Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6256 The Supreme Ancestor of the Qingbai Dragon Sect

"But just tens of millions of years ago, I don't know what happened. The Supreme Patriarch appeared. The situation at that time surprised me very much." The second elder said: "That was the first time I saw the Supreme Patriarch. "

Chen Xuan's heart moved slightly. Tens of millions of years ago, the Supreme Patriarch appeared at the same time?

Maybe Taishang Ancestor was definitely excited after seeing Li Qiuyu's power of nine turns. At this moment, Chen Xuanxin felt even more that he would definitely get the first place in the Immortal Sword Forging Competition in a month. Then, he would I can meet the Supreme Patriarch.

Then the second elder also told Chen Xuan some of the real mysteries of the Blue and White Dragon Sect. Now Chen Xuan has discovered that Li Qiuyu is already with the Supreme Ancestor, but there is no way to be completely sure yet.

He didn't know exactly how the Supreme Ancestor wanted to treat Li Qiuyu, and he didn't know much about what happened in the meantime.

"Li Qiuyu, wait for me, I will definitely ensure your safety."

Chen Xuan suppressed the sword tightly and swore in his heart that he knew that Li Qiuyu should be fine for the time being, but he still knew too little about the entire sect.

At the same time, Chen Xuan selected a few talented disciples in Qinglong Hall and taught them the exercises alone.

This competition for forging immortal swords can also be regarded as a trial. Qinglong Palace must be famous throughout the world, so that it can be appreciated by the Supreme Ancestor.

Chen Xuan has a unique understanding of the rules of sword making, and his teaching methods are very different from those of the Qingbai Dragon Sect. This is also derived from the techniques he has modified before.

A total of five disciples were selected, and in just over half a month, two of their disciples had already achieved breakthroughs.

Then half a month later, two more disciples broke through.

The last disciple was also a disciple that Chen Xuan valued very much, but he had never made a breakthrough, which made him feel a little confused.

"The rules of sword-making, don't be impatient when practicing, it's best to take it one step at a time."

Chen Xuan said slowly: "Your talent is very good. I feel that your understanding of swordsmanship is the highest, and it is also the one I am most optimistic about. There is a unique aura in your body. If you don't break through, it will be fine. Once you break through, it will be fine." , the probability will reach a very high level.”

The earth dissipated, and finally, the fifth disciple finally continued to make breakthrough progress.

Just at this time!

There was a terrifying sound in his body, and the nearby Dao Thunder seemed to be able to attack Dao Xingkong.


The aura around him continued to rise. Chen Xuan watched from nearby without saying a word, nodding slightly with satisfaction.

"go to hell."

As the disciple shouted, a magic weapon appeared near him, and then he began to dance the sword desperately, and terrifying auras began to burst out continuously.


He was very excited inside. Now he had finally achieved a complete breakthrough. Not only had he achieved a breakthrough in cultivation, but his perception had also improved a lot.

"Very good. You have fully mastered the most critical foundation. In this competition for forging immortal swords, my request for you is very simple. It is for the disciples to come first in the competition. What do you think?" Chen Xuan said with a little doubt in his heart.

"There is a 100% chance that the disciple will achieve this goal."

The Qingbai Dragon Sect competition is an opportunity worth seizing for many disciples.

As long as almost no one can match them in this game, they can be valued by anyone at the top. But for the five guardians, it is not just a game of chess, and this is also a time when they symbolize their status. As guardians, not only must they He came forward at the critical moment and at the same time taught his disciples in the five major halls. Chen Xuan was now the guardian of Xinglong Store and Qinglong Palace among the five major halls, so his status was definitely extraordinary.

At this moment, many warriors were wandering around in the fighting area, and hundreds of disciples came here very anxiously.

There were many people, all discussing it.

In the viewing area, the master of the Blue and White Dragon Sect was floating in the middle, and some senior elders were sitting nearby. As for the five guardians, they were obviously also in the viewing area.

"This is the guardian who just came here."

One of the young warriors, with a sarcastic smile on his face, stared at Chen Xuan and shook his head slightly.

"Don't look at him. He defeated Wang Jun. This guy has a very bad background." The guard not far away said.

"Wang Jun has not appeared for tens of millions of years. Who knows what level his cultivation has reached. Moreover, although he was famous at the beginning, I feel that he has always been over-praised."

The last guardian with a fiery red aura nearby said in a cold voice: "At the same time, he is breaking through, and I am also breaking through. More than half a month ago, I finally got the inheritance from a super master who forged fairy swords. This time, I have I am absolutely sure that I can suppress him, and it really doesn’t give me face to let this guy be the talker of Qinglong Palace. We have been here for a long time and have not become the guardian of Qinglong Palace.”

After hearing this, Song Shou and Wang Shaolin looked at Luo Shou at the same time.

The great elder stood on the fighting area inside the fighting area. He shook his head to express silence.

For a moment, the battle area fell silent.

"Today is the competition for our Qingbai Dragon Sect disciples. I believe everyone knows that I will not add any more rules." The great elder said: "Five halls, each hall can choose five disciples. Before the disciples compete, The top ten will receive precious magic weapons, and the top three can join the elders to improve their cultivation."

After the Great Elder finished speaking, there were a lot of shouts in the entire fighting area. These people had been mobilized and they were all very excited.

Hundreds of warriors frantically released their inner surprise.

The Qingbai Dragon Sect is originally the top force in the southwest region. It wants to achieve results that almost no one can match among many disciples, and these are the top three. It is almost unimaginable how difficult it is.

Only by receiving the sect's key observation can we obtain the talents and treasures used for cultivation. If we want to understand the rules of sword-making, without a large number of talents and treasures used for cultivation, there is no way to break through. And for them, in normal times, You also need to practice martial arts from time to time, and the most important one is swordsmanship, and the other is to improve your cultivation.

"Let's stop talking nonsense for the time being. The game begins now."

After the great elder finished, he returned to the viewing area.

There are hundreds of disciples in the five halls taking up this competition. As long as they pass the first round, they can reach the top ten, which means they can get precious magic weapons. However, this is not that easy.

"Zhang Zining, you must be more cautious this time. Remember what I told you. Now that I have let you understand stronger laws, you must follow the plan when the game is played later."

Luo Shushu told one of the disciples of Zhuque Hall.

The warrior named Zhang Zining trembled in his heart, and then he agreed very much. Only then did he realize that he had high hopes this time and could not let go at this critical moment.

"No need to worry, I will definitely get the first place. This is not a difficult thing for me."

The first round of competition is to forge fairy swords within the specified time. In the end, they will be ranked according to the magic weapon level of their swords. But at the same time, the competition is not only the ability to cast fairy swords, but also tests their swordsmanship ability. As a qualified Disciple, first of all, you must forge a powerful fairy sword, and you must also have super powerful sword modifications.

After a few minutes passed, terrifying thunderbolts rose into the sky from the fighting area.

Hundreds of disciples have begun to forge fairy swords, and they are all ready to strive for the first place. However, these people are all elites. They are the top talents in the sect or in each hall.

at this time!

Zhang Zining is very powerful. Among these disciples, he is definitely the top three favorite. Many people are very optimistic about him and think he can get the top three.

"Very correct. It is said that Zhang Zining from the Suzaku Palace has been able to forge the fifth-level magic weapon of the True Immortal Grade Divine Soul. His achievements in the future are limitless."

"It's absolutely true. Among the many disciples, only Zhang Zining is likely to get the first place this time."

"I've told you before that Zhang Zining is the first warrior among these disciples who can forge the fifth-level magic weapon of the true immortal soul."

Many elders have heard of his reputation and also agree with him.

In the viewing area, all the elders were discussing.

They are unanimously optimistic about Zhang Zining and feel that he is the most popular candidate to win the first place this time. If anyone else can win the first place besides him, I am afraid it will be basically gone.

At this moment, Wang Lunyu, who was guarding his body with a fire-colored aura, came near Chen Xuan.

What happened.

Chen Xuan turned around and found Wang Lunyu observing him.

"I wonder if something is wrong with you."

Chen Xuan said with a little doubt in his heart. He did not expect that the other party would observe him at this time.

"Chen Xuan, in this competition, you have to be more careful Luo Shushu."

Wang Lunyu said: "According to the information I got, Luo Shushou seems to have taken the last step. There are many possibilities to cast a true immortal-grade divine soul sixth-level magic weapon. This time it will not only be a competition between disciples, but also a competition between you." There is still time to compete, so I advise you to be more cautious."

Chen Xuan looked at Wang Lunyu with great confusion. He didn't expect that he would bring him such important and useful information. Although he didn't know who Luo Shou was, he could vaguely guess it because on the competition field , a person is constantly observing him.

And this person is probably Luo Shou.

He gave Chen Xuan a very different feeling.

"Thank you very much, I will pay attention to it." Chen Xuan also agreed very much.

Although Wang Lunyu is also a disciple of the Qingbai Dragon Sect, his talents and cultivation are very powerful. He has been under the elder's sect long ago. He is no longer an ordinary disciple, and his status is also very special, so that this time the disciple Wang Lunyu did not participate in the competition. If he had participated, he might really have won the first place.

"I have an important matter and I have to go to the White Dragon Territory. When I come back, I hope to see you completely suppressing the other guardians. I think the sect leader's high hopes for you are not groundless. I believe in your strength. "Wang Lunyu laughed out loud.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan's expression changed, and then the silence returned. He didn't know what the other party wanted to do, why he went back suddenly, and what would happen.

Staring at Wang Lunyu's disappearing body, Chen Xuan suppressed the sword tightly.

"Could it be that the Third Supreme Patriarch has taken action, but now I have no way to leave."

Chen Xuandao felt a little helpless now.

I heard from Master Zhao that the power he obtained was brought to the Qingbai Dragon Sect through Wang Lunyu. Something must have happened in the meantime.

When Wang Lunyu went to the White Dragon Territory for business before, Chen Xuan might have thought that there were many possibilities for him to get those rare powers.

This also made Chen Xuan even more anxious.

No matter what happens now, he has to get first place this time. He must make his reputation known. Only in this way can he get access to more core information. Otherwise, he is just a layman now and has no access to any core information. s things.

At this moment, he turned his gaze to Luo Shou. His eyes appeared very coincidentally. Their pupils faced each other. Luo Shou showed a sarcastic expression and was very disdainful of Chen Xuan. At the time, the master of their five main halls, Qinglong Hall, It can be the most powerful one.

But now Chen Xuan is weighing on him without any reason.

Although among the five halls, there is no explicit stipulation that the Qinglong Palace is the most powerful, everyone tacitly agrees in their hearts that the master of the Qinglong Palace is the most terrifying existence.

And the status is higher than others.

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