all the records.

With such a warrior appearing in a sect, his sect leader must be happy.

The top sects in the Wanjinlong area are all divided into internal sects.

No matter how big a sect is, what it wants to cultivate is definitely very rare and talented warriors.

In the eyes of other warriors, being able to join the Shenmen is already very powerful.

But the senior leaders of Shenmen view the division into sects as nothing more than a preparation.

The disciples of the Cabinet Sect are all absolute eighth-level perfect warriors of the divine realm, and there is no shortage of some top talents with terrifying talents among them.

Dividing into sects just gives them a chance.

If you can get the chance, you can become a top powerhouse.

The cabinet faction is the core of Shenmen. Here you will be able to get the most precious treasures.

There are twenty-five sects, but not many warriors can stand out.

It is more difficult for disciples from different sects to join the Cabinet Faction than before.

However, Shenmen has no worries. As long as the advantage of the cabinet faction can be stabilized, Shenmen's position in the Wanjinlong area can be stabilized.

"Lord Sect Master, what are you doing here?"

As soon as he entered the cabinet faction, he discovered Master Jinlong.

He greeted the sect leader, and at the same time he also saw Chen Xuan.

"Haha, what's wrong? You can't be asking me for fairy grass again, right?" Master Jinlong said.

The sect leader Daquan coughed lightly and said: "Master Jinlong, this time you, Chen Xuan, have obtained the permission of the sect master and are strong enough to enter the cabinet sect to practice. Now he is a disciple of the cabinet sect."

Hearing this, Master Jinlong was also very surprised.

"You were able to break through the sects in such a short period of time. It's really impressive." Master Jin Long praised Chen Xuan.

"Master Jinlong, I'm afraid you don't know what's happening in the Divine Will Space, are you?" The sect leader said with a smile.

"What's going on?" Master Jinlong asked.

"This time, a high-level Dao vein appeared in the Divine Will Vein Space." Sect Master Dayang.

Master Jin Long's eyes widened in an instant, he looked at the sect leader in confusion, and said hurriedly: "Where did this high-level Taoist lineage go?"

"Although the remaining disciples of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect appeared in the process, and they also wanted to destroy the high-level Dao lineage, in the end, they were still successfully devoured by the disciples of our Shen Sect. This incident shocked the entire Wanjinlong area."

Master Jinlong looked at Chen Xuan and said hurriedly: "You can't be swallowed by him successfully, can you?"

The master of the sect said softly: "It is true that he successfully swallowed it."

Master Jin Long looked at Chen Xuan with a surprised expression, and was very shocked in his heart.

"Did you really explode the high-level Tao veins?" Master Jinlong said hastily.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and Master Jinlong went completely crazy.

He directly grabbed Chen Xuan's shoulders and whispered: "How about being my friend?"

Master Jinlong is actually a seventh-level immortal-level alchemy master sent by the cabinet, and even the sect leader cannot do anything about it.

"Sir, I promised before that as long as I join the cabinet faction, I will be your assistant." Chen Xuandao.

His main experience is to improve his strength.

"Haha, very good."

"Master Jinlong, he has just entered the cabinet faction, so I will leave it to you."

"Remember, you have to come to my place when the time comes."

After finishing, Master Jinlong turned his head and left here.

"What a joy!" The sect leader said with a smile. He had never worried about Chen Xuan's defeat: "Practice hard and strive to reach the top of the cabinet sect as soon as possible."

Later, he took Chen Xuan to find Deacon Elder Song Yun who was sent by the cabinet to be responsible for the disciples' daily life.

"This is Chen Xuan, isn't it?"

Elder Deacon Song Yun laughed.

Chen Xuan defeated his opponent and was considered an inner disciple of the cabinet sect.

"Deacon Elder Song Yun, this is the talent of our sect." Sect Leader Dayang.

"No need to worry at all, the sect master is already with me." Elder Deacon Song Yun said with a smile.

"Before I do that, I would like to introduce you to the situation of the Cabinet Sect." Deacon Elder Song Yun looked at Chen Xuan and said slowly: "The Cabinet Sect probably has several disciples. Since Shenmen took control before, every time there are branch sects, When a disciple enters the cabinet sect, one of the cabinet sect disciples will leave.”

"What's going on?"

Chen Xuan listened carefully.

"Disciples of the Cabinet sect will always maintain this benchmark. So if you want to gain a foothold in the Cabinet sect, you need to challenge a disciple who ranks at the bottom of the Cabinet sect. If you succeed, you can stay in the Cabinet sect."

Soon, Chen Xuan knew what Elder Deacon Song Yun meant.

"Probably the disciples of the Cabinet sect have more freedom, but you can't leave the Cabinet sect until you reach the top fifty."

Elder Deacon Song Yun said: "The disciples that the sect has worked so hard to cultivate with all its precious treasures were killed just after they left. This is a huge loss."

After a brief introduction to Chen Xuan, Elder Deacon Song Yun brought Chen Xuan to the wide ground.

"I have contacted this disciple before. He will be here soon."

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