Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5688 Qingshi Immortal Sect Branch

"The Qingshi Immortal Sect is really more arrogant than before." Immortal Shiyun said in a deep voice.

However, the Qingshi Immortal Sect is very powerful. Obviously, he cannot blatantly kill the warriors of the Qingshi Immortal Sect.

By chance, they used the Immortal Blood Demon Sect as an excuse to kill these guys who were causing trouble for them.

Qingxue Secret Realm, Qingxue Sword Sect.

Because Sect Master Wang Junyuan was seriously injured, the entire Immortal Blood Demon Sect's plan came to a halt.

Anyway, before Sect Master Wang Junyuan ends the retreat, the entire Blood Purifying Secret Realm will remain sealed.

As long as it was not Wang Junyuan, the leader of the clan, it would be impossible for anyone else to discover Chen Xuan.

Now Chen Xuan is completely able to carry out the training given to him by Immortal Shiyun at will.

At this moment, he is currently practicing in seclusion near the Thousand Yuan Stone.

The Thousand Yuan Stone is a magic weapon cultivated by Sect Master Wang Junyuan. It contains powerful and mysterious earth essence breath. The most important thing is that there is a central magic weapon near the Thousand Yuan Stone. As long as this central magic weapon is there, it can continuously devour the power of the earth and then transform it into the power of the soul.

In the Qingxue Secret Realm, the Thousand Yuan Stone is a universally recognized magic weapon with divine soul attributes.

All the soul monks wanted to enter into seclusion to practice near the Thousand Yuan Stone, but the Thousand Yuan Stone was given to the Purifying Blood Sword Sect by Sect Master Wang Junyuan.

But this time, Desheng won the match between the Vampire Ghost Sect and the Pure Blood Sword Sect and was able to practice in seclusion near the Thousand Yuan Stone for two years.

Wang Yuan and the others practiced quietly in seclusion.

Chen Xuan could clearly discover that the extremely powerful earth essence aura erupted from inside the Thousand Yuan Stone. These earth essence auras appeared in his soul without any movement, repairing his immortal order. breath.

"It feels really good."

Chen Xuanlue said with some surprise

This Thousand Yuan Stone was indeed a magic weapon with divine soul attributes. At this moment, Chen Xuan hurriedly closed his eyes and began to practice in seclusion.

In his spiritual consciousness, the secret method of Dragon Soul Immortal Technique was constantly operating, and Chen Xuan was thinking calmly.

The Pure Blood Sword Sect owns the Thousand Yuan Stone, so most of the souls of the disciples in their sect are very powerful.

They have always looked at other sect disciples and thought that they were the strongest in terms of divine soul attributes.

Soon Chen Xuan's understanding of the Dragon Soul Immortal Technique continued to improve.

The incomplete Dragon Soul Immortal Technique has about five levels. During the previous period, Chen Xuan had practiced in seclusion and practiced the Dragon Soul Immortal Technique, completely breaking through the second level. The remaining three levels of Dragon Soul Immortal Technique were almost impossible to comprehend. to the essence.

Without the Soul Sword, it would still be difficult to comprehend the Dragon Soul Immortal Technique.

However, the help of this Thousand Yuan Stone to Chen Xuan was not weaker than that of the Soul Sword.

Three days later, Chen Xuan's soul suddenly shook.

Then the immortal aura in the soul erupted with extremely violent earth essence aura. These earth essence auras merged with the earth essence aura near the Thousand Yuan Stone, which really surprised Chen Xuan.

"Dragon Soul Immortal Technique, that's what it is."

Chen Xuan muttered softly, with a slight smile on his face.

It has been stuck at the bottleneck for so long, but it only took three minutes to directly upgrade the Dragon Soul Immortal Technique to the next three levels near the Thousand Yuan Stone.


Standing up and releasing a faint red light, Chen Xuan's face was filled with a smile.

He looked around and found that Wang Yuan and the others were still practicing in seclusion.

"Continue to practice in seclusion."

Chen Xuan murmured to himself that he had gone through all the trouble to come to the Qianyuan Stone to practice in seclusion and could not delay.

But at the moment when he was about to continue practicing in seclusion, a spatial ripple suddenly appeared in the sky.

Then a monk in black appeared in front of the Thousand Yuan Stone at this moment.

He also looked directly at Chen Xuan.

"Chen Wendong."

Chen Xuan recognized the other party as Song Xueyun, the number one among the late ninth level masters of the Pure Blood Sword Sect.

Song Xueyun had a very good relationship with Song Yuwen, and he was filled with terrifying murderous intent.

"What's going on?"

Seeing Song Xueyun, Chen Xuan looked a little surprised.

"Song Yuwen, you killed him." Song Xueyun suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart and said.

"So what about this?" Chen Xuandao.

"It's just a competition between sects, and you actually killed him directly with Soul Killer." Song Xueyun said: "But I think your Soul is very powerful. If you can sustain it under my Soul attribute attack, The hatred between us in the first few rounds is all over."

"If, haha, you are not my opponent, then waste your own power."

After hearing Song Xueyun's words, Chen Xuan smiled.

It is estimated that Song Xueyun must have been observing him crazily. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to come here in an instant just after he broke through.

"Did he discover my earth essence aura?"

Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

"Haha, what's wrong? Chen Wendong on the Immortal Disciple Ranking List is afraid?"

Song Xueyun wanted to offend Chen Xuan.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan spread his hands, looked at Song Xueyun mockingly, and said softly: "I am no longer my opponent, so just waste my own skills. If so, haha, you can't be my opponent." ah?"

"Impossible to be your opponent? I will not lose." Song Xueyun was very confident in his soul attribute cultivation.

"What if we lose?" Chen Xuan kept asking.

Song Xueyun's heart flashed with some cold murderous intent, and then asked: "How are you?"

Chen Xuan also looked directly at Song Xueyun, with a face full of sarcasm and said: "If you, haha, you can't be my opponent, give me the immortal-level secret method of the soul attribute that you have cultivated? What if it were you? If you agree, we will fight. If you don’t agree, then hehe, don’t do it.”

Anyway, Chen Xuan is now the strongest in the Immortal Sect disciple rankings, and Song Xueyun cannot do anything casually.

"What do you mean? What on earth do you mean?"

When Song Xueyun heard this, his pupils were full of anger, but he suppressed his anger and said with a cold face: "Haha, very good, I think your point also makes sense."

Song Xueyun's face showed a hint of sarcasm. He didn't have to worry about anyone in the competition of soul attribute cultivation.

"I have to understand something before this. We are only competing for the cultivation of soul attributes. If you use the power of Tao rules, even if you ignore this rule." Chen Xuan said in a deep voice: "If you ignore this rule, you will only It could be your defeat.”

Song Xueyun was a late-stage warrior at the ninth level of the divine realm. If he used the power of Tao rules, Chen Xuan would have no way to defend himself.

However, Chen Xuan was still very worried, seemingly worried that Song Xueyun would use some tricks during the battle.

He was about to call Wang Xiang, but after taking a few steps, he found that Wang Yuan had recovered.

"Brother Chen?"

Wang Yuan finally showed a puzzled expression and looked at Chen Xuan.

After seeing Wang Yuan, Chen Xuan coughed lightly and said, "Master Wang Yuan, Song Xueyun wants to avenge his junior brother Song Yuwen, how about showing it to me?"

Soon, Chen Xuan directly reported the conflict between them to Wang Yuan.

He looked at Chen Xuan extremely worriedly and said softly: "Chen Wendong, Song Xueyun, he is simply..."

Chen Xuan waved his hand and said: "Master Wang Yuan, there is no need to worry, I know very well."

Wang Yuan looked directly at Chen Xuan for a long time, then nodded heavily and said: "Haha, very good, if anyone is found to ignore this rule at this time, they will die."

"Right here?" Chen Xuandao.

"Yes." Song Xueyun nodded.


Suddenly, a crazy aura of true energy emanated from Song Xueyun's body.

Then these earthly essence auras gathered together in mid-air.

In the center of the shadow of the soul, there is an extremely terrifying space-time turbulence. The space-time turbulence rotates rapidly, and the terrifying aura seems to be attracting the earth essence aura in the Thousand Yuan Stone.

Chen Xuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect Song Xueyun to have such a technique.

"Haha, that's it."

Chen Xuan showed a faint smile, as if he was going to give it a try.

The Dragon Soul Immortal Technique has just been cultivated to the third level. It is obvious that he can hardly suppress the anger in his heart and wants to figure out how powerful it is.

At this moment, Chen Xuan gave a soft drink, and then the spirit moved slightly and directly performed the Dragon Soul Immortal Technique.

In an instant.

The Dragon Soul Immortal Technique on the third level is obviously much more powerful than the third level.

The power of the crazy soul attribute condensed into a long sword in the air and attacked Song Xueyun directly.

When the long sword burst out, the soul-attribute power in Chen Xuan's consciousness burst out violently again.

"It's so powerful."

Even Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh that the third level of the Dragon Soul Immortal Technique was very terrifying.

"What kind of immortal-level secret method with divine soul attributes is this?"

Song Xueyun said loudly after feeling the power of the Dragon Soul Immortal Technique.

At this moment, he stepped lightly on the ground with the soles of his feet, and his body flew up to swallow the soul attribute power in the Thousand Yuan Stone.

"Want to use the Thousand Yuan Stone to deal with me?"

Chen Xuan's face showed a hint of sarcasm, and he only heard a roaring sound...

Their initial battle ended with the Dragon Soul Immortal's victory.


Song Xueyun's body began to retreat continuously, and he tried his best to stabilize his body and looked directly at Chen Xuan.

"What kind of immortal-level secret method with divine soul attributes are you talking about?"

Song Xueyun felt that his immortal-level secret method with divine soul attributes was already very powerful when he first entered the ninth level of the divine realm.

Who would have thought that Chen Xuan's Immortal Level Secret Technique with Divine Soul Attributes could absolutely suppress his Immortal Level Secret Technique with Divine Soul Attributes.

"The third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, there are many immortal-level secrets with divine soul attributes. Did you just see that?" Chen Xuan said with a hint of sarcasm.

"What's the meaning??"

Song Xueyun became even more unhappy when Chen Xuan said this.

He swung his long sword and shouted low, stimulating the crazy soul attribute power in his consciousness and the soul attribute power near the Thousand Yuan Stone to gather together.

Song Xueyun roared, and in the suddenly calm space, a frenzied aura erupted.

The next moment, the air was filled with the power of thunder.

This really made Chen Xuan look slightly confused. Is this your trump card?

"This is absolutely impossible. I absolutely don't believe it. The secret method of the Thunder God Soul blessed by the Thousand Yuan Stone cannot defeat you?"

Song Xueyun's expression was extremely ferocious. He waved his long sword and blended with the power of the divine soul to emit an extremely terrifying light.

But the gap between his spiritual attribute cultivation and Chen Xuan's is really huge.

After the Dragon Soul Immortal Technique broke through to the third level, Chen Xuan's divine soul attribute cultivation was able to completely suppress Song Xueyun.


Chen Xuan shouted softly, and activated the Dragon Soul Immortal Technique to the extreme. The terrifying divine soul attribute power instantly condensed into a long sword, and it directly killed Song Xueyun at a speed invisible to low-level consciousness.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

The aura of earth essence above Song Xueyun's head was instantly released.

This menacing sword energy quickly severed Song Xueyun's divine soul attribute power from the Thousand Yuan Stone's divine soul attribute power.

Song Xueyun's soul attribute power became much weaker.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

Song Xueyun's last bit of defense disappeared completely.

His heart was filled with a helpless expression, and an extremely terrifying power came from his body, and he flew backwards instantly.

Saw this happen.

With a loud noise, Song Xueyun's body fell to the ground, and the crazy aura began to gradually dissipate.

A little blood burst out from his eyes, and his face looked helpless.

After getting up from the ground with difficulty, Song Xueyun looked at Chen Xuan with powerful eyes. He simply had no way to think about how a warrior at the early stage of the ninth level of the divine realm could actually have such strong spiritual attributes.

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