Wang Meng's spiritual consciousness is very powerful, but he still doesn't quite understand why Chen Xuan won so suddenly. He has begun to take Chen Xuan seriously.

He noticed Chen Xuan's gaze before, but he didn't pay attention to Chen Xuan at all, thinking that he was just a talented person in the sect. It was only now that he realized that Chen Xuan was not as simple as he appeared.

There have been no competitions for Chen Xuan these days, so he has been practicing at home. Chen Xuan has been very tight on time recently. He knows that if he improves his cultivation level during competition time, it will definitely be too late.

Moreover, the biggest purpose of many warriors this time is to enter that mysterious space. If they obtain magic weapons in the space, their cultivation will be improved even more quickly.

A few days later, it was Chen Xuan's match again. At this moment, under the gaze of many warriors, Chen Xuan stepped onto the central stage.

"The opponent is Chen Xuan? The lucky guy who got the high-level Dao connection? I saw his game before, and it couldn't be less exciting, but he won so smoothly."

"Haha, it's really funny. This guy must be just a little lucky."

Soon, there was a discussion among the many warriors. Some people very much agreed with Chen Xuan's strength, but some people were still very surprised by Chen Xuan.

And they were also extremely impressed by the speed at which Chen Xuan's cultivation level improved.

The high-level Dao connection, which only existed in the legend, was actually obtained by this guy. Now they finally confirmed that the man in front of them was really Chen Xuan.

Even the strongest among the younger generation who was resting with his eyes closed, then showed a smile, suddenly opened his eyes, grinned back, looked at Chen Xuan and said softly.

"I hope you can bring me a surprise this time, high-level Taoist veins? You are indeed very lucky. I haven't heard of it before, and I didn't expect that someone can really get a high-level Taoist vein."

"I hope you won't make me lose interest."

Huang Yuanye seemed to have seen his expression, so he smiled bitterly inwardly, shook his head slightly and looked at Chen Xuan calmly.

The strongest among the younger generation has actually taken a fancy to Chen Xuan, which means that Chen Xuan may be in trouble.

Although Chen Xuanfu is good, he still feels that there is no way to compare Chen Xuan and the strongest person among the younger generation.

On the central stage, Chen Xuan and Wang Longjun stood.

Seeing Chen Xuan's indifferent expression, Wang Longjun's face turned gloomy. He felt that Chen Xuan looked down on him. Originally, he was from a famous sect, but Chen Xuan actually looked at him with this expression.

In fact, Chen Xuan didn't mean to look down on him. It could only be that his heart was too sensitive and he felt that Chen Xuan was looking down on him.

If Chen Xuan knew what he was thinking, he would definitely feel aggrieved. I obviously don't think so in my heart. Why do you think I'm looking down on you?

"Haha, that's really funny."

Wang Longjun snorted coldly. He had been very annoyed since being defeated by Lie Yunjun. Seeing Chen Xuan's expression now, he was even more angry than before.

"What about the high-level Dao veins? Are you still a guy in the middle eighth level of the divine realm?"

In Wang Longjun's eyes, high-level Taoism was not as scary as he imagined. He only knew that Chen Xuan was a guy in the middle eighth level of the divine realm.

And he is the eighth level perfection of the divine realm.

"Isn't it just luck that you took refuge in Shenmen? If I could get basically the same precious treasure as you, I could kill you in one round."

Wang Longjun thought to himself.

Suddenly, crazy power burst out from his whole body.

He let out a soft drink, and then the spirit god moved slightly. Above his head, terrifying power condensed into an extremely terrifying phantom of a monster.

This monster phantom released the power of the divine sword, causing some weak disciples not far away to look very gloomy.

"It's really not that good. There's no way to interest me at all."

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly. Although Long Jun was a talented disciple, his current cultivation level was really weak.

A guy who is in the early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm, although his strength is directly catching up with the middle stage of the eighth level of the divine realm, he is nothing in Chen Xuan's eyes.

Wang Longjun thought he could defeat Chen Xuan. However, the next moment he will find out how true his thoughts are.

"You are simply asking for your own death."

Chen Xuan completely angered Wang Longjun. He stepped on the ground with the soles of his feet and immediately rushed towards Chen Xuan.

At this moment, the phantom of the monster above his head also released a surge of power and launched a strong attack on Chen Xuan.

Wang Longjun felt that he could defeat Chen Xuan. However, the next moment, Chen Xuan used a sword energy without much strength to attack Wang Longjun's surroundings.

But his body flew out directly and landed outside the central hall of Shenmen.

Wang Longjun was covered in scars and looked very gloomy. He just wanted to stand up, but he didn't have the strength to continue fighting.

Many warriors gasped for a moment. Chen Xuan's cultivation level is very terrifying, isn't it?

A bolt of sword energy knocked Wang Longjun away.

"Wang Longjun?"

Many warriors from the Yun Sect were all shocked, helped Wang Longjun up, and then asked him to eat some fairy grass to restore his injuries.

They came from a sect that was not very powerful, and their talents were average. At the same time, their precious treasures could not be compared with those of a very powerful sect. After a period of time passed. The difference is very obvious.

In the viewing area, Wang Liang nodded with satisfaction.

In the school area, the strongest among the younger generation looked at this scene calmly, without any expression on their faces.

"The power of body refining is actually quite strong, but unfortunately, it is still a bit inferior to me. If he is allowed to grow in the future, he will indeed become a trouble, but at present he still cannot pose a threat to me. ." The strongest among the younger generation murmured to himself.

"This is actually just a disciple of Shenmen. Can he be compared with his senior brother?"

"That's right, this Chen Xuan has obtained high-level Taoist connections. From my point of view, if senior brother uses martial arts, he will have no way to defend himself."

"This time, the famous disciples came first in the discussion competition. There is absolutely no one else except senior brother."

In the Dragon God Gate area, Wang Meng smiled slightly and looked directly at Chen Xuan.

Vaguely, he felt that there was a completely different aura around Chen Xuan.

"Some don't quite understand this guy."

Wang Meng's spiritual consciousness is very powerful, but he still doesn't understand it very well. He has begun to pay more attention to Chen Xuan.

At this moment, the most shocked person was Huang Yuanye.

He widened his eyes and looked directly at the ripples around Chen Xuan.

"How is it possible? What on earth is going on? I will never believe it."

If he remembered correctly, this ripple was actually the ripple of his secret method of defense.

"Did he complete it so quickly?"

Huang Yuanye said, before, it took him more than six months to complete the first level of the Mystic Defense Technique.

And Chen Xuan completed it so quickly.

Under Chen Xuan's talent, he is not that powerful at all.

Chen Xuan won this battle, which really made his name known to those very powerful disciples of the sect.

When night came, the first round of the final stage finally ended.

In the next battle, Lie Yunjun once again used the true origins of the disciples of the Xing Sect to directly defeat the disciples of the Dragon God Sect.

It must be understood that the Dragon God Sect is actually one of several top sects, and the cultivation of the disciples of each sect within it can obviously be understood.

Many warriors had previously thought that this battle would be a battle without any suspense, but during the battle, Lie Yunjun showed extremely powerful talisman master insights.

Soon, there was a sound of discussion among the many warriors.

"This Lie Yun Army is very powerful."

Wang Liang and the leader of the school said slowly, they seemed to have seen something.

Not far away, the face of the Dragon God Sect leader kept changing. The disciples of Shenmen and the school easily defeated their opponents and advanced to the next round.

Only the Dragon God Sect, the organizer of this year's famous disciple discussion competition, actually lost to a disciple of the Xing Sect.

Chen Xuan also noticed the talented disciple Lie Yunjun. His understanding of the Talisman Master was indeed very powerful.

However, he vaguely felt that Lie Yunjun had a strange aura about him, but he couldn't figure out what it was exactly despite racking his brains.

Chen Xuan and Huang Yuanye looked at each other and flew not far away.

"Chen Xuan, I, Huang Yuanye, have never admired you before, but now after seeing your fight, I admire you so much. You are simply too awesome. I didn't expect you to be able to do it in such a short time." , just cultivated the first level, I think your strength should be much stronger now," Huang Yuanye said with a smile.

"I have been thinking about the secret method of defense for many years, and no warrior knows its mystery better than me. Although I also know very well that Chen Xuan is very talented and can master the secret method of defense, but I did not expect that it would happen so soon. I can master it." Huang Yuanye continued: "Even now, I don't have the guts to compete with you in terms of physical training."

"Haha, senior brother, this is a bit much."

Chen Xuandao: "Haha, senior brother's secret method of all-purpose defense has been cultivated to the second level, right? This kind of skill should be very powerful after it has been cultivated to the second level."

Huang Yuanye coughed lightly when he heard this, then waved his hands, and then showed a smile to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan also felt happy when communicating with him. First of all, he was willing to hand over this powerful technique to himself, and he also knew that this person was a gentleman.

Chen Xuan will naturally make friends with him.

Chen Xuan was able to fight him at this moment without practicing the secret method of Wan Yi defense.

Now that the first level of Myriad Intentions Defense Secret Technique has been cultivated, it is uncertain who will win the final victory in the competition of defense techniques.

"By the way, Senior Brother Huang Yuanye, what do you know about the strongest person among the younger generation?" Chen Xuan suddenly changed the subject.

"The strongest among the younger generation?"

Hearing this, Huang Yuanye slowly withdrew the meaning on his face and said in a low voice: "The strongest among the younger generation has very strong cultivation. How many warriors' lives have been cut off by the blood-killing sword technique in his hands?"

The strongest among the younger generation are the most outstanding top talents of the school. His talent is so strong that almost no warrior in the Wanjinlong region can match it.

The Blood Killing Sword Technique he practiced in seclusion, the slightest movement of his spirit spirit could swing tens of thousands of swords, and the power of each sword was very powerful.

Who can defend such a strong man?

"In this prestigious disciple discussion competition, I am confident that I can stand up to Wang Meng, but I don't have the confidence to stand up to the strongest among the younger generation who complained about me." Huang Yuanye said quietly.

If possible, who wouldn't want to take first place in the famous disciple discussion competition?

You must know that first place is very important. Being able to get first place must have many precious magic weapons.

However, Chen Xuan could also hear it. From Huang Yuanye's tone, it seemed that he had given up the fight for the next one, as if he was afraid of this person. However, Chen Xuan was really not sure how strong his cultivation was.

"I hope that in the final game, we won't meet the strongest among the younger generation, otherwise it's really unclear who will win and who will lose." Huang Yuanye said helplessly.

This time, he only needs to get into the 50th place to enter the selection. He doesn't want to meet the strongest among the younger generation in advance. If he fails, there will be no way to enter the Thousand Yuan Space. , this is a big loss for him.

"Coupled with the current hatred between the school and our Shenmen, I think this competition will definitely not be easy, so if you meet Chen Xuan, be careful, this person is still very difficult to offend. "

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