Wang Shaolong said: "Stupid cup, randomly provoked these top forces in existence, and finally died in their hands."

"According to what I told you back then, the guy named Chen Xuan's cultivation level is almost equivalent to the ninth level invincibility of the divine realm." A gray-clothed warrior from the Dragon Sky Sect said.

"Yes, a sword energy cut off Zhao Junyan's long sword. Just the technique performed at such a level, almost no warrior among the younger generation can do it."

"Wouldn't it be great if a top talent of this level were a disciple of our Dragon Sky Divine Sect?"

Many warriors lamented that Chen Xuan provoked the Demon Tiger Clan.

Chen Xuan provoked the Demon Tiger Clan, while Wanyan Luo followed Chen Xuan.

As for Wang Shaolong, as the first warrior of the younger generation of Longkong Divine Sect, he drove Wanyan Luo out of his sect.

"what is going on."

Many warriors in gray finally shook their heads and sighed.

It's a pity that Wanyan Luo didn't move at all after hearing the news.

"Brother Wanyan, you can understand with them, I understand you."

Chen Xuan laughed awkwardly.

"I know Wang Shaolong very well. He is very cold by nature. If Wang Shaolong makes a decision, all warriors will have no way to change it."

"I really can't imagine that Wang Shaolong would treat me like this." Wan Yanluo said with an extremely helpless expression.

Chen Xuan couldn't say a word.

Wanyan Luo suddenly flew to the ground, deliberately lowered his voice and said: "Brother Chen Xuan, don't you know who the person I, Wan Yan Luo, want to kill the most?"

Behind the Wanjian Hall, Chen Xuan completely provoked Zhao Ting.

The very large and mysterious Ten Thousand Swords Hall was directly swept away by a violent force. All the warriors in the entire Blood Dragon Desert were shocked.

Someone had seen it before, someone had seen it with their own eyes. Zhao Ting held the Dragon God Sword tightly and fled from the Ten Thousand Swords Hall in embarrassment. As for Zhao Junyan and the elders of the outer sect of the Ten Thousand Tigers and Dragon Demons, they were also very hasty.

The Demon Tiger Clan is one of the top forces in the first few levels of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, and it is also one of the top existences. The power it accumulates is so terrifying that it is completely unimaginable.

And everything in front of him was caused by a warrior who was at the ninth level of the divine realm and reached the peak of perfection.

Thinking of this place, many warriors were very confused.

If it were placed elsewhere, there would be a high chance that other top forces would actively look for it, right?

In one of the regional inheritance places, there are some mysterious caves near the endless desert. Suddenly, in these mysterious caves, a very manic aura of power emerged.

Immediately afterwards, several bodies of warriors walked out of it.

At this moment...

After many warriors prepared to set off, they looked very panicked.

Among several young warriors, there was a red-haired monk in robes.

He is actually the successor of Zhao Zixuan Darao, Shangguan Longyun.

"Shangguan Longyun, are you not injured?"

The leading warrior looked near him and said hurriedly and very doubtfully.

Shangguan Longyun shook his head slightly and said, "It's okay."

Many warriors looked at each other.

Entering this place of inheritance, who would have thought that the danger inside would exceed their original plan.

They almost all died inside. Fortunately, at the critical moment, they had already left.

The most important thing is that a few people have successfully brought out the inheritance inside.

"Leave this place first."

It didn't take long for a few of them to leave the desert ruins.

After a while, they found a safe place. Many warriors suddenly flew to the ground, and they consumed a lot of power.


"There is a high probability that the master in that inheritance place is a ninth-level invincible Dzogchen in the realm of gods. We are just so lucky."

"Hurry up and see what kind of inheritance it is?"

Several eyes fell on Shangguan Longyun.

Shangguan Longyun nodded, and then took out the inherited secret stone.

Just at this time.

When several people didn't react at all, a black light point roared out.

"What on earth is going on? It's really damned. Something bad is going on. What on earth is going on?"

Shangguan Long Yun wanted to take back the Stone of Inherited Secret Technique, but found that the Stone of Inherited Secret Technique was forcibly taken away at this time, and the arm of the senior brother not far away was chopped off by a black light point.

"Is this the Ten Thousand Tiger Dragon Demon?"

Many warriors were very surprised and all retreated.

And in the distant sky, Zhao Junyan's body slowly appeared.

"Zhao Junyan?"

After seeing Zhao Junyan, Shangguan Longyun and the others were completely shocked.

Zhao Junyan, one of the top five young warriors in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, had no idea of ​​using their skills at all.

"what you up to?"

"You have forcibly taken away the stone of inherited secrets. Do you still want to kill me?"

Zhao Junyan showed a ferocious expression, pointed at Shangguan Long Yun and said, "Come with me now."

When entering the Blood Dragon Desert, Master Zhao Zixuan carefully told him that he would definitely protect Shangguan Longyun's safety.

"Let's defend Zhao Junyan. Junior brother, you should leave first for now."

Several senior brothers emitted powerful auras within a mile, defending Zhao Junyan.

Zhao Junyan showed a sarcastic smile and said, "According to the rumors I got, you know that Chen Xuan?"

"Wait, what's going on? Chen Xuan?"

Shangguan Long Yun was a little surprised and had no idea why Zhao Junyan mentioned Chen Xuan.

Zhao Junyan coughed, and suddenly several elders from the outer sect appeared in the distant sky.

"What on earth is going on? Something bad is going on. What on earth is going on?"

Several senior brothers were extremely shocked and all retreated.

The cultivation of the elders of the outer sect was too strong, and they had no way to defend themselves.

At this moment...

A burst of thunder raged over, and the warriors of Ten Thousand Tigers and Dragon Demons had disappeared, as well as Shangguan Longyun.

"What the hell is going on? It's really damned that my junior brother was taken away."

The leading warrior clenched his sword tightly and said in a cold voice.

"What's going on? We haven't even provoked the Ten Thousand Tiger Dragon Demon."

"When Zhao Junyan arrived at Chen Xuan, could it be that he provoked the Ten Thousand Tiger Dragon Demon and affected his junior brother?"

"It must be this guy."

Since the recent period, they have been in the land of inheritance and have no idea about things in other places.

And when they were walking in the empty Blood Dragon Desert, they finally heard the news about Chen Xuan.

"How is it possible? This guy is so powerful."

"He is just a warrior at the ninth level of the divine realm."

"There is a high probability that the top-level inherited magic weapon was obtained in the Blood Dragon Desert, and it broke through to the ninth level of the divine realm. Even so, it can't be so strong even if it is like this, right?"

Especially when they understood that with one sword energy, Chen Xuan killed Shangguan Ruyun, who was ranked ninth among the younger generation warriors in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. The top five is Zhao Junyan.

The most important thing was that he was still under Zhao Ting's attack and did not suffer any injuries. Instead, he left directly, making Zhao Ting very miserable.

The few of them suddenly looked at Sora, and the shock in their hearts could hardly be described in words.

"What should I do now?"

One of the warriors said very puzzledly.

"If it's just a few of us, even Zhao Junyan can't defeat him. What's more important is that the elders of the outer sect have stopped fighting with Zhao. Shangguan Longyun was arrested because of his affairs. He should have been asked to find a way to help in this matter. We solve it."

"Yes, that's correct. Let's go find him now and ask him to help rescue Shangguan Long Yun. Otherwise, we won't be able to deal with these people at all."

"Just because of his cultivation, as long as he wants to rescue Shangguan Longyun, it shouldn't take much effort."

Soon the few people discussed it and started looking for Chen Xuan.

However, before they could find Chen Xuan, Zhao Junyan released the news.

Not far away, Chen Xuan absorbed the natural energy around him, while Shangguan Haoran stood motionless in the distance.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan opened his eyes.

Wanyanluo's face turned slightly gloomy.

"One thing surprised me."

"What's wrong?" Chen Xuan asked very confused.

"Zhao Junyan told everyone present that he had sealed a monk named Shangguan Longyun and asked you to go to Yuanjin Mountain within a month very arrogantly, otherwise he would kill Shangguan Longyun and absorb his power." End Yan Luo said.

There was a bang...

Chen Xuan clenched his sword tightly, and the space on the ground continued to tremble.

A cold light burst out from his pupils.

"He thinks he has a long life and wants to find a coffin board."

Chen Xuan was obviously very angry.

"Brother Chen Xuan, do you know this Shangguan Long Yun?" Wanyan Luo said very puzzled.

Chen Xuandao: "The person who asked me to enter the Blood Dragon Desert was Li Wanlong of the Qingyun Sword Sect in the third level of advanced domain. Shangguan Longyun's master, Mr. Zhao Zixuan, knew Li Wanlong. I joined forces with them to go to Qianyuan Longshan. During this time, Shangguan Longyun Long Yun talked to me."

Because of this, Chen Xuancai was obviously extremely unhappy compared to before.

The famous Ten Thousand Tiger Dragon Demon, such a top force, actually used this method to deal with him.

"Zhao Junyan just doesn't do human affairs." Chen Xuandao: "Shangguan Longyun has nothing to do with this matter."

"Even so, this is obviously a trap set deliberately, waiting for you to deliberately fall into their trap." Wanyan Luo said to him again.

Shangguan Haoran, who was not far away, stood up slowly, walked near Chen Xuan's body, and said in a very calm voice: "Shangguan Longyun has nothing to do with this matter, we shouldn't even take care of it." Dare to take care of it. But this matter cannot be done casually, a plan needs to be carefully discussed. "

"The most important thing is to determine whether Zhao Ting is involved in this matter. And we need to find out the situation of Yuan Jinshan very clearly." Shangguan Haoran said: "Although Zhao Junyan asked you to meet him within a month , but his main purpose is to deal with you. As long as you don't show up, Shangguan Longyun shouldn't be in danger if you think about it carefully. After all, he won't take such a big risk to kill him. "

"Shangguan Haoran is right." Chen Xuan even said helplessly.

"In that case, have you decided?" Wanyan Luo asked very doubtfully.

Chen Xuan also agreed very much in his heart, and he had already made a decision.

Shangguan Longyun was caught because of his reasons, but if the other party didn't use his skills to rescue him, it would definitely make Zhao Junyan and the others even more arrogant.

This is not something Chen Xuan wants to see, and since Zhao Junyan has been provoked to death, there is no need to be afraid.

Ten Thousand Tigers and Dragon Demon will not spare his life.

The magic weapon lost by Lord Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King is very important to Ten Thousand Tiger Dragon Demon.

"It's better to leave." Wanyan Luo said.

"Brother Wanyan."

Chen Xuanshen used his skills, waved his long sword, and said with a terrifying murderous aura: "You'd better leave."

Wanyan Luo said: "Am I still afraid of them? Although I did attack you before, I have learned a lot about you during this time together. You are indeed worthy of my deep friendship."

When Wanyan Luo said this, Chen Xuan showed a smile and then said: "In that case, let's go together."

Yuanjin Mountain is a famous large sand dune in the distance of Blood Dragon Desert.

This large sand dune once had extremely rare strong men fighting with each other in this place. The large sand dune was swept by a violent force and eventually evolved into Yuanjin Mountain.

Yuanjin Mountain has many top-notch magic weapons, but Yuanjin Mountain also has great dangers.

An invincible and invincible warrior at the ninth level of the divine realm is in danger when entering Yuanjin Mountain. What's more important is that he is a perfect warrior at the ninth level of the divine realm.

Yuan Jinshan, Zhao Jun's soot-grey pupils, carefully observed the distance.

"I wonder if he will come?"

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