Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5873 Domain Lords of the Ten Major Domains

In a short period of time, those people should have no courage to create conflicts in the Yunxue area and the main city without even realizing it.

"Is it a sect from another immortal level?" Chen Xuan asked very doubtfully.

Li Wanlong shook his head and thought carefully.

"After the Qingyun Sword Sect has passed these years, the top-level three-level high-level domain has attracted many forces. There are many sects second only to the Qingyun Sword Sect who are afraid of the Qingyun Sword Sect. As long as they have the opportunity, they will never miss it. "

Li Wanlong's meaning couldn't be more obvious. He suspected that it was other sects in the triple high-level domain.

It is obvious that any momentary movement of the Qingyun Sword Sect may cause dissatisfaction among the three advanced domains, leading to a large-scale sect war.

Although Qingyun Sword Sect is very terrifying, there is no way to defend against the resistance of all other sects in the entire triple high-level domain.

"You don't have to worry about this matter." Li Wanlong said: "There are still several months to go, and the competition for the domain masters of the ten major domains is about to begin. It is estimated that there will be many top-notch masters from the previous generation who have practiced unknowingly. The strong ones come out to fight, and you practice in seclusion carefully."

Li Wanlong left the Yunxue area, and the flying swords from the main city also left.

In the Yunxue area, the main city has returned to its original appearance again, but it is closer to the Domain Lord Competition of the ten major domains than before.

The aura of spiritual pressure permeating the surrounding space is also stronger than before.

But during this time, Chen Xuan has been practicing.

From the ninth level of the divine realm to the ninth level of invincibility, a certain bottleneck is reached. A warrior wastes his life. Basically, there is no way to overcome this bottleneck.

But Chen Xuan's overall cultivation level does not worry him at all about being an invincible warrior at the ninth level of the divine realm.

However, there are actually many people like Li Wanlong who want to compete for the domain masters of the ten major domains, and there are even some top experts who have practiced in seclusion for tens of millions of years.

Although those top experts have a certain amount of talent and strength, they may not be able to reach the divine dragon realm at all.

However, for thousands of years, they have been able to defeat all warriors. Chen Xuan did not have the guts to look at his enemies. He had been comprehending the True Fire Immortal Sword Technique.

At this moment.

Chen Xuan's body was slightly suspended on the ground.

The power of divine consciousness was exerted, and the ancestral platform emerged from the body, and some red blood was absorbed on the ancestral platform.

This is Chen Xuan's ancestral spiritual power and ancestral gift.

After absorbing the Tiger God Stone before, his aura already possessed the demon king's innate talent.

The demon king's innate talent is also a subsidiary sect of the immortal dragon level innate talent.

With the help of the Immortal Platform, the Immortal Dragon level Immortal Gift secretly hidden in his body was completely activated.

Chen Xuan could even feel the crazy vibration of power in his breath.

"Is this the first talent of the Immortal Dragon level?"

Chen Xuan threw out the long sword in his hand, and a black aura surrounded him. A smile appeared in his pupils, and he suddenly said.

Just at this time.

The Immortal Platform made a terrifying sound, and continued to invade Chen Xuan's aura, changing his Immortal Gift.

The immortal dragon level innate gift is one of the three more mysterious innate gifts in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

It is precisely because Zhao Ting has the immortal dragon level talent that his cultivation is so powerful, otherwise it would be impossible to deal with Wang Junxie just with his cultivation alone.

He looked very panicked. The first thing to do was not to think too much. The most important thing now was to improve his cultivation.

The Zheng of the Sky in the Not Far Away Territory

Right now.

The golden magic sand appeared instantly, and then, amidst the terrifying thunder, a Immortal Beast Sect warrior slowly appeared from inside, and his surroundings were filled with divine fire.

The long sword in his hand exploded instantly, and the breath in the air made the earth tremble.

The one who exudes the aura of killing is actually the Ten Thousand Tiger Dragon Demon and the Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King.

"I clearly noticed the aura of the Tiger God Stone."

Lord Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King said with a murderous aura, and a terrifying aura erupted from his dark eyes.

"Yes, there."

Lord Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King suddenly looked in a very far direction and said helplessly to himself.

Then his body fell gently to the ground, and finally his body disappeared in an instant, disappearing again into the sky outside the territory.

Lord Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King has the supreme status among Ten Thousand Tiger Dragon Demons.

The most important thing is that their Ten Thousand Tiger Dragon Demon is still another affiliated sect of Yaohu Clan. Several Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King adults are very famous existences in Yaohu Clan.

When Lord Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King took action, the warriors of the Immortal Beast Sect also heard the news without knowing it.

Especially when the news of the Divine Time Space came back, the Immortal Beast Sect was shocked.

The senior officials of the Immortal Beast Sect have to take back the divine time space no matter how much it costs to completely kill Chen Xuan.

Several months later, the battle between the domain masters of the ten major domains came within a period of time.

In the Yunxue area, Chen Xuan, the domain lord of the main city, led by Feijian, came to the Qingyun Sword Sect Middle Immortal Domain Zheng in the center of the triple high-level domain.

"How is it?" Li Wanlong asked very puzzledly.

Chen Xuan also agreed very much in his heart: "As long as some terrible warriors don't appear, there should be no problem in getting a Territory Lord."

After these few months passed, the True Golden Dragon successfully broke through and cultivated into the True Nine-clawed Golden Dragon.

The True Nine-clawed Golden Dragon is actually a more powerful existence. In fact, just like what the True Nine-clawed Golden Dragon said, when he succeeded in breaking through the cultivation level, some of the power of the True Immortal Dragon was awakened in his body.

Even if one looks carefully at the third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, he is the only true nine-clawed golden dragon.

Fortunately, there are golden dragon monsters to help, otherwise it would be a bit dangerous to break through the cultivation level.

The cultivation level of the True Nine-clawed Golden Dragon is almost equal to that of the Golden Dragon Monster.

This makes Chen Xuan no longer need to worry. The true nine-clawed golden dragon, plus the golden dragon beast that has not fully recovered its strength, as well as the divine time space and the prairie fire sword, can completely enable him to fight against any ninth-level invincible warrior in the realm of gods.

"This competition for the domain masters of the ten major domains is very powerful. If you encounter these warriors, you don't need to think too much, just kill them and leave the school."

At this moment, Li Wanlong took out an information stone with some names recorded on it and gave it directly to Chen Xuan.

After reading it, Chen Xuan was a little surprised.

Most of these warriors who killed them directly were the domain masters of the thirty immortal domains.

It is obvious that a large number of domain lords have turned around and attacked Qingyun Sword Sect.

A few months ago, in the Yunxue area, the domain lord of the main city counterattacked, which made Chen Xuan's heart shake wildly. What kind of person was dealing with Qingyun Sword Sect?

Obviously, he knew very well that the force driving this incident was 100% terrifying, otherwise he would never have the guts to do it.

"Is there a problem?" Li Wanlong said very doubtfully.

Chen Xuan nodded helplessly: "But if I kill them casually, nothing will happen."

Li Wanlong had already thought about this very clearly before.

"There is no need to worry at all. I have already talked with the leader of the sect. There is no need for you to worry." Li Wanlong said: "Hahaha, if you can complete this task, a strong man in the dragon realm in the sect, Will join forces with me to go to Qingyun Immortal Sect.”

After hearing this, Chen Xuan felt excited in his heart.

He competed for the position of the domain master of the ten major domains just to get help from the Qingyun Sword Sect, so that he could get help from strong men in the Shenlong Realm.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Li Wanlong."

A long time ago, if he had been able to carry terrifying power, there was some possibility that Wang Jianxun would not have been killed.

"There are about thirty domain masters participating in this trip, as well as more than two hundred and thirty inheritors of the sect, and even the Nine Great Perfection Disciples of the God Realm of Qingyun Sword Sect."

Although there is no warrior in the Qingyun Sword Sect who has reached the third level of the younger generation ranking list in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, there are many warriors who have reached the ninth level of the Divine Realm.

Each of these ninth-level perfect warriors in the realm of gods are top-notch experts from the previous generation who practiced in seclusion, and their cultivation levels are very powerful.

A few days before Chen Xuan came to Li Wanlong's central hall, major sects finally came.

Among them, the two princes are domain lords, Wang Jue, Li Weiguo, and Long Yin.

These few warriors are very outstanding among hundreds of warriors, and they are also the most powerful warriors who have become the domain masters of the ten major domains this time.

The two domain masters of the prince are actually the strongest warrior among the thirty domain masters of the third level advanced domain. Even though he only has perfect cultivation of the ninth level of the divine realm, his real cultivation is almost equivalent to the invincible achievement of the ninth level of the divine realm.

As for Wang Jue, he is the inheritor of a sect and is very famous in the third level high-level domain.

As for the current strongest people in the Qingyun Sword Sect who have reached the ninth level of the Divine Realm, the most important ones are Li Weiguo and Long Yin. They are also the direct disciples of the second elder.

There was no very heavy look on Chen Xuan's face.

"How about it?"

Li Wanlong said very puzzledly: "In this competition, you will select the strongest warriors from hundreds of warriors. Then you can only rely on yourself to figure it out and challenge the domain masters of the ten major domains. If you succeed, you can become The new Territory Lord, the one who was killed will be removed."

"Except for Wang Jue, who is a bit difficult to deal with, other warriors don't need to worry at all."

If you look at it from the surface, Wang Jue is the weakest among several warriors.

"Li Weiguo, Dragon Seal is very powerful in cultivation, but according to my inference, his cultivation should be similar to that of the two domain masters, the prince."

Chen Xuan said helplessly.

The two domain masters, the prince, were obviously a warrior who needed to be killed directly.

Many warriors went to the sect land of Qingyun Sword Sect.

In just a few days, the huge and mysterious Immortal Realm suddenly became filled with people.

Not far away, hundreds of warriors stood quietly.

There is a viewing area at the front. A warrior wearing gray clothes is sitting in the middle. Near his body, Li Wanlong is actually sitting.

"I wonder if he is the sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect."

Chen Xuan's pupils were also very shocked. There was a vague aura around the sect master of Qingyun Sword Sect that made him tremble continuously.

"This is the true powerhouse in the divine dragon realm."

Chen Xuan was very surprised in his heart.

Like Wang Jianxun, although he is a strong person in the divine dragon realm, his cultivation level is not weaker than that of a real strong person in the divine dragon realm.

Although large sects such as Qingyun Sword Sect that carry terrifying power are very powerful, they are not as good as these top forces in existence.

It was obvious that among these large sects, there was no strong person in the divine dragon realm.

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