"How is it possible? What on earth is going on? I will never believe it."

The Dao rules talent is terrifying enough, and at the same time, the soul attribute talent, Song Xueyun has treated Chen Xuan as a powerful warrior.

At the moment when the murderous intention broke out in Song Xueyun's heart, Elder Jiangbei came.

"You still want to continue to take action, but you have lost your face?"

Elder Jiangbei said to Song Xueyun in a cold tone.

Now Chen Wendong's reputation has completely resounded throughout the Qingxue Secret Realm, and all the major sect leaders are observing from a distance.

If Song Xueyun really used his skills, he would definitely be oppressed by the major sect masters.


Being scolded by the elder Jiangbei, Song Xueyun's expression changed and he felt helpless.

"The time you practiced in seclusion was too short, so you can't understand anything. Maybe he would have been killed more than four months later."

At this moment, Elder Jiangbei said slowly: "You will understand when you reach the ninth level of the divine realm. Now retreat quickly."

"The sect master is very right. I will definitely work hard to practice in seclusion."

Song Xueyun said, and at the same time he looked into Chen Xuan's heart, and a flash of thunder flashed through his heart.

"Just leave, you haven't given me your things yet."

Seeing Song Xueyun about to leave, Chen Xuan said hurriedly.

"Haha, that's so funny."

Song Xueyun snorted coldly, then threw a skill stone to Chen Xuan, hating to leave.

"As expected, it's Chen Wendong. The Dao rules and regulations are terrifying enough. I didn't expect that the cultivation of the soul attribute is so powerful. It really shocked me." Elder Jiangbei showed a smile and looked at Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan could feel that he had murderous intentions towards him.

"Elder Jiangbei still doesn't need to worry."

After dealing with it for a while, Chen Xuan left the Pure Blood Sword Sect.

Although there are still three days left, it won't have much effect on him here.

He might as well think carefully about Song Xueyun's Thunder God Soul secret method.

Vampire Sect, Courtyard Zheng

Chen Xuan was watching the secret method of Thunder God Soul.

"This Thunder Soul Secret Technique is very powerful, but unfortunately it is still a little inferior to the Dragon Soul Immortal Technique."

After reading it, Chen Xuan learned some insights from it.

In this way, Chen Xuan spent ten months to completely improve the Dragon Soul Immortal Technique.

During this period of time, the Qingxue Secret Realm was as peaceful as before.

However a certain.

"No way, how is this possible? There is a warrior secretly running to the Secret Realm of Pure Blood?"

"Now things are going badly. How did a famous and upright warrior sneak in?"

"Are all of their famous and upright warriors killed?"

At this moment, this matter swept the entire Qingxue Secret Realm in an instant.

Even the major sect leaders are observing this matter.

Some warriors even began to speculate whether Chen Wendong was also a well-known and decent warrior.

Many warriors began to think about Chen Xuan and seized this opportunity. Naturally, Elder Jiangbei would not let it go.

"Chen Wendong killed the disciple of the sect. He must have been deliberately put on makeup by a famous and upright warrior."

Elder Jiangbei directly ordered many sect leaders to come to the Vampire Sect, preparing to hunt down Chen Xuan.


A shocking aura permeated the entire Vampire Sect, and the major sect leaders were in mid-air, staring at the Vampire Sect.

"Sect Master, what important things do you need to do in our Vampire Sect this time?"

The sect leader is in retreat, and Wang Yuan can temporarily replace the sect leader.

"Wang Yuan, hand over Chen Wendong."

"We guess that Chen Wendong is a well-known and upright warrior." Elder Jiangbei said with a cold face.

Wang Yuan frowned and said in a deep voice: "Why are you like this? Chen Wendong is a famous and upright warrior?"

Elder Jiangbei sneered: "In the training canyon, the bones of several famous and upright warriors were found. Some warriors secretly ran into our Immortal Blood Demon Sect. Chen Wendong has the greatest chance."

The other sect master also nodded slightly and said softly: "Yes, like Chen Wendong's top talent, this time he came back, his strength improved, overwhelming the seven strong men in the early stage of the ninth level of the divine realm, and at the same time he killed Song Yuwen and the others. I It can be proved that he is an upright warrior from a famous family.”

"Wang Yuan, wouldn't it be enough to call Chen Xuan out?"

Facing the inquiries from many sect leaders, Wang Yuan felt a little unhappy, but there was nothing good that could be done.

He did not believe that Chen Xuan was a famous and upright warrior. He raised his head, slowly looked at the many warriors, and said softly: "Sect Master, you must not forget that Chen Wendong is a warrior ranked among the disciples of the Immortal Sect. If not, Evidence, even the sect leader is not qualified to hunt him down."

Being able to be on the Immortal Sect disciple ranking list means that Ming is absolutely recognized by the Immortal Blood Demon Sect in terms of talent and strength.

Hearing this, the expressions of the major sect leaders changed slightly.

"We just met with him to observe him carefully. You can just call him out." Elder Jiangbei said.

Wang Yuan knew that if Chen Xuan was not allowed to come out today, they would definitely not give up.

Then he whispered to Chen Xuan.

After some time, Chen Xuan appeared not far from Wang Yuan. He looked at many warriors, and finally his eyes fell on the surroundings of Elder Jiangbei.

"Brother Chen."

Wang Yuan said helplessly.

Chen Xuan nodded and said: "All sect leaders, you are all strong men at the ninth level of the divine realm. You can kill me directly in just an instant."

"I, Chen Wendong, feel that I have done nothing to harm the Immortal Blood Demon Sect. It is not very good for you to arrange charges like this for a sect disciple."

If Chen Xuan said this, other sect leaders could not say anything.

"Can you prove that you are not an upright warrior from a famous family?" Elder Jiangbei said.

Chen Xuan finally showed a puzzled expression, and then whispered: "Are you the elder of Jiangbei?"

"I am Elder Jiangbei." Elder Jiangbei sneered and said, "Are you a well-known and upright warrior? Are the several of them who were killed in the training canyon related to you?" In response to Elder Jiangbei's inquiry , Chen Xuan was ready to ignore it.

Immortal Shiyun told him aloud that even a powerful person at the ninth level of the divine realm would have no chance of discovering his deliberate concealment of his aura.

Unless Sect Master Wang Junyuan ends his retreat, he will have no worries at all.

He glanced at Elder Jiangbei slightly and said softly: "Elder Jiangbei, I can't say anything more. I, Chen Wendong, am standing here. I'm not worried."

After finishing, Chen Xuan looked at the many warriors and then said: "No way, do you really want to check me on purpose?"

Hearing Chen Xuan's words, the major sect leaders had a look of helplessness on their faces, and they all released their spiritual consciousness, permeating Chen Xuan.

"Haha, that's so funny."

Elder Jiangbei snorted coldly, and his spiritual consciousness spread, appearing directly in Chen Xuan's memory.

"What's going on?"

Chen Xuan's body suddenly trembled slightly, his expression began to change instantly, and he looked directly at Elder Jiangbei.

"Elder Jiangbei."

Chen Xuan's Ten Thousand Sword Sky Fire Spirit Formation was activated, directly blocking the consciousness of many warriors completely.

"I killed Song Yuwen, so you keep dealing with me?" Chen Xuandao said: "You want to seize this great opportunity and plot against me, right?"

After hearing what Chen Xuan just said, the major sect leaders finally showed doubtful expressions, and then looked at Elder Jiangbei.

They didn't quite understand what was going on and why Chen Xuan was suddenly angry.

"Are you very scared?"

At this point, the elders of Jiangbei were suppressing Chen Xuan.

"The famous Elder Jiangbei, the leader of the Pure Blood Sword Sect, actually used such methods against a warrior who is at the early stage of the ninth level of the divine realm. It is simply too funny."

Chen Xuan revealed everything about Elder Jiangbei's plan to secretly attack him and seriously injure his soul.

Many warriors not far away were all at the ninth level of the divine realm. When they heard it, they knew whether Chen Xuan was right or wrong.

Suddenly several sect leaders frowned and looked at Elder Jiangbei a little unhappily.

"Jiangbei, this is really not done well."

"Chen Wendong is surrounded by the aura of our Immortal Blood Demon Sect. There is no way this aura could come from a deliberately formed form. He is not a decent sect."

"Jiangbei, Chen Wendong is the second-best talent in the Immortal Sect's disciple rankings. Don't let the Immortal Blood Demon Sect suffer because of this."

When several major sect leaders spoke, Elder Jiangbei looked directly at Chen Xuan and said with a cold face: "I am very sure that he is related to the famous and decent sect."

"Stop, no more."

Several sect leaders said in cold tones.

Seeing this situation, Elder Jiangbei did not continue speaking, turned his head and left here.

When he just turned around, he looked at Chen Xuan coldly and said softly: "You must not let me catch you, otherwise I will let you die."

After Elder Jiangbei left, several sect leaders nodded slightly to Chen Xuan and left one after another.

"Chen Wendong, I'm sorry."

No matter what, he is an elder of the Vampire Sect, but there is no way to protect the disciples of the sect.

"This has nothing to do with you." Hearing this, Chen Xuan smiled softly and returned to the courtyard.

"Cultivation Canyon?"

Chen Xuan was chanting not far away, and his heart was filled with shock.

Shi Yunxianrao's words still filled his consciousness.

They prepared twenty warriors and secretly ran to the Qingxue Secret Realm. However, just a short time had passed and the other warriors had been killed.

"Discovered? Even I barely noticed them."

Chen Xuan was puzzled, but he vaguely felt that this matter had a lot to do with the Cultivation Canyon.

Then Chen Xuan found Wang Xiang, and during the conversation with him, he got detailed information about the Cultivation Canyon.

It turns out that Wang Junyuan is actually the top powerhouse that appeared in the Immortal Blood Demon Sect before.

I was killed in a battle with a famous sect from the bluestone layer. After my death, half of my strength was divided, and my body directly showed a training canyon. The opponent was indeed a warrior, and he was different from the low-level Immortal Blood Demon Sect.

In the Cultivation Canyon, even the disciples of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect would not go there if nothing happened.

This time, several skeletons were found inside, which shocked many warriors.

"What do you mean? All disciples can enter the Cultivation Canyon?" Chen Xuandao.

Wang Xiang nodded slightly, and said with a calm look on his face: "The cultivation canyon is very dangerous, and the strength is too weak. If you go in, you will risk your life. Also, who knows if there are warriors inside who have laid a trap and are waiting for us? "

Chen Xuan ignored Wang Xiang and was thinking about heading to the Cultivation Canyon.

But what was completely unexpected was that the two queens, Wang Yuan, appeared in front of him.

"Chen Wendong, I am going to the Cultivation Canyon. Do you want to join forces with me?" Wang Yuandao said.


Chen Xuan showed a faint smile and said.

No matter how he is a descendant of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect, there is no one who is not interested in Wang Junyuan's inheritance.

At this moment he also saw an excellent opportunity.

After dealing with it for a while, Wang Yuan and Chen Xuan left the Vampire Sect without any movement.

"Chen Wendong, the Cultivation Canyon is in the Pure Blood Secret Realm, which is a little far away from our Vampire Sect." Wang Yuandao: "But we can get there in two days."

Chen Xuan nodded slightly. He did not tell Wang Yuan that if he used all his cultivation skills to rush, he would be able to arrive with three sticks of incense.

Soon they arrived in front of the Cultivation Canyon.

In front of them, there was a small training canyon, wrapped in a terrifying aura.

Many sect disciples were talking loudly before practicing in the canyon.

Chen Xuan's arrival still attracted the attention of many sect warriors.

"Chen Wendong."

Some warriors' pupils were filled with anger after seeing Chen Wendong.

"I want revenge."

A disciple rushed towards Chen Xuan.

Kill this disciple with one sword.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan looked at the many warriors with his eyes, and said with a cold face: "There is no way to suppress the strongest person in the Immortal Sect Disciple Ranking. This is the result of this guy's unlucky fate."

Many warriors don't quite understand what to do.

Chen Xuan's approach caused dissatisfaction among many warriors in the middle and late stages of the ninth level of the Divine Realm.

"Haha, it's really funny. He's just a lucky guy? What's so great about him?"

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