In one of the hidden pavilions, Master Wang and Chen Xuan stood up facing each other, and finally smiles appeared on their faces.

There is a terrifying seal nearby, which completely defends the room. Master Wang is also a formation master, so his formation seal is pretty good. After observing it, he found that this formation is at least level six, and the level is definitely not low.

"No need to worry, even Master Zhao can't trace it here." Master Wang said with a slight smile. One of the rooms is where Master Wang rests temporarily.

"It really surprised me that the senior is Master Wang. I have thought about this issue before, but I have never been sure. Now it seems that it has confirmed my previous thoughts. In this case, the senior has already arrived before Here it is.”

Chen Xuan stared at Master Wang and smiled helplessly.

"You feel the law of sword-making, you have a deep understanding of the law of sword-making, and you have a unique mind, and you have strong talent and cultivation. Your son's strength is indeed good." Master Wang: "If it weren't for this reason, it wouldn't be possible to attract my attention. It is precisely for this reason that I also discovered that you do have many secrets."

As for them being together in the Chamber of Commerce, it was just a coincidence that they came to the same place. Of course, one reason was because Chen Xuan didn't want to attract attention, so he chose a slightly more remote place. Master Wang naturally thought the same way. .

"You asked me for help some time ago. I don't know why." Master Wang was very curious about Chen Xuan and cared about Chen Xuan very much.

"My Excellency, Chen Xuan, comes from the western region. The purpose of coming to the White Dragon Territory this time is to find a friend of mine." Chen Xuan showed a puzzled expression and told his original thoughts honestly. He knew that people like Master Wang For a person of this level, he definitely doesn't like him to go around in circles, so it's better to go straight to his original purpose. It would be better if he is willing to help himself.

After listening to this, Master Wang's expression turned slightly gloomy.

"You want me to surprise Mr. Zhao, and then you want to hear news about him from Mr. Zhao. I don't know who your friend is." Master Wang said doubtfully.

"If senior is willing to help, I will go through the mountains of swords and seas of fire, and I will do so without any hesitation."

While talking, Chen Xuan took out the broken swords of several masters from the Najie. These are all his treasures. These magic weapons are absolutely impossible for ordinary people to obtain. Only people like Chen Xuan have the opportunity. get.

"I got this from you. It is very suitable for refining weapons. I will give it to senior this time. I hope senior can help me with this."

When he saw the ancient sword, Master Wang's face instantly turned gloomy, and he was a little surprised. He could feel a very powerful aura from this ancient sword. This was definitely not something that ordinary magic weapons could emit.

He got the ancient sword and observed it carefully, full of surprise.

"This is such a powerful ancient sword. If you want to melt it, it is simply the best earthly spirit material. I didn't expect you to have such a good thing. It really surprises me. What kind of secrets do you have behind you?" Wang The master was excited in his heart: "If I had all the earth's spiritual materials, I would be able to develop a true immortal-grade divine soul sixth-level magic weapon and see if it can be made."

There is a huge gap between the sixth level of the true immortal soul and the sixth level of the true true immortal soul.

Even Master Wang has been unable to cross this gap in the recent period. Of course, it is impossible for him not to do so. As a top swordsmith, his own cultivation is extremely strong, and he also sees that Chen The swords Xuan took out were already dilapidated. It was very likely that he had obtained them from an ancient battlefield somewhere before. Otherwise, there would not have been so many ancient swords.

But now that he saw the ancient sword that Chen Xuan took out, a little hope seemed to fill his heart. He knew that if he wanted to take that step, he really needed to rely on these things.

"How many of these ancient swords do you have? I feel that their aura is really strong. Have you found some ancient battlefield?" Master Wang said doubtfully.

"It can't be an ancient battlefield, but this place is very mysterious. As for how much I still have, it's not too much, but I can at least take out more than twenty. I think this should be enough." Chen Xuandao.

"Give me fifteen, and I will help you deal with Mr. Zhao and ensure your safety in the White Dragon Territory. No one will do anything to you. What do you think?" Master Wang said directly.

"I can also help you cast the sixth-level True Immortal Divine Soul magic weapon on my own. If you can break through, as long as you provide enough earth spirit materials, I will help you cast the True Immortal Divine Soul sixth-level magic weapon for free, and I can also make you Your magic weapon is even better."

"In that case, Caixia is very sure."

Chen Xuan also agreed very much. As early as when he displayed the ordinary ancient swords, he knew that there was a 100% chance that these ancient swords would attract the attention of Master Wang. After all, a swordsmith like him would see How could these top-notch magic weapons from tens of millions of years ago, or even hundreds of millions of years ago, not be affected by it?

Although these magic weapons have long been broken, they still contain a trace of true energy. If he wants to break through, he can definitely learn from the power inside.

Obviously this is his opportunity to break through to the sixth level of the True Immortal Soul. He absolutely cannot miss it. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.

"It's really funny, you."

Chen Xuan agreed and then Master Wang showed a surprised smile, feeling very, very happy inside.

Chen Xuan was also very cheerful, and then he took out fifteen ancient swords and handed them to Master Wang. Although he didn't get along with Master Wang for a long time, after this period of contact, he got to know a lot about his personality.

"Aren't you worried about me suddenly dealing with you?" Master Wang said with a smile on his face.

If Master Wang wanted to take action, Chen Xuan would have been able to use the technique long ago. However, he did not have the ability to do it now.

For Master Wang, this is just a direct favor, and I don't think it will have any impact on you.

But with his previous form and style, if it had been anyone else, he would have definitely rejected it long ago.

The reason why he took Chen Xuan away after the auction.

He completely knew that Chen Xuan had provoked some people, and was afraid that his enemies would come to his door.

After spending a few days with Chen Xuan, Master Wang can already feel that Chen Xuan is an excellent talent.

He even had the idea of ​​accepting Chen Xuan as his inheritance disciple, but this was just an idea of ​​his.

Now he has given up this plan.

Obviously Chen Xuan's thoughts have not continued in this aspect at all. His purpose is still to improve his cultivation.

At this moment, the large-scale magic weapon chamber of commerce held by the Wanjin Guild, which was held once in tens of millions of years, has ended, and the large number of warriors gathered in the White Dragon Territory have gradually dispersed.

Only Lord Wang Bo and Wang Ji, the elder of the Jingxian Mountain Sect, were helplessly looking for Chen Xuan. They both hated Chen Xuan very much. It was obviously because Chen Xuan did not give them face. Normally, other people knew what the sect behind them was. Sometimes, they will basically give face.

Now they are also investigating Chen Xuan, and they have not heard of any disciples from the sect participating in the auction, so now they are sure that Chen Xuan is a casual cultivator.

Chen Xuan came to his pavilion without any movement, while Shangguan Haoran and Dugu Lun were worried anxiously.

"It doesn't matter to you."

Seeing Chen Xuan, Dugu Lun said loudly.

"I don't have anything to do with it." Chen Xuan said simply. He had already received Master Wang's promise and it wouldn't take long for him to take action.

"Then what happened to Master Wang? What plans do we have now?" Shangguan Haoran said doubtfully.

"Master Wang has some things to deal with. We still can't be anxious now. Meet me at this place in April." Chen Xuandao: "Let's not talk so much for the time being. I got some things from this auction and I need to observe them carefully. For a moment, you guys continue to track down the news, and remember to be careful. I provoked some people at the auction, and you'd better not let them discover your news. "

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan stepped hard on the ground with his feet, and reached the stone of Qingshan Zheng

Firebird was still observing the power of fire carefully in the end. There were very powerful thunderbolts surrounding him. After seeing Chen Xuan come in, he seemed to feel a mysterious power.

Chen Xuan even had the illusion that the terrifying thunderbolt could kill all influences.

Not far from the fire bird is the demon dragon. Near him is a golden blood hairpin. He is absorbing the most ancient and mysterious power of the demon king in the golden blood hairpin. This power is indeed very powerful. The magic weapon that was originally ordinary was able to absorb all the mysterious energy inside when it was near him.


With a sudden sound, the golden blood hairpin evolved into hundreds of terrifying auras.

The terrifying power disappeared in the blink of an eye and disappeared from the body of the demon dragon.

In an instant, the power in the demon dragon's body filled the air. The moment he fully activated his consciousness, the entire Green Mountain Stone erupted.

It's really scary...

A surging and terrifying power came from the body of the demon dragon, and Chen Xuan's body involuntarily retreated several hundred meters.

"The most ancient and mysterious power of the Demon King."

Chen Xuandao.

At this moment, the demon dragon took back its breath and walked near Chen Xuan with a smile.

"Thank you very much this time." It was unimaginable how much the golden blood hairpin had an effect on him.

"As long as it's useful to you." Chen Xuan said with a smile. The demon dragon had already sworn to him, and his improvement in cultivation would also be good for him.

"The most ancient and mysterious power of the demon king in the golden blood hairpin has been absorbed by me. Unfortunately, after millions of years of baptism, the most ancient and mysterious power has disappeared a lot. But even so, I gave him Absorption has improved a lot." Demonic Dragon said with a smile: "If I can absorb more, my body will break through the suppression and reach a higher level."

Chen Xuan agreed in his heart and was very satisfied with the words of the Demon Dragon. It was true that if his cultivation could be improved, it would definitely be more beneficial to him.

Now he has not yet reached the top level of cultivation. When he reaches the top level of cultivation, there may not be many warriors in the entire Pangu Central World who can defeat him.

"Let's stop talking nonsense for now. I'm going to practice. Now I have to hurry up."

Chen Xuan left a word, found a quiet place, suspended in mid-air, and took out the Yuanjinyun sword.

The terrifying Dao thunder erupted on the Yuanjinyun sword, and the runes kept moving, seemingly connecting with Chen Xuan's Suzaku Nirvana power.

Chen Xuan completely released the power of his Immortal Sword Technique and the power of Huoxian. Finally, a smile appeared on his face.

At this moment.

All space was completely enveloped by the thunderbolt. Chen Xuan stood in the turbulence of time and space, feeling the powerful immortal sword technique in the Yuan Jinyun Sword.

"Although it is very similar to my immortal sword technique, I can find that there is still a gap between him and me." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart: "The owner of the Yuan Jinyun Sword is also a top master who can create this kind of immortal sword technique, but things are not that simple."

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