Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6236 The Magic Weapon Chamber of Commerce in White Dragon Heaven Territory

Wang Lunyu waved his hand to express silence, then showed a smile and said: "What are you thinking in your heart at the moment? We have a very long history, I understand. But the large-scale magic weapon chamber of commerce organized by Wanjin Guild was held well Hundreds of times, don’t you still believe in the Magic Weapon Chamber of Commerce in the White Dragon Territory? This thing cannot be a mortal thing. I believe you should also know that in the previous hundreds of thousands of years of history, we have shown enough sincerity. , so this thing is far from as simple as you think.”

"If it's just a gold-blooded hairpin, how can it have the power to come to this high platform? So it's not simple."

Even if there are dozens of Dao Yuan firepower, they don't have the power to reach the large-scale magic weapon chamber held by Wanjin Guild. Although this kind of power is very strong, it is too troublesome to create.

Hearing Wang Lunyu mention it, many warriors looked slightly nervous, and then looked at him, as if something strange was happening.

"This golden blood hairpin is indeed what I said. It contains dozens of Dao Yuan firepower, and there is no difference. However, it is not that simple." When they arrived here, Wang Lunyu said: "This golden blood hairpin The hairpin was passed down from the past and was used by one of the most ancient and mysterious demon kings, and his reputation is also very famous. I believe you have heard of his name. "

At this moment.

Everyone in the Chamber of Commerce was surprised.

Hundreds of warriors showed puzzled expressions, a little surprised in their hearts, and obviously also doubted the origin of this thing.

If it were just the golden blood hairpin and Yuanhuo power, they still wouldn't really care. It was very rare for it to be used by the most ancient and mysterious demon king that really caught their attention.

"Everyone must have heard of the Demon Dragon. Although this golden blood hairpin has only been used by the Demon Dragon a few times, it still retains a little bit of the most ancient and mysterious aura of the Demon Dragon Demon King, and the essence of it is There was a mysterious change in firepower.”

After Wang Lunyu finished speaking, the rest of the time was left for many warriors.

In the end, just as he originally thought, many warriors were attracted by the mysterious changes in Yuanhuo.

"The breath of the most ancient and mysterious Demon King has changed the structure of the Yuan Fire Power. There must be a 100% chance that this Yuan Fire Power has become a top-notch magic weapon."

"I want it, no matter what the cost."

"It's really funny, it's really a good thing."

Many warriors began to choose and compete very anxiously.

The low price of the Golden Blood Hairpin was close to one hundred yuan for the high-grade Earth True Dao Source Stone, but it quickly reached five hundred yuan.

Chen Xuan shook his head in surprise, this was simply impossible. It was just used by the most ancient and mysterious demon king. As for this, five hundred yuan!

But at this moment, Chen Xuan's body was shaking, and a voice came from his spiritual consciousness.

Then Chen Xuan's face gradually turned gloomy.

The demon dragon who was practicing in seclusion discovered the most ancient and mysterious aura of the demon king in the golden blood hairpin. He was now eager to tell Chen Xuan that he needed him.

"You can sense the most ancient and mysterious aura of the Demon King." Chen Xuan said with a little doubt in his heart.

"This golden blood hairpin is not as simple as his. Trust me, help me get it at all costs. This thing is really important to me. With this golden blood hairpin, I will have a breakthrough."

Chen Xuan also discovered that the golden blood hairpin was very important to the magic dragon.

He slightly re-prepared, and then began to choose to compete for this golden blood hairpin.

At this time, the price of this golden blood hairpin has reached 400 high-grade ground truth source stones.

"Two thousand dollars."

Chen Xuan's first auction selection.

Suddenly, hundreds of eyes looked here.

"What is the identity of this mysterious warrior? He looks pretty good."

"That's absolutely right. He is really brave to give a gold-blooded hairpin."

But Chen Xuan remained motionless, his eyes fixed on the golden hairpin.

"Two thousand five hundred dollars."

A voice suddenly appeared, and many warriors looked at it, their faces obviously gloomy with shock.

"It's Mr. Wang Bo. He's actually here too, and he values ​​the golden blood hairpin."

"Master Wang Bo is good at the secret method of Yuan Fire, and the mysterious changes in the path of Yuan Fire have naturally attracted Wang Bo's attention. Moreover, Master Wang Bo's own cultivation is not very terrifying, but his sect leader is a famous master of the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God Stage. ”

At this moment, many warriors were discussing.

No monk has been able to take away the things that Master Wang Bo values.

Many warriors thought that Chen Xuan would give up now.

But he actually didn't care too much about Wang Bo Darao's auction options and directly raised the price of spiritual stones.

at this time.

Source Earth Fire emitted from the vicinity of Mr. Wang Bo. He stared at Chen Xuan with a look of terror. By now, all the other auctioneers had withdrawn, and only he and Chen Xuan were left.

"I, Mr. Wang Bo, really want to get the golden blood hairpin. I don't know if I can let it go."

Master Wang Bo took the initiative to reveal his identity and wanted to intimidate Chen Xuan.

It's just that Chen Xuan, who was very unlucky, didn't want to eat this one.

"If you want to get it, just choose the auction. It will be of no use to me if you are sarcastic or sarcastic." Chen Xuan said helplessly.

Master Wang Bo looked very gloomy at this moment. If he had not been in the Chamber of Commerce, he would have used his skills on Chen Xuan long ago.

"In that case, fine, I want to see how you can compete with me."

Master Wang Bo was completely angered by Chen Xuan, and he showed a terrifying expression.

"Five hundred dollars."

Lord Wang Bo's cultivation level is quite good, so he raised the price to 1,500 yuan. Now the price of this golden blood hairpin has reached 1,500 yuan for the high-grade Earth True Dao Source Stone. Many warriors are very surprised.

But there are also some people who are secretly mocking them.

"Two damn rubbish, this golden blood hairpin was obviously brought out by the Qingbai Dragon Sect to show off, and now it has reached such a high price."

"The Qingbai Dragon Sect must be snickering. They must think these two people are idiots and don't know what they are doing."

"He is very important to Lord Wang Bo. What use is he to that mysterious young warrior? It cannot be that he was found by the Qingbai Dragon Sect."

At this moment, the sound of many discussions enveloped the Chamber of Commerce.

"two thousand."

Chen Xuan did not give in. As long as Master Wang Bo raised the price of spiritual stones, he would immediately increase the price of spiritual stones.

The white-haired mysterious warrior also had a slightly gloomy look on his face. He seemed a little confused as to why Chen Xuan valued this so much. After all, according to common sense, this should not be of much use to him.

When the price increased to two thousand, Master Wang Bo stopped raising the price of spiritual stones, and all the monks' eyes were on him.

Wang Bo Darao was very unhappy.

"It's really damn good."

He suppressed the sword tightly, his anger reaching the extreme.

It originally only cost one or two thousand yuan to get the magic weapon, but now he has raised the price to this point.

If the price of spiritual stones is not raised, there is a high possibility that all warriors will sneer at him. If the price of spiritual stones is raised, he really doesn't want to buy it like this. Now he can be riding a tiger.

"Six thousand yuan, this is the last time I choose to compete."

Mr. Wang Bo almost used all his strength to say this. I don't know, this is a very expensive price.

But after he finished, Chen Xuan directly raised the price of the spirit stones.

"In this case, I will increase the price of the spirit stone to six thousand five hundred."

At this moment.

Everyone in the Chamber of Commerce was surprised.

He is directly mocking Mr. Wang Bo. Doesn’t he want to live?

Master Wang Bo looked at Chen Xuan, this was a sarcastic comment on him.

But although Mr. Wang Bo was full of anger in his heart, he suddenly smiled and said: "I, Wang Bo, will give you the golden blood hairpin. I hope you will not leave the White Dragon Territory at all."

Then Mr. Wang Bo ignored Chen Xuan and returned to where he was.

As for Wang Bo Darao's cynicism, Chen Xuan didn't care at all.

"Are there any monks who are raising the price of spiritual stones?"

Wang Lunyu looked at it with purple eyes and smiled.

In fact, the price was far beyond his imagination. In the end, Chen Xuan got the price of 6,500 and got the golden blood hairpin.

The magic dragon was very surprised when he received the golden blood hairpin.

At this moment.

The golden blood hairpin was brought to the Green Mountain Stone by Chen Xuan, and the demon dragon almost absorbed him directly.

"It's really funny, thank you...I really appreciate you this time."

The white-haired mysterious warrior observed Chen Xuan carefully for a while, and finally said: "This price far exceeds the preciousness of the golden blood hairpin itself."

"Everything depends on the warrior who uses it. For me, the Golden Blood Hairpin is very practical. He is right. Tens of millions of years ago, Master Wang seized the magic weapon from what all warriors regarded as rubbish. That thing is in his hands , but turned into a terrifying magic weapon, and also obtained the previous weapon refining method for this reason. "

"Okay." The white-haired mysterious warrior showed a surprised expression.

He didn't have much contact with Chen Xuan, but the white-haired mysterious warrior could feel that Chen Xuan was very unusual from his attitude, which now also aroused the appreciation of the white-haired mysterious warrior.

He didn't know what to do.

Soon the next item for sale was brought up, but Chen Xuan didn't have much interest. After a few hours, most of the items for sale had been sold, and the large-scale magic weapon trade fair held by Wanjin Guild was about to end. .

The next item to be sold was brought up by a monk.

This is a long sword. There is a very obvious space-time gap on the blade, which gives people a terrifying feeling.

"This is called the Yuan Jin Yun Sword."

Wang Lunyu spoke quickly.

What happened?

Chen Xuan didn't listen to Wang Lunyu's story and stared at Yuan Jinyun's sword.

what is going on?

He felt a strange aura, which was very familiar to his Immortal Sword Art.

"There is no possibility. I personally forged the Immortal Sword Art."

Chen Xuan didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's face showed extreme surprise. He was now trapped in a restriction and had no way to break through. The Immortal Sword Art was created by himself. As long as he takes a step forward, he must keep trying. There is no way to adjust it arbitrarily.

If there are other immortal sword techniques that can be studied carefully, it will definitely improve a lot.

"I must get it."

Chen Xuan is already prepared and must get him.

"The Yuan Jinyun Sword is the source stone of the four hundred top-grade Zhen Dao." Almost hundreds of voices started to speak after Wang Lunyu finished.

The price of the Yuan Jin Yun Sword has broken through a lot. In just a short time, the price of the Yuan Jin Yun Sword has already exceeded 2,000 high-grade True Dao Source Stones.

"Six thousand dollars."

Chen Xuan made a sound again and raised the price to 6,000 yuan.

Many warriors were surprised when they saw Chen Xuan making a sound.

Where does he come from and why can he choose to compete so crazily?

"If you want to get it, you must first see if I, Lord Wang Bo, agree."

Lord Wang Bo showed a horrified expression and raised the price of the spiritual stone to nearly 10,000 high-grade ground truth source stones.

"I've been practicing the Immortal Sword Technique, but I haven't gained anything yet. Why don't you give me a reputation and give him to me?"

A mysterious warrior shrouded in a fiery red aura slowly revealed a smile.

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