"Don't you know the current location of the True Immortal Level Dragon Scale Grass?" Chen Xuan asked very puzzledly.

Wang Tan nodded: "This is the nebula site map of the ruined palace. It was given to me by my lord."

Zhao Yunlong is actually a strong man who has just entered the divine dragon realm, and the first inheritor of the sect is also a strong man in the divine dragon realm.

Chen Xuan looked at it carefully and then said: "Let's go."

Wang Tan nodded and moved forward slowly.

At this time, the old man in black who had arrived at the center of the ruined palace had discovered the True Immortal Grade Dragon Scale Grass.

"True Immortal Level Dragon Scale Grass..."

The old man in black looked excited. He discovered that there was a powerful defense formation not far away from the True Immortal Grade Dragon Scale Grass.

"If I can swallow the True Immortal Level Dragon Scale Grass, my cultivation level will definitely be able to break through to the ninth-level invincible peak of the Divine Realm."

Thinking of this place, the old man in black felt hot in his heart.

He looked at the formation defense carefully, but no matter what method he used, there was no way to break the formation defense.

At this moment, the old man in black began to think unconsciously.

However, the sound of footsteps suddenly filled the air behind him.

He observed directly and apparently suddenly discovered Chen Xuan and the others.

"It's you?"

He should have thought a long time ago that there was a high chance that something would happen if he did not completely kill Zhang Wanlong in this matter.

But there was a smile on his face.

"It's really good."

The old man in black laughed murderously.

"Take out your high-level demon spirit body honestly, otherwise I will let you die in this place." The old man in black said with murderous intent.

Chen Xuan suddenly looked at the True Immortal Level Dragon Scale Grass in front of him, and then said: "Should you surrender now?"

The old man in black laughed mockingly, and the golden ring on his body suddenly showed all its power, and flew out with violent power.

Even Chen Xuan didn't expect that his golden ring actually hit the defense formation around the True Immortal Dragon Scale Grass.

At this moment.

Suddenly, the ruins of the palace kept trembling and trembling, the strong wind suddenly blew by, as if it was going to be completely suppressed, and the strange and incomparable smile of the old man in black suddenly filled the air in the distance.

This moment...

Hunyuan spiritual power was waved out, and the True Immortal Level Dragon Scale Grass suddenly disappeared in front of him.

The terrifying power caused by the dissipation of the defense formation exploded instantly, directly surrounding Chen Xuan and the others.

The old man in black was actually very excited inside.

In order to get the True Immortal Level Dragon Scale Grass and kill Chen Xuan and the others at the same time, he couldn't help but kill his golden ring.

The nine demon spirits appeared and defended against the terrifying sword energy group.

At this time, Chen Xuan released a golden blood dragon scale demon and approached the old man in black without any movement.

A terrifying and extremely painful roar suddenly came from the old man in black, and then his soul was burned in an instant.

I was able to escape successfully before because of the golden ring.

Now without the golden ring, he had no way to defend himself against the attack of the golden-blooded dragon scale demon.

His pupils were full of fear, and he let out a terrible and painful roar.

Finally, he collapsed on Lin, without any breath of life.

And the True Immortal Level Dragon Scale Grass came into Chen Xuan’s hands.

"Is this the True Immortal Level Dragon Scale Grass that reaches the ninth level of the Divine Realm and is invincible?"

Luo Ming looked very happy.

"Brother Chen Xuan, absorb it quickly." Shangguan said.

"Yes, if you absorb the power from the True Immortal Level Dragon Scale Grass, you will definitely show all your power." Luo Ming said.

But Chen Xuan shook his head slightly. After he understood that there was True Immortal Grade Dragon Scale Grass in this place, he had a plan. He wanted to give this True Immortal Grade Dragon Scale Grass to the Golden Dragon Monster.

"Don't waste any time, escape from this place quickly."

Several warriors suddenly looked at Kong, then took Wang Tan and left quickly.

After a while, several warriors left.

Phew... right now!

A whirlwind appeared in the ruined palace.

After Chen Xuan gave the True Immortal Level Dragon Scale Grass to the Golden Dragon Monster, he took Wang Tan and left the Wanlong Peak area.

At this moment, Chen Xuan was paying attention to the movements of the golden dragon monster.

After he devoured the True Immortal Level Dragon Scale Grass, he seemed to have begun to recover unconsciously.

"What's the problem?" Chen Xuan was a little confused.

This situation probably lasted for several months, and the golden dragon monster finally showed signs of a breakthrough.

Phew... right now!

The golden dragon monster beast that had not fully recovered its strength in the divine time space was suddenly filled with crazy vibrating power.

There are signs of breakthrough happening all over his body.

When Chen Xuan and the others arrived at Jinling Longshan, the signs of the golden dragon monster's breakthrough were almost over.

It can be clearly seen that the golden dragon monster's injuries have basically recovered.

At this moment.

There was a vibrating sound, and the golden dragon monster landed lightly near Chen Xuan.

"Thank you so much, sir." The golden dragon monster thanked him.

"It's nothing, how is it?" Chen Xuan said hastily and doubtfully.

"My cultivation has been restored to the level of the invincible and supreme god."

"What kind of cultivation? A strong person in the divine dragon realm." Chen Xuan continued to say very puzzledly. At that time, after the golden dragon monster recovered, he became a strong person in the divine dragon realm.

"He can only be regarded as a strong man who has just entered the realm of the dragon. His cultivation is weaker than that of the strong man in the realm of the dragon." The golden dragon monster said.

"Continue to recover."

It took him several months to come to Jinling Dragon Mountain from the Wanlong Peak area.

"Is this Jinling Dragon Mountain?" Shangguan Yun said very puzzled.

Wang Tan looked very calm: "The leader of Jinling Dragon Mountain is the first inheritor of Zhao Yunlong's sect. We will stay in Jinling Dragon Mountain first and then continue on our way."

After arriving at Jinling Dragon Mountain, Wang Tan used his skills to contact the first inheritor of Zhao Yunlong's sect.

It didn't take long for him to come.

"Wang Tan."

A warrior suddenly appeared in the air.

"What's going on? What happened?"

The young warrior in red clothes exuded a terrifying aura.

Wang Tan told the first inheritor what he had encountered.

And the aura that Chen Xuan felt from the first inheritor was almost equivalent to the sect master of Qingyun Sword Sect and the sect master of Qingyun Immortal Sect.

It is indeed very terrifying, and it is worthy of being called Sand Demon Tan. A strong man who breaks through the Divine Dragon Realm under such a terrifying aura is almost equivalent to a strong man in the real Divine Dragon Realm in other places.

Now Wang Tan has been chatting with the first inheritor.

"Sir, have there been any orthodox warriors from famous families in Jinling Longshan in recent years?" Wang Tan said very puzzled.

Chen Xuan and Shangguan Yun looked at the first inheritor with horror.

"Several years ago, there were several orthodox warriors from famous families who appeared in Jinling Longshan. They were all sealed in by Yunkong Fairyland." The first inheritor said.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan was very excited.

It must be Yuwen Qiu and Wanyan Qingdong.

"I don't know where those cultivators are now?" Wang Tan said very puzzled.

The first inheritor looked at Wang Tan and said, "There are several cultivators in the sect battle area of ​​Jinling Longshan, and there is also a red-haired cultivator who was sent to where Zhao Yunlong is currently staying."

"Zhao Yunlong has not appeared for a thousand years. He accidentally discovered the red-haired cultivator of our Jinling Longshan. His talent and strength are very terrifying, so I gave him to Zhao Yunlong. It is because of this that Zhao Yunlong also gave me many materials and treasures needed to improve my cultivation in Jinling Longshan."

Chen Xuan clenched his long sword, and it was obvious that his pupils were very angry, but he did not have the strength to fight Zhao Yunlong yet. If he showed anger, even a hundred lives would not be enough.

"I don't know how this red-haired cultivator is now." Wang Tan said very puzzled.

Now he knows that Chen Xuan has been looking for the famous and orthodox warriors who have been sealed in this place for several years, and they are all sealed from Yunkong Fairyland.

Since he understood the news, he naturally had to ask.

The first inheritor looked at Wang Tan and said, "The red-haired monk was accepted as the inheritor by Zhao Yunlong. He was originally the inheritor of a certain sect, but he directly became one of the few monks with a more prominent status in Zhao Yunlong's fairyland." The first inheritor was a little envious.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan's heart was relieved.

"What are you going to do?" The first inheritor said very puzzled.

Wang Tan smiled and said, "It's nothing important."

The first inheritor arranged Chen Xuan and others in Jinling Longshan.

In just a few months, Wang Tan's body defense has been fully restored.

But it is obvious that after these few months, Chen Xuan has been practicing.

His body defense has reached the peak of the third level of the True Immortal Level, and will soon be able to reach perfection.

And the Ten Thousand Immortals Sword Art was created again, fifteen or sixteen levels, combined with the Azure Dragon Divine Seal Method, just his current cultivation level, the Divine Lord Realm Nine Level Invincible Great Accomplishment is almost out of the list.

At this time, Chen Xuan has almost reached the peak of the Divine Lord Realm Nine Level Invincible Peak.

Shangguan Yun's progress was very ordinary. He had been obsessed with the rapid search for demon spirit bodies. Based on the advanced demon spirit bodies, he constantly and rapidly sought the current moves.

Even if he did not have the talent of a strong man, he could only rely on other thinking.

As for Luo Ming, his strength was obviously much stronger than before. Every time he had an insight, he would compete with Chen Xuan in body training and defense. However, he was hit by Chen Xuan every time, and finally one day, Wang Tan came.

"Brother Chen Xuan."

Wang Tan said to Chen Xuan hurriedly.

"It's really a cause for celebration! Brother Wang Tan, restore body training and defense." Chen Xuan said.

Wang Tan smiled: "Fortunately, there is Brother Chen Xuan, otherwise I would probably die at the hands of the Golden Blood Dragon Scale Monster."

"My Lord is discussing some important matters. It is estimated that he will return to another area in a few months. I will also leave at that time."

"I have heard the news and know the situation in the Sect War Area. Some of the warriors you are looking for may be in the Sect Zheng"

After hearing this, Chen Xuan and the others looked very confused.

The Sect War Area is a very scary place. Every warrior with very average strength in the battle area will enter the Sect War Area to fight.

"I will take you there now, but you must obey my orders when you go in." Wang Tan said.

In a gray house, several gray-clothed warriors sat on bluestone.

"How is Jinling Longshan recently?"

"You also know that Jinling Longshan has always been like this." The first inheritor said.

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