"Think about it carefully." Shangguan Yun said very puzzled.

"I remembered a place, there is a very high probability... that the warrior you are looking for may appear." Zhang Wanlong said.


"Near my Wanlong Peak area and Wang Lunyun's area, there is an area called Jinling Longshan. At that time, a top-level talent from a famous and upright martial artist appeared in this place, and even affected Zhao Yunlong."

"What? No way, how is this possible?"

Chen Xuan and others were very surprised. A top-level talent that is difficult for a famous and upright martial artist to appear affected Zhao Yunlong?

Zhao Yunlong is one of the top masters of Sha Mo Tan. His cultivation has reached the level of a master who has just entered the Shenlong realm, and his cultivation is almost close to the Shenlong realm.

If it were placed in another place, he would be a master who is almost equivalent to the Shenlong realm.

They continued to ask, and Zhang Wanlong didn't understand at all.

It is obvious that there are many powerful people in Jinling Longshan, and he has no way to protect them there.

"Jinling Longshan."

Chen Xuan and others also remembered the natural spiritual energy of Jinling Longshan.

After leaving the huge sand dune, Luo Ming asked in confusion: "Are we going to Jinling Dragon Mountain now?"

"There are many powerful people in Jinling Dragon Mountain. If you look at your enemy a little bit, you will die. It's better to be cautious." Shangguan Yun said.

Chen Xuan said: "The remains of the powerful people in the Shenlong realm mentioned by the old man in black are on the edge of the Wanlong Peak area. We are going to Jinling Dragon Mountain and we have to pass by it by chance."

"You mean, we take it away by force?"

"Yes, the remains of the powerful people in the Shenlong realm in the Sand Demon Tan." Chen Xuan said.

In the Wanglunyun area, the old man in black clenched the long sword in his hand, and he was extremely unhappy in his heart.

Originally, he wanted to deliberately set a trap to kill Chen Xuan and others, enter the remains of the powerful people in the Shenlong realm, and seize the opportunity to get a high-level demon spirit body.

"If I get a high-level demon spirit body, I can enter Jinling Dragon Mountain."

Thinking of this place, the old man in black looked very crazy.

"What the hell is going on? You damned fellows. When I get the top magic weapon in the ruins, I will definitely kill you." Then the old man in black came to the Wanlong Peak area again, and then flew towards the ruins. Soon, the old man in black came to a huge and terrifying peak. Using his spiritual sense to search around, he carefully sensed and then entered the heart of the peak. All around were golden fire sand. The old man in black exerted his power of the first, and a soul phantom emerged from his body, and then he flew into the peak. At this time. This phantom appeared in front of the old man in black with a faint breath. The old man in black showed a very cruel smile. "It's right here." On the ground, a door leading to the inside suddenly appeared. The door opened, and the old man in black jumped in, stepping on the soil on the ground. A very terrifying breath emerged from the gate, completely enveloping this place. From the outside, there were many weeds, and there was no door leading to the inside at all. After a while, Chen Xuan and his team arrived at this place accurately.

"Nothing is there," Luo Ming said.

"There are ruins."

Chen Xuan gently waved his weapon, the formation defense was broken, and the gate leading to the inside appeared in front of several warriors.

"Is it a ruin?"

Luo Ming shouted loudly.

"Don't waste time, leave quickly, and look inside carefully." Shangguan Yun said.

Chen Xuan stopped them and said, "Don't be arrogant. I obviously found some spiritual pressure. This ruin is definitely not that simple."

After the consciousness entered the gate leading to the inside, it was suddenly blocked.

After trying for a long time, there was nothing to search carefully.

"Block the consciousness in the gate leading to the inside, don't move when you go in, everything is subject to my order." Chen Xuan carefully told: "Shangguan Yun, prepare the high-level demon spirit body."

Unconsciously, several warriors felt that their bodies were being seduced inside.

Not long after a while, they felt that their bodies were completely unable to perform their skills.

They didn't know how much time had passed, and several warriors felt that they fell to the ground at this moment.

At this moment...

In front of Chen Xuan, a thunderous breath appeared, spreading red.

"The palace of the ruins?"

Instantly, he found the palace of the ruins in front of him, and a warrior had entered during the previous period.

"Could it be that the old man in black has already entered?" Shangguan Yun said.

Chen Xuan stood up and looked around him, and found that there was nothing very dangerous, and then continued to walk forward.

When they broke through the gate, they immediately felt that the surrounding space was suddenly filled with a very dangerous breath.

At this moment.

It was like a huge monster making a sound, coming out unconsciously.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan shouted, and then urged the Wanxian Yufa formation, wrapping the two cultivators in it.

At this moment.

The huge monster forcibly broke through the Wanxian Yufa formation Zheng

"What is this?" Shangguan Yun said very puzzled.

"This is the Golden Blood Dragon Scale Monster."

Luo Ming's face became extremely deep.

"The golden-blooded dragon-scale demon is very scary. He has infinite aura in his body. If a well-known and upright warrior comes into contact, his soul will be burned instantly." Luo Ming explained carefully: "The most important thing is the power of the golden-blooded dragon-scale demon. It’s very terrifying. Under normal circumstances, even the ninth-level immortal magic weapon of the true immortal and extraordinary immortal level cannot kill him.”

In short, this kind of golden blood dragon scale monster only exists in the sand demon Tan Zheng

"Burn the soul?" Chen Xuandao.

"Yes, that's correct. Even an invincible warrior at the ninth level of the divine realm will be burned instantly. Unless he is an invincible peak powerhouse at the ninth level of the divine realm, his soul can break through to defend himself." Luo Ming said.

He was very surprised that a warrior who had reached the ninth level of the divine realm could actually perform such a level of technique.

Luo Ming was very anxious, how to escape from the attack of the Golden Blood Dragon Scale Demon.

"Sir, the golden blood dragon scale demon is just like Luo Ming, but if you want to enter the divine time space, there is a way."

"What?" Chen Xuan said very confused.

After all, the Golden Dragon Monster is actually a powerful person from the True Dragon Clan who is at the level of a divine dragon.

Although the golden-blooded dragon-scale monster no longer appears in other places, there have been some rumors about the golden dragon monster before.

He has a way to deal with the golden blood dragon scale monster.

"If you want to seal the Golden Blood Dragon Scale Demon, you must completely seal his body for a short time. Although your current Ten Thousand Immortals Royal Magic Formation seals his body for a short time, he can still struggle. This will hurt your soul. "The golden dragon monster said: "Although the golden blood dragon scale monster is very terrifying, with the powerful defense of our golden dragon monster, we can completely suppress them in a short time."

"What do you mean?" Chen Xuan seemed to have deduced.

"I will release all my power and suppress them completely. I will not even resist. But you only have five breaths." The golden dragon monster told them carefully.

Not so much Chen Xuan.

Before Luo Ming and Guan Yun could react, violent power emitted from Chen Xuan's surroundings.

Just at this time.

The aura of the golden dragon monster was completely released, and the aura in the palace of the ruins was showing its full power.

Right now.

The still struggling golden-blooded dragon scale demon was completely suppressed.

"Come all over here."

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan instantly opened the divine time space and frantically absorbed the golden blood dragon scale demon.

Just at this time.

One after another, the golden-blooded dragon-scaled monster suppressed Zheng Zheng in the divine time space.

When the aura of the golden dragon monster disappeared, the golden-blooded dragon-scale monster in the Ten Thousand Immortals Royal Dharma Formation also disappeared.

Chen Xuan carefully observed the divine time space. The golden-blooded dragon scale demon had resumed its actions, but because of the divine time space, it had no way to resist.

Chen Xuan used the power of divine time and space to forcibly control the golden blood dragon scale demon.

At this moment...

After finishing everything in front of him, the stone in Chen Xuan's heart fell to the ground.

After careful observation, we saw a golden-blooded dragon scale demon in this class. This was definitely a terrifying cultivation level.

"These golden blood dragon scale monsters have not reached the peak level at all. If they were to completely break through, they would definitely be able to use all their aura to suppress the ninth level invincible peak warriors in the realm of gods." said the golden dragon monster.

A terrifying sound came out, and the real nine-clawed golden dragon turned its magic skills and looked at these golden blood dragon scale monsters.

This moment...

Elsewhere, the Ten Thousand Immortals Royal Dharma Array continued, but the Golden Blood Dragon Scale Demon disappeared.

"It shouldn't be that simple. What's going on?"

Shangguan Yun and Luo Ming were surprised at the same time. Regarding this matter, Chen Xuan smiled.

"Don't waste time, leave quickly and search inside carefully."

Several warriors entered the palace of the ruins.

At this moment, everywhere was filled with red aura, and even the last few warriors discovered the aura on the ground.

"What kind of breath is this?" Shangguan Yun asked very puzzledly.

"I don't know. There is a very high chance that a battle broke out in this place." Luo Ming deliberately lowered his voice.

"Please save my life."

Not far away, in an open area, a young warrior spoke loudly and with difficulty.

Around him, there were several golden blood dragon scale demons, obviously absorbing his essence.

"Golden Blood Dragon Scale Demon?"

Chen Xuan's pupils were also very shocked. What is the identity of this young warrior?

Could it be that this guy is a strong man at the ninth invincible peak of the divine realm?

"Please spare my life, I can help you."

Young warrior, a difficult path.

Finally, Chen Xuan was thinking in his heart and immediately rescued him.

He did not use the technique, but called out the golden blood dragon scale demon in the divine time space.

A golden blood dragon scale demon appeared instantly, making Shangguan Yun and Luo Ming very stunned.

What he didn't expect was that this golden-blooded dragon-scale demon actually launched an attack on those golden-blooded dragon-scale demons.

This scene shocked the young warrior.

Chen Xuan walked up to the young warrior and asked very puzzledly: "What is your identity and why are you here?"

"I am the number one inheritor of the Zhao Yun Long Sect."

The young warrior recovered slightly and said with difficulty.

"This place is the mysterious secret method of an invincible and powerful person in the realm of gods. I was plotted by other warriors."

Zhao Yun is the number one among the Long Sect.

It was obvious that he was the lackey of Zhao Yunlong, one of the top powerhouses.

And the ruins in this place are the ruins of a ninth-level invincible perfection in the realm of gods, which is very popular for a peak warrior like him, the ninth-level invincible in the realm of gods.

When he entered this place, he was jointly attacked by the golden-blooded dragon-scale demons. He struggled to escape from the area, but found several golden-blooded dragon-scale demons.

The golden blood dragon scale demon was about to be repelled by him, but he did not expect that a warrior came in before and severely injured him, allowing the golden blood dragon scale demon to completely absorb his body.

"It must be the old man in black." Shangguan Yun smiled slightly.

"If you rescue me, I will take you to Zhao Yunlong's fairyland, and I can even tell you all the information I understand."

He took out some magic weapons from the ring and threw them to the young warrior.

After he absorbed it, at least he was no longer at risk from the mountain spirit's thoughts.

After a few minutes passed, the young warrior opened his eyes. His body refining defense had been destroyed. Unless he left this place, it would be impossible to rebuild his body refining defense.

"Thank you so much."

The young warrior showed a slight smile.

It is indeed not easy to meet someone who saves him in Sand Magic Tales.

"What do you know about this ruins?" Chen Xuan asked very puzzledly.

"This ruins belongs to a powerful immortal beast. In the center of the palace in the ruins, there is a true immortal level dragon scale grass." The young warrior is called Wang Tan.

True Immortal Level Dragon Scale Grass?

Hearing this, Chen Xuan's expression changed. It was obvious that at present, only the soil where the powerful True Dragon Tribe, the invincible and supreme God Realm, died would become the True Immortal Level Dragon Scale Grass.

The power contained in the True Immortal Grade Dragon Scale Grass is really very powerful. If a well-known and upright warrior swallows it, it can greatly improve his own cultivation.

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