"Chen Xuan doesn't think about it anymore," Wang Jue said.

At this moment, Wang Jue's expression was very dark, and a terrifying aura burst out instantly, and he was about to use his technique on Chen Xuan.

At this moment... Wang Jue still didn't use his technique.

He gathered his strength within a mile and then said to Chen Xuan: "You may encounter him later. If I encounter you, there is a high chance that I will teach you a lesson carefully."

At this time, Wang Jue turned around and left without saying any more nonsense.

Chen Xuan is not worried about Wang Jue.

Wang Jue, Li Weiguo, Long Yin, among these warriors, Wang Jue is the most powerful.

"There was an aura around him that made me very frightened."

Chen Xuan said secretly in his heart.

"Sir, the aura on his body is extremely weird."

The guardian of the Green Mountain Stone also said: "If you encounter it, you must be more careful."

Chen Xuan also agreed very much in his heart, and then returned to Zheng's living area.

Many warriors discovered the conflict between him and Wang Jue. Soon the sword spirit of Feijian found him, and then asked very puzzledly: "According to the rumors I got, Wang Jue came to find you? Didn't he suffer any injuries?"

"There's nothing wrong with me, it's just Wang Jue."

"Because it is not convenient for Mr. Zhang Jianyun to come to your place." Feixian suddenly said.

"Hehehe, where is he?"

Feijian's sword spirit said very puzzledly.

Chen Xuan was speechless.

Feijian's sword spirit saw this situation and did not continue to ask.

Qingyun Sword Gate, a residential area in the Immortal Domain.

"The prince and the two domain lords."

After the prince and two domain masters wearing red robes appeared, many domain masters all said hello.

After the prince and the two domain masters waved their hands and looked at all the warriors, they suddenly said: "Everyone, I will definitely get the nine-legged golden insect."

"This nine-legged golden insect has experienced a strange phenomenon, and its cultivation is very terrifying." The prince said.

"Prince and two domain masters, what should we do now?"

Many Territory Lords listen to the two Territory Lords, Prince.

"I have already asked other warriors to suddenly attack him." Prince and Domain Master said with a smile.

Chen Xuan lives with many warriors, and he is practicing in seclusion.

"What kind of guy is he?"

Chen Xuan suddenly said loudly.

At this moment, several warriors walked out unknowingly.

The pupils of these warriors looked at Chen Xuan after they appeared.

Just when Chen Xuan wanted to talk, he unknowingly appeared in front of the mysterious magician Zheng Zheng.

Just at this time.

He was shrouded in magical and mysterious techniques, and Chen Xuan's body remained motionless. Several warriors saw this situation and laughed mockingly.

"Hahaha, it's really funny. Aren't you strong enough to be suppressed by magical and mysterious techniques?"

Several warriors walked up to Chen Xuan and said.

"Even the ninth-level invincible and highly accomplished warriors of the divine realm cannot defeat the miraculous and mysterious techniques of several of our warriors. They are just the ninth-level perfection of the divine realm. They simply don't take their lives seriously."

"Stop talking nonsense, don't take too long, hurry up."

At this moment, the long swords in the hands of several of their warriors were looking around Chen Xuan.

"Is it a magical secret?"

Chen Xuan, who was motionless, looked at the actions of several warriors, and a smile suddenly appeared in his heart.

Thinking of this place, Chen Xuan suddenly trembled, and some magical and mysterious aura appeared without any movement in the mysterious and mysterious Zheng.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan fell in front of several warriors.

"who is it?"

The warrior looked near him and accidentally spotted Chen Xuan.

He couldn't help but take a few steps back, a look of surprise on his face.

"It's you?"

"How come I didn't fall into your magical secrets?"

The power within a mile around Chen Xuan was compressed, and the other two monks were immediately pushed back.

"Whose identity sent you here?"

"Isn't it correct to use a magical and secret method?"

Several warriors suddenly looked at Kong, and then the magical and mysterious aura surged within a mile nearby, and all their power surged out to activate the magical and mysterious techniques.

Phew... right now!

The mysterious magic broke out again.

Several warriors shouted in fear and wanted to escape, but it was already too late.

This moment...

Shrouded in magical magic, several warriors stood motionless not far from the ground.

"Who sent you here?" Chen Xuan asked very puzzledly.

"Prince and two domain masters, he wants your nine-legged golden insect and will kill you."

Chen Xuan also agreed very much in his heart, and then continued to ask very doubtfully: "Behind the prince and the two domain lords, what kind of warriors are backing him?"

Several warriors shook their heads.

Finally, Chen Xuan informed Feijian’s sword spirit.

Not long after, Feijian's sword spirit crossed over.

"What's up?"

Chen Xuan suddenly looked at the few warriors who had been sealed for a short time and said: "These warriors were sent by the princes and domain masters. There is a possibility that Lord Li Wanlong can understand some important information from them."

"It makes sense." Feijian's sword spirit took several warriors away.

In the residential area, many Territory Lords, led by the two Princes, have been waiting with peace of mind.

"The prince and the two domain lords didn't succeed?"

At this moment, the prince and the two domain masters stood up, their spiritual consciousness filled the air, and there was no breath nearby.

His face became more and more gloomy, and the murderous intention that broke out disappeared in an instant, and he said: "It's over."

Then he left instantly and came to a house.

His body was slightly suspended on the ground, looking at the rune wall in front of him.

Just at this time.

On the rune wall, a black aura emerged, and finally transformed into several golden mysterious caves with very mysterious auras.

Not far from the golden mysterious cave, a breath slowly filled the air that made him tremble continuously.

"Really rubbish."

An unhappy voice came from the golden mysterious cave.

At this moment, the prince and the two domain masters said in horror: "Sir, I saw this guy's cultivation."

After a period of time, the power blooming from the golden mysterious cave made the earth tremble continuously: "You have obtained the status of the domain lord of the ten major domains this time."

At this time, the golden mysterious cave gradually disappeared, and the living area returned to calm.

The prince and the two domain masters looked extremely calm. Finally, they looked very panicked and closed their dark pupils.

The sect of Qingyun Sword Sect, Zheng Zheng on a mountain peak

Although many warriors did not participate in the Territory Lord's Battle this time, they wanted to see whether one Territory Lord's status would change in the Territory Lord's Battle.

The second and first person to appear was Wang Jue. His technique once again fully demonstrated his cultivation level.

At this moment, a terrifying aura burst out from Wang Jue's gray pupils, breaking him.

Right now.

The corpse of Wang Jue's opponent fell limply on the playing area.

Not far away, Chen Xuan was very surprised. Wang Jue's cultivation level was really terrifying.

After killing his opponent, Wang Jue walked down the competition area with murderous intent and slowly observed Chen Xuan's surroundings.

Chen Xuan could feel the killing intent in the center of his eyes.

"It's really damn good."

After exerting violent power, Chen Xuan looked very calm, not disturbed by Wang Jue's threat.

"According to the rumors I got, Li Weiguo of Qingyun Sword Sect, Dragon Seal, has reached the ninth level of invincibility in the realm of gods. I don't know whether it is true or not."

"Of course, Li Weiguo, Dragon Seal's cultivation is very powerful. At that time, there were rumors that he had mastered the Qingyun Sword Sect's joint secret method to the extreme."

"Decades ago, Li Weiguo and Longyin fought against Wang Junxie from the Ten Thousand Demon Dragon Clan, but in the end they never fought. A hundred years later, Wang Junxie has reached the top of the list of the younger generation in the third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. , and Li Weiguo, Longyin has no way to reach the third level of the younger generation rankings in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, but it does not affect his cultivation at all. "

Many warriors began to discuss, but when many warriors saw Li Weiguo, Longyin's opponent, their faces were full of helplessness.

Before, I thought I could see Li Weiguo and Dragon Seal's performance. No warrior could have imagined that his opponent was actually a disciple of Qingyun Sword Sect.

"I admit that I am no match."

The disciple of Qingyun Sword Sect must be very aware of Li Weiguo and Longyin's cultivation, and he directly admitted that he was no match.

This makes many warriors who want to see Li Weiguo and the Dragon Seal Kung Fu very helpless.

Li Weiguo, Dragon Seal caused a great shock here.

After that, the battles continued one after another.

Although there were some relatively powerful warriors during the period, none of them were able to arouse Chen Xuan's thoughts.

Finally arrived at Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's opponent is not a domain master who is good at divine soul attributes and magical secrets.

"Lord Luo?"

After seeing him, Chen Xuan also showed a puzzled expression.

This Territory Lord Luo is also a warrior who needs to be killed.


At this moment, Territory Lord Luo looked at Chen Xuan without any murderous intention.

The prince, two domain masters and the others looked at Chen Xuan.

If Chen Xuan could defend against Territory Lord Luo's magical secret method, it would mean that the warriors he sent had been killed.

And if he had no way to defend himself, Qingyun Sword Sect should have used the technique unknowingly.

Just at this time.

Territory Lord Luo deliberately asked him to distract the power of his spiritual consciousness. In an instant, the violent magical and mysterious aura spread out and enveloped Chen Xuan instantly.

"There is no follow-up now."

At this moment, many warriors not far away nodded helplessly.

Territory Lord Luo's miraculous secret method is very powerful, and it can indeed be the top among the thirty domains.

Even the two domain masters, the prince and the prince, had no way of escaping in a short time when they appeared in the magical mystical method.

"It seems like this guy lost."

Many warriors are very sure.

The sect leader and Li Wanlong of Qingyun Sword Sect in the viewing area showed a faint smile to Chen Xuan.

The sword spirit of Feijian not far away shook his head when he saw all the warriors, and said mockingly: "You idiot."

He had experienced Chen Xuan's magical and mysterious techniques, which were really terrifying.

It's just Territory Lord Luo, how can it be possible to compare with him?

"Hahaha, it's really funny. What can you do if you have strong cultivation? Aren't you trapped in a magical and mysterious method with no way out?"

Territory Lord Luo's face turned gloomy.

Driven by the long sword in his hand, the soul-attribute aura suddenly spread into the air, and condensed into a soul-power sword energy in the air not far away, killing Chen Xuan's body.

"Die to me."

Territory Lord Luo shouted low, and his sword energy was already close to Chen Xuan.

Just when any warrior thought that Chen Xuan's hundred lives were not enough, at this moment Chen Xuan used the secret method of the sky, blasting crazily not far away from his soul sword energy, and then hit him broken.

At this time, the magical secret method that suppressed him was also directly hit on Lin's face.

At this moment.

Territory Lord Luo's body flew out directly.

"What do you mean?"

Territory Lord Luo still wanted to speak, but he felt that his power was draining away. At this moment, after a while, he no longer had any breath of life.

The viewing area was completely boiling. Even Wang Jue, Li Weiguo, Long Yin and the others were also a little surprised.

Those ordinary disciples even shouted loudly.

Among the thirty Territory Lords, Territory Lord Luo has the strongest divine soul attributes and magical mystical techniques.

In the current raid, the Territory Lord in the Yunxue area did not expend much effort. Not only did he break the magical secret method, but he also reduced Territory Lord Luo's soul to ashes.

"It's really scary. His soul attributes and magical secrets are so strong."

Many warriors discovered that the Territory Lord of the Yunxue area was simply a genius.

The defensive power of body refining directly and completely killed a ninth-level consummation domain master in the divine realm.

But now, Territory Lord Luo's magical secret method was broken, and it was only his best attribute of the soul that killed him in an instant.

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