If he finally gave this matter to Master Jinlong, the result would be unimaginable.

"Haha, it's pointless if you do this. The senior brothers are just joking with you casually. That's all."

Chen Xuan nodded slightly after hearing this, and then flew to the stone bench.

Several disciples sent to the cabinet were finally ready to compromise.

There was no way, they were also afraid that Chen Xuan would secretly tell others the news.

Chen Xuan glanced at a few people, turned his head, and left. These people could not catch his eye at all. Let them waste time here. It's just a waste of your life.

In the wide courtyard, there is a room.

Generally, it is not easy for disciples sent by the cabinet to ask to see Master Jinlong.

After all, Chen Xuan knew very well who he was.

In the room, there was a constant burst of Tao origin power. Chen Xuan could see an extremely terrifying formation surrounding the room.

This large formation can gather the power of the Tao origin in the earth's nature in the courtyard, allowing the disciples to devour it every day.

With a little induction, you can find that the power of Tao origin in the courtyard is at least five times more than that in other places.

But this is still because the formation is not very advanced.

According to Chen Xuan's speculation, this formation can be considered to be the sixth-level immortal at most.

"If he is promoted to the top level, the power of Tao Origin will be at least doubled to what it is now, and even more."

Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

Double what it is now, this means that after the improvement, the power of the Tao source in this place will be higher than other places. This is definitely a terrifying benchmark.

Chen Xuan looked at the formation with his eyes and saw through the internal operating structure of the formation.

Then, different seals were formed on his palms, which directly improved the laws of the formation.

With his current understanding of the formation, upgrading a large formation of this level would not consume any energy at all.

After a period of time, Chen Xuan directly upgraded the formation to the top level of the sixth-order immortal level.

The original power of the crazy path continued to rage, and his body directly condensed.

The eighth level of the divine realm swallows the power of the Tao origin around it to enhance its own strength.

This source of power can greatly speed up a warrior's training.

"Although a warrior in the middle stage of the eighth level of the Divine Realm, the more Dao veins he condenses, the stronger his strength will be. But for me, it is no longer necessary to condense Dao veins." Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

Now he is considered to be the top expert in the middle stage of the eighth level of the divine realm, and his strength can be equivalent to the eighth level of the divine realm.

Just one high-level Dao vein is completely capable of instantly killing all the third-level warriors of the eighth-level godly realm in the entire Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

However, now his goal is to improve his overall strength and reach the eighth level of the divine realm.

Only by breaking through to the eighth level of the divine realm can one be able to directly stabilize the cabinet faction. This seems to be a relatively important matter.

After thinking carefully, Chen Xuan determined his next goal of seclusion.

He needs to find a top-level immortal-level secret method with the divine soul attribute. His soul reaches the eighth level of the divine realm and is invincible. If there is a suitable top-level immortal-level secret method, the power of the divine soul attribute can completely resist the eighth-level perfect power of the divine realm.

Then he needs to find an immortal-level secret method for body refining. His divine fire defense has reached the seventh level of the immortal level. If there is a suitable immortal-level secret method for defense, there is still hope to continue to improve.

Especially the Ten Thousand Swords Konghuo Spiritual Array, if he could cultivate it to the extreme, it would be able to suppress the surrounding air, which would be of great help to him.

The secret method of the Divine Soul Sword Intention has been upgraded to the third level, and Chen Xuan vaguely feels that the secret method of the Divine Soul Sword Intent can still make some changes.

In fact, what he meant was to control the secret method of Divine Soul Sword Intent and subsequent Divine Sword Intent moves.

The Secret Technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent is actually the top Immortal Level Secret Technique of the Shenmen sect. No warrior has been able to master it in fifteen million years.

Although he is relatively lucky to succeed, it is very difficult to improve or control the subsequent Divine Sword Intention moves.

However, it must be understood that Chen Xuan is the first top talent to break out the high-level Taoism in known time. Moreover, at this moment in the early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm, it also broke the record of the third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, which had been maintained for hundreds of thousands of years.

There are many precious treasures in the Divine Gate, and if you want to get them, you have to pay a high price.

But this must be just the Dao Vein Stone.

After thinking carefully, Chen Xuan felt that his mind had become much clearer.

After resting for a night, Chen Xuan found Elder Deacon Song Yun early the next morning.

"Deacon Elder Song Yun." Chen Xuan greeted.

"You're used to being in the cabinet faction, aren't you?" Deacon Elder Song Yun said with a smile: "I heard that you were dragged into being a subordinate by Master Jin Long yesterday?"

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, without explaining too much on this matter, and then said: "Deacon Elder Song Yun, does our cabinet have a swordsmith? I want to improve my rank."

"Go to the Swordsmith's Hall and have a look. This place has what you need." Elder Deacon Song Yun said.

Soon, Chen Xuan arrived at the swordsmith's hall.

In the huge room, the first level is filled with some top-level magic weapons of intermediate and fourth-level immortal levels.

Chen Xuan scanned it and ignored it.

He came to the first level inside. On the contrary, this place contained some top-level fifth-level immortal magic weapons, but the prices were ridiculously high.

"Yuanjian Stone, price is one thousand and fifty intermediate level Dao Vein Stone."

After looking at several fifth-level immortal magic weapons in succession, Chen Xuan couldn't help but be surprised.

Sword stone is a kind of thing that improves the level of weapons.

Very precious.

He only got a few thousand pieces of intermediate Dao Vein Stones from Wang Liang, but he casually surpassed this benchmark with the top level fifth-level immortal magic weapon.

"Don't worry yet, what's going on?"

At this moment when Chen Xuan was thinking, he suddenly saw the information ahead.

After seeing the contents on the report sheet, Chen Xuan's face showed a smile, and then he walked to the report sheet in a short moment.

The content on the report sheet is probably that Fang Xuan wants to refine a large number of top-level fifth-level immortal magic weapons, and needs some helpers.

But the understanding of weapon refining and sword making must meet the standards. After Fang Xuandu made preparations, he would finally select a few of their disciples to be his deputy disciples, and Fang Xuandu would give them many benefits.

After this report was issued, the disciples sent by the cabinet went crazy.

Soon, Chen Xuan arrived at the swordsmith's hall.

"Is there such a good thing?"

Chen Xuan felt happy in his heart, and then found the responsible disciple and expressed his intention to participate in this competition.

"Why are you here so late? There is still some time left, and the reporting time is about to pass." The disciple in charge gave Chen Xuan an empty jade stone, and then recorded the real information about this damn boy.

"I'm sorry, I just came to the cabinet office not long ago." Chen Xuandao.

The disciple in charge looked at him and then said: "Even if you choose to join this competition, you are seeking death."

Chen Xuan didn't say a word.

"Haha, not so much. Fang Xuan is on the second floor of the Swordsmith's Hall. The other disciples who chose to join this competition have already arrived. Hurry over."

Following the instructions of the disciple in charge, Chen Xuan quickly arrived at Zheng's house on the second floor.

I saw the warrior in red robes standing in the center. He should be Fang Xuandu, a strong man on the same level as Master Jinlong.

Several disciples sent to the cabinet were finally ready to compromise.

I met a cabinet disciple who had a very good relationship with Master Jin Long. If I let this opportunity pass, I would never do it again.

After thinking carefully, Chen Xuan felt that his mind had become much clearer.

In front of him, stood a dozen cabinet disciples. Chen Xuan stood in the last row of the crowd. Fang Xuan saw this situation, nodded slightly, and then said: "There are about twenty people, and we will eventually eliminate twenty people and select the outstanding ones."

Fang Xuandu's power is very powerful, and a little fire power surrounds him.

"To be my deputy disciple, you must at least have a clear understanding of weapon refining and sword making. His understanding is still very profound. Come and see if each of you can tell his level."

Fang Xuandu looked at the dark sword not far away and said slowly.

"I come."

A warrior said to Fang Xuandu, and then walked to the long sword, wielded his technique, and held it on it.

He closed his eyes and felt calmly.

After some time passed, the disciple stood up and said with joy on his face: "Although his aura is very hidden, he is the top level magic weapon of the fifth-level immortal."

"Haha, eliminated." Fang Xuandu said directly.

Next, more than twenty warriors walked up to the sword to sense it.

There are warriors with low-level immortal-level magic weapons, and there are even warriors with fourth-level immortal-level magic weapons.

"Fang Xuandu, do you mean that this long sword has no grade?" Song Ganshan said hurriedly.

Generally speaking, most people consider it to be the top level magic weapon of the fifth level immortal.

The whole process took about half an hour, and the last one was Chen Xuan's turn.

Like other warriors, he walked up to the sword and grabbed it in his hand.

The divine fire defense was quietly in operation, as Chen Xuan had speculated before arriving at this place.

"There's no breath."

Chen Xuan's first reaction was that there was no breath on the outside of the long sword.

"But Fang Xuandu's won't be an ordinary magic weapon?"

Chen Xuan couldn't imagine it and continued to explore the sword.

During this period, the divine fire defense continued to operate, helping Chen Xuan sense the information from the long sword.

At this moment, Chen Xuan quickly put down his sword, with a slight smile on his face.

"This is classless."

What Chen Xuan just said made them sigh.

Many disciples looked at Chen Xuan mockingly: "You don't understand, so don't mess around."

"It's just that the magic weapons here in Fang Xuandu have no grades? Is it really ridiculous?"

"The breath in this long sword was wiped out by Fang Xuan."

Fang Xuan looked at Chen Xuan, turned his eyes, and said quietly: "Why was the breath in the sword wiped out?"

Chen Xuan bowed slightly to Fang Xuan and said softly: "This is the swordsmith's hall. No one can sense the breath of the space spirit ring. They believe that this long sword is 100% from Fang Xuan." All, so it’s different. He can’t sense the breath, which means he is very powerful.”

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