Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past three days, the battle on the wide ground of Shenmen has been very fierce.

Many warriors died in this competition, some were seriously injured, but some successfully escaped from the circle.

After three battles and then the final game was finally coming to an end.

There are probably hundreds of disciples from several sects participating in this competition, and the remaining final quota will be chosen among many other sect disciples.

Tens of thousands of people compete for a dozen spots. It is obvious that ordinary people cannot imagine how fierce the battle is.

On the wide ground of Shenmen.

Among the talented disciples who have emerged in the past half month, Wang Longjun is really the most talented disciple. With his stubborn strength, he easily defeated other sect disciples.

"In the next match, Yun Sect Wang Longjun will face Fang Luo Yuzong's Lie Yun Army."

Wang Qing is actually a practitioner who specifically cultivates the power of body refining, and his power of body refining is very powerful.

Lie Yunjun saw this situation and waved his long sword rapidly in mid-air.

On the central stage, Wang Longjun touched the magic weapon in his hand, his face full of sarcasm.

From his point of view, except for a few sect disciples, the other warriors were no match for him, and they were not even qualified to let him display all his abilities.

"This time, I will definitely let most warriors know my talent, Wang Longjun."

Wang Longjun murmured to himself.

"Since you say that, I would like to ask for advice."

Lie Yunjun walked up to the heart battle stage and said slightly to Wang Longjun.

Many disciples are talking about it. They are very curious about who will win in this game. For some top-end disciples, they will not pay too much attention to who will win in the game.

This is not because the disciples of the big sects are too arrogant, but because they are very confident in their own strength. They feel that the disciples of such sects, even if they are in Fu, will definitely not be able to compare with them.

Because even if a warrior is talented, it is difficult to become a first-class strong man. Luck and basic resources are all necessary.

There are also some people who will not be able to become top powerhouses in the future because they do not have enough luck and resources.

However, talent will also bring a certain upper limit to them.


To be able to reach the last step, Lie Yunjun's cultivation is also very strong.

"Lie Yun's army is also very powerful. Wang Longjun has encountered a very difficult enemy to deal with."

"Lie Yunjun is also a talented disciple in this famous disciple discussion competition. He even hopes to compete with Wang Longjun for the title of the most talented disciple. I don't know who among them will win."

"I feel that Lie Yunjun has a high chance of defeating Wang Longjun, but both of their guards are quite strong, so it might be a tie."

Many disciples are curious about who among them can win.

But when these voices fell to Wang Longjun, he simply ignored them.

"Many stupid guys, it seems they still don't know my current strength." Wang Longjun murmured to himself.

"You are no match for me." Then Wang Longjun raised his head, looked at Lie Yunjun, and said in a cold voice.

His voice is very arrogant.

"How do you know I'm defeated by you before we fight? Are you too arrogant?"

Lie Yunjun's expression turned gloomy, and he felt extremely unhappy inside.

"Oh? That's it! It seems that you won't cry until you see the coffin. Now I will let you know what true strength is."

Wang Longjun said softly: "Let me see what you can do to fight me."

As soon as Wang Longjun finished speaking, crazy power suddenly burst out from in front of him.

Then he waved a sword energy in the air, and a powerful and mysterious force appeared, surrounding Lie Yun's army.

Lie Yunjun saw this situation and waved his long sword rapidly in mid-air.

Suddenly, a powerful talisman crazily activated the skills in the body.

"talisman master?"

"What about Talisman Master?"

Wang Longjun used his body technique, and then his body hit the talisman.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

There was some space-time turbulence in the talisman, and Wang Longjun's thoughts became even wilder: "Vulnerable?"

Now Wang Longjun increased his strength and rushed towards Lie Yunjun.

Many warriors shook their heads slightly. If Lie Yunjun wasn't his opponent.

But Wang Longjun's next attack actually failed.

Waiting for him to find out, Lie Yunjun appeared behind him. With his long sword, an extremely frightening talisman struck in front of his body.


The turbulent aura spread out and the runes exploded, directly cutting Wang Longjun's body out of the central battle platform.

Suddenly, the entire wide ground of Shenmen was very quiet.

Lie Yunjun put away his breath and quietly walked off the central stage without making any noise.

"No...impossible. If I guessed correctly, this should be the Ten Thousand Dragon Rune?"

This really made the vast ground of Shenmen let out sighs one after another.

Many warriors looked at Lie Yunjun in surprise, and even some sect leaders in the viewing area were very confused.

"I didn't expect that a sect would produce such a top talent."

"That's right. Being able to comprehend the Ten Thousand Dragons Rune and reaching the eighth level of the Divine Realm is indeed very powerful."

To be able to reach the last step, Lie Yunjun's cultivation is also very strong.

"The Ten Thousand Dragon Rune has a very terrifying and aggressive power. It's a pity that he still lacks a little bit. If he can go to the Thousand Yuan Space to train, he will definitely become a famous Bluestone Rune Master."

Obviously, many high-level masters gave high praise to Lie Yunjun.

The Ten Thousand Dragon Rune is a very powerful rune.

Ordinary people have no way to control it.

Many disciples who were eliminated were full of reluctance, but there was no way. This is reality. They also want to successfully advance, but if they lose, they lose.

No one will sympathize with them at all.

"After more than half a month of selection, all the disciples within 100 have finally appeared. In the next half a month, the more intense final stage will begin." The Dragon God Sect Master paused for a moment, slightly shocked, and then continued: "The final stage is very simple. In each round, two warriors will fight. One warrior will continue to fight in the next round, and the other warrior will be eliminated. Until the final few people are decided."

They came from a sect that was not very strong, and their talents were average. At the same time, they could not compare with the very powerful sects in terms of precious treasures. After a period of time, the gap was very obvious, but these people were still not ready to give up.

The talented disciples came here at risk and received the attention of many warriors. Among them, some people did have good talents and cultivation.

Some warriors were also very curious whether they would get the final victory.

After the game, even the strongest among the younger generation who closed their eyes to rest suddenly opened their eyes.

Among them, the one who received the most attention from others and was also the most talented disciple in this year's famous disciple discussion competition was Lie Yunjun.

The opponent is actually a strong man in the field of talisman masters, proficient in all kinds of mysterious auras, and even cultivated the Ten Thousand Dragon Runes.

Many strong men agree with Lie Yunjun more. He can fight against some slightly weaker disciples from several sects, and they can also fight him.

In fact, he has a great chance to enter the next round of the competition, and even get a good ranking in the competition.

At this moment, Huang Yuanye smiled bitterly in his heart. This person is really strong.

In addition to Lie Yunjun, Wang Longjun, who was defeated by him, is indeed a talented disciple.

On the central battle stage, there are several disciples standing, led by Lie Yunjun and Wang Longjun, their hearts are filled with extreme fear.

Among tens of thousands of people, they successfully entered the top 40 and they are from a different sect.

Although the sect can also provide them with some help, they still have to rely more on their own efforts.

"I will definitely grow into a strong man in this discussion of famous disciples."

There will be more competitions next. After all, the previous competitions were only for the disciples of those sects. They decided the winner, and the ones behind were all first-class talents. When it was Chen Xuan's turn, it was almost evening.

At this moment, under the observation of many warriors, Chen Xuan stepped onto the central battle stage.

Some disciples clenched their swords and muttered to themselves.

In addition to hundreds of disciples from several sects, there were probably several disciples who participated in the final stage.

The final stage was very simple, that is, two warriors fought against each other. Although the rules were simple on the surface, the difficulty was very high.

Many disciples who were called talented disciples could not defend against the attacks of several disciples from large sects.

Especially the strongest among the younger generation this time, Wang Meng and Huang Yuanye, they completely suppressed the younger generation of disciples in the Wanjinlong area.

In the viewing area, the leader of the Dragon God Sect climbed up from the ground and looked around.

Finally, a sickle appeared on his face.

The person who competed this time was Chen Xuan, and he was really curious about Chen Xuan.

He also wanted to know if he could win the first game.

In fact, Chen Xuan still learned some stories outside during the competition, and he also knew that there were a few people who stood out in this competition.

However, the person who fought against Chen Xuan was not very strong in cultivation.

A warrior in gray clothes suddenly walked onto the competition stage.

He smiled at Chen Xuan, but the battle between Chen Xuan and this disciple ended very quickly. In just one round, Chen Xuan defeated him directly.

Many people were completely boiling. This was Chen Xuan's first debut, and he won so beautifully.

"It's worthy of Chen Xuan. He actually has such a terrifying power."

After winning the game, Chen Xuan calmly walked down the competition stage, and finally showed a smile on his face.

At this moment, Huang Yuanye smiled bitterly in his heart. He saw the improvement of Chen Xuan's cultivation.

Finally, his face showed a sickle. He thought that his cultivation was not worse than Chen Xuan. In fact, he still admired Chen Xuan very much.

No matter what, what they really care about is the thousand-yuan space.

Entering the thousand-yuan space means that the future growth is definitely very high and the future is limitless.

He is the eighth level of the God Realm. Although Chen Xuan is very strong, at least for now, he thinks Chen Xuan should not surpass him.


Soon, the next round of drawing is over.

Chen Xuan's opponent is Wang Longjun, who was defeated by Lie Yunjun, but he doesn't care about it at all. Chen Xuan has also heard about this person.

But it shouldn't bring any threat to him.

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