At this moment, the first round of forging fairy swords in the fighting area has ended.

The very powerful Zhang Zining actually forged a fifth-level magic weapon of true immortal quality. This also earned him praise from many elders. You must know that as a disciple, it is very rare to be able to cast a fifth-level magic weapon. .

Next, many people have finished casting, and the final competition is the swordsmanship perception.

There is also a black-haired disciple among them, who seems to have achieved good results. However, this competition also has to test the overall level. Not only must he have strong cultivation, but he must also be able to forge a higher-level sword.

Then the black-haired disciple was obviously a little behind in making swords, so in the end only Shi was left to continue to participate.

Many warriors were a little confused when they saw the few people who had broken through.

"All the warriors from Qinglong Palace have made breakthroughs."

They all had doubts in their hearts, and soon there were hundreds of discussions in the fighting area. They didn't have the courage to believe his eyes. You must know that this is impossible. After all, the guardian of Qinglong Palace was killed, and it took a long time. For a period of time, Qinglong Palace was in chaos, possibly losing its rule.

Although the Qinglong Palace had a relatively high level before, its overall strength has plummeted since the original guardian was seriously injured and died.

And this was a long time ago, and the overall cultivation power among the five halls was not very strong. However, now the five disciples are all in the top ten, and they seem to be able to do it with ease.

"It's really funny, very good."

In the disciple area of ​​Qinglong Palace, many warriors exuded joy. The second elder was a little surprised. He looked at Chen Xuan with a very mysterious expression, and felt even more that the guardian who had just taken office was becoming more powerful. In just a short period of time, he actually Several disciples have already achieved breakthroughs in cultivation.

"That's right. If you reach the top ten, after the battle is over, precious magic weapons will be sent to you. You can rest assured."

The great elder smiled.

Song Shou and Wang Shou's expressions were gloomy. Almost all the disciples from their two main halls who participated in the competition failed to advance, which made them very unhappy.

"Damn it, what tricks did this Qinglong Palace guardian use? I don't believe that he was able to improve all these disciples in such a short period of time. And why did the Qinglong Palace disciples' level of forging fairy swords improve so much? Could it be that this guy secretly gave them some magic weapons?" Song Shushou said in a deep and confused voice.

"According to the past five or six months, the guardian of Qinglong Palace has taught these five disciples alone. Of course, this is just some news I have heard." Wang Guardian said.

Luo Shuhuo agreed in his heart: "It seems that this new guard also has two skills. He is a very terrifying opponent. I didn't expect him to be so powerful."

"So what if he reaches the top ten. For us, if these disciples do not enter the top three, it will be of no use after all. Moreover, he may only teach well, but his own strength is not necessarily very strong." Song Shou returned to calmness and said coldly vocal channel.

"With Zhang Zining here, he can't even dream of continuing to rule." Wang Guardian said.

At this moment, Zhang Zining stood up first and walked near a disciple of Qinglong Hall.

"I'm issuing a challenge to you. I don't know if you have the guts to do it."

At this moment, the expression of the Qinglong Palace disciple changed: "I admit that I can't beat him. Senior Brother Zhang's cultivation is too strong. I definitely can't be his opponent."

"Fucking garbage."

Zhang Zining said coldly, the disciples of Qinglong Palace were clearly giving in.

He didn't expect that the other party would be so disrespectful, but he finally held back. If he couldn't mock them in front of everyone, he would definitely be very unhappy inside.

"I will also issue a challenge to you!"

Then several other disciples also issued a challenge to the disciples of Qinglong Palace. Those disciples were considered top talents in their respective halls.

However, among the disciples taught by Chen Xuan, Wang Yueru was definitely the most gifted, and soon someone challenged him.

"Honestly admit that you can't beat me, Wang Yueru, otherwise your cultivation was not very good before, but this time you can actually enter the top ten, which does surprise me, but don't be too proud, now I will Let you know the real gap between us."

The disciple who challenged Wang Yueru in the afternoon was a disciple of the Xuanwu Hall guarded by Wang.

He stared at Wang Yueru sarcastically: "Wang Yueru, you are really rubbish. If you don't dare to accept it, you are simply a waste."

Wang Yue was shaking her head slightly at this moment.

"In that case, since you don't want to admit it, I will let you know how powerful it is."

Soon they began to compete in forging fairy swords.

Wang Yueru was very calm, not panicking at all, as if he had already anticipated what the outcome would be. The disciples of Qinglong Palace obviously also used long swords. The surging and terrifying Tao thunder permeated the entire battle area, and even secretly interfered with Wang Yueru.

It was just bad luck that Wang Yueru had a smile on his face.

"It's ridiculous that you want to deal with me even with the skill of a three-legged cat. Although these short few months are not enough for me to make an overall breakthrough, Master Chen Xuan's ideas are too advanced. , I’ve gotten a lot of useful stuff.”

Wang Yueru closed her eyes slightly, thinking of what Chen Xuan had experienced before.

When encountering anything, you must be calm and don't be anxious. On the side of the viewing area, five guardians were waiting helplessly, including Chen Xuan. Now they had to patiently watch the battle to see how the world would develop.

There was a look of terror on Luo Shushou's face, while Song Shushou and Wang Shushu looked at the competition in the fighting area fiercely.

"But it's just the Qinglong Palace. If you want to compare it with my other palaces, it's really too bad." Wang Shou said coldly.

In the second round of fighting, after just a few battles, several Qinglong Palace disciples have already been eliminated. The last remaining warrior will soon be eliminated. Many people began to look down on him, and even thought that Chen Xuantu It has its name.

But Chen Xuan actually didn't think so.

For nearly five or six months, he was teaching these warriors and understanding more things.

Among them, Wang Yueru's talent and cultivation are the most important to him, and he does have some strength. He believes that even if his cultivation is not enough, his sword-making talent can definitely be regarded as top-notch.

"No suspense."

Chen Xuan said softly that when he saw Wang Yueru casting the fairy sword, he already knew the final result.

After the last moment, Wang Yueru completed the casting of the magic weapon in a split second, and finally a proud smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, his opponent has just started to forge the fairy sword. This speed is too fast.

"How can it be."

This disciple showed a puzzled expression, and his expression was full of surprise. He obviously didn't believe that the other party would do it so quickly.

"Arrogant son."

Wang Yueru knew very well why the other party behaved like this.

But when the great elder inspected Wang Yueru's magic weapon, he showed a surprised expression. It seemed that he did not expect that he had actually done it, and he had done it so perfectly.

Then he looked at the disciple who was forging the sword, as if he was a little surprised.

"Let's stop talking nonsense for now. This competition is over, you can stop."

Hearing the words of the great elder, the disciple who was forging the fairy sword was very happy, and at the same time he looked at Wang Yueru with a sarcastic look on his face.

"It's simply interesting. It's really a damn shame to continue to let you be arrogant. Now that the great elder has seen through it, what you know is not good. Hahaha, I have discovered it a long time ago. You can only brag."

But as soon as he finished, he felt a little abnormal. The great elder looked at him with a look that seemed very stern, and there seemed to be some sarcasm in it, as if he was disdainful of his words.

"Great Elder, can you issue an edict and announce the result?"

The disciple said cautiously.

The Great Elder nodded slightly and said, "This time, Wang Yueru of Qinglong Palace won the competition."

The smile on the disciple's face suddenly stopped, and he shouted loudly: "There is no possibility, how could he win?"

The great elder said: "Are you not sure what the level of the magic weapon Wang Yueru cast is?"

"What level."

"What he forged is a true immortal-grade divine soul fifth-level magic weapon."

At this moment.

Everyone in the entire battle area was surprised. Hundreds of warriors showed puzzled expressions. This was a strange discovery.

Even Zhang Zining was a little confused.

He forged the fifth-level magic weapon of the True Immortal Grade Divine Soul, and he was already able to get the first place this time, but unexpectedly, Wang Yueru appeared.

"It seems like we can't do it without using our trump card."

Zhang Zining suddenly said: "This way when I defeat you, I will appear more powerful."

With Zhang Zining, it seems that he has won the first place in forging immortal swords.

In the fighting area, Wang Yueru's opponent was violently attacked.

He didn't want to believe the current situation. He wanted to check his magic weapon, but he was knocked away by the great elder. Now, the top five appeared.

"So what if we get to the top five."

Song Shou and Wang Shou showed horrified expressions, while Luo Shou remained silent without saying a word.

Then comes the next round of fighting.

This round is also the last round. Several warriors forge fairy swords at the same time and rank them according to the level of the magic weapon. Then their final ranking can be determined. Only the top three people can get the most generous rewards. But even the top few are not so easy to obtain.

"Wang Yueru. In this terrifying battle, I will definitely trample you under my feet, and then make you unable to stand up forever. You don't really think that you can surpass me by using some heresy, then what do you think? too easy."

Zhang Zining took the initiative to walk near Wang Yueru and said arrogantly.

Faced with Zhang Zining's cynicism, Wang Yueru shook her head helplessly and said: "So that's it. I can definitely win the first place in this battle. Don't think too highly of yourself. Do you really think you can beat me in this competition?" Then get first place.”

"You are simply asking for death. You have no idea what you are doing."

Zhang Zining stared at Wang Yueru very unhappily, suppressing the long sword tightly, and was very eager to use the skills now and teach the man in front of him a lesson, but he knew that this time their last step was not to compete in swordsmanship. , but to compete for sword-making skills, if you want to use sword skills to practice.

He had a hundred ways to kill him, but it was different now.

He finally suppressed the murderous intention in his heart.

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