Not far away, Wang Lilong and the others also had their eyes widened.

"Could it be the Immortal Herb of Mianyun?"

"It's really the Immortal Grass that can completely restore the soul. It's amazing." Even Wang Zhen couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Brother Huang Yuanye, please recover from your injuries."

Chen Xuan nodded and said.

"Chen Xuan, go and see him." Huang Yuanye said anxiously.

Chen Xuan also walked not far from Zhang Jianyun and focused his eyes on his body.

"The broken soul body is a serious injury to Zhang Jianyun."

At this moment, Chen Xuan shook his head slightly and sighed.

"Chen Xuan, if I read it correctly, his soul body is a nine-legged golden insect. In the battle just now, his soul body was broken."

At this moment Wang Zhendao.

"However, it is not impossible to restore his soul body."

"Do you have a way to restore his soul body?" Chen Xuan asked hurriedly.

Wang Zhen pondered for a moment and then said: "In the Snow Dragon Sword Sect, there is a pure elixir that can restore your friend's cultivation."

Qingxian Dan is a rare magic weapon.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan smiled softly.

"It's a pity that the Qing Immortal Pill is in the Snow Dragon Sword Sect." Wang Lilong said.

"Wang Zhen, the Qing Immortal Pill is in the Snow Dragon Sword Sect, how can we get it? Wang Hongbei said.

"Although there is no Qingxian Pill, I know a magic weapon that can temporarily replace the Qingxian Pill and restore your brother. The most important thing is that this magic weapon can be used within a thousand yuan space."


Chen Xuan said hurriedly.

Wang Zhen looked at Chen Xuan and said softly: "I only heard it mentioned by the elders of the sect. It is 100% true."

"The Qingxian Dan actually comes from the luck of seizing the land. Even our Snow Dragon Sword Sect only has three. However, the magic weapon that can temporarily replace the Qingxian Dan is called Xuanxiancao. However, specifically in the Thousand Yuan Space Where it is, I don’t know.”

After hearing Wang Zhen's words, Chen Xuan was also surprised.

Regardless of whether what Wang Zhen said was true or false, he would try to find the Mysterious Immortal Grass. This was also the way to continue to protect Zhang Jianyun.

"No need to worry at all, I will definitely restore your cultivation."

Chen Xuan stared at Zhang Jianyun and said in a low voice.

After a battle, the secret technique of the phantom formation was in ruins, and Chen Xuan and the others felt helpless.

After practicing in seclusion in twenty areas, followed by the Dragon Fire Divine Bird, Shadow Demon's injuries have basically stabilized.

In addition to the secret method of the phantom formation, the Zheng of the secret palace of inheritance

A red light disappeared in mid-air, looking directly at Chen Xuan and the others.

"It's just hot chicken."

This black-eyed warrior is actually a warrior from the Immortal Blood Demon Sect.

He was originally going to use his skills, but after clearly feeling the presence of Lie Yunjun, he prepared to use his power to kill this person.

But he failed, which really made him extremely helpless. He could only prepare to seize the opportunity to act, and he used his skills.

After observing for a few times, he felt that the time was right to launch an attack.

Taking advantage of the moment when Chen Xuan and the others relaxed, the other party used the Immortal Blood Demon Sect's unique technique without any movement and approached Chen Xuan directly.

"Haha, it's so funny, you're dead."

The gray-clothed warrior's face was filled with murderous intent, revealing a hint of sarcasm as he continued to approach.

Chen Xuan, who was recovering from Zhang Jianyun's injuries, suddenly looked dark.

"what happened?"

Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart. He felt that the sky seemed to fluctuate slightly, which was not obvious.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan continued to restore Zhang Jianyun, but his Ten Thousand Swords Sky Fire Spirit Formation had been quietly released, filling the center with many warriors.

At this moment, his spiritual consciousness quietly burst out, observing all the actions around him.

Soon, the gray-clothed warrior arrived not far from Chen Xuan, but he knew very well how powerful Chen Xuan was.

If it were a head-on confrontation, he wouldn't be able to kill him without even trying.

"Hehehe, let's see how you survive this time."

At this moment, a long sword appeared in front of the warrior in gray clothes.

A little light appeared on the tip of the sword, and the aura of the Demon Sect, which contained a terrifying aura, instantly filled the sword.

The long sword scattered the sky, and he appeared not far away from Chen Xuan in an instant.

"Something bad is going on."

Wang Lilong and others shouted, but were suppressed by the terrifying aura released from the long sword.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan was not shocked at all and showed a faint smile. Then he turned around and swung the sword out, suddenly swinging it towards the air.

Suddenly, the sky burned, and the sound of explosions resounded continuously.

The figure of the gray-clothed warrior appeared in front of Chen Xuan.

"Did you notice me?"

The gray-clothed warrior stared at Chen Xuan with wide eyes. The technique he performed was actually one of the top ones among the Immortal Blood Demon Sect's techniques.

He really couldn't understand. Did this guy really find out?

"How could the Immortal Blood Demon Sect arrange a damn trash like you to deal with me?"

Chen Xuan spread his hands and said with a smile.

"It's simply asking for death."

The warrior in gray knew that he could not give Chen Xuan any perfect time to recover.

The long sword in his hand made small sounds one after another, and Chen Xuan coughed lightly and discovered that the long sword was actually a ninth-level magic weapon of the Immortal level.

"However, my cultivation is really not that good, and there is no way to interest me."

Chen Xuan took out the prairie fire sword and used the secret technique of the Divine Soul Sword Intent. At the same time, he used the fairy-level attributes of the prairie fire sword to instantly suppress the huge sword in mid-air.

"Absolutely impossible."

The gray-clothed warrior yelled crazily, widened his eyes, and looked at Chen Xuan in shock.

"A low-level immortal-level ninth-grade magic weapon is going to fight with my prairie fire sword?"

Chen Xuan sneered, swung his long sword, and the prairie fire sword instantly struck at the huge Greedy Sword, and then released a terrifying aura that completely enveloped him.

Some time passed, and the sword was swallowed up by the prairie fire sword.

At this moment, the extremely turbulent sword light has also broken through the body of the gray-clothed warrior.

"Unexpectedly, the Immortal Blood Demon Sect also secretly came to the Thousand Yuan Space Zheng"

Chen Xuan's face seemed a little downcast, the Immortal Blood Demon Sect could really appear.

"Sir," said the Dragon Fire Divine Bird.

"This place is very dangerous, let's get out first." Chen Xuandao.

The remaining disciples of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect were killed. Other warriors will definitely find out that the remaining disciples of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect will come here soon.

Chen Xuan took the Dragon Fire God Bird and the others away, and once again put them into the source of air circulation, and then led Huang Yuanye and the others to leave the secret palace of Wangjun's inheritance in a short moment.

There are many warriors outside Wangjun's Secret Palace of Inheritance, and the auras on their bodies are very powerful.

"Song Yuan."

A gray-eyed warrior saw Song Yuan and whispered.

Seeing this situation, Song Yuan came here quickly.

"See Brother Wang Ling."

Song Yuan's attitude towards the gray-eyed warrior was very respectful. He was the eldest brother Wang Ling of the Blood Dragon Divine Sect's Type Base. His position in the Blood Dragon Divine Sect's territory was very strange.

"Did you find anything inside?" the gray-eyed warrior asked.

"Some time ago, a warrior escaped from the Secret Palace of Inheritance, but was taken away by warriors from the Hongxian Sect." Song Yuandao.


Hearing the words "Hongxianmen", the gray-eyed warrior's face also showed emotional fluctuations.

"The Hongxian Sect is here too?" the gray-eyed warrior said with an extremely gloomy expression.

Hongxian Sect is on the same level as their Blood Dragon Divine Sect, and is also one of the seven strongest top forces.

The most important thing is the warriors of Hongxian Sect. In the past, they didn't look down on these new warriors at all.

But this time, how could he be in front of Wangjun’s secret palace of inheritance?

"How about that group of warriors?" the gray-eyed warrior asked.

"I don't know what their specific talents are," Song Yuandao said.

The gray-eyed warrior heard this and nodded slightly.

There are many warriors on the entire peak, all showing their top power.

Among the seven powerful sects, except for the Hongxian Sect from the previous period, almost no other top forces came.

"Wang Luo, how are you?"

In one area, a warrior calmly looked at the secret palace of inheritance.

Not far away from him, there was a warrior who grabbed the sword directly. He smiled and said: "The secret palace of Wangjun's inheritance is on the territory of your Dragon Scale Sect, but you didn't notice it at all. I have told you before Let me tell you, if you want to have a slight breakthrough, you must occupy the secret palace of Wangjun."

The warrior who grabbed the sword was Huang Quan, the great elder of Qingshi Longmen.

"Haha, it's really funny. There's a lot to care about."

Wang Luo snorted coldly and said in a deep voice.

"There is a high chance that the jade that is the source of the Tao veins belongs to me."

Wang Luo clenched the long sword in his hand and murmured to himself: "When the inheritance secret hall is closed this time, many warriors will leave here, and then our Dragon Scale Sect will soon occupy the inheritance secret hall in Wang County. I will definitely look for opportunities to completely break the suppression of this inheritance secret palace."

"Haha, it's very good. Wang County's secret palace of inheritance has been opened. It seems that this warrior who has reached the eighth level of the divine realm is about to come out."

"I don't know if any warriors have obtained the jade that is the source of the Tao veins this time."

Many warriors are paying attention to the jade that is the source of the Tao veins.

If the treasure jade that is the source of the Tao veins is born, it will definitely trigger a fight.

In the eyes of everyone, the secret palace of inheritance opened, and finally a warrior came out of it.

A sudden terrifying aura hit his face, making the surrounding warriors feel a little shocked.

Several warriors walked out of the secret palace of inheritance. When they stabilized their bodies and looked around, their pupils were full of surprise: "There are so many strong men."

Wang Lilong and the others were a little cautious, after all, they were surrounded by so many powerful people.

"Which one of you has obtained the jade that is the source of the veins?"

A voice filled the air.

The warrior who was speaking was Wang Luo. He looked at Chen Xuan and the others and said in a deep voice.

His eyes were very strange. This person clearly made him feel extremely shocked. Chen Xuan could clearly detect the terrible danger coming from him.

"I didn't get the gem that is the source of the Tao veins."

Wang Lilong and others shook their heads slightly. They naturally knew that Chen Xuan had obtained the jade that was the source of the veins.

Chen Xuan's expression was very calm, and he was watched by Wang Luo and others.

"Yours isn't real."

Wang Luo said in a cold voice, the breath of madness filled them, trying to use the breath to overcome the last hurdle in their hearts.

"Wang Luo, you are really despicable, aren't you?"

The warrior who was speaking was Huang Quan from Bluestone Dragon Gate. He showed a smile and looked at Wang Luo.

Suddenly, the gray-eyed warrior from the Second Blood Dragon Divine Sect's Xingfen Base also came closer.

"It's still the same as before, directly select a warrior."

Many warriors looked at Chen Xuan and the others.

“I am relatively blessed with this person.”

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