
"It is indeed him, why are you chasing me?"

"The divine time space in you is a great threat to our Immortal Beast Sect. I want to get rid of you and take back the divine time space, so you also know what we want to do."

"Ah, it seems that's true."

Chen Xuan showed a ferocious expression, and used all his strength to swing out, completely wiping out the last Immortal Beast Sect's body. He did not expect that this matter would be so complicated.

However, now, from the mouth of this Immortal Beast Sect, Chen Xuan understood the news that the Immortal Sword Technique inheritance had appeared in the world.

"Has it finally appeared in the world?"

It has been several years since he entered the Blood Dragon Desert, and he finally heard useful clues about the inheritance of the Immortal Sword Technique. He had been staying for such a long time, and originally thought he would leave again if not.

There are many very dangerous areas in the Blood Dragon Desert, and this Yunsha area is one of them, and it is more famous than others.

A warrior saw that the Immortal Sword Technique inheritance had appeared in the Yunsha area, and many warriors felt this place instantly.

Lord Wan Long is currently in the Yunsha area.

"If you want to kill me, you have to pay a sufficient price, and I won't let you be killed casually."

Chen Xuan said with murderous intent.

The most important thing is that now he has the assistance provided by the golden dragon monster, and he can also compete for the inheritance of the fairy sword technique mentioned in the rumors.

Let’s go to Yunsha area!

At this time, the entire Blood Dragon Desert was completely boiling. In the Yunsha area, many strong men had the same goal. It was obvious that the inheritance of the Immortal Sword Technique really existed in the Yunsha area.

All super strong people are crazy about it.

The Yunsha area is located in the center of the Blood Dragon Desert, surrounded by desert.

The sky above the desert contains a terrifying killing atmosphere. To walk through the desert and enter the cloud and sand area requires extremely strong strength.

Just at this time.

At this moment, bodies broke through one after another in the Yunsha area.

They were at the top of the Yunsha area, and suddenly looked at Kong, with very deep expressions on their faces. It was obvious that this was not a joke. These were all related to the top inheritance magic weapons that had broken through to the Shenlong realm. All the top forces in existence wanted to get them. thing.

If you get it, a divine dragon realm will appear.

Each of the warriors has a powerful and large-scale sect behind them. Long before they entered the Blood Dragon Desert, they had to obtain the Immortal Sword Techniques at all costs.

The younger generation only has Civet Cat, Golden Dragon Leopard, Wan Longjun, Wang Xiejun and Wang Junxie from the Ten Thousand Monster Dragon Clan, but there are also invincible and powerful men at the ninth level of the divine realm from various large sects, and there are even some ninth level divine realm masters. The ultimate strong man who is invincible.

The top magic weapon has appeared in the world. The Blood Dragon Desert is a space where powerful people at the ninth level of the divine realm and above cannot enter.

This also gives all the warriors a chance, because they know that if these top experts cannot come in, they will be the only ones who get the magic weapon in the end.

Observe carefully, the oasis is on the opposite side, filled with yellow sand. Many warriors with weak cultivation want to cross the desert directly, but they are likely to be killed in the middle. After all, there are many powerful monsters here. If If you are not careful, you will probably be killed by them.

But this time.

A warrior who was among the top ten in the ranking of the younger generation of the third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, stepped on the dirt on the ground and walked through the space-time turbulence area with a long red sword covering his body.

His pupils were full of disdain.

"Hahaha, it's really funny, but even the desert wants to defend me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the breath of the terrifying desert erupted directly.

"Absolutely impossible, impossible."

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying and extremely painful sword roar suddenly filled the air.

This moment...

The aura in the desert returned to its original state, and the warrior was killed immediately.

After seeing this, many people stopped moving on.

"It's really not possible. The appearance of the top magic weapon in the Yunsha area has long been clear that it has nothing to do with us."

"Yes, there are many terrifying giant sand scorpions in the turbulence of time and space. Their cultivation is very terrifying, which makes us despair."

"Being able to witness the appearance of a top-level magic weapon in the world with your own eyes, this trip is not in vain."

Many warriors had no intention of continuing to fight and were unwilling to move forward.

They knew that even if they quit, they would still be in danger. In the turbulent flow of time and space, terrifying giant sand scorpions were obviously gathering one after another.

Prepare them and give them a crazy attack.

The terrifying giant sand scorpion in the lead is a ninth-level invincible master of the divine realm. His cultivation level is very terrifying. Even if you look carefully at this space, it is very difficult to find someone with similar cultivation level to him.

The mocking laughter in his heart suddenly spread out, wanting to defeat all the human warriors.

And the top magic weapon appears in the Yunsha area. This is an excellent opportunity for them, and they must not miss it.

Half a month later, the terrifying giant sand scorpions gathered.

The leader of the terrifying giant sand scorpion shouted loudly, and suddenly a large number of terrifying giant sand scorpions rushed out from the turbulent flow of time and space.

Right now.

Outside the oasis, looking at the many warriors in the Yunsha area in the distance, they were all attacked by the terrifying giant sand scorpions.

All the warriors in the Yunsha area also discovered this scene.

"It's going to be bad now. The terrifying giant sand scorpion is attacking."

A warrior suddenly shouted, and their target was the inheritance of the Immortal Sword Technique, and no one wanted to distract themselves.

But this time.

Warriors one after another died under the attack of the terrifying giant sand scorpion.

In just three minutes, almost all of the warriors were dead, and now only a few with stronger cultivation levels were left, fleeing in a miserable state.

"Kill them all."

The leader, the terrifying giant sand scorpion, glanced at the cloud and sand area, then roared, and many terrifying giant sand scorpions rushed towards the cloud and sand area.

At this moment, the expressions of many warriors finally began to darken.

About 30,000 meters away from the oasis, there was a warrior in black. It was obvious that there was a very shocked expression in his pupils.

"What the hell is going on? It's really damned."

The warrior in black looked very unhappy and said, "I was almost attacked and killed by those terrifying giant sand scorpions."

Then, a look of helplessness filled his face.

The terrifying giant sand scorpion appeared in the world, which may have disrupted his plan, making it impossible for him to get close to the oasis. If there was no way to get close, there would be no way to get this thing.

However, in fact, this has nothing to do with the inheritance of Mingxian swordsmanship. If he is strong enough, he can definitely get it.

The long sword in his hand was clenched tightly, and his pupils were filled with explosive killing intent.

"This trip, I didn't expect my luck to be so bad. I admit defeat, but I believe I can definitely leave. When I exit the Blood Dragon Desert safely, there is a high chance that I will regain the Dragon God Sword. I must do it this time. Kill him."

At this moment, the body of the black-clothed warrior fell gently to the ground, and finally his body disappeared in an instant, preparing to leave. If Chen Xuan were here, he would definitely be able to recognize him.

However, just when he was about to leave, a huge tearing space appeared in the earth's space, and Chen Xuan slowly appeared from inside.

When the warrior in black saw this situation, it was obvious that his pupils showed a nervous expression, but he deliberately pretended that he was very calm inside now.

"What happened ahead? Why does he have such fierce murderous aura?" Chen Xuan asked very puzzledly.

The warrior in black told what happened directly.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan looked very unhappy, and then flew forward, instantly turning into a black light spot and disappearing from this place.

Seeing Chen Xuan's leaving body, the black-clothed warrior's heart emitted very terrifying anger.

"Chen Xuan, I will definitely kill you no matter how much power I expend."

Now he hates Chen Xuan so much that his teeth itch.

Chen Xuan didn't understand it at all. He and Zhao Ting just happened to meet each other.

By the time Chen Xuan arrived in front of the oasis, the place had become an area full of murderous intent and blood.

A large number of terrifying giant sand scorpions confronted human warriors in the Yunsha area a long time ago, which also made many warriors very unhappy.

"Sir, those are terrifying giant sand scorpions. I didn't expect there to be so many of them."

The guardian of the Green Mountain Stone said: "In the Blood Dragon Desert, the terrifying giant sand scorpions are extremely powerful. If you think about it carefully now that they appear, they must be the top magic weapons appearing in the world. Otherwise, they will definitely not gather on a large scale. ”

"Is there any way to directly cross the space-time turbulence area and reach the cloud sand area? If there are so many monsters, I really may not be able to deal with them."

Chen Xuan didn't think that he could force his way in. Alas, there were too many of them. No matter how powerful Chen Xuan was, he couldn't survive under their hands.

The guardian of the Green Mountain Stone thought carefully and then said: "If there is a way, it is not without Ying. A long time ago, I followed the adults and came to the Yunsha area. There was a very strange road. I don't know whether it is still there now. It exists, but we have to go through the power of space. Just in time, you can understand the power of space, and we can take this path. "

At this moment, the guardian of the Green Mountain Stone, taking Chen Xuan with him, suddenly entered the turbulence of time and space.

After arriving here just now, Chen Xuan showed a hint of surprise.

"What a strong spiritual pressure."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but say that the terrifying power of spiritual pressure in this place made it impossible for the fire defense to withstand it, which also made him feel very shocked.

The guardian of the Green Mountain Stone transmitted these messages through his spiritual consciousness at a very fast speed, and a terrifying power emerged in Yuanjin Mountain, which was very huge.

"Hurry in now." The guardian of the Green Mountain Stone said.

Chen Xuan looked in front of him and then hesitated for a while. The guardian of the Green Mountain Stone continued: "Sir, this God of Death is a teleportation immortal magic formation, and the other one, coincidentally, is the Yunsha area."

He flew forward and disappeared into the God of Death. When Chen Xuan appeared, he had already appeared in the Yunsha area.

Just at this time.

Murderous aura permeated the air, and many invincible warriors at the ninth level of the divine realm were trying their best to kill Dan Dan.

"Kill them all, otherwise we will all die here. Now is not the time for us to fight among ourselves."

Wan Longjun shouted loudly.

"With the help of this place, these terrifying giant sand scorpions can fight against strong men like them. Without killing them, no one will be able to obtain the inheritance of the Immortal Sword Art, so now these people have already risked their lives."

Many warriors were shouting loudly, including Lingmao and the others, who were also fighting with all their strength. Opportunities need to be found by oneself, but Chen Xuan has now discovered an opportunity.

None of the warriors present noticed that Chen Xuan had already arrived at the Yunsha area without any movement.

This moment...

As soon as Chen Xuan went to the Yunsha area, he felt a lot of trembling suddenly.

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