"Advanced Taoist lineage owner? This guy's cultivation should be pretty good. He can actually possess such a thing. I'm really curious about whether he can bring any threat to me."

Wang Longzhi said with a cold face: "He's just a ridiculous guy. Do you really think that a high-level Taoist can easily defeat those disciples of the cabinet faction? But this guy seems to be really good."

At this moment, Wang Longzhi showed a sarcastic tone and said: "Defeat Wang Luojun with a sword energy? In my eyes, Wang Luojun is nothing at all. But forget it, since you are so arrogant, let me deal with you and let you know what It’s called true talent, lest you don’t take us old people seriously.”

No warrior has the guts to provoke Wang Longzhi.

His overall strength can also be ranked among the top ten in the cabinet faction.

Wang Longzhi climbed up from the ground and walked towards the Wanlong Body Refining Tower.

When Wang Longzhi entered the Wanlong Body Refining Tower, the entire Wanlong Body Refining Tower let out sighs.

All the disciples looked at Wang Longzhi with extremely frightened eyes. It was obvious that these disciples admired him very much. This was also because of his relatively strong strength, so the onlookers only dared to look at him from a distance.

"I would like to ask who is Chen Xuan?"

Wang Longzhi looked at the many warriors and said calmly.

He didn't take Chen Xuan seriously at all, his words were full of disdain, but what he actually meant was, what does it matter if you have a high-level Taoist lineage?

No matter how talented you are, you are simply not good enough in front of me.

"Brother Wang Longzhi."

A disciple glanced at Chen Xuan, who was slowly flying above Lin in the northern area, and whispered.

Suddenly, Wang Longzhi's eyes fell around Chen Xuan.


Wang Longzhi stamped his feet on the ground and arrived not far away from Chen Xuan at a speed invisible to low-level consciousness.

"Do you think that defeating your opponent Wang Luojun makes you invincible? I think you don't know what it's really like." Wang Longzhi's voice reached Chen Xuan's ears.

"What's going on?" Chen Xuan suddenly felt a terrible force coming from him. Finally, a look of surprise appeared on his face, as if he didn't expect that this person would find him at this time.

In fact, for him, he received a lot of inheritance during this retreat, and Wang Longzhi's physical training power broke through again, so he did not take Chen Xuan seriously.

Moreover, Chen Xuan was in the limelight before, which also made him want to teach Chen Xuan a lesson so that his reputation could become famous again. He just used Chen Xuan as a stepping stone.

With his eyes closed, Chen Xuan slowly stood up, climbed up from the ground, and stared at Wang Longzhi.

"Are you Wang Longzhi? I don't know what you are looking for with me." Chen Xuandao.

"I heard that others saw my Wang Longzhi's strength in physical training? I don't know what you mean." Wang Longzhi said in a cold voice.

"I want to ask you who you are. I didn't ask you so many questions."

"That's right, I'm Wang Longzhi, ah, son, don't beat around the bush for me here."

When Chen Xuan heard this, he shook his head slightly, a look of disappointment flashed in his pupils.

"Although your physical training power is quite powerful, it seems that I can't practice it. It's really a pity."

Wang Longzhi's face instantly darkened. There was some anger in his heart.

He didn't expect that Chen Xuan would say such a thing to him.

"Have you seen my strength in physical training?" Wang Longzhi said in a cold voice.

"Do you have the courage to fight me?" Wang Longzhi's momentum was very scary.

Chen Xuan looked slightly surprised and extremely unhappy.

He hated Wang Longzhi's threatening tone, and he didn't want to waste his precious time.

"Not interested at all."

The purpose of his coming here is to find a suitable defensive immortal-level secret technique. Wang Longzhi's body refining power was not suitable at all, and he definitely didn't want to delay it.

After all, my training time is also very precious, how can I fight with him here.

Is Chen Xuan still practicing?

"Looking at it this way, except for the mysterious number one powerhouse Huang Yuanye, there is no need to expect any other defensive immortal-level secrets." Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

Originally he was not angry, but when he heard that Chen Xuan had found his enemy, Wang Longzhi gave a soft drink, and then the spirit god moved slightly, and the terrifying fire of divine thunder directly filled the northern area. He wanted to force Chen Xuan to fight.

He must teach this damn brat in front of him a lesson and let him know the consequences of irritating him.

At this moment, Wang Longzhi showed a sarcastic tone and said: "Defeat Wang Luojun with a sword energy? Let me deal with you and let you know what it means to have people outside and outside, hahaha."

Wang Longzhi followed him directly and continued to disturb Chen Xuan's retreat.

"The famous Wang Longzhi did such a thing, are you really embarrassed?" Chen Xuandao.

"Hahaha, it's useless for you to have so many things. No matter what I do, so many people here will not speak for you. I think you should honestly agree to my challenge. This will also be good for you. If you want Otherwise, your end will be very miserable.”

Chen Xuan pondered for a moment, and then said: "It's not impossible to promise you, I still want the Dao Vein Stone."

"Okay, of course I can promise you, but you have to fight me." Wang Longzhi said directly.

"What if you are no longer my opponent? I won't waste time with you here," Chen Xuandao.

"Wang Longzhi's physical training power is also a very powerful defensive immortal-level secret method. Unfortunately, it is not suitable for me at all. Otherwise, I would really be willing to practice it. It is really a pity." Chen Xuan thought to himself. road.

Chen Xuan put away his sword and looked around Wang Longzhi.

"Don't you look down on me? Okay, okay, I don't have that much anymore. I'm willing to take it out for you and stomp on your head. If I lose, I'll give you all these things."

After Wang Long Zhi finished, thousands of intermediate Dao vein stones suddenly appeared in front of him. He looked at Chen Xuan and said softly: "If I am no longer my opponent, all these things will be yours. But if you are no longer my opponent, how about kneeling down and kowtow and begging me not to kill you? Haha? Haha, and you have to call me dad a few times, only then will I let you go."


"Haha, no need to worry, no problem, I will never lose." Chen Xuan spread his hands and said.

"What do you mean? What on earth do you mean? Why are you so confident?"

The next moment, he used up all his cultivation and blasted a sword energy towards Chen Xuan. He wanted to let Chen Xuan know that his own defense was the strongest.

However, Chen Xuan's performance was very calm. Although the opponent suddenly attacked him, he had already been prepared.

The power exerted by the other party was indeed very powerful, but it was directly deflected by Chen Xuan's defense.

Seeing this scene, Wang Longzhi became even more angry. He came directly to the competition area, stared at Chen Xuan with cold eyes, and said softly: "Advanced Taoist lineage owners are indeed very powerful, but the power I exerted just now is not With all my abilities, once I unleash all my power, you will definitely kneel down and kowtow and beg me not to kill you.”

Chen Xuan walked over and said softly: "But some things are not as simple as you think, and when you are confident, you will always be unexpected, and even bring you the opposite result. I hope you lose in the end." Don’t cry at all.”

Chen Xuan's words are not without irony.


Among the hundreds of disciples sent by the cabinet, Huang Yuanye was the only one who could be valued by Wang Longzhi, but Chen Xuan was nothing.

He was just a disciple who lived up to his reputation, but he actually said such a thing.

Wang Longzhi directly used the Dragon Refining Body, and the terrifying divine thunder fire aura was very close to Chen Xuan.

Around him, strange spiritual energy flickered, and an illusory aura rumbled out.


"Brother Wang Longzhi is indeed very powerful. If only I had half of his cultivation level, I wouldn't be doing nothing now." A disciple admired him very much.

At the moment when the power of the flames gathered in the air, Wang Longzhi suddenly waved towards the air, and a terrifying aura suddenly burst out.

Suddenly, a circular flame force appeared in front of him.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

"Your dragon body refining power is not very powerful, and it is not suitable for me at all. It's not me. I am willing to lower my worth and fight with you here. It is already a great honor for you. If you can't surprise me, it will really make me lose my temper." I'm very disappointed."

Wang Longzhi waved his long sword and knocked away the circular flame power. The crazy flame power appeared in front of him.

The next moment, he blasted a sword energy towards Chen Xuan.

"Sacred Fire Defense."

Facing Wang Longzhi, Chen Xuan did not have the courage to take the responsibility lightly

Although the opponent suddenly made a move just now, Chen Xuan was already prepared, so that he did not suffer much damage, but now he has activated the divine fire defense to the extreme.

In an instant, Wang Longzhi's sword suddenly struck Chen Xuan's body.

However, it was blocked by the Ten Thousand Swords Konghuo Spiritual Formation.

Seeing this scene, many disciples around him once again expressed their admiration.

Although the opponent attacked Chen Xuan for the first time, they all knew that he had not used all his skills and it was just a test of his skills.

But now Wang Longzhi's long sword erupted with a terrible and terrifying sound, and the breath was extremely terrifying. They wanted to go over and observe, but they couldn't get any closer. They could imagine how terrifying this wave of power was.

However, his attacks fell on Chen Xuan, but he was defended by Chen Xuan one after another.

And this also made Chen Xuan reveal a faint smile.

"It seems that you have attacked me just now, and also sneak attacked me once. Now it is my turn to attack, isn't it?"

Chen Xuan's face was calm, his body was shaking, and suddenly a sword energy slashed out. Although the opponent attacked him sneakily, Chen Xuan didn't take it to heart. After all, the sword energy did not cause any substantial damage to Chen Xuan.

A sword energy that does not require much effort on the surface actually contains extremely terrifying power inside.

The moment his long sword hit Wang Longzhi, the sound of blood flowing out of his body suddenly filled the air.

He was directly defeated by Chen Xuan.

The entire Wanlong Body Refining Tower was very quiet.

Many warriors looked at all this with surprised expressions, and they looked very confused.

It was as if he didn't expect Chen Xuan to be so powerful.

Chen Xuan put away his sword and looked around Wang Longzhi.

"Dragon Body Refining is also a very powerful defensive immortal-level secret technique. Unfortunately, you have completely lost to me now. If we had fire defense, maybe I would really want to get this technique of yours." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

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