Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6235 The top genius of Qingbai Dragon Sect

Chen Xuan's expression was a little dark, and he could detect a very strange aura near him.

"I didn't expect that the top talents of Qingbai Dragon Sect would also come."

The white-haired mysterious warrior was very calm and said softly.

"The top talent of Qingbai Dragon Sect."

Chen Xuan instantly understood that this powerful red-robed warrior should be the top talent of the Blue and White Dragon Sect, where the white-haired mysterious warrior belonged.

At the last moment, the mysterious warrior on the high platform kept talking about the red-robed warrior.

"Everyone, this is the top talent of the Qingbai Dragon Sect, named Wang Lunyu. This time, the Qingbai Dragon Sect specially asked him to be in charge of this large-scale chamber of commerce auction."

After the mysterious warrior finished the auction, everyone in the Chamber of Commerce was surprised.

Hundreds of warriors stared at the red-robed warrior with puzzled expressions.

In the southwest region, Wang Lunyu is famous among the younger generation, and many people have heard of it.

"It is said that Wang Lunyu is the number one master in the southwest region. It is indeed true. His aura is indeed very powerful."

"Not only that, Wang Lunyu has not been practicing for a long time, but he has already broken through to the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God. He is a very powerful being among the younger generation, and his cultivation is very terrifying."

"This is just praise from others. According to the skills he has practiced, it is very powerful. Almost no one among the hundreds of disciples of the Qingbai Dragon Sect can match it. Now he has been able to cast a top-grade true immortal grade fifth-level magic weapon. , and his cultivation is also extremely powerful.”

Many warriors were discussing loudly.

Among the younger generation, there are very few warriors who can forge the fifth-level magic weapon of the top-grade True Immortal Grade Divine Soul, and there are even fewer people who can achieve this level of cultivation. But his future achievements are limitless.

Even Master Wang, the strongest swordsmith in the southwest region, also valued his talent and cultivation, and wanted him to practice with him.

The white-haired mysterious warrior shook his head.

"Wang Lunyu's talent and cultivation in weapon refining may be very powerful, but he is not suitable at all for the techniques practiced by Master Wang."

At this moment, Chen Xuan's eyes fell on Wang Lunyu.

Wang Lunyu stood on the high platform without saying a word, and instantly became the focus of discussion among many warriors.

He also seemed to like this kind of appreciation very much, with a smile on his pupils.

"There is no way for such a warrior to become Master Wang's disciple."

Chen Xuan is also curious. He must know that Master Wang is only a swordsmith who can cast the sixth-level magic weapon of the true immortal soul. He has not yet been able to truly cast the sixth-level magic weapon of the true immortal soul.

Moreover, Wang Lunyu is young, and his talent and cultivation are almost zero.

It is absolutely impossible for such a warrior to have a low level of cultivation in the future, and it may even be higher.

It can be seen from Wang Lunyu's time in the Qingbai Dragon Sect that the Qingbai Dragon Sect spent all the talents and treasures used in cultivation to improve him, and obviously wanted to promote him to become the candidate for the next generation of sect masters. Some of the senior officials of the Qingbai Dragon Sect are even Wang Lunyu has a 100% chance of becoming a true immortal-level sixth-level sword-smithing master.

After the mysterious warrior finished speaking, he left without any movement, leaving Wang Lunyu alone as a warrior on the high platform.

Staring at the scenes discussed by many people nearby, Wang Lunyu raised his eyes.

"I know very well that everyone has been unable to restrain themselves before, so I won't waste any time and will start directly."

Wang Lunyu said slightly.

The first auction item was sent to the fighting area.

This is a red long sword, but there are several space-time gaps on the red long sword.

There is a mysterious red aura on the red sword, which seems to have the aura of rune power. The entire area around the red sword is shrouded in a terrifying aura, giving people a very surprising feeling.

"This long red sword is called the Scarlet Blood Moon Sword. It is a top-grade True Immortal Grade Divine Soul fifth-level magic weapon. However, the person was seriously injured before, and the power inside was completely sealed, making it what it is now."

After Wang Lunyu finished speaking, many warriors understood it completely.

Even though this scarlet blood moon sword is very powerful, it is sealed by a terrifying seal. If there is no way to check and understand it, it is basically useless at all.

Many warriors looked at each other and carefully observed the front. No one chose to compete before this.

"Our Master Song Yungang has judged that the Scarlet Blood Moon Sword has mysterious properties. It absorbs star power and can increase its power a lot." Wang Lunyu continued.

After hearing this, the sound of discussion continued to emanate.

"This is close to a hundred pieces of high-grade ground truth source stone. Each time the price of the spiritual stone is increased, it will be no less than a few."

The auction selection began. Wang Lunyu's purple eyes looked at many warriors. It was obvious that many warriors did not have the guts to display their skills casually.

If there is no obvious certainty that the seal can be seen and understood, it will be of no use at all, so they have no way to accept it.

Wang Lunyu also kept talking about the benefits of the Scarlet Blood Moon Sword, allowing more warriors to choose and compete.

"I'll give you one hundred and twenty."

Finally, some monks began to choose to compete, but the increase in the price of spiritual stones was not very high.

"I'll pay one hundred and fifty."

The price began to break through a lot, and soon it reached more than 200 high-grade ground truth source stones.

"how are you feeling."

The white-haired mysterious warrior stared at the scarlet blood moon sword and whispered.

"Wang Lunyu is right, the Scarlet Blood Moon Sword is not deceiving, but things are not that simple."

"What is it?" the white-haired mysterious warrior continued to ask doubtfully.

"The seal on the Scarlet Blood Moon Sword is very strong. Generally, warriors have no way to remove the seal. Even masters who have practiced the sealing method can't do anything." Chen Xuandao: "Unless you are a second-level God-breaking Dragon Realm who is good at the sealing method. Only an invincible master can open him up."

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, the white-haired mysterious warrior nodded slightly with satisfaction.

He turned his gaze to Chen Xuan. When he saw Chen Xuan for the first time, he felt that this guy was very mysterious.

"Then what do you think of this scarlet blood moon sword?" the white-haired mysterious warrior said with a smile.

"If it is a high-grade true immortal grade fifth-level magic weapon, its value is about ten high-grade earth-principle source stones. And the scarlet blood moon sword with mysterious properties is worth at least several hundred earth-principle source stones."

Chen Xuandao: "But now that the Scarlet Blood Moon Sword has been sealed, there is a high possibility that the final price will be two thousand Earth True Dao Source Stones."

In the following time, more warriors participated in the auction of the Scarlet Blood Moon Sword than before.

Wang Lunyu on the high platform had a smile on his face at this moment.

"Scarlet Blood Moon Sword Ruci magic weapon, if I can get it, there is a 100% chance that my cultivation will be improved. Compared to the benefits, although I will make more money, I will give you four hundred high-grade earthly truth source stones. ”

A young warrior with a fairly good cultivation level directly raised the price to 400 high-grade Earth True Dao Source Stones.

And four hundred high-grade True Dao Origin Stones is already a very high price, which is almost equivalent to four million middle-grade True Dao Origin Stones.

"Damn rubbish. There is a seal on the Scarlet Blood Moon Sword. If you can check it casually, how could the Magic Weapon Merchant Guild of the White Dragon Territory take it out?"

Some monks were mocking him secretly.

"But it's just a seal. I can break the seal."

Another warrior raised the price to five hundred yuan.

At this moment, the competition for the Caidi treasure has basically come to an end, and there are fewer warriors choosing to auction it than before.

But Chen Xuan didn't expect that it would be Zhao Wulong who finally got the scarlet blood moon sword.

What happened.

Staring at Zhao Wulong with gray pupils, standing there calmly, Chen Xuan was slightly surprised.

"What does Zhao Wulong want with this scarlet blood moon sword?"

Chen Xuan was a little confused. With Zhao Wulong's knowledge of weapon refining and his cultivation, plus he felt the rules of sword making, it didn't take long at all for him to be able to forge a top-grade true immortal grade fifth-level magic weapon. , why must I choose this thing? Did he feel that this matter was not that simple, but now he is not sure what is in this thing that is worthy of his attention.

At the same time, Chen Xuan also felt a little disappointed in his heart. If the magic weapon was handed over to him like this, there might be some precious things in it worth exploring. Unfortunately, he has missed this opportunity now.

The first auction selection was obtained by Zhao Wulong.

"Do you think that after defeating Song Weidong, you can be arrogant and domineering?"

"Don't make me laugh. You're really making me laugh by using a thousand pieces of high-grade Earth True Origin Stone to buy a bunch of rubbish."

In the Chamber of Commerce, many warriors were mocking Zhao Wulong.

But he remained motionless and took out enough Earth True Origin Stones from this place to obtain the Scarlet Blood Moon Sword.

"This guy is very mysterious. I found the same aura as the Scarlet Blood Moon Sword near him." Suddenly, a white-haired mysterious warrior not far away said: "It's really interesting, it's really interesting. I didn't expect him to actually I discovered the secret inside, and it seems that he is just as I thought, it’s not that simple.”

Chen Xuan didn't think much about it. He was soon attracted by the next item being sold. He was a little curious in his heart. He didn't know what this thing was. After all, this was only held once in tens of millions of years. At the auction, the items inside must be very precious, and they have been acquiring them after saving for a long time.

The next item being sold was a golden blood hairpin.

After Wang Lunyu's narration, many warriors understood that this golden blood hairpin was called the golden dragon blood hairpin.

The activation can then release dozens of yuan of firepower.

Any piece of Yuan Fire has a very powerful power. There is Origin Fire in it, which can directly kill the first-level God-breaking warrior of Shenlong.

Even the warriors in the late stages of Shenlong's second level of God Breaking didn't have the guts to defend head-on.

After releasing dozens of primordial firepower at any one time, you need to find earthly spiritual materials to cast the primordial firepower again.

"How can the Magic Weapon Merchant in White Dragon Territory deal with such rubbish?"

"This golden blood hairpin is too rubbish. I'm a man, how can I wear this?"

Many warriors were angry, thinking that the Magic Weapon Merchant in White Dragon Territory was simply mocking them by taking out this golden blood hairpin.

"Everyone, don't be anxious. Let me tell you about the origin of this thing. It is not as simple as it seems on the surface."

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