Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5707 Tianxun Fairy City Sales Center

The gray-clothed warrior's face was filled with frost.

At this moment, Chen Xuan, who was hiding in the dark, could clearly see everything that happened on the Wanli Ice Ground.

"This sacred platform is very likely to be connected with the former Wang Jianxun. If you can get the sacred platform and enter the Dragon Immortal Tower, you will definitely gain a little bit." The warrior in gray felt unhappy.

"Sir, I already had it before, so I just grabbed it." The gray-clothed warrior said.

"What the hell do you know? There is an invincible person at the ninth level of the Divine Realm at the Immortal Training City Sales Center. Who dares to go?" The gray-clothed warrior looked coldly, then looked at the warrior and said softly.

In the dark, Chen Xuan's face showed a slight smile.

"Wang Jianxun? No wonder it caused a shock." Chen Xuan said coldly.

At this moment, he also recognized this gray-clothed warrior. He was Zhao Yue, who ranked in the ninth level of the Immortal Dragon Region.

"Let's leave without wasting any more time."

Chen Xuan turned his head directly, left here, and then disappeared into An Zheng

In the following time, there were many warriors in the Immortal Training City, and their aura was very depressing.

Finally, after three days, Wang Lung brought news.

Some warriors saw Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru heading east of the Immortal Dragon Area with their own eyes. They seemed to have gotten some news.

The most important thing is that he said that many warriors knew the news and rushed towards the direction of Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei and Kuang Dongru.

"Sir, the speed of the Dragon Immortal Tower is already weakening, and there is a high probability that it is to the east of the Immortal Dragon Area." Wang Long said: "Many people who have just entered the ninth level of the Divine Realm have already gone there. Do you want to take action?"

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, took out some vein stones and said to Wang Long, "Okay, take these."

"Thank you very much, sir."

"Do you know Zhao Yue, who is over 90 on the ninth level strength list in the Immortal Dragon Region?" Chen Xuandao said.

"Zhao Yue?"

Hearing this, Wang Long was slightly surprised, and then said: "Of course, the other party is an outstanding disciple of the Xianyu Sword Sect. He has been on the ninth level strength list of the Xianlong area, and his future achievements are limitless. And I have heard that Zhao Yue The divine sword intention that he cultivated seems to be one with the aura of madness as its core.”

"How is his cultivation?" Chen Xuandao said.

"I don't know exactly what it is, but some warriors have seen it with their own eyes before. Zhao Yue killed four peak ninth-level warriors in the realm of gods with a sword energy. From then on, Zhao Yue climbed onto the ninth-level strength list in the Immortal Dragon region."

After all, Wang Long was too weak, and he couldn't come into contact with the strong ones on the ninth level strength list in the Immortal Dragon Region.

However, Chen Xuan showed doubts about Zhao Yue's divine sword intention.

The murderous sword intent?

In the afternoon, Chen Xuan used the secret method of divine time and left Immortal Training City.

After the two halves, there is a giant peak.

Chen Xuan and a warrior gathered together and flew above Lin Mian. They looked at each other with wry smiles on their faces.

"Chen Xuan, I really didn't expect that you, a warrior at the ninth level of the divine realm, actually have such strength." The warrior in gray said with a smile.

"Brother Wang Liang is also quite strong."

Wang Liang is a strong person in the ninth level of the Xianlong area, but Chen Xuan didn't believe it.

It was obvious to him that Wang Liang was just a warrior in the middle stage of the ninth level of the divine realm.

If he used all his cultivation skills, he could defeat Wang Liang instantly. However, Chen Xuan did not show his true strength.

"I told you, I, Wang Liang, am the strongest person on the ninth level of the Immortal Dragon Region." Wang Liang said proudly, as if he was really the strongest person on the ninth level of the Immortal Dragon Region.

"I've heard of all the powerful people on the ninth level strength list in the Immortal Dragon Region, but there is no such thing as Wang Liang." Chen Xuan looked at Wang Liang.

What he thought Wang Liang was was not true.

"You can't see me on the ninth level strength list of the Immortal Dragon Region. It's normal. After all, I was a courier before." Wang Liang said.

"Brother Wang Liang, how far is it from where the Dragon Immortal Tower landed?" Chen Xuandao.


Suddenly, in the distant peaks, the ground made a strange sound.

Chen Xuan's expression changed slightly. If the monster came out, it would be troublesome.

"No, he is from a well-known and decent family." Wang Liang said in a low voice.

As soon as he finished this sentence, several warriors came out of the peak.

They walked on both sides, with several elders outside and a warrior in the middle.

"Thousand Immortal Luo Sect King Luo Yun." Wang Liang whispered.

"Don't you see Mr. Wang Luoyun? Get as far as you can from me."

At this moment, an outer sect elder said in a cold tone, and at the same time, a sword energy suddenly struck Chen Xuan and Wang Liang instantly.

They used their body skills, and then their bodies flickered, evading the attack of the outer sect elder, and then their expressions changed.

Wang Luoyun, who was walking forward, suddenly stopped and turned to look at them.

"Kill the troublesome guy." Wang Luoyun said with a cold face.

"Haha, it's really funny. You're just a member of the Thousand Immortals Luo Sect? What's so great about it? I'm still the strongest person in the ninth level of the Immortal Dragon Region." Wang Liang said with a slight smile.

Hearing this, the elders of the outer sect showed a sarcastic smile: "If you are a strong person in the ninth level of the Immortal Dragon Region, our family will be number one in the ninth level of the Immortal Dragon Region."

"The soul is destroyed."

Following the roar of an outer sect elder, other outer sect elders immediately launched an attack at the same time.

The sounds of fighting continued. Chen Xuan and Wang Liang looked at each other and then performed their skills.

As soon as he used his technique, he directly defeated an outer elder of his opponent and suppressed the other outer elders.

Wang Luoyun showed a slight smile, looked at them directly and said: "Your cultivation is not bad, how about you become the outer elder of my sect."

Wang Liang said in a deep voice: "What are you? Are you mentally ill? Why should I join this broken sect of yours?"

Wang Luoyun's heart burst out with a cold light, and he said with a cold face: "Do you want to die?"

Wang Luoyun shouted low, and suddenly waved his long sword. Two red sword energies immediately began to kill Chen Xuan and Wang Liang.

They swung their swords and received the red sword energy.

Then a fight broke out.

Chen Xuan, Wang Liang and others challenged many warriors from Qianxian Luo Sect headed by Wang Luoyun.

Three hours later.

Voices came one by one. Wang Luoyun was beaten to the ground by Wang Liang. The other outer sect elders almost didn't have the strength to continue the fight, and their bodies were very miserable.

Wang Liang stepped on Wang Luoyun's body slightly and said softly: "Are you convinced? Take the initiative to surrender to me?"

"Thousand Immortals Luo Sect will definitely kill you."

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

Wang Liang once again used all his cultivation skills, and Wang Luoyun's body burst out with an illusory aura that seemed to explode and dissipate.

"Damn it, what on earth is going on? This is absolutely impossible!"

Not far away from Wang Luoyun, he made a faint cry. He was extremely angry and wanted to kill Wang Liang completely.

"My senior brother will definitely kill you."

At this time, Wang Luoyun was still threatening Wang Liang.

After being threatened like this, all I heard was a roar...

Wang Luoyun's body was filled with blood from the beating.

"It's my problem. I was really wrong. Please forgive me."

"Are you convinced? Surrender?" Wang Liang said.

"I am willing to surrender." Wang Luoyun begged for mercy.

"Since you are a member of the Qianxian Luo Sect, I will not kill you this time." Wang Liang said: "However, if you want to preserve your own power, I will exchange it for information."

"What specific news?" Wang Luoyun felt like crying.

"Stupid guy, of course it's the specific news about Dragon Immortal Tower." Wang Liang hit Wang Luoyun with his sword and said.

"Our Thousand Immortals Luo Sect has sent approximately twenty-four new entrants to the ninth level of the Divine Realm, including my senior brother." Wang Luoyun said.

"Our Thousand Immortals Luo Sect has received news that there seems to be a Qingyun Immortal Stone appearing in the Dragon Immortal Tower. This is also known to the Mad Dragon Sword Sect. They are our opponents." Wang Luoyun all came out.

After listening to Wang Luoyun's detailed information about Qingyun Immortal Stone, Wang Liang smiled.

"Don't let me see you again in the future, just get as far away as you can."

Soon, many warriors from Qianxian Luo Sect left.

Chen Xuan turned to look at Wang Liang, his face was full of sarcasm and he said: "Haha, how about this time?? I know that Qianxian Luo Sect has news about Qingyun Immortal Stone."

"Don't let me see you again."

Chen Xuan's sword energy fell on Wang Liang's body, his face full of helplessness.

"Chen Xuan, you are a monk, aren't you interested in Qingyun Immortal Stone?" Wang Liang laughed.

Chen Xuandao: "Both the Mad Dragon Sword Sect and the Qianxian Luo Sect are very eager to obtain the Qingyun Immortal Stone. With my level of cultivation, it is very difficult to obtain the Qingyun Immortal Stone."

Having said that, Chen Xuan had already made plans for the Qingyun Immortal Stone before, and he would never give up on the Qingyun Immortal Stone.

"There is no need to worry at all. With me, you don't need to worry about getting the Qingyun Immortal Stone. If the warriors of the Mad Dragon Sword Sect and Thousand Immortal Luo Sect have the courage to come and cause trouble, let's see how you and I can suppress them." Wang Liang laughed wildly.

Chen Xuan said softly: "It would be great if your cultivation was powerful. Do you think Elder Luo Junru of the Mad Dragon Sword Sect can be dealt with so easily? Wanyan Qinglong of the Thousand Immortals Luo Sect can be dealt with so easily?" "

This guy Chen Xuan is on the ninth level of the Immortal Dragon Region's strength list is even stronger than Zhao Yue's cultivation level.

Even if Chen Xuanli resisted, he would have no choice but to escape, let alone the guy in front of him.

"Look at me? What about the strong ones on the ninth level of the Immortal Dragon Region? They pissed me off and suppressed them in one round." Wang Liang said with a stern face.

Inside the Dragon Immortal Cloud Gate.

Wang Junlin directly ordered all disciples to prepare to discuss going to the Dragon Immortal Pagoda.

"Sect Master, all the ninth level new entrants to the divine realm of our Dragon Immortal Cloud Sect have arrived," said the purple-robed elder.

"Our Dragon Immortal Cloud Sect has now stabilized among the Yuan-level forces. If we can get inheritance in the Dragon Immortal Tower, even the powerful sects will not have the guts to pay attention to us." Wang Junlin's pupils flashed. Some extremely frightening light passed.

"Sect Master, the development foundation of our Dragon Immortal Cloud Sect is unstable. There is really no need to go." The leader of the Blood Sword Sect said softly: "It will be very difficult for the warriors who enter the Dragon Immortal Tower to survive. When the very powerful sects are in the Dragon Immortal Tower, it will be very difficult for them to survive." This moment in the Immortal Tower is our opportunity to seize this opportunity and rise.”

"Elder Wangxue, you may know the importance of Dragon Immortal Tower, right?"

At this moment when many warriors were discussing, Wang Zhenlong was very angry in the air.

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