Just at this time.

Zhao Junyan also arrived.

When they saw the giant sand dunes, they were also very surprised.

"Did he escape?" Zhao Junyan was confused.

But it didn't take long for him to shake his head.

He has explored that the terrifying ground formation must be sustained by the warrior in order to maintain it for a long time.

Now that the terrifying ground formation has been shrouding the Hall of Ten Thousand Swords, it still means that this guy is 100% still inside the Hall of Ten Thousand Swords.

"Check it carefully."

While Zhao Junyan and the others were searching, Chen Xuan in the underground building still had some reactions.

"This is a completely magical and mysterious method."

Chen Xuan said helplessly to himself.

At this moment, the power around his body was beating, and at the next moment, the magical and mysterious magic in his memory absorbed the magical and mysterious breath of the magical and mysterious magic.

When the magical and mysterious breath is completely absorbed, and then the surrounding power is increased in the magical state, it quickly reaches a critical point.

At this time, Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes.

Right now.

The magical mystery shrouded within a mile around it was instantly disintegrated.

At this moment...

He showed a very cruel smile and said: "I didn't expect that I could have an epiphany in this place."

At this moment, Chen Xuan was very happy in his heart.

The magical state took shape, and then his understanding of the mysterious magic reached a high level.

This moment...

The power of divine consciousness is exerted, and the divine illusion state is instantly released, directly covering the entire underground building.

"Nowadays, if I display the divine illusory state, even if I meet a ninth-level invincible and invincible warrior in the divine realm, I will be almost on a par with him."

As for the nine great perfection warriors in the divine realm, I am afraid that no warrior can defend against it.

After returning to the magical state, the magical secret method disappeared, and Wanyan Luo and Guan Haoran also recovered one by one.

"What's going on? What happened?"

They were very confused, but after seeing Chen Xuan, it was obvious that his pupils moved slightly, and he showed a very confused expression and said: "Brother Chen Xuan, are you done?"

Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly. It was obvious that the reason was that he was not very sure.

At this moment...

The phantom of the soul appeared again and looked at Chen Xuan.

The soul phantom admired Chen Xuan very much, and a breath fell in front of him.

"Being able to come out of the magical secret method, your magical magic has reached a very high level. You have this power in this place." The phantom of the soul said: "This is the empty jade opening stone in the hiding place. ”

After hearing this, Chen Xuan was very happy.

"Thank you very much, sir."

The soul phantom shook his head: "You don't need to thank me."

"Stop talking so much. The Ten Thousand Swords Hall is about to be swept away by a violent force. You should hurry up and leave." The phantom of the soul just finished speaking and disappeared unknowingly.

Chen Xuan and the others looked at each other awkwardly, and finally bound to it. The first thing they had to do was to put the hiding place into the ring, and then they took Shangguan Haoran and Wanyan Luo Xun and left quickly. .

Inside the Hall of Ten Thousand Swords, Zhao Ting and the others were obviously looking for Chen Xuan, and suddenly the place was trembling.

Immediately afterwards, a bright light burst out directly.

When they saw clearly, they obviously discovered that within the bright light were Chen Xuan and several others.

"There is absolutely no mistake, it must be this one."

One of the outer sect elders roared angrily.

Zhao Junyan and Zhao Ting quickly wrapped up Chen Xuan and others.

"Did you, the Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King Darao, take away the lost magic weapon?"

Zhao Junyan smiled and said in a gloomy and very confused tone.

Chen Xuan looked very unhappy. He clearly found several powerful forces.

"Brother Chen Xuan, please don't be too arrogant. This is Lord Zhao Junyan of the Ten Thousand Tigers and Dragon Demons. Zhao Junyan is ninth in the ranking of the third generation of young warriors in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. The other one is Zhao Ting of the Demon Tiger Clan. He is The top five young warriors of the third level in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.”

Wanyan Luo said loudly in a hurry.

"Take out the lost magic weapon of Lord Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King honestly, and then hand over your life here." Zhao Junyan said in a very cold voice.

Zhao Ting, who was not far away, stayed where he was without moving.

His face was calm, and his pupils flashed with a playful look.

"The Ten Thousand Tigers and Dragon Demons will never die cleanly."

Chen Xuan said suddenly.

"Wait, what's going on?"

Seeing Chen Xuan's expression, Zhao Junyan became furious.

"Just die."

Zhao Junyan personally performed the technique, and the power was so terrifying that it made many warriors tremble.

Phew... right now!

Zhao Junyan's long sword emerged and was swung towards the space. Suddenly, a trace was cut out of the space.


Facing Zhao Junyan, Chen Xuan showed no mercy and unleashed his fierce sword energy.

The prairie fire sword released a terrifying and terrifying sharp sword energy, and the ten moves of the Ten Thousand Immortal Sword Techniques burst out without reservation.

"Shangguan Ruyun, who is ninth in the rankings of the third-level young warriors of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, has no way to defend himself. I am so angry that I have no idea whether you, the top five in the rankings, are really that powerful?"

Chen Xuan said lightly.

Just as he finished speaking, the prairie fire sword and Zhao Junyan's long sword collided violently.

At this moment.

The Ten Thousand Swords Hall was constantly trembling, and the interior of the hall was swept by a violent force.

At this time, a terrifying and extremely painful roar came from Zhao Junyan's mouth.

His body flew backwards.

No one said a word at the scene!

Zhao Junyan, one of the top five young warriors of the third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, Ten Thousand Tigers and Dragon Demons, was completely unable to defend against this guy's sword energy.

His secret technique of Immortal Sword Intention can be very terrifying.

A sword energy cut off Zhao Junyan's long sword and spread to the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, which would make everyone panic.

"I will definitely kill you. If I don't kill you, I will be a beast..."

Zhao Junyan looked very crazy and shouted crazily.

Zhao Ting, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke up.

"Lord Zhao Junyan."

Zhao Junyan looked at Zhao Ting very unhappy.

"Can't you see how huge the gap between you two is?"

Zhao Ting said: "He cultivated at the ninth level of the divine realm, and cut off your long sword with a sword energy. Not only did you not wake up, but you were overwhelmed by the anger in your heart."

"But it's not that simple."

Zhao Junyan wanted to explain something else, but Zhao Ting stopped him with a wave of his hand.

Zhao Ting taught him a lesson: "You are Lord Zhao Junyan of Ten Thousand Tigers and Dragon Demons. You are currently the most outstanding and top-level talent. You have a large number of materials and treasures needed to improve your cultivation. There is a very high chance that you may break through to the divine dragon realm in the future. Why do you want to Very concerned about this matter.”

"Master Zhao Ting is absolutely right."

Zhao Junyan said in a very calm voice.

Zhao Ting waved his hand: "You'd better leave here temporarily and leave this place to me."

Chen Xuandao: "Sure enough, these top forces in existence still continue to attack me like this."

After Zhao Ting heard this, he immediately exuded a very crazy aura, and said in a very cold voice: "Don't you know that you will die now?"

It's just that a warrior at the ninth level of the divine realm has the courage to comment on the top forces that exist now. He must be allowed to die.

"You actually did such a thing, why don't you let other warriors do it?" Chen Xuandao said.

"Haha, it's really good."

Many warriors have discovered that Zhao Ting is very unhappy.

It's just that he has never used the technique. He just looked at Chen Xuando and said: "Take out the lost magic weapon of the Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King honestly."

"I did get the lost magic weapon of Lord Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King. However, it is not that simple..."

Chen Xuandao: "Although Lord Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King accidentally threw away his things, why did he leave them in this place for decades, and then I got them, and then asked me to get them back? It was obviously you who threw them away yourself. , why do you do this to me?”

"Don't be disrespectful to Lord Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King. Do you know what these words are?"

An elder from the outer sect suddenly shouted loudly, and Zhao Junyan also watched closely.

"It's no use to you, is it?" Zhao Ting said softly: "If I were to use this technique, even if you had a hundred lives, it wouldn't be enough for me to kill you."

"The magic weapon lost by Lord Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King has been used by me long ago. It's useless for you to find me."

Chen Xuan looked extremely helpless and said: "Wen wants you to stop Zhao me in the future."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xuan was about to leave.

Zhao Ting's figure flew over instantly to defend the route he left.

Chen Xuan observed Zhao Ting carefully and knew that he was about to use his technique.

Zhao Ting, one of the top five young warriors in the third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, was still a little frightened.

The most important thing is that the Ten Thousand Swords Hall is about to be swept away by a violent force, and there are many elders from other sects in this place. If there is a fight, he will probably not be an opponent...

This moment...

Chen Xuan used the power of his spiritual consciousness, and the magical secret technique appeared instantly.

The magical state in the mind was completely released, directly covering all the warriors in their Zheng.

"Don't waste any time, escape from this place quickly."

Chen Xuan led Wanyan Luo to follow Guan Haoran and quickly left the Wanjian Hall.

"What's going on? What happened?"

Chen Xuan's magical secret method was too strong, and a warrior with weak cultivation had no way to defend against it, and Zheng fell into a coma without even realizing it.

At present, only a few elders of the outer sect and Zhao Junyan are left, and Zhao Ting has difficulty in defending.

"What the hell is going on? It's really damned."

Zhao Ting regarded Chen Xuan as someone who must be killed.

It's just a magical and mysterious method, so how can it be defended against?

Right now.

Zhao Ting's fierce sword energy fell out, immediately cutting open a huge tearing space with the magical secret technique, but it didn't take long for him to fully recover.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Ting's face turned completely gloomy.

However, the Ten Thousand Swords Hall shook, and he could no longer control his body.

Phew... right now!

"The Hall of Ten Thousand Swords is about to be swept away by a violent force."

Zhao Junyan shouted loudly, Zhao Ting held the Dragon God Sword tightly and forced a breakthrough to Zheng Thunder.

The Ten Thousand Swords Hall was completely swept away by a violent force, and the hall was directly destroyed. Zhao Junyan, Zhao Ting and the others disappeared.

"The Hall of Ten Thousand Swords was swept away by a violent force. Where did Zhao Ting go?"

"Did he get hit by Zhao Ting's Dragon God Sword?"

"That guy Chen Xuan's cultivation is really terrifying."

"It's absolutely terrifying. It's absolutely terrifying."

In a desert ruins, Chen Xuan's body was floating on golden fire sand.

Not far away, Shangguan Haoran was also safe.

"Brother Chen Xuan, you have completely provoked Zhao Junyan and Zhao Ting this time."

Wanyan Luo thought too much.

The Demon Tiger Clan is one of the top forces in existence. They are the Demon Clan. Compared to the Qingyun Immortal Sect, the Qingyun Sword Sect in the third level of advanced domain is much more powerful.

As the top talent of the Demon Tiger Clan, Zhao Ting has a high chance of chasing Chen Xuan throughout the third level.

It's fine in the Blood Dragon Desert, but if I go out to the Blood Dragon Desert, I'll be doomed.

"There's no need to worry at all. It's just Zhao Ting. I don't take Zhao Ting seriously yet." Chen Xuandao.

Wanyan Luo felt very helpless inside.

After the news spread that the Ten Thousand Swords Hall was swept away by a violent force, all the warriors of the Longkong Divine Sect also knew about it.

Wang Shaolong's expression was complicated, and his heart was filled with helplessness.

"How could he be so terrifying?"

It was obvious that Wanyan Luo was much better than him.

But thinking about provoking Zhao Junyan and Zhao Ting, Wang Shaolong's expression improved.

"What if you have strong cultivation, high talent and strength?"

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