Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6266: Escape from the Qingbailong Sect Master’s pursuit

"According to my current situation, it will probably take a few hours to get to the meeting place agreed with Master Wang."

Chen Xuan was thinking about how to escape the Qingbailong Sect Leader's pursuit. The current situation was very critical.

Soon, Chen Xuan arrived not far away.

At this time, near the teleportation formation, Master Wang was very anxiously waiting for Chen Xuan, but he knew very well that things might not be peaceful next.

Jinshan ruins!

In the place where a certain terrifying sect once existed, there was a large space formation here.

In the terrifying southwest region, there is only one large space formation, which is a cross-regional space formation. Using this space formation, one can cross the region and reach several other regions.

"Why hasn't this guy come yet?"

Master Wang is using the communication stone to communicate with Chen Xuan, and he is a little anxious now.

"Chen Xuan, what happened to you? Did you escape?" Master Wang said with slight concern.

After hearing the voice, Chen Xuan immediately replied and said that now that he had escaped, he only needed to rush to the agreed place and leave as soon as possible.

It doesn't matter if he hears it, he doesn't need to worry now.

But at this moment.

At this moment, a sound broke through the air, and then Chen Xuan appeared.

"How about it."

Chen Xuan said loudly.

"The great space formation is above this release place. Are you ready for the magic weapon?" Master Wang said.

Chen Xuan agreed in his heart. He used his long sword and a large number of Demonic Dragon Qi Stones appeared in front of the space formation. He believed that the energy contained in them should allow him to leave as soon as possible.

"This is the Demonic Dragon Qi Stone."

Master Wang showed a puzzled expression, followed by joy.

The nine gates in the northeastern region were killed and the news spread, so he naturally heard the news.

After seeing the Demonic Dragon Qi Stone, Master Wang already felt that Chen Xuan was the young warrior who killed the Nine Sects.

"I don't know if these things are enough." Chen Xuan said with a little doubt in his heart.

"No need to worry, these are enough."

Master Wang placed many Demonic Dragon Qi Stones in the space formation, shouted out, and used all his strength to activate the space formation.

At this moment, the space formation slowly began to rotate, and a breath burst out at this moment.

Chen Xuan's body was shocked, as if he had returned to before. Terrifying power appeared, and Chen Xuan also frowned slightly.

"I guess the fights that broke out here before were very scary."

Chen Xuandao, but soon, he arrived in the space formation instantly.

"Get out of this place quickly."

The space formation was activated, quickly condensed, and Chen Xuan's body quickly disappeared.

"Don't be anxious yet."

At this moment, a terrifying cry came from the sky.

at this time.

A fiery red aura, carrying surging power, flew over quickly.

Master Wang used his skills to stop him.

"Master Wang, do you want to compete with our Qingbai Dragon Sect?"

The Qingbailong Sect Master said very unhappy.

"The sect leader laughed, how could I possibly compete with the Qingbai Dragon Sect." Master Wang laughed helplessly.

"Chen Xuan betrayed our Qingbai Dragon Sect. I want to completely wipe him out. Are you sure you want to stop him?" said the leader of the Qingbai Dragon Sect.

After that, he waved the long sword gently, and a bloody sword energy quickly attacked. Master Wang quickly stepped on the ground, urging all his strength to defend against the bloody sword energy.

Moreover, when the Qingbailong Sect Master released his terrifying sword energy, the surging power attacked the space formation.

Just at this time!

The space formation, which was originally slightly damaged, suddenly shook.

"This is bad."

At this moment, Master Wang felt a little helpless, and his expression instantly became gloomy.

"Don't be anxious yet."

Master Wang shouted loudly and came to the vicinity of Qingbailong Sect Leader to defend him.

"The space-time gap in the space formation has appeared. He will definitely be killed, there is no doubt."

The leader of the Qingbailong Sect looked at Master Wang and then left.

"I, the Qingbai Dragon Sect, are not afraid of you. I hope you will think about it carefully. Helping this guy will not do you any good."

After finishing, he looked at the damaged teleportation formation, and then a smile appeared on his face.

He believed that Chen Xuan must have been killed, there was no doubt about it.

If the formation is damaged during teleportation, there is a high chance that you will die, or even be teleported to other worlds, with no way to come back.

Staring at the departing body of the Qingbailong Sect Master, Master Wang tightly suppressed the long sword, feeling angry in his heart.

"I hope nothing happens to you."

Master Wang looked at the space formation in the gap between time and space, and secretly hoped in his heart: "You don't need to worry, I can definitely help you protect Jianxuanmen. If you are okay, you will definitely be able to come back in the future, but if you die Let’s talk, there’s nothing I can do about it.”

White Dragon Territory!

Today's White Dragon Territory has become more prosperous due to the powerful breakthrough of Jian Xuanmen.

The Bailongyu Chamber of Commerce and Jianxuanmen also joined forces. Although Chen Xuan left Bailongyu, the development of Jianxuanmen was very rapid in the end.

Wang Jun is now the sect leader of Jianxuan Sect, but now there are terrifying movements in the White Dragon Territory.

In Jianxuanmen, Wang Jun was very surprised when news came from Mr. Zhao.

"Chen Xuan betrayed the Qingbai Dragon Sect, and there is a lot of possibility that the Jianxuan Sect will be suppressed by the Qingbai Dragon Sect."

This is the news from Master Zhao. He is a peripheral disciple of Qingbai Dragon Sect and has already received the news.

"With the current strength of Jianxuan Sect, it is simply impossible to fight against the Qingbai Dragon Sect. They are a sect that has been accumulated for thousands of years. With our current foundation, there is no way we can compete with such a sect. ”

Wang Jun was extremely surprised: "Could Jianxuan Sect just give up like this? But I helped Chen Xuan to establish it with great difficulty. How can I give up casually under the current circumstances?"

Wang Jun has put in a lot of effort, and he naturally does not want to see Jianxuanmen give up now.

"If Chen Xuan leaves here, there is a high possibility that the Qingbai Dragon Sect will release its anger on Jianxuan Sect." Wang Jun thought about it, not knowing how to deal with it now.

At this moment.

Dao Xingkong spreads the aura, and Master Wang slowly appears.

"Master Wang."

"Wang Jun, I didn't expect to meet at this time, hehehe." Master Wang agreed very much: "I am here now to protect Jianxuanmen. There is no need to worry. With me in this place, the Qingbai Dragon Sect will not Maybe it’s better to use Sword Xuanmen. After all, the cultivation level of that sect leader cannot exceed mine at most, and if you help us, we can definitely defend a few elders, or at least delay them for a while.”

After hearing this, Wang Jun's pupils showed a hint of joy.

In the end, it was not what Wang Jun originally thought.

After a while, the Qingbailong Sect Leader came over alone with his disciples to kill them.

"Sword Xuanmen Chen Xuan, you deserve to die for betraying the Qingbai Dragon Sect. I will never let you go." The voice of the Qingbailong Sect Master spread throughout the White Dragon Territory: "Sword Xuanmen, there is no need to continue. exist in this world.”

At this moment, everyone in the White Dragon Territory is worried.

Master Zhao was secretly observing Jianxuanmen carefully, and he was very nervous inside.

Many senior officials of the Bailongyu Chamber of Commerce quickly started discussions.

"Everyone, I didn't expect such a big thing to happen. What do you think about this matter? Do you have any good suggestions?" The speaker from the White Dragon Territory Chamber of Commerce said in confusion.

"Chen Xuan betrayed the Qingbai Dragon Sect. The sect leader is very unhappy. The Jianxuan Sect will no longer exist. Our White Dragon Territory Chamber of Commerce will definitely cut off all ties."

"Exactly, I agree."

Soon many warriors agreed.

Only Deacon Li objected, but his current status is not particularly high, so he has no decision-making power in front of these elders.

"Chen Xuan really deserves to die. He betrayed the Qingbai Dragon Sect. It is really embarrassing for our Bailongyu Chamber of Commerce to join forces with Ruci Trash. From now on, the Bailongyu Chamber of Commerce will terminate its relationship with Jianxuanmen and help Qingbailong." Zong, destroy the Sword Xuanmen."

Soon something came out in the White Dragon Territory Chamber of Commerce, which made their thoughts clear.

When the news came out, everyone in the White Dragon Territory trembled.

But many warriors also understand that there is basically no doubt about the choice between Qingbai Dragon Sect and Jianxuan Sect. After all, Qingbai Dragon Sect is a super sect, and its foundation is also very strong.

Just when all the monks thought that Jianxuanmen was about to be destroyed, Master Wang and Wang Jun appeared in Zheng

"Qingbai Dragon Sect, what I have done now is really too much." Master Wang's voice came out in a terrifying voice.

"What? Master Wang actually supports Jianxuanmen. What happened?"

"Could it be that Master Wang is behind Jianxuanmen?"

"Now there's something exciting for me to watch, hehehe."

In the White Dragon Territory, many warriors are discussing. At the same time, they are also analyzing who will win this time in order to watch the excitement and not take it too seriously.

In the ground, Master Wang and the Qingbailong Sect Master faced off again.

"Master Wang, you are meddling in your own business. This matter has nothing to do with you. I would like to advise you that you'd better find a way to get out of here, otherwise, you will get into trouble this time."

at this time.

Many warriors in the White Dragon Territory only feel that this terrible battle has finally begun.

The battle between Master Wang and Master Qingbailong lasted for more than half a month.

All the monks are observing.

The outcome of this terrible battle will change the entire situation in the southwest region.

But more than a month later, a red light quickly escaped.

"From now on, Jian Xuan Sect is guarded by our Master Wang. If any monk has the courage to attack Jian Xuan Sect, he will be competing against our Master Wang."

Master Wang's voice is all over the White Dragon Territory.

Many warriors got caught up in the discussion and were very surprised.

"Didn't Master Qingbailong win?"

In fact, neither Master Qingbailong nor Master Wang had any way to deal with the other. Their cultivation levels were not much different. In the end, Master Qingbailong could only temporarily agree to give up Sword Xuanmen and leave.

Nothing happened anymore, and Mr. Zhao finally felt relieved.

And many warriors in the White Dragon Territory Chamber of Commerce were obviously observing carefully.

"Escape from the White Dragon Territory quickly."

Not even the Qingbailong Sect Master can do anything with the Sword Xuanmen, nor the White Dragon Territory Chamber of Commerce, and the White Dragon Territory Chamber of Commerce knows that there is no chance, so they can only give up the White Dragon Territory.

In just three days, the White Dragon Territory Chamber of Commerce left the White Dragon Territory.

The White Dragon Territory has also become the place where Jianxuanmen lives. Master Wang often stays here to protect Jianxuanmen.

The overall situation in the southwest region has undergone tremendous changes.

Many sects were very anxious.

Jingxianshan Sect even asked the elders to come to Bailong Territory to find Master Wang to discuss the original plan.

Pangu Central World has a vast area that can't see the end at all.

The warriors here are very powerful, and it is also called the Eastern Region.

Compared to the Southwestern Region, the Eastern Region is simply powerful, with many strong men.

The terrifying aura continued to emerge and swallowed the entire land.

This plain can't see the end at all, with large areas of desert, and no warriors will appear.

However, now there is a battle here.

Huajinshan Sect launched a battle, wanting to directly kill Xingyun Sword Sect.

The disciples of the two top sects were killed in the melee, and in the ground, several fiery red lights confronted each other, and they exuded a terrifying aura around them.

One of the warriors was surrounded by a blood-red aura, and there was an invisible defense near his body. There were many invisible sword defenses around him, and not far away from him, a mysterious warrior in a black robe was standing with a fiery red aura. There was a flame aura around him, slightly suspended above the raging fire, looking at the mysterious warrior in the blood-red robe.

"Master Zhao, is this really the case?" The mysterious warrior asked in a deep voice.

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