Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5708 Exploration of Tianlong Immortal Tower

"Stupid guys, is it so easy to explore the Dragon Immortal Tower? You don't even look in the mirror to see what you look like." Wang Zhenlong said: "If you have the guts to enter the Dragon Immortal Tower with such strength, you are simply asking for death."

If he hadn't lost to Chen Xuan and promised to protect Longxian Yunmen for decades, he wouldn't have the time to pay attention to these stupid guys.

"Oh, haha, no need. Who told me, Wang Zhenlong, to be very good? I can guide you."

The entire Immortal Dragon area was filled with news about the Immortal Dragon Tower.

The east of Yunxian Cheng is also the place where the Dragon Immortal Tower will appear soon. There are a lot of warriors in this place.

But the Dragon Immortal Tower was about to appear, and there was a dispute in this place.

A terrible battle is entering the school

Many warriors are watching.

Many warriors were very excited because they were fighting against the strongest men in the ninth level of the Immortal Dragon Region.

"My dear, isn't this Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, or Kuang Dongru? Who dares to challenge Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, or Kuang Dongru?"

"I recognize that those who challenge Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru are the top ten strong men in the ninth level of the Immortal Dragon Region."

"Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru, who have disappeared for a long time, don't quite understand what level of strength they have reached now."


The battle was very fierce, and the turbulent breath resounded continuously.

The yellow sand filled both sides of the battle, and only Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and other strong men in Kuang Dongru were able to get close to the battlefield.

"I, Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuangdong haven't appeared for a long time. Most of the warriors seem to have forgotten our existence." Zhao Junya said slightly.

"Haha, it's really funny. Let this guy win and let most warriors know about me, Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei and Kuang Dongru's cultivation." Wang Yunling said with a slight smile.

"With Wang Qingshan's cultivation level, he can definitely deal with this guy."

"Wang Qingshan, it's time to end this, don't waste any more time."

He glanced at the fierce battle, frowned slightly, and then roared.

As soon as he finished these words, a terrifying aura suddenly spread to the surroundings, and a vibrating sound came out. The next moment, a black-clothed monk fell on the ground.

Wang Qingshan walked out of the yellow sand without any expression on his face.

This scene shocked many warriors.

"I, Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, Kuang Dongru, are here again." Wang Qingshan roared.

All the warriors watching from a distance showed surprised expressions.

Especially for the strong men at the top of the ninth level strength list in the Immortal Dragon Region, the impact of this battle on them is indeed very great.

I originally thought that Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru had disappeared for a long time, but their strength broke through again and surpassed Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru.

No one could imagine that Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru could suppress them like this.

Previously, they easily defeated Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru, who had just entered the ninth level of the Divine Realm in the Immortal Dragon Region, and returned in an extremely strong manner.

"It's very scary, there's absolutely no way I can afford it."

In the eyes of everyone, the Dragon Immortal Tower finally appeared.

To the east of the Immortal Dragon Area, this place is an area where no warriors will appear at all, and where there will be no human beings.

Normally, a warrior at the ninth level of the divine realm would not have the guts to come to this place.

However, now almost all the ninth-level warriors who have just entered the realm of gods are gathered here, and they are all for the Dragon Immortal Tower.

The strong men of the ninth level of the Immortal Dragon Region gathered together, and the powerful aura prevented the monster in the dark from approaching casually.

After two and a half, Chen Xuan and Wang Liang finally arrived at this area.

"Dragon Immortal Tower appears?"

In an instant.

Just as Wang Liang finished this sentence, a sudden crazy force shook the ground nearby, and Chen Xuan's body was unable to move.

After struggling to stabilize his body, he found that crazy power rushed towards his face in an instant, making him obviously feel very panicked.

In the remote area where no one exists, the aura of madness begins to gradually dissipate. A Dragon Immortal Tower that crazily activates the skills in the body appears in the center. Around this Dragon Immortal Tower, there is extremely powerful suppression. .

"No...impossible. If I guessed correctly, this should be it!"

Chen Xuan looked directly at the Dragon Immortal Tower in the yellow sand. He was horrified to find that there was a powerful demon soul phantom surrounding the Dragon Immortal Tower. These lines contained very terrifying power.

"Rule power?"

The power of the Tao rules is simply impossible to dissipate. Even if he has just entered the ninth level of the divine realm, he does not have the courage. He understands the Tao rules very well.

Tao is the power of Tao rules that most warriors pursue.

The warrior devours the power of the Tao origin around him to cultivate his body and improve his cultivation level, thereby continuously making breakthroughs towards the peak of Tao rules.

And this Dragon Immortal Tower is actually surrounded by the power of Tao.

"How powerful was Zhao Long before?"

Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

Even ordinary ninth-level invincible warriors in the divine realm would not have the guts to call him Dragon Saint.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan was able to realize clearly that the power of Tao around the Dragon Immortal Tower was continuously spreading.

"Dragon Immortal Tower."

The most surprising people at this moment are Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei and Kuang Dongru.

They had been injured a little, and they had been suppressed in the ninth level of the God Realm for their whole lives, unable to break through. This was an opportunity, and they would never let it go.

"Haha, very good, it was indeed the Dragon Immortal Tower, so domineering."

"The previous Zhao Long was really powerful. He was killed for hundreds of thousands of years, and the Dragon Immortal Tower he left behind could be wrapped in the power of Tao."

"With the power of a few of us, we can easily defeat all enemies by entering the Dragon Immortal Tower."

"That's right, Zhao Long had researched a cultivation law before. If we can get it, we can practice every day and night, and then we will definitely break through to the ninth level of the God Realm."

The explorer naturally understood that it was very painful for a warrior to not be able to take that step in his life.

They were unwilling to give up, and used the power of millions of years to find a solution to this problem.

The appearance of the Dragon Fairy Tower is a great opportunity. Seeing Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru, who have fallen into madness, the nine-level strength list strongmen in the Dragon Fairy area nodded slightly. They naturally understood the inner thoughts of several warriors.

"You guys, now we should think about how to enter the Dragon Fairy Tower, right?"

A voice came to several warriors.

Suddenly, Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru turned their heads and found that a warrior in white clothes, holding a long sword in his hand, with a gentle look on his face and a smile, walked slowly.

"Wang Jiutong."

Among the many warriors, a warrior said.

At first they didn't notice it, but after seeing Wang Jiutong, their pupils were full of surprise.

During the time when Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru disappeared, Wang Jiutong was the most likely strong man to replace them.

His powerful endowment shocked the Xianlong area, and even a powerful sect in the Dragon Cloud Layer came to pull him, but Wang Jiutong refused.

It was rumored before that there were very powerful warriors near Wang Jiutong, and even the big sects in the Dragon Cloud Layer did not have the courage to deal with Wang Jiutong easily.

Wang Jiutong usually did not make any noise, but every time he used his skills, he would suppress many warriors.

Many warriors said that Wang Jiutong's cultivation had surpassed Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru before, and there was no doubt that he was the first in the Nine-Layer Strength List of the Xianlong Area.

"It turned out to be Wang Jiutong." The elders among Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru nodded slightly and did not move casually, because he did not know Wang Jiutong very well.

"The suppression around the Dragon Fairy Tower is very strong, and even surrounded by the power of Tao. If you want to get in, you must be very strong." Wang Jiutong said with a smile.

"What do you think?" Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru said. "Try it first to see how strong the suppression is, and then think of a way." Wang Jiutong had just finished this sentence when many warriors saw only a figure emanating.

The sound of sword energy condensing came.

The next moment, many warriors found that Wang Jiutong had returned to his original position.

There was no change on his face, as if nothing had happened.

Only Chen Xuan found that Wang Jiutong was shaking slightly while holding the long sword.

"Such a strong suppression."

Even a strong man like Wang Jiutong could hardly defend against the suppression completely, which was 100% very strong.

"The suppression is very strong, and we need to gather the strength of many of our warriors to defend it."

Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru did not continue to say so much, and directly said to many warriors.

Many warriors not far away were basically at the ninth level of the Godly Realm, and Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru were vaguely regarded as leaders.

After hearing what Da Rao said, they all nodded.

Compared with the past, the strong men on the ninth level of the Xianlong area strength list moved their feet lightly and stood together with Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru.

But suddenly, Zhao Yue, who was more than 90th on the ninth level of the Xianlong area strength list, suddenly saw Chen Xuan standing in the crowd.

"It's a big deal now. He's here too?"

A cold murderous intent flashed in Zhao Yue's heart.

"Let you live for a while." Zhao Yue said coldly.

Then many strong men on the ninth level of the Xianlong area strength list joined forces to attack the suppression around the Dragon Immortal Tower.


The surging breath suddenly filled the entire sky. The attack of the strong men on the ninth level of the Xianlong area strength list was very powerful, making the earth shake wildly.

"Brother, is this Zhao Yue looking at you?" Wang Liang said.


"Did you provoke him?" Wang Liang continued.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and Wang Liang then said: "Haha, it's really funny. If he has the courage to come and cause trouble for you, I will definitely not let him go. Don't worry, this guy's cultivation is nothing. Although the two brothers met halfway, you are a person who suits my taste very well. Haha, as we are walking along the way, your troubles are my troubles."

Along the way, Chen Xuan has felt that Wang Liang is very normal. This guy is indeed a self-acquaintance. At first, they were just on the road and happened to meet. They just wanted to travel together, but Chen Xuan did not agree.

As a result, he followed directly, but Chen Xuan was embarrassed to refuse directly. Then, as they got along along the way, although Chen Xuan could not see through what he was thinking.

But if he had a companion, Chen Xuan would not refuse him, but he felt a little curious. Could the other party come to him on purpose?

Of course this is just speculation.


Just as they were talking, a space-time turbulence suddenly appeared.

"Launch a more violent attack." Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru shouted loudly.

Then one after another terrifying power continuously attacked the formation to suppress it.

Three hours later, the suppression shattered.

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