Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5599 The decision of the top leaders of Shentianmen

After some time, a warrior walked onto the wide ground.

His face was gloomy. From the perspective of Shenmen's higher-ups, splitting into sects was just a preparation.

But now the disciples of the branch sect actually want to declare a challenge to him. If he fails, he will have no choice but to leave the cabinet sect. This is certainly not what he wants to see.

"It'll be over after a little competition."

Elder Deacon Song Yun said.

The gray-eyed disciple stood in the center of the central hall, staring at Chen Xuan.

"The middle stage of the eighth level of the divine realm?"

When Chen Xuan released his breath, the gray-eyed disciple was also slightly shocked.

He also didn't expect that his opponent would be a mid-level warrior at the eighth level of the divine realm, and his face suddenly showed a slight gloom.

It's just that you are in the middle of the eighth level of the divine realm, and you want to join the cabinet faction. Your brain is full of water, right?

The auras of both sides clashed violently, and Chen Xuan's red sword aura was blocked.


Chen Xuan activated his divine fire defense and slashed out with his crazy long sword.

In an instant, the gray-pupiled disciple took a few steps back and his face became slightly calm.

"The power is good, but I don't know what the secret method of Divine Sword Intent is like?"

The gray-pupiled disciple directly grabbed the sword and performed an immortal-level secret technique. As his wrist shook, a very terrifying sword light burst out from the long sword.

"The Secret Technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent."

Chen Xuan also directly used the third level of the secret technique of the Divine Soul Sword Intent. The extremely surging sword light hit the sword light Zheng in the air.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

A turbulent breath came.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan gave a soft drink, and then the spirit moved slightly, releasing the high-level Tao veins and blasting into his body.

When Chen Xuan released his breath, the gray-eyed disciple was also slightly shocked.


"What kind of vein is this that can completely suppress the power in my body?"

"This time, a high-level Dao vein appeared in the Divine Will Vein Space." Sect Master Dayang.

Hearing this, his heart was very shocked.

The shocked Deacon Elder Song Yun admired Chen Xuan extremely.

In an instant, Chen Xuan had defeated his opponent, and now he was considered an inner disciple of the Cabinet Sect.

"It's really gratifying!" The sect leader smiled.

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Chen Xuan's voice fell, and then he was filled with very strong confidence.

Deacon Elder Song Yun, who was not far away, nodded slightly after hearing this, and then took Chen Xuan to his residence. After everything was arranged, the sect leader returned to the branch sect.

And Deacon Elder Song Yun also left.

Chen Xuan was the only one in the extremely large room.

He stood in the center of the courtyard, holding a prairie fire sword in his hand. His face was gloomy. The cabinet faction had just begun.

"Wanting Sect Fang Luoyu, Wang De and the others will die."

The moment Chen Xuan returned to Shenmen, they knew that they were definitely dead.


The voice of the sect leader Darao spread directly throughout the entire branch sect.

All the disciples looked at the sect leader in the sky in shock.

Contacting other warriors and killing brothers from the same sect was what Shenmen was most afraid of. Unexpectedly, Fang Luoyu and Wang De were so crazy and dared to do this.

And their purpose is obviously obvious.

Will be killed...

Within the Wanting Sect, many warriors speculated that the brother who the Wanting Sect contacted other warriors and killed in secret should be Chen Xuan of the Jianchen Sect.


At this moment, they looked at Jianchen Sect with fear.

Cabinet faction.

Chen Xuan inadvertently searched for the Kung Fu stones on the stone table. These Kung Fu stones introduced the situation of the Cabinet Faction.

But when he was about to finish reading, Master Jinlong called him for help.

In this way, Chen Xuan was taken to the Immortal Grass Cultivation Hall by Master Jinlong.

"I have already prepared all the materials before," Master Jinlong said.

After that, Master Jinlong ignored Chen Xuan and left directly.


Flames containing a terrifying aura gathered in front of the Golden Dragon Master.

Chen Xuan was able to find that the power was very powerful.

The other party seems to want to make an elixir?

Chen Xuan is also an alchemist. At this moment, he is cultivating the fairy grass and observing at the same time.

"If this flame were to permeate the body of a warrior at the eighth level of the middle stage of the divine realm, it would be able to kill him instantly, wouldn't it?" Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

Master Jinlong's alchemy completely exceeded Chen Xuan's expectations.

after awhile. An eighth-grade immortal grass gradually dissipated from the flames at this moment.

Master Jin Long's long sword suddenly trembled slightly, and then the fairy grass in the alchemy furnace violently collided and was about to break.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

Master Jinlong shouted secretly, and immediately after he finished, he took out the fairy grass from the alchemy furnace.


"What's going on?"

As Chen Xuan watched, he found that Master Jinlong seemed a little impatient.

Chen Xuan hurriedly approached Master Jinlong and said, "Sir, you are okay, right?"

At this moment, Master Jinlong was speechless. He could only continue to refine the other six immortal grasses.

"It's going to be bad now."

Chen Xuan suddenly caught the eighth-level fairy grass.

Chen Xuan gave a soft drink, and then the spirit moved slightly, and the extremely powerful Suzaku Fire burst out in front of him.

This is the Suzaku Fire after the breakthrough, and it is very powerful.

You must know that this is the immortal grass of the ninth level, and there is absolutely no way he can maintain it for a long time.

On the other side, Master Jinlong's body finally recovered. He immediately held six glorious fairy grasses in his hand.

Suddenly he turned to look at Chen Xuan, obviously surprised.

"This guy."

Master Jinlong was a little helpless, and then took the fairy grass refined by Chen Xuan, and quickly refined it successfully.


"Can you also refine elixirs?" Master Jinlong asked.

He just saw that Chen Xuan actually understood the alchemy method, otherwise this fairy grass would have been broken before.

"I understand the alchemy method a little bit." Chen Xuan said loudly: "Sir, the fairy grass is fine, right?"

Master Jin Long's expression changed, and then he said: "Yes, it's okay. Fortunately, you seized the opportunity, otherwise the fairy grass would have been broken before."

Master Jinlong's attitude towards Chen Xuan changed for the better.

Chen Xuan heard this, nodded slightly, and then said: "Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Master Jinlong's expression changed for a moment, and then he walked directly outside.

"There's nothing to do now, let's go."

Immortal grass cultivation outside the hall.

There are several cabinet disciples who want to see Master Jinlong.

You must know that this is the immortal grass of the ninth level, and there is absolutely no way he can maintain it for a long time.

Several disciples saw Chen Xuan walking out of this.

"Is he a new disciple?"

"That should be the case. Judging from his aura, he is only at the middle stage of the eighth level of the Divine Realm."

"Leave, Senior Master Jinlong is busy."

After that, Chen Xuan left directly.


Suddenly several disciples caught up and stopped Chen Xuan.

"Brother, can you tell me, Senior Master Jinlong, that we have something urgent?"

"That's right. You are Senior Master Jinlong's subordinate. Can you do me a favor?"

Now they gave some Dao vein stones to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan showed an expression of surprise, his expression changed, and then he said: "Brother, I am a disciple of the cabinet faction."

Suddenly, the expressions of several disciples changed directly.

After that, Chen Xuan ignored these warriors, turned his head, and left.

"Is he a cabinet disciple?"

These disciples have no idea why a middle-level eighth-level god can enter the cabinet sect.

Several disciples once again blocked Chen Xuan, and powerful expressions flashed through their hearts.

"Today we are here to show you how powerful the cabinet faction is."

"Haha, since you are a disciple sent by the cabinet, it will be easier."

"That's right. You can come in and out of the Immortal Grass Cultivation Hall. Senior Master Ming Jinlong has a very close relationship with you. What do you think? Can you help me get a fairy grass? There is no need to worry at all, I will never treat you badly. "

Chen Xuan looked slightly surprised, and felt extremely unhappy inside.

The faces of these warriors were threatening.

"I'm sorry, brothers." Chen Xuan refused.

Suddenly, the expressions of several disciples changed directly.

"Haha, do you know that you are in this cabinet faction?" One of the warriors said with a cold face.

Since he is no match for Master Golden Dragon, they have nothing to fear.

"That's right. If you help me, we will protect you after a while."

"If you don't help us, you will be finished today."

Chen Xuan raised his head and looked at several disciples.

Then, he said calmly: "If that's the case, are these senior brothers threatening me?"

"haha, yes."

"Haha, don't toast me and you'll be fined if you don't eat."

Chen Xuan sneered and said softly: "Do you believe it or not, if I go to talk to Senior Master Jin Long about this now, you won't be able to get Senior Master Jin Long's immortal grass for a while?"

Hearing this, the expressions of several people changed. He was disgusted by the expression of this warrior.

"Haha, do you want to fall out?" A warrior said solemnly.

Chen Xuan spread his hands and said softly: "Haha, I just joined the Cabinet Faction, and I just want to practice quietly. If a few senior brothers don't make a fuss and affect me, I'll be fine, and I won't fall out."

It must be understood that Chen Xuan is the first top talent to break out of the high-level Taoist system in known time. Moreover, in the early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm, it also broke the record of the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent that had been maintained for hundreds of thousands of years.

Now, after all the hard work, they have met a cabinet disciple who has a very good relationship with Master Jin Long. They definitely don't want to miss this opportunity to win over Chen Xuan.

Master Jinlong is a powerful figure in the cabinet faction anyway. The elixirs he refines and the fairy grass he cultivates are very precious.

Generally, it is not easy for the cabinet to send disciples to see Master Jinlong.

Even so, many disciples come to the Immortal Grass Cultivation Hall all day long in order to obtain the celestial grass, hoping that when one of the Golden Dragon Masters comes out, he will see them by chance.

"I met a cabinet disciple who has a very good relationship with Master Jin Long. I definitely can't let this opportunity pass me by."

But now that they heard what Chen Xuan just said, they are also thinking about it.

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