With his divine fire defense at the seventh level of the Immortal Order, it is completely enough to deal with the Dragon Refining Body, so Chen Xuan doesn't need it now.

However, he also knew that in terms of real strength, he might not be able to defeat Wang Longzhi. After all, the opponent was a veteran powerhouse with very strong cultivation.

So after Chen Xuan broke his defense, he didn't press forward step by step, but gave him a step up.

"Senior Brother Wang's cultivation is indeed very strong. Hahaha, I have heard of your reputation before. Seeing it is better than hearing it a hundred times."

Wang Longzhi roared, quickly got up, and looked directly at Chen Xuan with his gray pupils.

"Sacred Fire Defense? What kind of skills does this guy have? Is it really him?"

Divine fire defense is generally recognized as an extremely powerful defense secret method that can be ranked in the top ten among the three divine sword defense secret methods in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

This kind of defense and attack is what many warriors dream of.

The most important thing is that with the improvement of strength, the powerful attributes of divine fire defense will be much stronger than before, and there is a high chance of bursting out with high talents.

However, this is just a rumored secret method.

Within the Divine Sect, the most suitable defensive secret method for monks is divine fire defense.

A lot of people haven't heard it before.

Chen Xuan's popularity in the Ten Thousand Dragons Body Refining Tower will not be matched by any warrior in a short period of time. Even they are already impressed by Chen Xuan. Their admiration for Chen Xuan can be said to come from the bottom of their hearts.

Wang Longzhi did not investigate Chen Xuan in the previous period, so he had no idea that he had divine fire defense.

Now Wang Longzhi is a little jealous that Chen Xuan has such a powerful technique.

You know, this level of divine fire defense is simply not something ordinary people can possess.

Unless you get some superpowers' inheritance

Not only does it burst out high-level Dao veins, but it also possesses extremely powerful defensive secrets that monks long for.

"Who he is, I really can't imagine it. It's a pity that the benefits are gathered in a warrior who is in the middle of the eighth level of the divine realm."

And he also believed that Chen Xuan was not qualified to obtain these powerful skills at all.

But he does. How can he solve this current dilemma?

He had to realize that he had no way to defeat Chen Xuan in this game unless he took action against Chen Xuan.

However, there are so many pairs of eyes watching here, and if he takes action, he will also bring infamy for himself, so he will never take the initiative in this situation.

"This fourth move of the Divine Soul Sword Intention Secret Technique has really reached my ultimate level. If I were given a chance, I might not be able to suppress it." Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

"Damn it!"

Wang Longzhi clenched the sword in his hand and shouted secretly.

The thing that his Dragon Refining Body couldn't defeat was the divine fire defense. No wonder he couldn't break through the opponent's defense even if he used all his sword energy during the previous period.

At this moment, Wang Longzhi didn't know what to do.

If he continues to fight, his Dragon Refining Body will be completely suppressed, and he will not have any advantage in terms of fire defense power. If it takes a long time, he will still fail.

If there is no fight and he admits that he is not his opponent, he will feel that all his face has been lost.

At this moment, Wang Longzhi's expression kept changing. Although Chen Xuan gave him a step up, he didn't feel any gratitude to Chen Xuan now. He even felt that Chen Xuan did this on purpose, just to mock him. .

In the Wanlong Body Refining Tower, all the warriors were very shocked. They were confused as to why even a powerful man as powerful as Wang Longzhi could not defeat Chen Xuan in this match.

How powerful is this man named Chen Xuan?

They couldn't even imagine it.

"Wang Longzhi seems to be hesitating. Does he think he is no match?"

The next moment, Chen Xuan laughed. He could also see that the opponent seemed to be very wavering. He wanted to defeat it, but he was also afraid that he would really lose if he continued to fight.

He saw the other person's thoughts.

But Chen Xuan didn't give a damn either.

"Dragon Refining was completely suppressed. He wants to defeat Chen Xuan with the power of fire defense. It is somewhat impossible. This Chen Xuan has many powerful techniques."

"Is this divine fire defense really powerful? I didn't expect that even he couldn't deal with Chen Xuan."

Many disciples expressed their admiration for this battle.

"It's no pity that Wang Luo's army was defeated."

Competition area Zheng

More than a few months ago, they had been able to comprehend the cultivation of time and space and apply it to the fourth move Zheng Zheng.

Wang Longzhi heard the discussion of these disciples and wanted to break Chen Xuan's body with sword energy.

But at least he couldn't do it in the Ten Thousand Dragons Body Refining Tower. Now he wouldn't do it in front of so many disciples. Although he was a little angry in his heart, he was still rational and knew when to do something and when not to do it. .

At this moment Wang Longzhi admitted that he was no longer his opponent.

He threw down thousands of intermediate Dao vein stones, turned around, and left here.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan was very surprised.

On the contrary, Wang Longzhi was really smart, knowing that it would be meaningless to continue fighting if his divine fire defense was restraining him.

If it were an ordinary warrior, he would definitely fight to the death, at least he would not lose so miserably.

But when he realized that he was no match, he left immediately, which showed that he also knew the gap between himself and Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan looked at Kong.

"I don't know when Huang Yuanye will end his retreat? I don't know what kind of skills he has. If he competes here, he can switch to their skills. It's really a good choice."

The most important thing is that the powerful attributes of divine fire defense will be much stronger than before. Chen Xuan feels that if he continues to practice, these defensive powers of his will definitely increase at the same time.

Chen Xuan wanted to raise the divine fire defense to the seventh level of Immortal Level as much as possible before Huang Yuanye ended the retreat, and even reached the peak.

If that happens, the chances of resisting Huang Yuanye will become stronger than before.

But the fact is that it is definitely not that good.

He devoted himself completely to physical training, but to no avail.

On the contrary, there are actually some signs of breakthrough in the secret method of Divine Soul Sword Intent.

Chen Xuan, who was practicing in seclusion in the Wanlong Body Refining Tower, suddenly stood up and left quickly.

Soon, he returned to his resting place, slowly flew above the forest surface, and began to evolve the secret method of the Soul Sword Intent.

After such a long time, Chen Xuan was seeking to perfect the secret method of improving the Soul Sword Intent so that he could reach its strongest power.

The three Immortal-level auras each used the secret method of the Divine Soul Sword Intention, and more than a dozen completely different sword lights were constantly rotating.

Chen Xuan looked carefully and directly at the secret technique of the Divine Soul Sword Intention cast by the three immortal-level auras.

"I see."

Chen Xuan gradually regained his composure, and the next moment, Chen Xuan laughed.

Seizing this opportunity, he took out the Primordial Fire Sword, the top level five immortal magic weapon, and used the secret technique of the Divine Soul Sword Intent directly in the courtyard.

In an instant, sword lights one after another used their body skills to shuttle through space and surround him.

His mind trembled, and the power of extremely violent fire erupted near his body.

"The direction of the fourth move of the Divine Soul Sword Intention Secret Technique should be the direction of Sora Burning."

Chen Xuan has roughly decided on the development direction of the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intention, and now it is easier to evolve the fourth move.

If Chen Xuan could reach the eighth level of the divine realm, he could easily defeat the younger generation in the Wan Jinlong area, right?

As for this fourth move, Chen Xuan suddenly thought about it carefully, what would happen if he was connected to time and space?

At this moment, Chen Xuan plans to gather his time and space cultivation insights into the secret method of Zheng Soul Sword Intent.

In the easternmost part of the Blood Plains, on the huge sword sculpture.

Wang Liang showed a slight smile and was looking at Chen Xuan.

"This guy is really talented. He was able to realize it to this extent. If I were put in his current situation, I might not be able to do better than him."

"The Fourth Blink of the Secret Technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent"

The fourth move of the Divine Soul Sword Intention Secret Technique, coupled with the Secret Technique of Time and Space, makes the move more mysterious than before. Compared with the previous rounds, the power is increased several times.

At this moment, Wang Liang walked not far from him, looked at him and said softly: "If you can create this terrifying sword energy, you can easily defeat the middle-level warrior of the eighth level of the divine realm."

No warrior has mastered the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent in fifteen million years. This guy has not only mastered it, he is actually suppressing the fourth blink of an eye.

If he can really succeed, his cultivation level will at least be in the top ten.

To be sure, he was at least a top-notch warrior who could fight Huang Yuanye.

"It's interesting. He can change the pressure in the surrounding space by using his technique at once. And..."

Seeing this, Wang Liang was also eager to see if Chen Xuan could succeed.

Courtyard Zheng

Huang Yuanye had finished seclusion more than a few months ago. They were also very surprised when they heard that Wang Longzhi was defeated by Wang Longzhi in the physical training competition, and they became curious about Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan used his skills with great fervor. For more than six months, Chen Xuan frantically used the secret skills of the Soul Sword Intent.

At this moment of ten months, he has learned the fourth move.

More than a few months ago, they had been able to apply their knowledge of time and space cultivation to the fourth move Zheng Zheng.

More than six months later, he had basically completed the suppression of the next four moves.

In an instant, Chen Xuan stopped suddenly.

The power of extremely violent fire erupted near his body.

Suddenly Wang Liang appeared.

"Son, you attacked me."

As soon as Wang Liang finished this sentence, Chen Xuan couldn't care about anything else.

"The Fourth Blink of the Secret Technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent"

Chen Xuan gave a low shout, and the prairie fire sword in his hand cut through the strangeness at this moment. Suddenly, there was an extremely terrifying surge of sword light, directly using his body skills to shuttle through the space, and now he was not far away from Wang Liang.

The extremely turbulent long sword is very fast. If he can really succeed, his cultivation level will at least be in the top ten.

As soon as he came out, a subtle breath instantly filled Wang Liang.

"The pressure of space and the operation of space are undergoing subtle changes. Sword light directly suppresses others. There is no problem with this technique."

He still very much agreed with Chen Xuan and spoke highly of the technique he created, especially the fourth move of the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intention. Compared with before, he just felt that Chen Xuan was much more lucky than Fu.

However, now he discovered that Chen Xuan's potential was much more than what he saw on the surface, and it even caught him by surprise.

"See the Sect Master."

Wang Liang was a little confused about Chen Xuan's cultivation, and then greeted him hurriedly.

Wang Liang waved his hand, walked not far from him, and said softly: "You can easily defeat a warrior in the middle stage of the eighth level of the divine realm." The point of this terrifying sword energy is that even if you know that you are using the secret method of the divine soul sword, , and there is absolutely no way to dodge. "Wang Liang said with a smile.

"Thank you for the compliment, Sect Master." Chen Xuan said calmly.

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