"Speed ​​up." Lie Yunjun felt very strange and said.

"The power around the jade that is the source of the Tao veins is very terrifying. It is a bit difficult to take it out." Chen Xuandao.

Lie Yunjun said nothing more and continued to look directly at Baoyu, the source of the Tao veins on the earth's spiritual power.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan gave a soft drink, and then the spirit moved slightly. Suddenly, golden sand suddenly appeared in the entire magic array secret method.

In an instant, the golden sand completely enveloped the magic array secret technique, including Lie Yunjun.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

When Lie Yunjun saw this situation, he roared and wanted to cut off Huang Yuanye's body.

But he discovered that two powerful attacks were approaching.

"It's so funny that you want to use this kind of technique to deal with me."

Lie Yunjun drank lowly.

The Dragon Fire God Bird exerted its strongest divine soul power, and its terrifying devouring power completely engulfed Lie Yun's army.

At this moment, the shadow demon turned into a terrifyingly powerful shadow demon, and at the same time, thousands of shadow demon phantoms were released from his body, appearing around Lie Yunjun.

"Haha, are you looking for death?" Lie Yunjun shouted, and immediately many shadow demon phantoms died.

The Shadow Bear was extremely fast and quickly approached Lie Yunjun.

However, in an instant, he had arrived, and then Zhang Jianyun's time came.

Zhang Jianyun's body directly displayed the earth's spiritual power, which reacted with the earth's spiritual power at the center of the magic formation's secret method.

At this moment, a lot of golden energy was released instantly, directly suppressing Lie Yunjun.

"It's simply asking for death."

The power in Lie Yunjun's body continued to gather, and the golden energy in his body was knocked away in an instant.

But at this critical moment, Zhang Jianyun's golden vitality penetrated into the earth's spiritual power next to him, and then came close to the Baoyu that was the source of the veins.

Zhang Jianyun was full of murderous intent. When the golden energy got the jade that was the source of the veins, his body's aura suddenly exploded, and the earth's spiritual power was on the verge of collapse.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Jianyun suppressed the treasure jade that was the source of the Tao veins into his body, and then his power burst out, quickly defending Lie Yun's army.


At the moment when the burning aura around Zhang Jianyun was broken, by chance, he appeared not far from Huang Yuanye.

The Demonic Shadow Bear exerted the power of his soul and directly took away Huang Yuanye's body.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

It was at this time that Zhang Jianyun's body was completely broken, leaving only a part of his spiritual energy.

"Hehehe, let's see how you survive this time."

Lie Yunjun roared, and suddenly a sword energy attacked around the Demonic Shadow Bear.

Seeing this, the Shadow Bear's body flew backwards, blasting a black abyss out of the ground, and Huang Yuanye's body also disappeared.

At this moment, Lie Yunjun was also very unhappy, and his anger was directed at the Dragon Fire Divine Bird and the Shadow Demon.


Under the powerful offensive of Lie Yun Army, the shadow demon phantom released from the shadow demon's body killed more than half of them in an instant. The Dragon Fire Bird and Shadow Demon also suffered different injuries.

"Lie Yunjun."

A roar spread into Lie Yunjun's body as Zheng

The terrifying aura dissipated, and Chen Xuan appeared opposite Lie Yunjun.

He looked directly at Lie Yunjun with an extremely ferocious expression.

At this moment, Lie Yunjun's face was gloomy and he felt very unhappy.

He also didn't expect that how could Chen Xuan have so many followers? Although these people were nothing in his eyes, they were the ones who successfully rescued Huang Yuanye after all.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

Lie Yunjun shouted, and the aura around his body instantly filled the air, staring at Chen Xuan.

Seeing that they had suffered varying degrees of injuries, Chen Xuan felt extremely angry.

Chen Xuan did not turn his head. The few people who were in shock nodded slightly, and then led the Dragon Fire God Bird and the others to a safe area.

The jade that was the source of the Tao veins in his hand emitted red light, and many macro lights appeared directly in Chen Xuan's body, immediately raising the power in his body to the extreme.

"Last time I let you escape, this time I'm going to kill you to make up for it." After a brief moment of ferocity, Chen Xuan gradually calmed down.

"Do you think you can defeat me if you have the treasure jade that is the source of the Tao veins?" Lie Yunjun sneered: "My cultivation has reached the peak of the eighth level of the divine realm. From now on, I will no longer be someone you can suppress casually. ”

Now the aura around Lie Yunjun's body had improved to the extreme.

"So what if your strength improves? In my eyes, you are still nothing." Chen Xuan sneered.

Now that there are no more unnecessary thoughts, it is just something that can be done casually to deal with Lie Yunjun.

But Lie Yunjun thought that his cultivation had surpassed Chen Xuan.

"Let me see if your cultivation is very strong."

Just as Lie Yunjun finished these words, the long sword suddenly flew up, and a crazy crimson murderous aura burst out from his body.

Seeing this situation,

Two red sword energy gathered together, and the first level of Wanyi Defense Secret Technique used all the cultivation skills, supplemented by the divine fire defense at the seventh level of the Immortal Level, which could be equivalent to the power of the initial level of the ninth level of the Divine Realm, and soon defeated Lie Yun military attack.

"Do you still think you can defeat me now?"

Chen Xuan was observing Lie Yunjun with threatening eyes and said coldly.

His expression was very gloomy.

"Haha, that's really funny."

With a cold snort, Lie Yunjun displayed his unique skills. As he swung his long sword, a subtle aura appeared in front of him. These auras finally merged together to form a very violent aura.

"Hehehe, let's see how you survive this time."

Lie Yunjun stepped on the ground with the soles of his feet, controlled a very violent aura, and killed Chen Xuan.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

The sky burned, and wherever the violent breath passed, spiritual power exploded everywhere.

But there was no calmness in Chen Xuan's heart, on the contrary, there was a bit of ridicule.

Chen Xuan's long sword quickly blocked the violent aura.

"Is this your trump card?"

Chen Xuandao.

"What's the meaning??"

Lie Yunjun saw this situation and let out a light drink. Then his spirit moved slightly, controlled a very violent aura, and released it directly.

The terrifying power of the explosion filled Chen Xuan.

However, the yellow sand dispersed, and then Chen Xuan stood quietly, as if nothing happened.

"Your skills are nothing in my eyes, they are too rubbish." Chen Xuandao.

Lie Yunjun looked at Chen Xuan and fell into anger.

"Now things are going badly. This guy is so powerful, I want to kill you."

Lie Yunjun broke through with the voice containing the magic door in his body, and said softly: "Give me a little strength."

"Haha, no problem."

When the sound containing the magic door came out, the red power was absorbed into Lie Yunjun's body.

"As expected."

Chen Xuan had already guessed before that Lie Yunjun's body contained the power of the Demon Sect, and now it was finally revealed.

"Hehehe, let's see how you live."

Lie Yunjun controlled the red power and fought with Chen Xuan.

"The Secret Technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent."

The prairie fire sword suddenly burst out with sword energy, directly attacking Lie Yun's army.

However, at this moment when the Raging Incomparable Sword was just using the nearby Yun army, it was directly bombarded by the red spiritual energy.

"Don't worry yet, what's going on?"

Chen Xuan was surprised, what kind of magic weapon was this red aura?

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan used the Dragon Soul Immortal Technique. The powerful and mysterious power of the divine soul condensed into a direct long sword and broke through Lie Yunjun's body.


The breath of blood emanated from his mouth.

His soul was seriously injured.

"It's just hot chicken."

The sound containing the magic door came out. His power could only protect Lie Yunjun, but there was no way to protect his soul.

However, now Lie Yunjun's soul is actually very weak.

"What's going on?"

Chen Xuan seemed to have noticed this scene, and he continued to use the Dragon Soul Immortal Technique to attack Lie Yunjun's soul.

"Get out of this place quickly."

Some time passed, when Chen Xuan took out the jade from the source of the Tao veins and wanted to use the power of the jade from the source of the Tao veins to enhance the power of the Dragon Soul Immortal Technique, the voice that contained the magic sect said in a hurry.

Without waiting for Lie Yunjun to say anything, he controlled Lie Yunjun and fled directly.

"Want to slip away from under my nose?"

Chen Xuan saw this situation, sneered, and used his skills to stop it.

"If I want to escape, how will you defend yourself?"

Suddenly, in the sky above Lie Yunjun's head, a red soul phantom appeared instantly, and the sound containing the aura of the Demon Sect emanated from it.

Within the phantom of the ferocious soul, the attack emitted a red light that shocked him to the core, and directly killed Chen Xuan.

"It's going to be bad now."

Clearly feeling the power of the red light, Chen Xuan secretly yelled something bad and dodged the attack.

When he dodged the attack, Lie Yunjun had already disappeared before, and he was very fast.

In an instant, red light hit the ground, knocking away the entire magic array secret technique.


The gray aura of the extremely large phantom formation secret technique disappeared in an instant.

"Very strange power."

Chen Xuan sighed with horror in his heart, how could the crimson ferocious soul phantom in Lie Yunjun's body be so powerful?

At the far edge of the secret magic formation, Lie Yunjun's body flashed past and disappeared very quickly.

"If you perform this kind of skill, you will probably be seriously injured, right?"

Chen Xuan murmured to himself, but he did not go after Lie Yunjun.

He was worried about his friends' injuries and came directly not far from them.

After a quick check, I found that the injuries of Dragon Fire God Bird, Shadow Demon, and Shadow Demon were not serious.

Chen Xuan took out the Immortal Immortal Herb in front of him and gave it to Senior Brother Huang Yuanye to absorb.

In an instant, Huang Yuanye's soul suddenly returned to its original state.

Huang Yuanye's eyes were full of surprise.

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