Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6265 Master Wang’s retreat practice

On the terrifying mountain peak, the environment is very harsh, and the atmosphere is completely different.

There is a resting area on the sandstone. Master Wang retreats and practices in this place. At this time, he is surrounded by a violent aura, which directly wraps his body completely in its Zheng.

at this time.

At this moment, a terrifying aura erupted on the mountain peak instantly.

The next moment, the sound of the magic weapon shook the ground.

"It's really funny."

Master Wang showed a surprised smile, and his expression revealed a terrifying smile.

At this moment, he was holding a magic weapon in his hand. This magic weapon was condensed with a mysterious red aura, which was very powerful.

"It's only a tiny bit away from the sixth level of a true immortal soul."

After hundreds of times, Master Wang has been able to cast the sixth-level True Immortal Divine Soul magic weapon with attribute abilities at will, and he has touched the gap between the sixth-level True Immortal Divine Soul.

He knew that it wouldn't take long at all for him to break through to the Great Perfection of the sixth level of the True Immortal Soul.

"I, Master Wang, have a 100% chance of being the swordsmith master in the southwest region who is the first to break through to the sixth level of the True Immortal Divine Soul."

Master Wang's face was full of expectation.

Even if we look closely at the entire Pangu Central World, the southwest region is generally not as good as other regions.

Compared to the eastern region and the northern region, there is not even a triple invincible master at the Shenlong Breaking God stage here.

Just when Master Wang was happy, the communication stone suddenly appeared, and then Chen Xuan's voice came.

"Master Wang, I would like to ask if there is any way, senior, to send me away from the southwest area. I am in a little trouble now and I am very anxious to leave."

"You want to leave the southwest area." Master Wang said.

Chen Xuan told what happened. Master Wang heard it and showed a completely puzzled expression. He did not expect Chen Xuan to be so bold.

It took some time before he finally recovered.

"I actually designed the three great ancestors of the Qingbai Dragon Sect to kill each other. I didn't expect it. I didn't expect that you could actually do such a thing."

Master Wang was very helpless, and his courage was terrifying.

And most importantly, he actually accomplished it, really letting the three of them kill each other.

If this news spreads, the entire southwest region will tremble, and it will even affect the overall situation of the southwest region. However, this is not something he can care about.

"I really don't know why he can do these things. Well, since what he said, I can only think of a way."

Master Wang also said at this time: "There are too many powerful people in the Blue and White Dragon Sect, and the sect leader is a peak existence at the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God Stage. If they understand what you are doing, this matter will definitely not be that simple. If it can be settled, you will definitely be killed, there is no doubt, so for now, it is best for you not to spread any rumors. "

Master Wang thought for a while and then said: "There is one of the cross-regional space formations in the southwest region, but any time it is activated, the energy consumed is very terrifying, and weaker warriors cannot use it at all, so now we only I can think of a way to get him started, and then you can find a way to leave as soon as possible. Other than that, I really have no other good way to help you. "

"For the time being, you should find a good plan to escape from the Qingbai Dragon Sect, and then meet me. Then I will find a way to help you escape."

Master Wang told Chen Xuan the specific address, and then disappeared into the Dao Star Sky.

To be honest, his relationship with Chen Xuan was not very good, but if he was asked to do a favor, he would definitely not refuse.

This was not only because he wanted to take the initiative to make friends with Chen Xuan after seeing his super talent, but also because he now regarded Chen Xuan as a friend.

When a friend is in trouble, he naturally wants to help, but the situation is still very dangerous now. If he wants to help him, Chen Xuan must let him escape first.

We can't let him come here with a bunch of enemies.

Zheng, the clan land near the Qingbai Dragon Sect

Chen Xuan put the communication stone back with a smile on his face.

"Get out of this place quickly."

After placing Shangguan Haoran and several other warriors on the Green Mountain Stone, Chen Xuan cautiously walked out of the clan land. They were safer inside now, but Chen Xuan now had to find a safer place to go to school.

Inside the Imperial Gold Blood Immortal Ruins.

"Everyone, what do you think about the generation of aura in the clan land?" Dadang, the leader of the Qingbai Dragon Sect.

"With the three great ancestors here, nothing should happen to the clan land. I just don't know what Chen Xuan is doing inside."

"Why don't you, Lord Sect Master, go in and take a look, so that we can know what is going on inside."

"That's right. There's so much noise coming from inside now. I don't even know what's going on inside."

Many people are hesitant now. The noise coming from inside makes them feel that things are not that simple, but if they go in directly, it will not be so good.

After all, these are the three Supreme Ancestors. They have practiced in seclusion here for many years. Normally, no one would come in and disturb them.

After constant discussions, the sect leader decided to go in alone to take a look. If something really happened, it would be best to stop the loss in time.

Soon he came to the nearby clan land, opened the seal of the clan land, and then went inside.

When he came in, he happened to find Chen Xuan, and then his face showed confusion.

Don't know what happened here.

"I have learned many techniques for forging fairy swords from the three great ancestors. The three great ancestors asked me to leave for now." Chen Xuan said in a low voice.

The sect leader agreed in his heart, and then said: "You should go out for the time being. There was some movement here just now. I don't know what you heard."

After Chen Xuan heard it, he immediately replied: "Is there any movement? I didn't notice it at all inside."

The leader of the sect, Daqun, did not doubt Chen Xuan, and then he said: "Since you didn't hear what I said, that's fine. It might be the formation. In that case, you should leave first. I'll go in and see the three of you." Is there anything wrong, elder?"

After hearing what he said, Chen Xuan would not stay here any longer. He moved very quickly, then stamped his feet on the ground and left quickly.

After coming out, he paid no attention to it and disappeared in an instant.

Mainly because there is a terrifying seal in the clan land, so the clan leader has no way to trace what happened in the clan land, so he can only speculate on everything at the moment.

When he walked into the clan land, he showed a puzzled expression.

What happened.

He stared at the golden spirit stone with a puzzled expression.

There was no one on the golden spiritual stone. Then he quickly looked not far away. There were obviously two dead bodies in the turbulence of time and space. When he saw this, he suddenly became surprised.

"Ancestor Zhao Jun, Ancestor Cao Jinlong."

He shouted loudly and walked quickly. At the same time, he saw the body of the ancestor Wang Bojian. In the end, his face was full of doubts.

He was so surprised that he simply didn't have the guts to believe his eyes as to what was happening.

"How is it possible? How could the three great ancestors die? According to their cultivation level, it is impossible for them to encounter any danger."

The sect leader doesn't understand what happened, but now he only suspects one person, and that is Chen Xuan. Only Chen Xuan has the chance to know what happened inside, and it is even possible that he did it.

"Chen Xuan!"

The lord of the sect thought of Chen Xuan, and a little scary aura appeared on his body.

"He should know what happened in the clan land, and he didn't know what happened just now." The lord of the clan said solemnly: "Could it be that the three great ancestors were killed by him? , but this is unlikely. ”

The sect leader quickly rejected this idea.

But he gradually felt that the killing of the three great ancestors was inseparable from Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan must know something.

"Damn guy, he definitely hid something from me just now."

Near the clan land, the spiritual consciousness of clan leader Darao enveloped the entire Qingbai Dragon Sect.

But Chen Xuan was not found. Now he felt that Chen Xuan definitely knew that he was coming to chase him, so he ran away quickly.

"Sure enough, there is something wrong with this guy, but why is that?"

The master's face turned completely gloomy and he gave the order directly.

"Chen Xuan, the guardian of the Qinglong Palace, betrayed the Qingbai Dragon Sect. Anyone who finds him will be killed directly."

After that, the entire Qingbai Dragon Sect was trembling.

"I want to see how you can escape from me. If such a big thing happens, don't even think about leaving here."

The master of the sect showed a terrifying expression, stamped his feet on the ground, disappeared into the starry sky, and followed Chen Xuan. The only thing the Qingbailong Sect Master wanted was to completely obliterate Chen Xuan. At least he wanted to find out what happened.

The reason why the Qingbai Dragon Sect has been able to survive in the southwest region for millions of years, and even to remain at the top, is because of the three great ancestors.

The three great ancestors are the biggest backers of the Qingbai Dragon Sect.

However, now that the three great ancestors are all dead, the most likely possibility is that it is Chen Xuan. However, he does not understand in his heart how he can deal with the three great ancestors with Chen Xuan's cultivation.

"Damn guy, he must be greedy for the power of Nine Revolutions and framed the three great ancestors. Although I don't know how he did it, it is very likely that this guy used some conspiracy, otherwise If he is too good at Sanda, the ancestor can easily kill him."

The master of the Qingbai Dragon Sect was actually a master at the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God Stage. He was very fast and had left the Qingbai Dragon Sect in an instant, chasing Chen Xuan in the direction he fled.

But Chen Xuan had already been prepared.

After escaping from the Qingbai Dragon Sect, he pushed the secret method of time and space to the extreme.

"With Master Qingbailong, it will take at least several hours to catch up with me. During this time, I will have enough time to find an opportunity to escape."

Chen Xuan walked in the air at the same time and said quickly at the same time.

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