Chen Xuan didn't kill Wang Polo at all. He stamped on the ground with his soles and left here.

Wang Boluo fought back in his heart, and quickly left the Eternal Peak area with the spirit left by Li Wencheng.

"I advise you to kill him directly."

In the Green Mountain Stone, Zhao Guangbei said that he saw this scene inside, and there was obviously some hesitation in his heart.

Chen Xuan didn't pay much attention, but it was just Wang Polo.

"Wang Polo is naturally nothing, but have you ever thought about the fact that Li Wencheng, who was killed by you, also had forces nearby. If Wang Polo tells this matter to the Star Sword Sect, what kind of impact will it have? ." Zhao Guangbei said.

"Star Sword Sect, I've thought about this too."

Chen Xuandao, when he absorbs enough power of the Ten Thousand Dragons and Stars and condenses the next sword will of Ten Thousand Revolutions of the World, his strength will definitely continue to improve a lot. Then even if he becomes a triple invincible god in the realm of the dragon, he doesn't need to worry. , but it's just the Star Sword Sect, Chen Xuan is really not very worried about them.

"Isn't there still you? The Star Sword Sect is a force in the Beidi region. How can it be stronger than the domain master of the Demon Blood Dragon Domain? So I believe that if he takes you out, he will definitely take care of me. ." Chen Xuan laughed.

After hearing this, Zhao Guangbei was a little speechless. He didn't expect Chen Xuan to have such a calculation, but it was true. Chen Xuan had a life-saving grace for him. If he was from the Demon Blood Dragon Territory, The Territory Lord will definitely repay him if he finds out, even helping him deal with these powerful enemies.

"You have absorbed a lot of the power of Ten Thousand Dragons Stars recently. The power of Ten Thousand Dragons Stars nearby has become very rare. There are almost no more if you go forward. It's time to keep going inside. Only in this way can you find more." Zhao Guangbei said: "Now in the Eternal Peak area, there are many top talents in the five regions. You should be more cautious. If you defeat Wang Junlong, there are many possibilities for attracting the hatred of other top talents. These people are very powerful. Although with your With my current cultivation level, I don’t have to worry about them at all, but I still have to be cautious. Some of them have unique skills, so be careful at this time.”

"Ah, I understand, you don't need to do this." Chen Xuan smiled softly.

In the following time, Chen Xuan is looking for the power of Ten Thousand Dragons and Stars. The most important thing now is to improve his strength.

At the same time, during this period, he also met some disciples of the Blood Cloud Mountain Sect, all of whom were like this and asked him to kill them all.

And he also got something from them.

"Wan Yanchun is finished. He actually dares to call him the top talent in the Eastern Region? Don't make me laugh."

In an instant, many warriors heard that after Wanyan Chun's death, the number one master of the younger generation had become the number one in the top talent list.

In fact, for Securities, take advantage of this opportunity to kill more warriors from the Blood Cloud Mountain Sect. When you return to the Sword God Sect again, it will be time to start a full-scale battle.

While he was searching, he suddenly heard Zhao Guangbei's voice, followed by a loud noise from far away.

"This is terrible. I felt something strange."

After hearing this, Chen Xuan also trembled and said doubtfully: "What's going on? Did he escape? What happened?"

It would be a very dangerous thing for them to escape. In the battle that year, Zhao Guangbei's defensive spiritual energy was destroyed, and only a weak soul remained in the power of the dragons and stars. He survived until now with difficulty, and at least saved his life.

Probably millions of years have passed, and they know too little about this place. Chen Xuan is a warrior who has the opportunity to take him away from the heritage ruins. He must protect him, and it is best to tell him anything he knows.

He has been in the Eternal Peak area for hundreds of years. He knows everything here very well, and he is also very sensitive to any movement.

Although there is very little of that aura, Shaoliang is almost completely invisible to people.

But Zhao Guangbei still felt the movement just now, and he even had an ominous premonition.

His expression suddenly became gloomy, extremely gloomy.

"Get out of this place quickly, I feel that thing is absolutely extraordinary."

Zhao Guangbei said anxiously: "Whether he escapes or not, the Eternal Peak area is very dangerous at the moment. It is best for you to leave as soon as possible. This thing is too powerful and there is nothing you can do with your current strength." Deal with him and leave quickly."

Chen Xuan didn't say anything. He used the secret technique of space and disappeared into the air in an instant. Chen Xuan still believed his words. After getting along with him during this period of time, Chen Xuan had no doubts about his origin.

After a period of time.

Chen Xuan safely walked out of the Eternal Peak area and returned to the mountain peak. Even he didn't know what dangers there were nearby, but if he met Zhao Guangbei's guy, he really had no chance of winning.

at this time!

Not long after he arrived, the black-haired warrior in the sky also arrived.

He held back the release of his power, and the area was filled with broken spiritual energy. His expression was slightly helpless, and he seemed to be greatly frightened, and even his body was trembling.

"What's going on?" Chen Xuan said with a little doubt in his heart.

"In the center of the Eternal Peak area, a terrifying entity has changed. Just a breath of air has caused the entire Eternal Peak area to tremble. It is probably that all the warriors within ten thousand miles have been sealed, and some are slightly weak in cultivation. The warrior's defensive aura was directly shattered. It was so terrifying. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. "

The black-haired warrior directly gave Chen Xuan what he had seen.

But after hearing it, Chen Xuan also showed a shock.

In the end, the black-haired warrior was unable to calm down from the fright in his heart, and his body was trembling continuously.

A slightly different aura appeared on Chen Xuan's body, and he quickly continued to communicate with Zhao Guangbei. Based on the clues he provided, it was very likely that he was the terrifying guy Zhao Guangbei mentioned.

"Does this scary guy really want to escape the seal? Do you know where the seal is?" Chen Xuan said with a little doubt in his heart.

Among the Green Mountain Stones, Zhao Guangbei's face was slightly gloomy. He did not expect such a sudden change.

"Probably not. According to the information I got, I was also seriously injured back then. Now, millions of years have passed, this guy is probably training secretly. The change this time is definitely the discovery of many famous and upright warriors Go inside and try to absorb any fluctuations in their aura to recover his injuries. Otherwise, there will be no explanation." Zhao Guangbei said: "Although he has no way to escape for the time being, things seem to be a little difficult. I’m entangled, and I don’t know what will happen in the end.”

Chen Xuan looked around, feeling somewhat helpless.

There was such a powerful monster in this place, and he didn't even know whether it was a human or a monster. There was no way he could deal with such a powerful guy.

He didn't understand why Bureau Zhao sealed this scary guy in this place but didn't kill him. According to the clues he got now, Bureau Zhao should be the one who sealed this scary guy. Otherwise, who else was there? It has such great power.

"Could it be that this is also a trial? Otherwise, it would be a bit unreasonable."

After thinking for a while, he still couldn't figure it out. Chen Xuan felt very helpless.

He didn't know whether he should continue to think about it now.

I can't figure it out now anyway.

"For the time being, you should not go to the Eternal Peak area. It is very dangerous here." Zhao Guangbei said: "He absorbs any aura fluctuations of famous and upright warriors. During this period, his cultivation will definitely recover, and once Once absorbed, it is absolutely impossible to stop, unless he is sealed by the power of Tao, otherwise, no one can stop him then. "

Chen Xuan also agreed very much. He didn't want to stay here anymore. Danger was indeed dangerous, but it also came with opportunities. If this danger would cost him his life, how could Chen Xuan stay here.

In the next few days, a powerful aura spread out from the Eternal Peak area.

Many warriors escaped from the Eternal Peak area in panic. They were unable to withstand this terrifying power.

Even Wanyan Zilu came out of it, and it seemed that even he couldn't withstand this kind of power.

This tremor lasted for almost half a month.

More than half a month later.

Suddenly, surging power came from the sky, completely covering the five peaks in the bleak land.

Many warriors trembled and stared at the ground in great surprise.

"It's Wanyan Zilu."

A monk shouted out. In fact, even if he didn't, others already understood who this aura was.

"I am Wanyan Zilu."

The red light in the ground evolved into a phantom of a soul. He spoke slowly, and a large amount of time and air breath filled the entire gloomy place.

"We went to the Gloomy Land to find the precious magic weapon. But now in the center of the Eternal Peak area, a terrifying and terrifying guy suddenly appeared. He launched an attack on several of our decent warriors. This guy’s power is so terrifying that almost no one is his opponent.”

Wanyan Zilu is the top talent known to everyone in the five eastern regions. It is only a matter of time before he breaks through to the fifth level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God stage.

His own strength is very high, even for him, and many warriors around him are even more shocked.

"There are many warriors, although they come from five different regions, but we are all warriors from the eastern or northern regions. If I don't unite, I will only be completely killed by that terrifying existence, so now, we must temporarily unite , no matter where we come from, now we have to deal with a common enemy.”

Now Wanyan Zilu's voice became gloomy. As the strongest of the younger generation, he was originally very confident in his own strength, but facing this powerful monster inside, they had no way to resist, and even Several people died.

"If you want to get the precious magic weapon directly, you must kill the powerful being blocking the road. This guy is very scary. Otherwise, we will have no chance of getting the magic weapon inside, and we may even die in this place. So, the current situation We can't help it." Wanyan Zilu shook his head helplessly and said, "Now is the time for you to make preparations. If you are afraid of death, I won't force you. You can withdraw now or leave here. Remember, I am advising you. This guy inside is extremely powerful. There is really no need to keep the weak people around him. You will not have any chance to resist when you face him. If you agree, If we unite to fight against this terrifying existence, maybe we still have a chance."

Wanyanzi finished his journey, and then many people appeared in agreement throughout the gloomy land.

"That's right. We must unite to fight back. I have felt this terrible power before."

"I agree with Senior Brother Wanyan Zilu. We must unite together now to deal with this powerful enemy."

"But if he is really that powerful, what is our chance of winning? If the chance of winning is very low, there is no need to continue the fight."

Many warriors were talking, and he was hesitating in his heart.

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