"Wang Celing has always threatened to overpower the Shenmen and make the school the top of the sect. Wang Celing has a very cruel personality. If he meets any of our Shenmen disciples outside, he will die immediately. Sometimes he even sneaks to Yunlong City and hides in the Kill the disciples of our Shenmen secretly," Huang Yuanye said helplessly.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really couldn't have imagined that the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent actually has such terrifyingly gifted top talents."

"Haha, if you meet Wang Celing, you must be more careful." Huang Yuanye said.

"Blood killing swordsmanship??"

Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

"Haha, you must not look at this blood-killing sword technique. It was originally just an intermediate immortal-level secret technique. It was directly transformed into a fifth-level immortal-level secret technique by Wang Celing. It was even recognized by the leader of the school. "This guy is definitely a first-class talent. People who can create their own exercises are not ordinary. I think Wang Celing has a very powerful talent." Huang Yuanye said.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded slightly.

Thinking of the murder of Luo Yun Da Rao, I guess he went through all the trouble to get to Yunlong City. By chance, he found Wang Celing sneaking in and was beheaded by him, right?

At this moment, Chen Xuan clenched the long sword in his hand and burst out with an illusory aura.

Huang Yuanye saw that Chen Xuan's expression was a little abnormal and said hurriedly: "Chen Xuan, you are okay, right?"

Chen Xuan knew very well in his heart that his condition was not very good. He nodded slightly to Huang Yuanye apologetically, and then said: "Senior Brother Huang Yuanye, there is no need to worry. I am just curious about how strong his cultivation is."

After the first round, there was a two-day break, and then the final stage of the third round continued.

After wiping out fifty people, there were only twenty disciples left to participate in this competition.

At a glance, except for Lie Yunjun, the rest were definitely a few sect disciples.

This really makes many less powerful sects lament that the Wanjinlong area is still dominated by several sects. These less powerful sects have no hope at all if they want to avenge themselves.

In the Shenmen area, the leader of the Xingmen sect suppressed the excitement in his heart and secretly felt hope for Lie Yunjun.

The most ambitious person is the leader of the Xing sect. They had never had any hope for a mission of this level, but now they finally see it.

The fact that Lie Yunjun was able to reach this point greatly exceeded his expectations.

He was excited in his heart, hoping that Lie Yunjun could suppress the disciples of this year's famous disciple discussion competition and win a place to enter.

You must know that before this, basically no one could get a spot, and now she has the only hope, and this also represents the rise of their sect.

Today, the battle cry is still drawn.

Immediately after drawing the battle number, there will be twenty-five battles.

"How could it be Wang Celing?"

Just after it ended, some disciples complained in the Shenmen area.

"Admit directly that you are not your opponent, and don't give Wang Celing a chance to use his skills." Huang Yuanye said.

"I understand very well." This disciple was very unwilling. If he had not met Wang Celing, he could have continued to move forward. However, he was not very lucky and met a top talent.

At this moment, Wang Celing looked towards the Shenmen area with murderous intent, especially when his eyes fell on Chen Xuan, there was a slight mocking look in his pupils.

"Come up here."

Wang Celing's cold voice spread throughout the entire central hall of Shenmen.

This disciple of the Shenmen trembled slightly, suppressing the fear in his heart, and walked onto the central stage.

"I admit that I am no longer your match."

The next moment, he discovered a force with a terrifying aura that directly suppressed him.

"What are you doing?"

After Wang Celing finished, thousands of terrifying killing intents suddenly erupted from the central battle platform.

These terrifying murderous intentions were very fast and fell directly around the Shenmen disciples.

Suddenly, the disciple's body was pushed back dozens of meters, which was very miserable.

On the wide ground of Shenmen, no one continued to speak.

Many warriors were shocked by Wang Celing's terrifying strength, and they did not expect that he would attack so harshly.

In the viewing area, Wang Liang frowned, but it didn't matter. Although his disciples were defeated, there was nothing he could do.

According to the rules, Wang Celing did not ignore this rule. No matter what he did, there was nothing he could do.

The leader of the school not far away looked at Wang Celing with a smile on his face.

"Yes, the blood-killing swordsmanship has been improved again. It's really good."

"This time, the famous disciples' discussion competition is number one. As expected, it should be Wang Celing." Even the leader of the Dragon God Sect was slightly surprised.

In the Shenmen area, Chen Xuan felt Wang Celing's gaze, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

"Now things are going bad. I still took a look at Wang Celing's cultivation. This guy's strength has increased so much. He killed his junior brother instantly." Huang Yuanye shouted.

At this moment, on the wide ground of Shenmen, everyone was shouting Wang Celing's name loudly, and all the disciples began to go crazy. This is the cohesion brought by a strong man.

Above in mid-air.

The gray-clothed warrior stepped on the black flying sword and quickly stroked the black flying sword.

"His cultivation is actually quite strong, and he possesses demonic swordsmanship. Unfortunately, his heart is very vicious and he cannot become an extremely strong man." The warrior in gray clothes said.

He shook his head slightly and looked around Chen Xuan.

Suddenly, there was a slight smile on his expression.

The more I observe Chen Xuan, the more I find that his talent is very powerful.

The warrior in gray clothes was slightly surprised and said: "It is simply much stronger than the top experts in my place."

However, the warrior in gray clothes soon felt relieved. The warrior recognized by the high-level Taoist lineage was definitely the destined warrior.

In the eyes of the gray-clothed warriors, if Chen Xuan was not killed suddenly during the process, Chen Xuan's future enlightenment would definitely surpass that of many warriors present.

There is even a high chance that he will surpass his friend, Wang Jianxun.

"Soon, this guy will be able to understand the essence of the Dragon God Sword, right?"

The warrior in gray clothes said.

The third round of competition is still going on as planned.

The duel between several sect disciples resulted in much fewer casualties.

However, this game was against Lie Yunjun.

Many warriors were somewhat surprised. They wanted to see if this Yun army could continue to improve.

In mid-air, the gray-clothed warrior saw Lie Yunjun and said coldly: "There is a force in his body. I guess this is why he was able to break through at such an age."

However, only the warriors in gray knew that what Lie Yunjun cast was not the Ten Thousand Dragon Runes at all, but the stronger blood runes.

The battle was as fierce as ever.

The talented disciple Lie Yunjun once again suppressed Miracle and defeated the disciples of the rival school. Then he has stood at the top of the younger generation in the Wanjinlong area.

Now, it is clear that he has reached the fifteenth place in the famous disciple discussion competition.

Obviously, the heads of many less powerful sects do not agree with Chen Xuan very much.

Looking at the Wanjinlong area, there are no more than twenty people among the younger generation who can surpass him.

Who would have thought before that Lie Yunjun of the Xing sect could reach this point.

The eyes of many warriors were all focused on Lie Yunjun, and their faces were very shocked.

They couldn't believe how powerful Lie Yunjun was?

Why can we get to this point?

In the viewing area, the face of the leader of the school who had been mocking Wang Liang and the leader of the Dragon God Sect in the previous period also became calm.

They obviously didn't expect that people like them could actually reach this point. This situation is really abnormal.

Many have appeared before, but never so many as now.

"The formation he used is not the Ten Thousand Dragon Runes at all. This guy has very strong talents."

At first, many warriors thought it was the Ten Thousand Dragon Rune.

"Blood Rune, I didn't expect him to have such a powerful power."

But several sect leaders still saw some clues.

"What exactly is it and why is it so powerful?" The leader of the school was extremely confused.

The disciples on the wide ground of Shenmen were also extremely shocked.

Especially Wang Longjun, who had previously competed with Lie Yunjun for the most talented disciple, had a look of helplessness on his face.

After losing to Lie Yunjun, he still refused to give in to the opponent. He defeated him by using the Wanlong Rune to have better luck.

But now he finally understood how huge the gap between them was.

It turned out that he didn't regard him as an opponent. With such a terrifying rune, it was too easy to defeat him.

At this moment, Wang Longjun shook his head slightly and sighed.

Chen Xuan and the others also smiled slightly and looked directly at Lie Yunjun.

Only Chen Xuan seemed to have discovered something, but he didn't dare to be sure.

Wang Celing remained calm, thinking that although Lie Yunjun was very powerful, he could not be his opponent, and there was no need for him to pay attention to him.

The final stage of the third round was more intense than before.

The last round was finally Chen Xuan's turn. His opponent was the top three disciple of Dragon God Sect, named Wang Luo.

"Brother Wang Luo, we must teach this guy a lesson."

Many disciples of Dragon God Sect shouted.

Wang Luo walked onto the fighting stage with crooked steps.

After seeing him appear, Chen Xuan stood quietly.

While thinking, Chen Xuan used the Dragon Soul Immortal Technique.

An area near him was filled with extremely powerful earth essence aura, and his eyes were looking directly at Chen Xuan.

"I have heard before that the possessors of high-level Dao veins are very powerful. Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, it is still very surprising. It is indeed very prestigious and terrifying." Wang Luo said slightly.

Chen Xuan looked very calm and stood quietly.

Wang Luo could tell that this voice contained the aura of true energy, and he wanted to disturb Chen Xuan.

However, Chen Xuan's understanding of the attributes of the soul was actually not weaker than him, and even stronger than him. However, Chen Xuan did not expose him, and the other party could only win.

In the viewing area, some sect leaders were talking loudly.

"Wang Luo's soul attribute skills are very powerful. I guess Chen Xuan will definitely not be able to defend against him. Although this guy is quite strong, if he wants to defeat the opponent, it shouldn't be that easy."

"Chen Xuan's cultivation is strong, and the power of his advanced Tao channels is very terrifying. As long as he is not allowed to get close and Wang Luo launches an attack not far away with his divine soul attribute skills, there is nothing Chen Xuan can do."

"It's a pity that the owner of the advanced Taoist lineage is only in the middle of the eighth level of the divine realm. If he breaks through to the eighth level of the divine realm, this famous disciple discussion competition is really not good. Maybe he can get the first place in this competition. 1."

Obviously, the heads of many less powerful sects are discussing.

Their strength is not that deep, and there is obviously no way to clearly see Chen Xuan's overall cultivation.

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