"Song Xunjun, my senior brother and I met each other some time ago. At the beginning, my senior brother had already used his skills, but who could know that the elder of the Xinei Sect of the Qingxi Immortal Sect accidentally saved that guy by chance?" It seems. Very ugly warrior way.

"Where is he?" Song Xunjun said directly in a deep voice.

"He seems to be gone."

The warrior who looked very ugly glanced ahead.

At this moment, Chen Xuan was sensing the aura of the Dragon God Sword in the sand, and suddenly the guardian whispered.

"Sir, there is a warrior approaching, and it seems that they are here because of you."

"What should the strength be??" Chen Xuandao.

"They are all warriors in the middle and late stages of the ninth level of the divine realm. One of them has used techniques on you before, and another warrior is Zhao Yue's subordinate."

Hearing this, some cold murderous intent flashed through Chen Xuan's heart.

He clenched the sword in his hand, and a terrifying aura erupted from his body.

"Come to die."

Then he finally put the altar back and patiently waited for the arrival of several warriors.

It didn't take long before several warriors, led by Song Xunjun, who were in the middle and late stages of the ninth level of the divine realm, appeared in Chen Xuan's eyes.


Chen Xuan said suddenly, which surprised Song Xunjun and others.

"What's going on? Do you know us?"

Song Xunjun said in a deep voice.

Song Xunjun sneered, and then Song Xunjun approached Chen Xuando and said, "You dare to steal our Da Rao magic weapon, you are just asking for death? No matter what skills you have today, you can't even think of leaving this piece of sand."

"That's right, this piece of sand is the only place where you will die. Last time the elders of the West Inner Sect saved you, this time I want to see who can let you go." The ugly warrior said in a cold voice. .

Facing several trash talkers in the middle and late stages of the ninth level of the divine realm, Chen Xuan was filled with disdain.

He shook his head slightly and then said: "Ignorant and stupid guys like you don't quite understand how many people will die in my hands."

"Crazy." Song Xunjun said in a cold voice.

"I want to see how much power you have."

It seemed that the very ugly warrior was the first to use his technique. A powerful aura surrounded him and launched a fierce attack on Chen Xuan.

Saw this happen.

But in the face of the attack, Chen Xuan didn't strike out with a sword energy until the very ugly warrior approached him.

A simple sword energy, but it contains very turbulent power.

The long sword hit the seemingly very ugly warrior, instantly defeating his body.

"How is it possible? What on earth is going on? I will never believe it."

Song Xunjun has been following Zhao Yue and saw Chen Xuan's strong cultivation.

"His cultivation level can at least reach the limit of the middle and late stages of the ninth level of the divine realm, right?" Song Xunjun thought to himself: "So what if the power of body refining is strong? I can kill you just as well."

Saw this happen.

He slashed out several terrifying sword energies one after another, killing all the warriors who followed Song Xunjun in the middle and late stages of the ninth level of the Divine Realm.

At this time, Chen Xuan showed a smile and looked at Song Xunjun.

"It's time to kill you too." Chen Xuandao.

"I am, your cultivation is very powerful, but you think you can defeat me just by relying on it?"

Song Xunjun laughed, and a long sword appeared in front of him.

His face was full of ridicule, and he said softly: "We, adults, practice Divine Sword Intent every day and night. In fact, there is not a single talent among millions of people who are lacking. No matter what, I am still his subordinate." , Although the Divine Sword Intent is not particularly powerful, it is not something you can match.”

"You are great at fighting, but if I launch an attack not far away, I can kill you?" Song Xunjun said sarcastically, with an expression full of sarcasm.

Chen Xuan looked at Song Xunjun calmly and said softly: "In that case, your divine sword intention is stronger than your cultivation level?"


Song Xunjun looked very excited: "How can an attack like yours, which is not very lethal, be compared with the Divine Sword Intent that our Lord taught me?"

When Chen Xuan heard this, he laughed softly and said softly: "Zhao Yue's Divine Sword Intent is very powerful? Is it stronger than my Immortal Fire Divine Sword Intent and Dragon Divine Sword Intent?"

"What do you mean? What on earth do you mean?"

Hearing this, Song Xunjun was very angry and said in a deep voice: "The Immortal Fire God's Sword Intention and the Dragon God's Sword Intent are actually the invincible Divine Sword Intention that exists in the world today. Do you think they are things that can be obtained casually? Ah, anyone can practice?"

"In that case, Zhao Yue's Divine Sword Intention is no match for the Dragon Divine Sword Intention Jue?" Chen Xuandao said.

"Although our Darao Divine Sword Intention is completely inferior to the Dragon Divine Sword Intent, it is still among the top three in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. I only practiced some auras in seclusion, but it is enough to destroy you. "

Then Song Xunjun waved his weapon, and suddenly the long sword in his hand drew a strange light, a crazy sword light, and attacked instantly.

In an instant.

Chen Xuanhuo activated his defense, and the Ten Thousand Sword Sky Fire Spirit Array surrounded him, directly blocking the sword light.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

The sword light hit Chen Xuan, and terrible sparks erupted, but eventually disappeared.

Song Xunjun rubbed his eyes and looked at Chen Xuan in confusion: "How is it possible? What is going on? I will never believe it. How can your cultivation be so terrifying?"

At this moment, Song Xunjun felt panic in his heart, and he was preparing to contact Zhao Yue secretly.

"Looking at how stupid you are, haha, very good, let me show you the Dragon God Sword Intention Technique first."

As soon as Chen Xuan came out and finished this sentence, he suddenly used the secret method of Dragon God's Sword Intent.

Only a flash of light was seen.

To deal with Song Xunjun, you only need the first sword energy of Dragon God's Sword Intention Secret Technique.

The sword light formed by the concentrated power of the crazy Suzaku fire directly broke Song Xunjun's body.

Blood spurted out instantly, and Song Xunjun's body fell softly. He stared directly at Chen Xuan with his eyes wide open, not unbelievable that he could be so strong.

I'm afraid that even other people don't quite understand that Chen Xuan is actually a duel warrior with the Dragon God's Sword Intent. If he had known earlier, he would definitely not have come here alone. After all, even if his cultivation was too strong, there was no way he could defeat Chen Xuan. Kill them.

We can only blame him for having too little information.

However, he had no way to whisper this news to Zhao Yue.

After killing Song Xunjun, Chen Xuan turned around and instantly noticed that there were some changes in the sand.

"Is it because of the power of Suzaku's fire?"

Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

He held the prairie fire sword in his hand and slowly walked towards the sand.

The moment the soles of his feet landed on the sand, he suddenly discovered that the power of crazy fire was coming from far away in the sand.

"Sure enough it is."

Chen Xuan was very happy in his heart and his body was trembling. Wang Jianxun had indeed been here, but he didn't quite understand what he left behind.

"Let me meet you."

Chen Xuan shouted low, and the five moves of the Dragon God's Sword Intention Secret Technique were instantly launched. Five powerful auras continued to gather in the air.

The altar obtained some time before this moment also floated out of the ring in an instant, directly condensing the power of five sword lights in the air.

Soon, the power in the five sword lights was swallowed up by the three altars.

The divine fire and demonic energy blew through, and immediately, the outer layer of sand appeared in front of Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's pupils showed fear, and he was also very happy inside.

He found the legend that Wang Jianxun stayed here.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

Three altars, instantly ordered Zheng

Suddenly, the earth trembled, and an extremely terrifying bronze gate of ruins appeared next to Chen Xuan.

"Wang Jian is looking for a place to practice in seclusion?"

Chen Xuan instantly jumped into the center.

In an instant.

The bronze door was completely integrated again, and in the main hall, a gray stone was placed calmly on the ground, and there were still three altars in the distance.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

The three altars that were just hit were instantly integrated with the altars in the ancient ruins.

"Wang Jianxunzhi came over here."

Chen Xuan said slightly, he could detect the aura of the Dragon God Sword's Will around him.

"Don't worry yet, what's going on?"

Suddenly, Chen Xuan turned around and saw a red altar in this place.

"Wang Xunlong?"

On the red altar, there is a record of Wang Xunlong, who turned out to be the inheritor of Wang Jianxun.

There is no inheritance left by Wang Jianxun here, but there is the inheritance left by Wang Xunlong.

"Wang Xunlong, as the inheritor of Wang Jianxun, estimates that his understanding of the Dragon God Sword is not comparable to that of a weak warrior." Chen Xuan murmured to himself. His most urgent thing now is to understand the Dragon God. Sword Intention Jue, improve your cultivation level. Standing on the gray stone, a sudden burst of red bird fire power instantly filled Chen Xuan's body.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan closed his eyes and began to comprehend the Dragon God Sword Intention Jue.

It can be seen from the red altar that Wang Xunlong was probably killed by someone else.

He complained very much that he could not fulfill Darao's wish, so he made a red altar before his death.

In the end, he hid all his millions of years of insights in the gray stone. As long as he is a warrior with the Dragon God Sword Will, he will naturally be able to discover it. If he is not a Dragon God Sword Will Jue warrior, no matter how powerful he is, , and there is absolutely no possibility of discovery.

In the extremely vast Dragon Immortal Tower, many warriors are looking for inherited magic weapons.

Compared with before, the strong men on the ninth level strength list in the Immortal Dragon Region are heading directly towards the core area of ​​the Immortal Dragon Tower, all vying for the important legend left by Zhao Long.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

At a peak, at this moment, a monk in black rushed out from the desert surrounded by a terrifying aura.

If there is a warrior in this place, he will definitely recognize him. He is Zhao Yue, who is over 90 on the ninth level strength list in the Immortal Dragon Region.

"Song Junxiang, you don't need to worry at all. I have obtained your inheritance, and I will 100% avenge you."

Zhao Yue's eyes burst out with murderous intent.

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