"Sir, thank you very much."

Chen Xuan showed a slight smile.

The very confused voice said helplessly: "You don't have this power at all now. Wait until you break through to the dragon realm, and then come to me."

Phew... right now!

Within Wan Jianlin's formation, a terrifying sound suddenly erupted.

Chen Xuan could vaguely feel the sound of his sigh suddenly coming out.

"The secret runes I left behind will disappear soon. It is indeed the two of us who are more lucky to be able to find you in this place." That very busy voice seemed to fade away at any time.

"I will give you this Ten Thousand Swords Formation."

At this moment, the very busy voice fell silent.

The powerful spiritual pressure of Wan Jianlin's formation disappeared instantly.

"Wait, what's going on?"

Chen Xuan discovered that he could control Wan Jianlin's formation at will.

He used the power of his spiritual consciousness to put the Wan Jianlin formation into the Najie. Chen Xuan focused his consciousness very much and looked at the Wanjianlin formation inside the Najie.

"try it."

He wanted to try to see if he could fully use this golden iron sword.

As a result, he was a little helpless. Only a few golden iron swords could be controlled, and the remaining golden iron swords were completely unable to be controlled by him completely freely.

"The master who looks at this golden iron sword now must have been very terrifying before he was killed. I don't know who killed him in the first place."

Now the golden iron sword that was close to the center of Wan Jianlin's formation was exuding pressure, and Chen Xuan couldn't get closer.

"In this case, after I completely gather the Immortal Fire Divine Sword, I will be able to control the Wanjianlin formation at will." After thinking for a while, Chen Xuan didn't think about anything anymore. Anyway, it didn't matter. use.

After carefully observing the Immortal Fire Divine Sword in his soul, in just a few minutes, Chen Xuan felt as if he had been practicing in seclusion for hundreds of thousands of years.

It was the first time I felt the swordsmanship of the True Fire Immortal. Ruci understood it and had a very deep understanding.

The fifteen moves of Ten Thousand Immortal Sword Techniques are in the realm of true immortal swordsmanship, and his most basic principles can be discovered in an instant.

The stone in his heart fell to the ground, and Chen Xuan's mood gradually calmed down.

He also had no way of imagining that the inheritance of the Immortal Sword Technique that most warriors were fighting for could be obtained by him without much effort.

If warriors from other places know about it, there is a high chance that they will unite to attack him.

"By the way, is there anywhere I can leave?" Chen Xuan asked very doubtfully.

"Sir, this is a very rare opportunity. You don't plan to leave like this. This is very bad. Do you know how precious the cultivation resources are in this place? Since you are already here, I think you might as well Let's practice well here." The guardian of the Green Mountain Stone said very doubtfully.

Chen Xuan was very confused.

"This place was the place where the powerful masters of the Shenlong Realm practiced at that time. It absorbed the aura of the Shenlong Realm. It is simply the most ideal place for warriors who practice extraordinary immortal swordsmanship. You don't want to practice in this place? I really don't know what you are thinking. What."

The guardian of the Green Mountain Stone was speechless to Chen Xuan.

"Ah, it seems that's true."

After passing the guardian of the Green Mountain Stone, Chen Xuan finally understood.

"In that case, I will practice in seclusion here."

At this time, Chen Xuan absorbed the natural energy around him and began to comprehend the Immortal Fire Divine Sword.

On the cloud sand area.

At this moment.

The very terrifying sound of the breath was directly transmitted to Zheng Zheng in the sky.

Suddenly, a terrifying thunder aura struck the cloud and sand area.

The terrifying giant sand scorpion quickly retreated.

This scene made many human warriors very surprised.

"What's going on? What happened?"

The civets and the others concentrated their consciousness so much that they didn't have the guts to look at nothing.

At this moment, a very confusing sound exploded in the air.

"It's really scary."

When this sound fell near them, some warriors with weak cultivation levels all had short breaths and could not endure the powerful spiritual pressure.

The expressions of those invincible and invincible experts at the ninth level of the divine realm standing at the front were extremely calm, and it was obvious that there was something very frightening in their pupils.

"Is that the divine dragon realm?"

"What do you mean? Has the inheritance been obtained by other warriors?"

"Impossible. We are all fighting against that terrifying giant sand scorpion. Who can get the top magic weapon?"

Many warriors shouted loudly.

"Get out of here quickly."

Some top forces have all retreated.

There are also some warriors from the sect who are also very unhappy, but at this moment.

On the ground, sharp sword energy flashed, and some warriors from the sect were killed directly.

At this moment, all the warriors retreated from the Yunsha area.

Starting from this day, the inheritance of the Immortal Sword Technique was acquired by other warriors.

"What kind of guy is this guy who got the inheritance of the Immortal Sword Technique?"

"There are disciples from the Blood Cat Immortal Beast Sect, the Demonic Tiger Sect, the Snow-Golden Eyed Leopard Sect, the Immortal Beast Sect, and the Ten Thousand Demonic Dragon Clan. These are the top forces in existence. Who is he? This guy is really hateful. "

"The warriors of Qingyun Immortal Sect have been destroyed before, so it can't be them."

"I have never seen the warriors of Qingyun Sword Sect in the third level of advanced domain. Could it be that they got it without knowing it?"

Many warriors are thinking carefully.

At present, only the top forces of existence are left, and it is obvious that his pupils are very unconvinced.

"It can't be Qingyun Sword Sect."

The elder of the Blood Cat Immortal Beast Sect showed a faint smile.

"What kind of identity could that guy be?" Civet asked very puzzledly.

The leader of the Golden Dragon Mystical Sect, who was not far away, nodded: "It must be among the top forces in existence like us. I still think there is a very high chance that it may be the Demon Tiger Sect. Otherwise, it would be difficult for us to explain it." ”

"Demon Tiger Gate?"

Zhao Ting disappeared, and now they don't know if he is still alive. This is why they doubt whether it was him.

But on Chen Xuan's side.

"No matter what, the Blood Dragon Desert is the best place to improve your cultivation. You must not miss this opportunity."

A few days later, some warriors with weak cultivation were already returning.

However, it is obvious that those warriors with strong cultivation base basically choose to practice in seclusion in the Blood Dragon Desert.

Outside the Blood Dragon Desert.

Just at this time.

Suddenly, a warrior's body flew out of the Blood Dragon Desert.

"A warrior has come out."

Several elders from Yaohumen discovered the natural changes in the Blood Dragon Desert as soon as they arrived at this place.

"What kind of guy is he?"

Just at this time.

After they saw the warrior in black, Hunyuan spiritual power emerged.

"What is your identity?"

"it's me."

The warrior in black said hurriedly.

"Wait, what's going on?"

"Zhao Ting." Zhao Ting said.

"You? What's going on with you?"

Several elders observed it carefully and became even more confused.

"How could you do this? How about the inheritance of the Immortal Sword Technique?"

Zhao Ting said with a gloomy face: "My body refining defense was destroyed by a warrior."

"What? No way, how is this possible?"

Many Yaohumen elders looked at Zhao Ting in shock.

"what happened?"

At this moment, Zhao Ting directly informed the elders of everything that happened in the Blood Dragon Desert, but they were extremely unhappy, with crazy looks on their faces, and wanted to kill him directly.

"What the hell is going on? This damn guy actually dares to use his martial arts on me, Yaohumen. This guy is really too bold."

"Even if I kill him tens of thousands of times, it won't be enough. I will definitely kill this guy."

"The inheritance of the Immortal Sword Technique belongs to my Demon Hu Clan, and this guy actually has the guts to get it."

Several elders roared angrily.

The next time, a warrior came out of the Blood Dragon Desert.

The top forces in these existences all have elders waiting for their disciples.

It is already very difficult for some inheritors of sects to come out of the Blood Dragon Desert, and they are very happy.

Not much time passed, probably several months.

Several months later, Lingmao and the others came out one after another. There was nothing to get from practicing inside anyway, so they might as well come out as soon as possible.


The civet cat's body fell gently to the ground, and finally its body disappeared instantly and turned into a black light spot.

Not far away, Jin Longbao looked a little surprised when he saw this situation. He didn't expect that he would come out faster than him.

However, at this time, Wang Junxie and Wang Xiejun of the Ten Thousand Monster Dragon Clan also left the Blood Dragon Desert one after another.

It didn't take long for the news that the inheritance of the Immortal Sword Technique was obtained by other warriors, and many people soon knew about it.

Many warriors are inferring what identity they were given to.

Even the top forces in these existences are carefully inspecting every warrior who comes out of the Blood Dragon Desert.

It’s just that they didn’t discover the Immortal Sword Technique Chuan Chang

In the Blood Dragon Desert.

Chen Xuan spent several months practicing in seclusion in the Yunsha area.

The Immortal Fire Divine Sword has already absorbed part of it. Chen Xuan seized this perfect opportunity and upgraded the Ten Thousand Immortals Sword Art to fifteen blinks.

Especially the fifteenth level, when used directly, the power has almost reached the point where it is about to become a god.

Even an invincible and highly accomplished warrior at the ninth level of the divine realm does not have the guts to confront him head-on.

During this period of time, the recovery of the golden dragon monster also accelerated.

Chen Xuan's cultivation has been improved overall, which is a good thing for him. Anyway, his cultivation can improve himself, and he will have a foothold when he goes out in the future. At least he will not be killed. If anyone dares to bully him now, Chen Xuan Xuan just gave him a big mouth.

After looking carefully, it was only about ten years since I entered the Blood Dragon Desert.

In such a short period of time, Chen Xuan has broken through from a ninth-level peak warrior of the divine realm to the ninth-level perfection of the divine realm. This speed has to be very fast. At least for those in the same realm, almost no one can surpass him. .

As for his cultivation, he is almost on the verge of reaching the ninth level of invincibility in the realm of gods.

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