Chen Xuan felt the immortal sword technique in the Yuanjinyun sword, and it seemed that he had not completed the last step.

Chen Xuan swung his long sword, and mysterious energy burst out, terrifyingly suppressing the turbulence of time and space, absorbing the breath of the immortal sword technique, and finally his body was slightly suspended.

The turbulence of time and space here prevented the firebird from improving its cultivation. Then the firebird flew up and looked in the direction of Chen Xuan. I showed a puzzled expression.

"What is he doing."

The firebird came over and said.

"That weapon has a very powerful immortal sword technique power, and he is trying to absorb it." The magic dragon said: "But he is now finding some troubles. The thunder power on that weapon is very terrifying, and he has no way to distract his energy to suppress it. The absorption speed is slightly slower, but I believe he can definitely do it."

"I will help him, I believe he can definitely absorb it completely." After hearing this, the firebird quickly flew out and stared at Chen Xuan.

"Don't worry yet."

The magic dragon laughed helplessly, suddenly came to the vicinity of the firebird, and walked with him.

"Firebird, you use the power of fire to seal the Dao Thunder, and I use the most ancient and mysterious breath to seal the weapon so that it can absorb it safely."

"In that case, there is no problem."

With a bang, the terrifying Dao Thunder emerged near the Firebird, and the horror broke through the time and space turbulence Zheng


As the Firebird shouted, the Dao Thunder released from the Yuanjinyun Sword was gradually sealed.

And the terrifying most ancient and mysterious power on the Demon Dragon burst out, completely covering the Yuanjinyun Sword.

What happened.

Chen Xuan suddenly exuded a mysterious energy, and suddenly looked at the Firebird and the Demon Dragon, and instantly understood what they wanted to do.


Chen Xuan agreed in his heart, and then the power of the Vermillion Bird surged wildly and absorbed quickly.

And Chen Xuan was deliberately suppressing himself, wanting to seize this opportunity to break through.

"Firebird, use your Dao Thunder to deliberately suppress him."

The Demon Dragon was nearby, and he also found that Chen Xuan wanted to use deliberate suppression to break through.

At this time!

Chen Xuan felt that his body was suppressed. The power in his body had broken through to the extreme, and he was only one step away from breaking through.

"Go to hell."

Chen Xuan shouted loudly, and the long sword was released, quickly suppressing the Yuan Jinyun sword.

The terrifying power left a mark on the Yuan Jinyun sword directly. When the last bit of the power of the immortal sword was absorbed by him, his body finally underwent a huge change.

It was as if the breath of the thunder of the gods was released, and it accumulated a lot and finally broke through. His power began to break through significantly.

In an instant, his cultivation broke through to the late stage of the second level of the dragon breaking the gods.

It was not until he reached the perfection of the late stage of the second level of the dragon breaking the gods that the power in his body was completely suppressed.


After fully activating the divine consciousness, the Daoxingkong had returned to calm. Only a mark left on the Yuan Jinyun sword proved what had happened before.

The breath in Chen Xuan's body exploded.

He suppressed the long sword tightly, and the long sword made a sound at this moment.

"The second level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God is the late stage."

Although he did not break through his cultivation as expected, he was very satisfied. It was a great benefit to him.

"My strength has reached the second level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God, which is not much different from the second level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God. Now I have a deeper grasp of dealing with higher-level enemies." Chen Xuan said.

He looked at the Yuan Jinyun Sword and smiled a little.

"The Immortal Sword Technique in the Yuan Jinyun Sword is really important to me. I am confident that within half a month, I can condense it with the Immortal Sword Technique and improve the level of the Immortal Sword Technique."

Chen Xuan did not want to waste a lot of time, and then he went into seclusion and began to practice the Immortal Sword Technique. Now he has to seize the time to practice and take advantage of this breakthrough to take his cultivation to a higher level.

After a few days.

He did not have any different cultivation methods in the Qingshan Stone.

Every time he released a terrifying breath, it could cause ripples in the space.


He continuously released Gongga, and then a large amount of breath quickly gathered together, sealing a certain point in the ground in an instant.

A terrifying sound came, and based on the seal, all the starry sky was completely destroyed.

Seizing a point to attack, Chen Xuan spent half a month to condense the immortal sword method in the Yuanjinyun sword into the immortal sword method.

He has now created a new level of the immortal sword method. This level is not strong on the surface, but after exerting all the power of the immortal sword method, the power will be gathered in the space and released, and then seal him.

Seize a point to attack and break from the inside.

In this level, in addition to the immortal sword method, some power of the time and space secret method is also used.

The terrifying breath can cause ripples in the space.

Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart that he had even prepared the breakthrough point of the immortal sword method, which was a very critical thing.

Now the seventh move of the immortal sword method, the Wanqian Shiyun Sword, appeared, and Chen Xuan's cultivation has also broken through to the perfection of the second level of the dragon breaking god, which can improve his cultivation a lot.

The Jingxianshan Sect is considered a top force in the southwestern region, second only to the major sects of the Qingbailong Sect. Within the sect, most of the warriors have practiced their spiritual sense space for a long time. They can use their spiritual sense space to discover others and even take advantage of the enemy's weaknesses to launch attacks on it.

But the very scary thing about the Jingxianshan Sect is that they can expand the consciousness space near you. If the secret method of the consciousness space breaks out nearby, the enemy will be attracted to it in an instant and then be killed.

This is also one of the major reasons why the Jingxianshan Sect can establish a foothold in the southwest region.

Nowadays, many of the warriors in the Jingxian Mountain Sect have been suppressed by their expansion of the spiritual space.

This group of warriors was suppressed by the secret method of the consciousness space and had no way to escape. They could only stay in the defense realm of the Immortal Mountain Sect.

Even the Qingbai Dragon Sect is not willing to provoke the Jingxianshan Sect casually.

But this does not mean that the Qingbai Dragon Sect is worried about the Jingxianshan Sect.

The Qingbai Dragon Sect is actually a weapon-refining force that can forge the fifth-level magic weapon of true immortal quality. Almost all the major sects in the entire southwest region have to compete with the Qingbai Dragon Sect.

There is a slight movement in the Qingbai Dragon Sect, and huge changes will occur in the entire southwest region.

There was also the Jingxianshan Sect who wanted to launch the spiritual space against Master Wang, but it still failed. In the end, not only was it not completed, but two invincible experts at the second level of the Divine Dragon Realm died. Of course, this was just what they asked for. If it weren't for them taking the initiative to provoke them, they wouldn't be two masters.

From then on, the Jingxianshan Sect no longer had the courage to provoke Master Wang, and they finally knew that Ambassador Wang was not an ordinary person.

The sword master is a very powerful person in his own right, especially in the southwest region. Almost all monks hope to become a terrifying sword master, and at the same time be able to become a sword master, not only able to cast fine magic weapons, but also It also means that he has a strong cultivation level.

The sword master is obviously extremely powerful, and Master Wang is also a powerful sword master who can forge the sixth-level magic weapon of the true immortal soul, so that his power in the southwest region has reached the extreme, and ordinary sects simply cannot Won't mess with them.

It's just that Master Wang, who is very unlucky, doesn't have many other ideas. He likes to study the rules of sword making and doesn't participate in comparisons with other areas.

In the southwestern region, the most ferocious place is the Jingxian Mountain Sect region.

At this time, in the main hall, hundreds of high-level officials gathered together to discuss the original plan.

The leading warrior is Elder Darao, the leader of Jingyun Shen Sect, who is called Zhao Po.

"Master Zhao Po."

Many warriors and Zhao Po looked at each other.

"The Yuan Jinyun Sword was forcibly taken away by a guy who was in the late stage of Shenlong 2nd Level Breaking God." After hearing the news, Zhao Po looked a little gloomy and said very unhappy: "Wang Ji is really a damn trash, even this little bit Everything can’t be done right, don’t make me laugh.”

Zhao Po's words made many warriors remain silent without saying a word.

Wang Ji and Zhao Po are both invincible masters at the second level of the divine dragon realm, and their status is almost the same.

But in the Jingxian Mountain Sect, Zhao Po is the strongest person next to the Master Jingyun Shen, and Wang Ji has no way to compare with him.

"Master Zhao Po, according to the news sent back by Elder Wang Yudong, this guy who is in the late stage of the second level of Divine Dragon Breaking God seems to be a little bit mysterious." A monk said.

"What's the mystery?"

"According to the useful information we have received, this guy is called Chen Xuan, and he is actually from another area. Before the large-scale magic weapon chamber of commerce organized by Wanjin Guild began, some monks saw him and Master Wang in "At the same time, if my guess is correct, Master Wang seems to be very fond of him." The mysterious warrior continued: "At the same time, we very much doubt that everything he did was instructed by Master Wang, otherwise he would be a late-stage Shenlong second-level God-breaker." How can a warrior produce so many Earth True Dao Source Stones? This is completely contrary to common sense."

After hearing this, Zhao Po's expression turned a little gloomy. After thinking carefully for a moment, he felt that it made some sense. It was true. No one knew what Chen Xuan's true strength was, but what he showed was only in the late stage of Breaking God. , this kind of cultivation is simply not good enough in the southwest region.

"Let me investigate carefully, and tell Wang Ji that he does not need to return for the time being. He can stay in the White Dragon Territory to search for that guy and see where this Ran Di comes from. I am very curious about his origin."

The Yuanjinyun Sword is of great significance to the Jingxianshan Sect.

The Dragon God Summoning Ring was obtained by Master Wang. At least on the surface, it was no longer an ownerless thing. There was nothing they could do about it, but the Yuan Jinyun Sword had to be recovered. They wanted to know where Chen Xuan was. Holy, how dare you dismiss their face.

"My lord, the sect master, will soon succeed in seclusion and cultivation. You can't see the Yuan Jin Yun sword. You know what will happen next." After Zhao Po finished his sentence, he left here, leaving many people in front of him to carefully observe. Musha.

Soon those warriors spread the news to Wang Ji.

"You still want to look down on me now." Wang Ji said angrily, but on his face, he was even more unhappy. Chen Xuandao said: "Don't let me see you, otherwise I will definitely kill you."

Although the large-scale magic weapon chamber of commerce held by the Wanjin Guild once in tens of millions of years has ended, the White Dragon Territory seems to have calmed down on the surface, but under this calm surface, there is also a turmoil.

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