They showed doubtful expressions and did not have the courage to believe Yi Pian.

Chen Xuan single-handedly killed five divine dragons and was invincible at the third level of breaking the gods. This was terrifying, and he was able to win a few seconds with the elders.

At this moment, their faces began to waver. Can the Great Elder defend against this guy's attack?

At this moment, in the battle area of ​​Dao Xingkong, the battle has also reached a fierce stage.

Although the golden dragon's cultivation level is not as good as Lord Wang Lin's, his innate talent is very terrifying and can temporarily hold him back.

Go to hell.

Lord Wang Lin shouted loudly, and a terrifying force knocked away the golden dragon.

But he soon appeared near him again, and once again released his gift.

"A Nine Gods Thunder God Dragon Breaking God Third Level Invincible. He wants to stop me. He just thinks too much." Wang came to the land, and his violent aura suddenly released.

"You are invincible at the third level of the Divine Dragon Realm, and I am only invincible at the third level of the Divine Dragon Realm. There is absolutely no way I can defeat you, but as long as I stop you, the Eastern Region will definitely fail. The battle is now certain." The golden dragon smiled helplessly.

After Lord Wang Lin heard this, he obviously lowered his head and looked towards the fighting area, with a ghostly tone on his face.

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"How is it possible? Why is this guy so strong?"

Lord Wang Lin shouted loudly, staring at the nearby fighting area with a puzzled expression.

The fighting situation that should have been suppressed now turned out to be like this. He felt that it was a little bit unbearable. He originally thought that he would not fail, but because of Chen Xuan's talent, the situation of the battle had completely changed.

"How can his cultivation be so strong?"

Master Wang Lin ignored Chen Xuan's cultivation. At this time, Chen Xuan was like a god of death.

He exuded a powerful aura. He fought many warriors in the Eastern Region alone, and most importantly, they didn't have any power to fight back. How could this happen?


A turbulent aura flashed by, and a powerful elder who was invincible at the third level of the divine dragon realm slowly landed on Lin.

Many warriors in the domain, including the domain chief domain master, had been surprised before. Even though they had known that Chen Xuan's talent was very strong, they did not expect that he would think of it to this extent.

Although some people still remember Chen Xuan's terrifying sword energy that killed the master of the Wan Zhen Transformation Domain, but now they can directly see that Chen Xuan is like a demon, attacking the entire eastern general domain with the power of a single person. They were very surprised in their hearts.

"It's so horrible, I can't even imagine it, he's so horrible."

Many warriors in Yunlei Immortal Territory were very excited. At this moment, they felt that the Eastern General Territory was not as scary as they imagined.


Chen Xuan's terrifying power appeared and instantly suppressed Elder Longshi of the Eastern General Region who launched a fierce attack. Then he stamped on the ground with his soles and came to the vicinity of the great elder.

At this moment, the great elder finally felt a little worried, and his original confidence made him hesitate at this moment.

The great elder wanted to defend, but it was too late.

Time, motionless!

This is the secret method of stopping time, which is much more powerful than the one Chen Xuan cultivated in seclusion when he was on the third level.

The secret method of time and space directly improved many times when Chen Xuandun felt the secret method of stopping time.

From now on, the secret method of time and space will truly take shape.

All the stars in the sky and everything were motionless.

The great elder stood on the ground, staring at Chen Xuan slowly approaching, with a helpless smile on his face.

The terrifying sword energy burst out through the starry sky.

The great elder felt that the pressure on his body was increasing rapidly, as if his entire body was about to radiate.

The aura of terror enveloped his body, and he felt his body being suppressed, making him very helpless. What frightened him was that he couldn't even resist.

"I will absolutely kill the chief domain lord of Wan Zhen Transformation Domain. You are just a piece of trash. Even you want to deal with me."

Chen Xuan's voice spread out. A large number of warriors from the Eastern Region had already retreated before, and now they were even more surprised.

"Don't be anxious yet."

Just when Chen Xuan was about to release this terrifying sword energy, a terrifying sound came from the sky.

Then the sound of breaking through the sky came, and a mysterious warrior passed through the starry sky and quickly arrived near Chen Xuan.

But at this moment.

At this moment, he waved a sword energy, and the time-stopping secret technique was instantly dispersed.

Moreover, he pulled the great elder's body away, retreated several hundred meters, and stabilized his body.

The scene that suddenly appeared surprised all the monks, especially the many warriors in the domain.

"what happened."

The domain chief showed a puzzled expression. He didn't know what was going on. He also felt very strange about this person's appearance.

The great elder has been suppressed by Chen Xuan and has no way to recover. He is about to die. However, a mysterious figure uses his skills to help. And who is this Ran?

"I haven't been here for a long time. I didn't expect that a top talent like you would appear in this insignificant place. You are really powerful." The mysterious warrior in black robe looked in front of him, placed the great elder nearby, and looked at Chen Xuan said with a smile.

He can exude a power that shocks many warriors, as if he wants to occupy the starry sky. This kind of aura is so terrifying that even Chen Xuan feels that he is no match for him.

"It's my lord."

The great elder, who was already very panicked, looked excited when he saw the mysterious warrior in black robes, and then suddenly said with a puzzled expression.

Many powerful warriors in the Eastern General Territory finally found hope, and they all shouted the name of the elder.

If they took a closer look at the Yunlei Territory, when they heard that this guy was the Dragon Stone Elder of the Eastern General Territory, they were so desperate that they couldn't stand up.

"How could this be? Elder Longshi had already been finished before, wasn't he?"

"Damn it, why did Elder Longshi show up?"

"Isn't Elder Longshi a bully? Elder Longshi became famous millions of years ago. His cultivation is very powerful. We are not qualified to defend him at all."

There was a sound of discussion, and the murderous intention in many warriors began to waver.

On the ground outside the defense of the Immortal Domain, Chen Xuan calmly stared at the mysterious warrior in black robes.

"Elder Dragon Stone."

Chen Xuan whispered.

"The Eastern General Territory definitely belongs to me, and I do not allow any warriors to interfere with it. Even if you are a top powerful talent, you cannot do it at all." Elder Longshi said: "The Eastern General Territory is the top power here. It was decided by Jianxun Territory Lord before. If you want to resist us, don’t make me laugh.”

Elder Longshi was so frightened that he directly issued an edict announcing that there was no hope of survival in the Yunlei Immortal Domain this time.

"Elder, this guy is very vicious. Not only did he kill the regional masters under the Eastern General Territory, but he also obviously wanted to provoke a war in the Eastern General Territory. We will never let you go." The great elder showed a puzzled expression. road.

His face was horrified.

Especially thinking about Chen Xuan's ability to use time and space secrets is simply terrifying.

Such a powerful person must be completely eliminated, otherwise there is a danger that will cause trouble sooner or later.

"Warrior, do you have the idea to join the Eastern General Territory? I can give you a chance."

Elder Longshi agreed in his heart, there would definitely be a conclusion. He looked at Chen Xuan. After hearing his words, Chen Xuan was speechless. In the end, he stared at Elder Longshi without saying a word.

"Why. It seems that you don't want to."

Elder Longshi's expression darkened.

By practicing time in this way, you can feel the secret method of stopping time, and your talent and cultivation are very terrifying. He really couldn't bear to kill such a talented person, so he just killed him.

If there is no way to capture such a warrior, he must be completely destroyed at all costs. Otherwise, the consequences will be endless in the future.

"The world-famous Elder Longshi, whose cultivation may reach the fourth level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God Stage, is so thick-skinned that he used his technique on me. You can't even make me laugh."

Chen Xuan finally spoke. He seemed not worried about Elder Longshi at all.

"You are so arrogant. Elder, you have the right to comment. You are simply ignorant."

The great elder said: "If the elder hadn't cherished your cultivation and talent, you would have been doomed a long time ago. How dare you speak such nonsense here."

"You were not like this before, you are no match for me."

Chen Xuan looked at the Great Elder sarcastically and said sarcastically: "If Elder Longshi hadn't appeared, you would most likely be dead by now. What qualifications do you have to be so arrogant in front of me? It's simply ridiculous."

The Great Elder was very unhappy to be ridiculed by Chen Xuan in front of many warriors, but he had no other choice.

"You're just asking for death."

The great elder's body quickly stepped on the ground, and his body turned into a fiery red aura, which suddenly flew towards Chen Xuan.

Go to hell.

Chen Xuan didn't even look at it, and directly waved the terrifying sword energy.

The surging and terrifying sword energy attacked angrily near the great elder, quickly attacking him and defending him at the same time.

The great elder who stabilized his body wanted to continue the attack, but was still blocked by Elder Longshi. He knew that this man had a very strong cultivation level.

"You are no match for him. If I hadn't come just now, you would have died in his hands. Why are you still attacking him?"

After hearing this, the great elder looked at Chen Xuan with great displeasure and anger, and then retreated to the vicinity of Elder Longshi. He also knew that he was no match. If the fight continued, he would definitely be killed.

"Warrior, your time-stopping secret method is indeed very powerful, but it can only deal with the invincible third-level divine dragon who is not very powerful. It is of no use against me." Elder Longshi said: "Your biggest backer, It must be a golden dragon. It's just bad luck. With his talent, he can only suppress Wang Lin. It's just a fool's dream for you to defeat the entire Eastern Region, and you just heard it. You are not qualified to defend me at all."

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