Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5874 The real strong man in the dragon realm

It is completely guarded by the sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect and a warrior.

The strong men who have just entered the divine dragon realm are no joke. These are all the strongest men who have broken through to the divine dragon realm and are the top three in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

Unless a strong person in the Shenlong Realm performs a skill, the strong person who first enters the Shenlong Realm is the strongest.

"Such a terrifying aura."

Chen Xuan said to himself.

He could feel that if the sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect used his technique, he could directly kill the super immortal level.

This is the powerful power of a strong man who has just entered the divine dragon realm.

"Now is the day when Qingyun Sword Sect elects the position of the domain lord of the ten major domains."

The sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect said lightly: "It is mainly because of the status of the domain lords of the ten major domains, and it is relatively important. Among the domain lords of the ten major domains, there are probably a few warriors who have changed. I have no idea whether you can replace them and become The current domain lord.”

The domain lords of the ten major domains, this is no joke, these are all superior to many elders of Qingyun Sword Sect.

"Look, everyone, there are probably hundreds of warriors participating in the competition this time. Two warriors fight against each other. The one who is killed will continue to fight until the last few warriors are the strongest, and then challenge the current domain lords of the ten major domains. , the person who killed him in the end is the current Territory Lord."

When he arrived at this place, he continued: "If there is a warrior who can become the current domain master, he can get all the materials and treasures needed to improve the cultivation level of our Qingyun Sword Sect, and he will also have the opportunity to challenge the elders of the Immortal Domain. "

They are second only to the sect master and the elders in Qingyun Sword Sect. Thousands of years have passed, and the domain masters of the ten major domains have always been around, but the elders of the Immortal Domain have not changed.

At this moment, all the warriors were very amazed, and many warriors were trembling crazily.

The sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect waved his hand and then said: "Stop talking so much, I won't talk too much nonsense, let's start the game."

Elder Li Wanlong briefly explained the rules of the battle, and then the first game began.

Phew... right now!

The sounds of battle vibrated.

However, there are many powerful true immortal-level formations deployed by the ninth-level invincible Dzogchen realm of gods, which can defend against the faint aura slowly spreading out.

Otherwise, if the ninth-level consummation warriors in the divine realm use all their strength to perform their techniques, the entire Immortal Realm will disappear in an instant.

At this moment.

After the first game, it was already evening when Chen Xuan finally arrived.

At this time, Chen Xuan's opponent was a domain lord who had reached the ninth level of the divine realm. His cultivation level was similar to that of the domain lords in the main city of the Yunxue area.

"Is it the one who was killed by the domain lord of your main city in the Yunxue area?"

This warrior in gray clothes said very puzzledly, his body was full of killing intent.

Chen Xuan also agreed very much in his heart. His defeat of the Yunxue area and the domain lord of the main city could indeed be known to many people among the thirty domain lords.

"Hahaha, it's really funny. In the Yunxue area, the domain lord of the main city is my good friend. There are constant discussions in the direction not far away.

"Is he the current Yunxue area and the domain lord of the main city?"

In their hearts, they were slightly surprised.

If it was true that he was the one who killed the domain lord of the main city in the Yunxue area with his own hands, as the rumors said, then his talent and strength were simply powerful.

"Even if he keeps practicing, he still won't be able to reach the level of a Domain Lord in the Cloud Blood Region and the main city."

"Yes, that's correct. I fought against the domain lord of the main city in the Yunxue area."

"I saw this guy with Li Wanlong before. He must have used some other method to make him the domain lord."

"If I meet him, I will definitely make him look good."

Many warriors have unknowingly developed feelings for Chen Xuan.

In the viewing area, the sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect had a smile on his face.

"Is he your guy?"

Li Wanlong nodded and sent a message: "The leader of the sect is Chen Xuan. He killed Zhao Junyan and Qingyun Immortal Sect's Shangguan Ruyun with a sword energy. He also took away the Dragon God Sword and killed Zhao Ting's body refining." defense."

The sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect nodded, and his pupils suddenly looked at Chen Xuan.

After some time passed, the sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect showed a slight smile.

"Fuhe's strength is good, and his understanding of the Immortal Sword Technique is very terrifying. His True Fire Immortal Sword Technique was taught by you." The sect leader of the Qingyun Sword Sect said very puzzledly.

In the competition area, Chen Xuan faced off against his opponent.

"It's really damn good."

Seeing Chen Xuan, the gray-clothed warrior exerted violent power and swung his long sword. Suddenly, a breath was transmitted from his long sword into the air, followed by his body rushing over in an instant.

Soon the body of the warrior in gray appeared in front of Chen Xuan.

"Go to hell."

Chen Xuan shouted low, gathered the power on his body, and exploded instantly. A terrifying sword energy was released. At this moment, Suzaku's body-refining power was exerted to the extreme.

The extremely violent power enveloped the long sword in his hand, and it fell crazily not far from the mad dragon.

A terrifying sword energy struck not far from the mad dragon and immediately knocked him away.

"Wait, what's going on?"

Not far from the square, many domain lords concentrated their consciousness very much, and they were all very surprised.

Judging from this terrifying sword energy, Chen Xuan's body-refining defense power has reached a terrifying level.

"No wonder this guy was able to kill the domain lord of the main city in the cloud blood area." A warrior said: "The domain lord of the main city in the cloud blood area is not very strong. This guy must have succeeded."

"His body-refining defense is extremely strong. As long as you don't get close to him, he has no chance."

Now there was a lot of discussion again.

In the competition area, the gray-clothed warrior roared and waved his sword again. This time, the aura suddenly spread into the air and golden light burst out.

"Is that Dragon Scale Sword Qi?"

A warrior immediately discovered the dragon scale sword energy and was very surprised.

"What? No way, how is this possible? Is this the dragon scale sword energy?"

"Just die."

The dragon scale sword energy gently fell on it, constantly moving through the space, approaching Chen Xuan.

Golden light burst out.

In the viewing area, the sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect looked at Chen Xuan with a smile.

In the competition area, Chen Xuan looked at the dragon scale sword energy that came instantly.

"Baby, go to hell."

The power of divine consciousness was exerted, and Zhang Jianyun appeared in the divine time space.

Just at this time.

The huge and terrifying body caused a huge shock here as soon as it appeared.

The violent power slowly spread out from his body.

"I'll leave this Dragon Scale Sword Qi to you." Chen Xuandao.

At this moment, the Dragon Scale Sword Qi was approaching, and Zhang Jianyun showed a very cruel smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Jianyun froze towards the space on the ground, and the dragon scale sword energy also began to dissipate.

In the viewing area, the sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect smiled slightly when he saw this situation.

"Get out of here."

After Zhang Jianyun absorbed the dragon scale sword energy, he looked near him.

Chen Xuan was taken back into the divine time space, but the violent attack of the warrior in gray rushed over instantly.

Even if the warrior in gray didn't take action, Chen Xuan still wanted to use his technique.

The obvious reason is that the warrior in gray clothes is one of the warriors who needs to be killed.

Without the Dragon Scale Sword Qi, the warrior in gray clothes would not be able to defend himself for one round.

Several sword energy was released in succession.

At this moment.

At this moment, the body of the warrior in gray flew out and landed on Lin.

Many warriors looked and found that the gray-clothed warrior had no breath.

"It's absolutely terrifying."

At this moment, many warriors finally discovered the terrifying power of Chen Xuan's body refining defense.

To be able to become the domain lord of the current Yunxue area and main city, he must have achieved thorough cultivation.

"It's really good. It's really interesting."

Some warriors said with a smile.

Although his friend was extremely unhappy when the gray-clothed warrior was killed, he did not have the guts to openly deal with the sect leader of the Qingyun Sword Sect.

Showing a very cruel smile, Chen Xuan walked out of the competition area.

"A lot of idiots."

Walking down from the competition area, Chen Xuan obviously noticed many looks.

A smile suddenly appeared in his heart.

The next battles were to enter the school one after another

Finally, the game is completely over.

In the Domain Lord Competition, most of the warriors were wiped out.

Even some domain lords were killed.

But obviously this is conceivable.

After the first place game, Chen Xuan met Wang Jue when he returned to his residence.

"Brother Chen Xuan." Wang Jue said, "I admire your Zhang Jianyun very much. Can you give me Zhang Jianyun?" Wang Jue said.

"Zhang Jianyun?"

Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly and said in confusion.

"Do you see this? As long as you give Zhang Jianyun to me, I can give you an immortal-level magic weapon."

"What kind of fairy-level magic weapon is it? Is it very powerful? It's the fourth level of true fairy quality?"

Chen Xuan said very puzzled.

After hearing this, Wang Jue's face darkened.

Under normal circumstances, but at present, only those who have reached the ninth level of the divine realm and are invincible at the Great Perfection can produce the fourth-level immortal-level magic weapon of the true immortal product.

How precious is the level 4 true immortal magic weapon? Even Li Weiguo, Longyin and the others couldn't get it.

But Chen Xuan proposed a fourth-level immortal-level magic weapon of true immortal quality.

"True Immortal Level 4 Immortal Level Magical Treasure? Brother, are you laughing?"

Although he was very unhappy with the fourth-level immortal-level magic weapon of the True Immortal Grade, Wang Jue still said.

Chen Xuandao: "If you want it, you have to come up with a true immortal-grade fourth-level fairy-level magic weapon."

When he arrived at this place, Chen Xuan suddenly observed Wang Jue, and then said: "Anyway, I didn't see your true immortal fourth-level magic weapon, so I can't give it to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xuan turned around and left without saying anything.

"Is it a level 4 immortal magic weapon? Zhang Jianyun, I'm coming, please stop." Wang Jue stopped Chen Xuan.

"Isn't it funny that you don't even bring out the fourth-level real immortal magic weapon? Are you a fool??"

Chen Xuan said directly.

Powerful power erupted around Wang Jue.

Just at this time.

Very crazy power, the power of spiritual pressure came, and Wang Jue wanted to use his power to completely suppress Chen Xuan.

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