Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6302 The movement of invisible sword energy

There was a turbulent aura coming from the ground.

Outside, he was wearing a flaming red robe for defense, and a flaming red light emanated from the fairyland defense in the wind, standing very calmly in its original place.

The invisible sword energy defenses near him kept moving, and probably all the long swords within a hundred miles seemed to become gloomy.

"Lord of the Territory, if we start a battle with the Eastern Territory, can we complete the original plan?"

A monk asked the chief domain master of the domain to discuss it. It was obvious that he was also a little weak in his heart. This was the first time he was fighting such a powerful enemy.

"It's absolutely good. Our overall strength is not very strong. How can we compare with the Eastern General Region."

The other warriors also stared at the Domain Master with worried faces, waiting for his answer. They didn't know why he did this. Since his strength was inferior to others, launching an attack rashly now was the same as seeking death.

The Domain Chief Domain Master stared at the figure on the defense of the Immortal Domain and said: "He will complete it. We don't need to worry too much. We are still very sure this time."

At this moment, a terrifying sound suddenly came from beneath the ground.

Then the terrifying bloody aura filled the air, and hundreds of pervasive powers continued to gather together on the ground, as if they were going to cover the entire earth.

The rocks on the ground in front were all dissipated by the fiery red air. The fiery red air flow that swept over them was so terrifying.

"The Territory Chief Territory Lord, if he comes here, he is asking for his own death."

Just at this time!

A large number of terrifying warriors, led by the Great Elder, broke out, and when they approached the main hall of the Territory Lord, they stopped advancing.

The Great Elder and Chen Xuan stared at each other with very unhappy expressions.

"General Territory Lord, betray the Eastern General Territory, I will never let you go!"

The great elder continued: "As for your son, if you withdraw now, you can protect yourself for the time being. If you are crazy and continue to help him fight against us, when the powerful steel torrent from our Eastern General Territory occupies the Yunlei Immortal Territory, it will be When you are finished."

The Great Elder's voice fluctuated greatly, and through the Earth-Destroying God's sealing method, it spread throughout the entire Territory Lord's main hall.

"The Eastern General Territory is too terrifying. We are just waiting to die here. It is impossible to defeat them."

"That's right. Following the footsteps of the Eastern General Territory, we still have time."

"Get out of this place quickly, or you will definitely be killed, no doubt about it."

Among the many warriors, some monks began to waver in their hearts, and several of them began to walk outside.


At this moment, the Territory Chief Territory Master stepped hard on the ground with the soles of his feet, and the terrifying blood-red aura kept moving past.

At this moment, a terrifying aura came, the streets were filled with defensive spiritual energy, and the body of a warrior slowly fell on Lin.

"You disturb our morale, I will never let you go."

The Domain Master said: "Our Yunlei Immortal Domain has accumulated a lot, and then we will finally break through and get enough power. The Eastern General Domain is not as powerful as imagined. We have Chen Xuan, and it is possible that we can turn around this time. Chance."

"I swear to protect the Yunlei Fairyland to the death. They have been oppressing us before. Now we must not be patient any longer. Blind patience will have no effect."

Under the leadership of the Territory Chief Territory Lord, many people were very excited and shouted loudly.

As for the defense of the Immortal Territory, Chen Xuan stared at many warriors in the Eastern General Territory.

"Why? Since the Territory Chief Territory Lord dares to betray our Eastern Territory, but doesn't have the guts to show up here, will he always be treated as trash?" The great elder showed a terrifying expression and said: "And you, you are Yun Lei in the first place. The guardian of the Immortal Domain violated the rules of the Eastern General Territory and directly killed the Chief Territory Master of the Wanzhen Transformation Territory. This crime will definitely be killed by us. However, our Eastern General Territory cherishes your cultivation and talents, not so much. Nonsense, even if you die a hundred times for your sin, it's totally fine. However, as long as you join the Eastern General Territory, we won't pursue so many charges at all.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, but you refused very arrogantly, and even used Kung Fu to injure the elders of the outer sect. With many evil deeds put together, we will never let you go! Your son can only be so arrogant. Now that you are in this state, please don’t look ugly later.”

When he said that he would never let you go, the whole earth trembled.

"Do you think that just the Immortal Formation Technique can defend against the powerful steel torrent in our eastern region?"

The great elder made a sarcastic sound, and then used his long sword. Many terrifying warriors surging near him united to launch an attack.

The surging attacks gathered together and violently bombarded towards the Earth-Destroying God's sealing method.

Just at this time!

Under the terrorist attack, the sealing method of the God of Destruction was shaky, but in the end it persisted.

What happened.

At this moment, the great elder's expression changed and he stared at the Earth-Destroying God's sealing method.

"It's really interesting."

The great elder said.

But at this moment.

At this moment, a terrifying aura came over the ground so quickly that it was too fast for anyone to react.

"Finally can't help but use the technique?"

Chen Xuan's face seemed to be very powerful.

When that terrifying aura was about to hit the Earth-Destroying God's sealing technique, a long sword appeared on the ground in an instant, directly blocking him.


The breath spread out and made a terrifying sound.

There was a sound in the ground, and then a battle area appeared in the starry sky.

Chen Xuan knew that it was the golden dragon that stopped Lord Wang Lin.

"The Eastern General Territory is so miserable that there is no warrior way. It is contrary to reason. I have exploded with powerful power. Now I will defeat the Eastern General Territory and rebuild it completely." Chen Xuan's voice was like a large amount of space and time energy emanating from it.

"You are so arrogant, you just don't take us seriously."

The great elder was very unhappy and struck out. The terrifying sword energy hit the Earth Destroying God's sealing method. He felt that this would definitely slander Chen Xuan.

However, what he didn't expect was that the Earth-Destroying God's sealing method blocked his attack and defended him.

"Do you only have the courage to stay in this immortal formation? If you have the ability, come out."

The great elder's expression was very dark, and he was completely unhappy. He did not expect that the defense of this formation was so powerful. He originally thought that he could defeat it directly, but now the reality was beyond his imagination.

At this moment.

Chen Xuan arrived outside the Immortal Formation in an instant.

"Now it will all end and you will all die."

"You're just asking for death."

Among the many terrifying warriors in the Eastern General Territory, some monks took one step ahead of the elder and launched an attack on Chen Xuan.

"It's just asking for death."

Seeing the very fierce attack, Chen Xuan raised his hand, and a terrifying sword energy was released. This was their opportunity to make a contribution. , so these people will not miss this opportunity.


The golden aura broke out, and the power blooming from this warrior was extremely powerful. However, when facing Chen Xuan, he had almost no chance of winning.

With just one terrifying sword energy, a master who had just entered the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God realm was killed. After killing him, Chen Xuan appeared very relaxed.

After seeing what happened, many powerful masters who were invincible at the third level of the Divine Dragon Realm finally had no choice but to wait. They knew that there was no way to let go now.

In an instant, five divine dragons jumped out and were invincible at the third level. However, they were only invincible after experiencing three divine thunders. They did not pose any threat to Chen Xuan.

"You will never escape my grasp. I will definitely kill you this time."

The five divine dragons who broke through the invincible realm surrounded Chen Xuan little by little and launched a powerful attack. They also knew that they were no match for Chen Xuan in a one-on-one fight, so they could only unite together now.

"You guys are really uninteresting."

Chen Xuan's face seemed to not take them seriously at all.

The immortal-level prairie fire sword appeared slowly. Chen Xuan took the hilt and cast it quickly.

The seventh move of the Suzaku Ten Thousand Fire Immortal Sword Technique is the Wan Qian Shi Yun Sword.

The five divine dragons, who had broken through the invincible realm, were preparing to launch a mad attack when they suddenly discovered that their bodies could not recover.

They shouted loudly and wanted to fight back, but there was still no way.

"The secret method of stopping time."

At this moment, the great elder stepped quickly on the ground and suddenly rushed to the vicinity of several warriors. He released the terrifying sword energy and wanted to seal the starry sky.


The terrifying aura flashed, the aura shattered, and a beheaded warrior slowly fell to the ground.

The secret method of time stilling, obeying the orders of the Ten Thousand Time Cloud Sword, has greatly increased its power. With Chen Xuan's current cultivation level, he has experienced three divine thunders and the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God is invincible. It has no defensive power at all, and it is simply a direct killing. The strength he showed also made everyone really notice that this young man has truly outstanding strength.

Even if he has experienced the third level of invincibility from the Six Paths God, Thunder God, Dragon Breaking God, there is nothing he can do, unless he has experienced the Nine Paths. However, how could a person with such powerful strength not even be able to deal with him.

"It's really damn good."

Watching helplessly the death of a powerful and invincible expert at the third level of the divine dragon realm, the great elder felt a little desperate in his heart, and at the same time his anger had reached the extreme.

"I will kill you completely. No one can save you this time."

The Great Elder did not continue to bombard Dao Xingkong and turned to attack Chen Xuan. He originally thought that if these two people worked together, they would definitely defeat Chen Xuan. However, the reality was far beyond his expectation. They had joined forces. , no matter how high the level is, you may not be able to win.

Chen Xuan actually killed them all.

How could this happen?


When the great elder's attack came, the Immortal-level prairie fire sword had already killed the fifth divine dragon who was invincible at the third level of God-breaking realm.

The aura on the prairie fire sword quickly changed its direction and killed the great elder.

He felt the terrifying suppression, and quickly released a terrifying power of soul, which he released on the magic weapon. He defended against an attack from the Immortal-level prairie fire sword, but he only managed to defend it.

His body was also blown away and flew several hundred meters. But this time he once again refreshed his understanding of Chen Xuan. This guy is really terrifying.

"How can it be."

A large number of warriors from the Eastern Region were completely surprised. They had no idea that Chen Xuan was so strong.

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