Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5864 The terrifying giant sand scorpion

Immediately afterwards, a burst of sword energy burst out, and his body was directly hit to the ground with a very terrifying aura. Chen Xuan suddenly felt that something was burning him, so he immediately stood up.

"The top magic weapon."

Many warriors who were fighting against the terrifying giant sand scorpion concentrated their consciousness very loudly and said loudly that they had already felt this breath.

The moment the sword energy aura appeared, the terrifying giant sand scorpion that rushed over quickly also retreated slightly.

They also looked at the center of the Yunsha area with great horror, obviously because something appeared in this place, which made them feel something in their hearts.

However, after the shock in a short period of time, the Yunsha area has returned to its original state again.

The inheritance of immortal swordsmanship disappeared in an instant.

While many warriors were searching, the terrifying giant sand scorpion launched another fierce attack.

"Go to hell."

While they were fighting, Chen Xuan actually came to a red place.

"What is this place? Why have I never been here before?"

Chen Xuan only knew that he was brought to this place by this mysterious sword energy. Just now he felt his back being burned, but he ended up here.

"Could it be that the inheritance of immortal swordsmanship is in this place?"

Chen Xuan's pupils were very happy. If it were Ruci, this time it would be really good.

This moment...

Chen Xuan discovered that there were some golden iron swords placed where he was currently staying.

"Wan Jianlin? I seem to have been to a similar place before."

Chen Xuan was also very surprised.

Chen Xuan could clearly feel the shocking power contained in these golden iron swords. He had never felt this kind of power before.

"This is Wan Jianlin. I didn't expect that I would be able to come to a place like this. I have heard of this place before."

Thinking that the top magic weapon that appeared in the world this time was actually the inheritance of the Immortal Sword Technique, Chen Xuan strongly doubted that the top magic weapon that other warriors competed with was in this place, and it was very likely that he would get this magic weapon.

"Sir, there have been powerful people in the Shenlong realm who came to this place before, and I can feel their aura."

The guardian of the Green Mountain Stone said that he was a pioneer in the Blood Dragon Desert and had a clear understanding of the situation in this place, which made Chen Xuan more confirmed.

"I don't know exactly which divine dragon realm it is, but his aura is very powerful. I can feel the aura of the divine dragon realm. This system is absolutely impossible to go wrong." The guardian of the Green Mountain Stone deliberately lowered the His own voice said: "All the golden iron swords have absorbed the aura of the divine dragon realm. It seems that the original thing is true. If this thing is true, this thing will probably surprise you." you."

"what news?"

"There was a warrior who passed through the Yunsha area before, and there was a strong man in the dragon realm who practiced in seclusion. He was a powerful warrior who cultivated extraordinary immortal swordsmanship. He has been pursuing the pinnacle of immortal swordsmanship, and his cultivation is indeed very powerful. He has reached the level of perfection, and almost all of the warriors he kills are the same as top masters."

"Every time he kills an opponent who is a top expert, he will take away the opponent's immortal magic weapon and use it for himself. He even practices a skill for it. I don't know how much time has passed. When he went to the immortal sword art At the pinnacle, he lived in the Shenlong realm and lived in the Yunsha area. According to the information I got, he also placed all the fairy magic weapons that he had taken away in this place. However, these are just rumors and I can't be sure now. , If this thing is true, we can definitely get some kind of inheritance here. "

"Even so, why are they all golden iron swords? Why are all these things the same." Chen Xuan was very confused.

"Obviously the reason is that this powerful person in the divine dragon realm believes that the masters of these immortal magic weapons are indeed very powerful, so much so that he personally sealed all the immortal magic weapons, and finally used very powerful techniques to gather the power of Tao and practice These golden iron swords." The guardian of the Green Mountain Stone said: "This Ten Thousand Swords Forest should be the origin of this immortal swordsmanship inheritance in this world."

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan's pupils were also very shocked. All the golden iron swords have absorbed the breath of the powerful people in the dragon realm. If these powers can be used for himself, his cultivation will be improved by then. He did it even faster, and he didn't even dare to think about what happened next. He laughed when he thought about it.

The most important thing is that he has also been trained with the power of Tao.

After casually checking a golden iron sword near his body, violent power suddenly burst out from the golden iron sword and attacked Chen Xuan's body.

"Those golden iron swords are at least opponents at the ninth level of the invincible Dzogchen realm."

The stronger the golden iron sword, the stronger the power.

Phew... right now!

The very terrifying sound of the breath was directly transmitted to Zheng Zheng in the sky.

Suddenly, a voice that sounded like a powerful person in the divine dragon realm appeared in Chen Xuan's mind.

"What exactly is the Immortal Sword Technique?"

Chen Xuan couldn't say a word and looked near him.

"Hahaha, it's really funny. You don't even understand what the Immortal Sword Technique is, but you actually have the guts to come to this place? You're actually quite brave."

This voice was obviously very unhappy, and Chen Xuan clearly found the violent power, and there was a spiritual pressure on his body.

They now feel that there is a very high chance that this aura may be left by a strong person in the dragon realm.

The power of this spiritual pressure suddenly dissipated, and Wan Jianlin regained his composure again.

The surrounding space is very heavy.

After some time passed.

"The sword skills of any warrior are actually not exactly the same. They are really good, not bad."

The voice said with a smile.

A very busy voice came again: "A long, long time ago, there were many immortal swordsmen who came to this place."

When he arrived at this place, he said in a very confused voice with a cold voice: "Hahaha, it's really funny, so what can you do? You actually have the guts to represent the Immortal Sword Art? Do you have the power to talk about the Immortal Sword Art in front of me?"

The very busy voice said coldly.

Chen Xuan showed a puzzled expression. He didn't know what kind of medicine this man was selling in the gourd, nor what he wanted to do.

"Before, every warrior who cultivated the extraordinary sword spirit was killed by me."

A strong person in the Shenlong realm has a very bad temper, and Chen Xuan can clearly feel it.

"Although you are not very strong yet, I still think you are a warrior who has thoroughly cultivated the extraordinary sword spirit."

The very busy voice praised Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan stood in Wanjian Forest without moving even half a step, listening carefully. He wanted to know what kind of medicine the other party was selling in the gourd.

"I practice in the third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. Although I am at the peak of Immortal Sword Art, every once in a while, I will release some of the top-level inherited magic weapons left behind, allowing some top-level talents to come to this place. Unfortunately, there is not a single warrior. It makes me feel that he is very powerful.”

"Those terrifying giant sand scorpions outside the Yunsha area were deliberately left by me to defend you. If you can't even pass this level, you won't have the ability to see me." That's very confusing. A busy voice said.

The very confused voice continued: "When you come to the Yunsha area, you will definitely be attacked by the terrifying giant sand scorpion. But after many years have passed, few warriors can think of sneaking into the turbulence of time and space. Find another way, if it weren’t for your luck, you might not be able to get here.”

Chen Xuan was also very shocked, but without saying anything, he didn't know what the other party wanted to do.

"Are you willing to inherit my top magic weapon and completely upgrade the immortal sword technique to a higher level?"

Suddenly, that very confused voice said.

Chen Xuan showed a puzzled expression. He didn't expect it to be so simple.

In the Yunsha area, many warriors used all their strength to deal with those terrifying monsters, but he actually gained the recognition of the strong ones in the Shenlong realm without spending much effort.

Seemingly sensing Chen Xuan's doubts, the very confused voice continued: "I can see through you, and I think you do have this ability."

"If you want to advance to a higher level in the Immortal Sword Technique, everything else is just passing by. At this point, only the cultivation of a powerful Immortal Sword Technique is the foundation." The very busy voice said.

Around other warriors, he has also seen the cultivation roots of the Immortal Sword Technique.

But for them, as long as they can improve their cultivation and dominate the third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, other things are not important to them.

"The top magic weapon still gives you some opportunities. If it had nothing to do with it, you wouldn't be here." The very busy voice sighed: "Many warriors outside the Yunsha area don't have my top magic weapon." In any relationship, no matter how hard they fight, they will get nothing in the end.”

Just when Chen Xuan was very confused, suddenly a sharp golden sword energy penetrated directly into the red space, as if coming from tens of thousands of meters away.

Just at this time.

The space trembled crazily, and a golden sword appeared in front of his eyes.

Not far away from the golden sword, there was extremely terrifying power. Not far away, there was some red aura lingering around it.

"What is it, what's going on."

Horrifying golden fire sand appeared in Chen Xuan's pupils, spreading directly across all nearby spaces. At this moment, he seemed to have a little connection with the golden sword.

The terrifying sword energy in his body quickly gathered and finally appeared in the golden sword.

"He is the Immortal Fire Divine Sword."

That very confused voice came again.

"Any warrior who cultivates extraordinary immortal swordsmanship has the strongest intention in his heart. The Immortal Fire Divine Sword in front of you is an illusion. It is not a complete fairy-level magic weapon, but just a form that glows with the immortal swordsmanship. "

After hearing the very confused voice saying these words, Chen Xuan finally understood.

"In the Immortal Fire Divine Sword, there are many Immortal Sword Technique insights. Any one of the Immortal Sword Technique insights is the strongest. Find your Immortal Sword Technique perception there, integrate it with the Immortal Fire Divine Sword, and reach the pinnacle of the Immortal Sword Technique realm. ”

"Immortal Fire Divine Sword?"

The long sword in Chen Xuan's hand was gently placed on the golden long sword.

At this moment, the long sword in his hand exudes a violent aura of immortal swordsmanship, spreading all over his body, bringing him to the idea of ​​​​immortal swordsmanship.

"The Immortal Sword Technique... I didn't expect it to be so powerful."

A ray of light appeared in Chen Xuan's pupils. This was the complete immortal sword technique.

Is the immortal swordsmanship of a strong man in the dragon realm so powerful?

That very confused voice came again.

Chen Xuan felt a vibrating sound coming from his body, and the breath of the immortal swordsmanship filled his body.

He smiled slightly. This was the first time he felt that the immortal sword technique was so powerful.

It was as if the fairy sword techniques he had come into contact with during his previous training were not completely fairy sword techniques.


The very confused voice said: "The Immortal Fire Divine Sword is very strong. After a while, when your perception of the Immortal Sword Technique has reached a high level and you can gather the Immortal Fire Divine Sword at will, that is when you will break through to the divine dragon realm."

The inheritance of the Immortal Sword Technique can achieve the ninth level of invincibility in the Divine Realm and break through to the Divine Dragon Realm, which is indeed very powerful.

This moment...

The Immortal Fire Divine Sword turned into a sword energy and appeared in Chen Xuan's spirit Zheng

The Immortal Fire Divine Sword slightly suspended in the soul has always been exuding the aura of the Immortal Sword Technique. These immortal swordsmanship breaths can provide assistance to Chen Xuan.

"It's really scary."

Chen Xuan clenched his sword tightly, with a look of joy in his pupils.

With the help of the Immortal Fire Divine Sword, his understanding of the Immortal Sword Technique will definitely improve quickly.

This was the complete understanding of the Immortal Sword Technique. He did not expect it to be this thing.

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