Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5709 Wang Qingshan and Kuang Dongru

Led by Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru, many strong men rushed into the Dragon Immortal Tower.

The moment Chen Xuan and Wang Liang were about to take action, Zhao Yue's dark gaze pushed them over again.

"What's going on?"

Chen Xuan looked a little surprised. Zhao Yue was going to deal with him?

"Haha, in that case, don't waste time. Go in."

Chen Xuan whispered, then tapped the ground with his toes, disappeared into the air, and performed the secret technique of divine time.

"Chen Xuan, don't be anxious yet."

Wang Liang saw this situation and hurriedly chased after him.

"Sneaked away from me?"

Zhao Yue deliberately wanted to kill Chen Xuan.

"Stop it."

Zhao Yue shouted low, and suddenly waved her hand, and immediately the fierce sword light shot towards the sky.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

The fierce sword light kept flashing in the air, chasing Chen Xuan.

"Break it for me."

The guardian of the Green Mountain Stone made a crisp sound.

Suddenly, the fierce sword light was incredibly suppressed in mid-air.

"How is that possible? What on earth is going on? I don't believe it."

Zhao Yue saw this situation and said.

He widened his eyes and looked at the back of Chen Xuan who disappeared into the Dragon Immortal Tower. He had no way to think about how a warrior in the early stage of the ninth level of the divine realm could defend against his attack?

"If something bad happens, I will definitely kill you."

At this moment, Zhao Yue was unhappy and let out a crazy cry.

At this time, Chen Xuan had already entered the Dragon Immortal Tower.

"Sir, you need to improve your cultivation as soon as possible. I can't help you, I can only teach you a lesson," the guardian said.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, a look of extreme panic flashed in his pupils.

"If I can get the inheritance left by Wang Jianxun, I will definitely be able to break through to the middle or late stage of the ninth level of the divine realm." Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

In all realms, one can use the Green Mountain Stone once to display all cultivation levels. Waiting for him to break through to the middle and late stages of the ninth level of the divine realm, he will use the early ninth level of the divine realm once.

He could hardly suppress the anger in his heart, and wanted to think about how powerful the Green Mountain Stone was in its heyday?

Before entering the Dragon Immortal Tower, I never imagined that the Dragon Immortal Tower would be so huge.

At this moment, Chen Xuan was standing in a central hall. His eyes widened and he looked around.

There are some buildings in this distant place, which is the rumored Dragon Immortal Tower.

"Very big."

Chen Xuan said a little surprised, and he admired Zhao Long even more in his heart.

"The power of Tao origin in the Dragon Immortal Tower is a little bit low." Chen Xuan looked a little surprised and thought to himself.

After rushing into the Dragon Immortal Tower, Chen Xuan found that he and Wang Liang had not united and they were separated.

This is probably what Zhao Long meant. If they were to unite, these powerful men would definitely use their skills to deal with warriors like them first.

And dispersing many warriors can also give weak warriors an absolute chance.

In an instant.

Chen Xuan felt that the altar inside the ring was shaking, as if it contained some magic weapon.

"Wang Jianxun's inheritance?"

There is a high chance that it is Wang Jianxun's inheritance, how can it make the altar tremble.

"Help me check the surrounding area to see if there is any Chuanchang from Wang Jianxun," Chen Xuan ordered the guardian.

His Divine Soul cultivator is only at the ninth level of the Immortal Realm, and there is no way he can compare with this powerful person at the ninth level of the Divine Realm.

However, now he needs the guardian to help him check his surroundings.

If not, there would be almost no way to detect the powerful ones on the ninth level strength list in the Immortal Dragon Region.

"There is no need to worry at all, sir. There is not a single warrior within a radius of three thousand miles." The guardian said with a smile.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and then stepped hard on the ground. Following the instructions of the altar, he went directly to the school.

In front of a small building, Wang Liang looked around.

"He actually came here."

Wang Liang was a little helpless. The building in front of him was not a very big building. If his inference was correct, it should be the place where Wang Jianxun sealed the monster according to rumors.

Wang Liang approached and waved his sword lightly, attacking fiercely in mid-air.

Suddenly, a red sword energy aura appeared in mid-air, with extremely powerful flames flickering above it, completely sealing the entire hall.

"I really deserve to die. Fortunately, I knew some information in advance, otherwise I would have fallen into this trap." Wang Liang couldn't help shouting.

But the moment he turned his head, a terrifying light suddenly burst out from his breath.

Before Wang Liang could react, he was enveloped in terrifying light and then absorbed into the hall.

"Absolutely impossible." Wang Liang's voice suddenly came from the hall.

Along the way, Chen Xuan met many warriors, most of whom were warriors at the early stage of the ninth level of the divine realm.

For them, the outside of the Dragon Immortal Tower is the safest zone. If they don't have the guts to go deep, they will wait until they get the inheritance to improve their strength.

Some warriors clearly felt the aura on Chen Xuan's body and then seemed to want to kill Chen Xuan secretly.

"Don't leave in a hurry yet."

At a certain moment, two guys in the middle and late stages of the ninth level of the divine realm showed a smile and blocked Chen Xuan's way.

"What's the matter?" Chen Xuandao said.

"Hand over your Najie, and we can avoid killing you." The purple-haired warrior said.

"What's the meaning?"

Chen Xuan said sarcastically: "What if I want to die?"

"Okay, go to hell."

A hint of cold murderous intent flashed through the purple-haired warrior's pupils, and then he used his body technique, then his body flashed, and he launched a direct attack on Chen Xuan.

"Haha, are you looking for death?"

Chen Xuan shouted low, clenched the long sword in his hand, and was just about to launch an attack.

But suddenly, a pink sword energy attacked in an instant, hitting the surroundings of the purple-haired warrior.

"It's just about bullying some weak ones, so what does that mean?"

In mid-air, there was suddenly a light movement.

Chen Xuan also showed a surprised expression, then let go of the sword, gathered his breath, and turned his head to look.

"The elder of Xinemen?"

After seeing this guy, Chen Xuan also showed a shocked expression.

Unexpectedly, he met the elder of Xi Neimen here, and he actually used his skills to help him resolve this danger.

The elder of the West Inner Sect was wearing a dark gray robe. His very powerful body had an indifferent look, and he walked not far away from Chen Xuan.

A smile appeared in his pupils, he looked at the purple-haired warrior, and then said: "If it were me, would you also ask you to hand over the Najie?"

"Elder of Xinemen, spare your life, I deserve to die."

"Elders of Xi Nei Sect, please spare my life, please. This is actually a gift from me. I give it all to you."

The two warriors at the middle and late stages of the ninth level of the divine realm, who were very arrogant just now, knelt directly in front of Lin, their bodies trembling and their hearts filled with terror.

"Don't let me see you again in the future. I, the elder of the West Inner Sect, will be interested in your acceptance."

The elder of Xi Neimen said in a cold tone.

Immediately, two warriors in the middle and late stages of the ninth level of the divine realm escaped from here very easily.

"I'm so grateful. The elders of the Xinei Sect used their skills to save me."

Chen Xuan smiled slightly. Although he could also handle it, after all, the elder of the Xinermen was actually the strongest person in the ninth level of the Immortal Dragon Region.

The elder of the West Inner Sect nodded slightly to Chen Xuan and said softly: "I passed by this place by chance. We just met by chance. You don't need to thank me."

After that, the elders of the West Inner Gate turned their heads and left.

"No matter what, I owe you the favor of the elder of the Xinermen Sect. If you find me useful in a while, the elder of the Xinermen Sect can do whatever you want." Chen Xuandao.

But the elders of the West Inner Gate disappeared very quickly.

The disciple not far away from him shook his head slightly.

The elder of the West Inner Sect is such a powerful person. If he can't solve the problem even if he encounters him, a warrior in the early stage of the ninth level of the divine realm?

"Keep on rushing"

As he continued to move forward, Chen Xuan could find that the vibrations of the altar were much stronger than before. It seemed that he was about to reach the final place.

In the following time, Chen Xuan encountered no difficulties and arrived at the eastern area of ​​Dragon Immortal Tower very easily.


Chen Xuan sighed helplessly, looking at the sand in the distance, and ripples appeared in his heart.

"There is a powerful power of fire disappearing in this sand."

Chen Xuan said softly, he gave a light drink, and then the spirit moved slightly, and two altars appeared in front of him.

As soon as the altar came out, it was in mid-air.

When the two altars looked at each other, they rotated for a short moment, and the breath of divine sword intent burst out from them one by one, gradually merging with the breath of divine sword intent in the sand.

"Is it really Wang Jianxun's inheritance?" Chen Xuan had a very excited expression on his face.

In his body, the power of Suzaku's fire started to circulate instantly.

At this moment, in an area a few kilometers away from here, Zheng

"Song Xunjun, what are you looking for?"

Several warriors in the middle and late stages of the ninth level of the divine realm met Song Xunjun and laughed.

Although their cultivation levels were basically the same, when facing Song Xunjun, they didn't even look at him in the slightest.

He is actually ranked in the 90th level on the Immortal Dragon Region Nineth Level Strength Ranking. Zhao Yue's subordinate is very powerful and is actually Zhao Yue's good friend.

If you can make friends with him, you might really be able to be appreciated by Zhao Yue.

"A warrior has provoked our elders, and I'm looking around for him." Song Xunjun said without hiding anything.

"Who has the guts to provoke Lord Zhao Yue?"

"That's right. Is he looking for death?"

The expressions of several warriors changed slightly, and they suddenly said loudly.

Song Xunjun's consciousness moved, and the aura of the earth's true energy filled the air, condensing an illusory aura in the air.

"It's this warrior. If you see him, tell me the news." Song Xunjun said.

Several warriors looked directly at the Illusory Heritage Stone. One of them seemed to be a very ugly warrior. His expression turned gloomy. He didn't quite understand what was going on. When he saw this Illusory Heritage Stone, he felt very familiar. He seemed to have seen it somewhere. been.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

The inheritance stone disappeared, and Song Xunjun was about to leave.

Suddenly, the very ugly warrior suddenly touched his nose, and then said: "No wonder, why are you so familiar? He is really that guy."

Hearing his surprised voice, Song Xunjun also stopped.

"Do you know him?" Song Xunjun said hurriedly.

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