Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6267 Killing the Nebula Sword Sect

"Killing the Nebula Sword Sect has been the goal of our Huajinshan Sect for a long time." Sect Master Zhao waved his long sword and flew to the ground, saying calmly: "You know very well that the disciples of the Nebula Sword Sect are no match for our Huajinshan Sect. , how can you Xingyun Sword Sect defeat us?"

Sect Master Zhao's words filled the air around the Sect Master of Xingyun Sword Sect.

A helpless expression appeared on his mysterious face.

"I was originally the Territory Lord of the Nebula Territory, and I am immortal with the Nebula Sword Sect." The leader of the Nebula Sword Sect said solemnly: "Since your Huajinshan Sect is like this, let's fight."

After finishing, the sect leader of the Nebula Sword Sect stamped his feet on the ground, hid his body in the fire, and instantly appeared not far from sect leader Zhao.

Go to hell.

Sect Leader Zhao shouted loudly, and a fiery red sword appeared in his hand and hit him.

Just at this time!

The battle between several masters suddenly started, and Dao Xingkong changed.

Fighting was taking place everywhere, and many disciples were seriously injured.

Soon the battle has returned to a critical moment, and the Nebula Sword Sect seems to have no strength to defend them.

In the fighting area, the gray-haired young warrior released a terrifying sword energy and defended against the opponent's attack.

"This is bad."

But just when he was about to seize the opportunity to attack, he shouted out in surprise.

Near him, a long sword suddenly appeared, and the aura on it carried powerful and rapid power.

"We can't continue to defend here."

He obviously wanted to hide.

But it was too late, the sword had already suppressed him, and no matter how he fought back, there was nothing he could do.

"Is it going to be over?"

Hua Qiang looked very gloomy and shook his head helplessly.


When the long sword was about to hit his body, a large amount of thunder suddenly appeared in the Dao Star Sky. Near Huaqiang, a gap in time and space quickly spread out.

The sudden changes surprised many warriors.

Their gazes were also directed towards the gaps in time and space.

At this moment, a fiery red light appeared in the gap in time and space, and the terrifying space storm was quickly retracted.

In an instant, peace returned to the earth.

And the fiery red light that appeared from the gap in time and space happened to fall near Huaqiang, knocking away the long sword of the Huajinshan Sect disciple.

He had obviously observed carefully, and obviously found that a young warrior whose body was filled with protective aura had been killed, and seemed to be dead.

what is going on?

Hua Qiang was a little confused. He didn't know what was going on. This person suddenly appeared and came out of the gap in time and space. This was completely inconsistent with the principle.

But when the masters who were fighting in the ground saw it, they instantly understood the reason.

"Is there something wrong with the space array?"

Sect Master Zhao showed a horrified expression. He didn't even look at it. Although he could feel a little bit of the flame's life breath, he knew that this person would definitely be killed, without any doubt.

Withdrawing the power of his spiritual consciousness, Sect Leader Zhao continued the attack.

The worst thing is to fight for your life with him!

The fighting did not stop because of Chen Xuan's appearance, and it even became more terrifying for them.

Hua Qiang stared at Chen Xuan mysteriously.

After thinking for a moment, Hua Qiang used all his strength to get rid of his opponent's attack and quickly arrived near Chen Xuan.

At this time, Hua Qiang also took Chen Xuan towards Yukong in the direction of Wan Lei Territory.

The engagement was horrific and chaotic.

Huaqiang's departure was not hindered too much. The fighting area was Wanlei Mountain, which was very close to Wanlei Territory.

More than an hour later, Hua Qiang returned to Wan Lei Territory.

at this time.

At this moment, a terrifying shattering sound was heard near Wanlei Mountain.

A terrifying aura filled the air, and a fiery red light came out looking slightly embarrassed.

"Luo Xingjian."

"I didn't expect you to actually hide your cultivation." Sect Master Zhao's face was gloomy, and his body burst out with strength: "Now let's let you Nebula Sword Sect go for now. When my Joaquin Mountain Sect attacks next time, Nebula Sword Sect will definitely suffer a terrible blow. "

After finishing, Sect Master Zhao used his long sword and said: "Leave temporarily."

at this time!

In an instant, the disciples of the Huajinshan Sect had completely left the fighting area.

The disciples of the Xingyun Sword Sect who survived and carefully observed the front were left behind.

"Leave for now."

Luo Xingjian said: "Improve the defense of Ten Thousand Thunder Territory, all disciples must stay vigilant."

Finally, a red light broke through to the Ten Thousand Thunder Domain.

No warrior could have imagined that the battle would end in this way, but Luo Xingjian knew that he would use Sect Master Zhao's flaws to defeat him in this battle.

But the next time the Joaquin Mountain Sect has a complete plan, it will be the time when the Nebula Sword Sect is really in danger.

The Nebula Sword Sect is the most terrifying force in the Ten Thousand Thunder Territory, and it is also a top force.

Xingyun Sword Sect, in the main hall.

"What happened to the people who died in this battle?" Luo Xingjian said with a very dark expression.

"Sect Master, many of our disciples have died, and several elders have also died." The great elder said in a low voice.

After hearing this, Luo Xingjian's face became even more gloomy.

Hua Qiang of the Nebula Sword Sect put Chen Xuan in a safe area, but Hua Qiang discovered that although Chen Xuan had suffered very serious injuries, his protective aura on the surface was extremely powerful.

"It's really interesting."

After only a few hours, the breath of life began to recover, which surprised Hua Qiang.

There was even a flame burning on his body.

"It is simply impossible for a warrior in the late stage of Shenlong Second Level God Breaking to be able to recover under such circumstances."

Within the Nebula Sword Sect, many warriors are busy preparing for the next battle.

Only Hua Qiang was helping Chen Xuan recover from his injuries.

The Jinluan Broken Sword and the Immortal-level Prairie Fire Sword emerged with terrifying power at the same time, pulling the Zheng Xuan's body to the core.

Chen Xuan's injuries are fully recovering.

"There is no danger, sir." In the Green Mountain Stone, Shangguan Haoran and Dugu Lun were slightly worried.

"No need to worry, he is not in any danger."

Demonic Dragon said: "If a weaker warrior suffered such a very serious injury, he would definitely be killed without any doubt. However, there is a very terrifying difference with him. With the power of Suzaku Nirvana, his defense is top-notch."

Sure enough, as the demon dragon originally thought, in the next few days, Chen Xuan's life aura became stronger than before.

In less than half a month, Chen Xuan had recovered.

"You recovered. I thought you couldn't recover."

At this moment when his consciousness was fully activated, Hua Qiang appeared in front of him.

"Who are you? Where am I? What happened?" Chen Xuan said in surprise and confusion. Apparently he looked around and found that there was no danger, and finally felt relieved.

"This is the Nebula Sword Sect, and I am Hua Qiang, a disciple of the Nebula Sword Sect. No need to worry, you will get it safely." Hua Qiang said with a smile.

"Why am I here?"

"The Nebula Sword Sect was at war with the Joaquin Mountain Sect, and you suddenly appeared."

Huaqiang came out of the situation.

After understanding the situation, Chen Xuan nodded slightly.

"There is something wrong with the space formation." Chen Xuan showed great surprise on his face. If he hadn't been lucky, there was a high possibility that he would have died directly.

"It was not that there was a problem with the space formation, but that the space formation was activated and then directly bombarded by the Qingbai Dragon Sect Master, which caused problems with the transmission." Jinluan Broken Sword appeared.

"Master Qingbailong."

Chen Xuan suppressed the long sword tightly, and there was a little bit of terrifying aura on his body, but there was nothing he could do now. Even if he went back, the chance of winning would be slim.

As for the Xingyun Sword Sect, the Huajinshan Sect.

Chen Xuan was thinking about these two sects, they could also be famous here.

"Eastern Region."

Chen Xuan thought helplessly. He originally wanted to go to the northern area with the help of Master Wang, but he didn't expect that he would be brought to the eastern area now.

"First understand the situation here as soon as possible, and then find a good plan to leave."

Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

As long as he leaves the southwest area, he won't have to worry about being chased by the Blue and White Dragon Sect, and he can naturally relax and practice, which is actually good for him.

Seemingly seeing his reply, Hua Qiang also came over.

"I have to, your life is really long enough. This is simply a miracle. Before this, I thought you might be dead, and I just happened to bring you back."

Hua Qiang said with a smile: "We often see situations like yours here. An unexpected warrior appears during teleportation, which is almost very dangerous, but you survived, and there is nothing wrong with you now."

Chen Xuan also looked slightly nervous when he heard this.

So that’s what happened.

Facing Hua Qiang's inquiry, Chen Xuan just laughed helplessly.

"You are still in the Nebula Sword Sect for now, don't act arbitrarily." Hua Qiang said a few words and then left here.

The Nebula Sword Sect's suppressive power is terrifying.

After Chen Xuan completely recovered from his injuries, he felt a breakthrough in his cultivation.

Quickly, he had already broken through to the second level of Shenlong.

"Is this considered an emergency breakthrough in the face of danger?"

Chen Xuan smiled helplessly.

Walking on the road of Xingyun Sword Sect, Chen Xuan could notice many eyes appearing.

"Is he the damn trash that Hua Qiang rescued?"

"Is there something wrong with Huaqiang? What does this kid have to do with us?"

"If you leave suddenly during the battle, there is a 100% chance that the sect will kill Zhao Huaqiang."

The sound of their discussion also reached Chen Xuan.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's expression was a little dark. He turned around and looked around, and obviously found that Hua Qiang was surrounded by several disciples, and the most important thing was that there was a conflict between them.

He walked directly over and heard a certain disciple scolding Hua Qiang.

"Huaqiang, you are originally a disciple of the Nebula Sword Sect. Why did you suddenly leave the battle area during the battle? What is the reason?"

"I don't. There are many reasons." Huaqiang said so much nonsense.

"Tell me what the reason is."

"There was a man who was about to kill me, but this brother suddenly appeared, disrupted his rhythm, and blocked a sword for me, so he saved my life. I couldn't just watch him get seriously injured. And die."

Hearing them say this, Chen Xuan was a little surprised.

"All the monks have seen it. You just ran away. We can't control that much. You must be trying to find a reason for yourself to run away. You are simply embarrassing the Nebula Sword Sect." The mysterious warrior continued: " What qualifications does a warrior like you have to stay in the Nebula Sword Sect? I think you should get out of here."

It didn't take long for the disciple to directly use his skills to suppress Hua Qiang.


Hua Qiang's counterattack made this disciple even more unhappy.

"Huaqiang, how dare you fight back? Do you want to be a traitor to others?"

After hearing these words, Hua Qiang's body trembled.

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