Chen Xuan on the mountain peak turned around and looked towards the ground.

He felt an extremely powerful aura near Wanyanzi Road. This aura seemed to be able to completely seal hundreds of millions of years of history. It was very terrifying. He was indeed the strongest talent of the younger generation.

"What a strong breath."

Chen Xuandao.

And he shook his head helplessly. It was indeed Wanyan Zilu. He could unite many warriors with just one sentence, and he was very good at stimulating emotions. It seemed that it was indeed very normal for him to be known as the number one among the younger generation. .

Except for a few warriors, almost no monks were willing to quit. They all wanted to take risks.

So many warriors soon reached a consensus that they must unite now.

"In this case, I invite you all to come here to have a good discussion and come together to discuss specific matters to combat the existence of terror. We must come up with a plan now."

After Wan Yanzi's journey, it was natural that he should be the center this time, but no one objected, which shows that his status is indeed very high.

Obviously Wanyan Zilu had enough power to unite these people, and also had enough power to deter them.

At this time, the foundation peak of Wanyanzi Road.

The top experts from the five regions all showed up.

But there are only a very small number of warriors who have the ability to come to Sand Rock. They are all top talents that everyone knows. Their fame has been achieved before, so they basically represent a certain force. Of course, there are also Some people have not discovered that there may be changes, and some people are practicing in seclusion. In short, basically all the people who can get the news have come over.

"This is an opportunity for us to pass by."

Zhao Guangbei Road.

Chen Xuan agreed in his heart. He also wanted to take this opportunity to meet the top talents in each major region and see how strong they were.

But the most important thing was to see Wanyan Zilu who was passed by before. Chen Xuan took a look at him from a distance and discovered that his aura was indeed very strong.

When Chen Xuan came to this mountain peak, there were already many monks in front of the mountain. Many warriors were observing the sandstone and waiting patiently for the end of the discussion.

Chen Xuan came over in a low-key manner and did not reveal any information. At this moment, he was just about to go up.

But at this moment, a monk saw him.

"Don't rush in. What do you want to do?"

A young warrior with red defensive aura blocked Chen Xuan.

"But you are just a third-level Shenlong Breaking God, and you have the courage to come to the mountain. Do you think you have lived too long? Brother Wanyan is already gone. Mainly because he is too weak, there is no need to participate at all. , this battle will only cost you your life in vain.”

Chen Xuan said slightly: "Wanyan Zilu brought many warriors to discuss the plan. I came to the mountain peak, what's wrong? I don't know why you are doing this. My strength is more than what it seems on the surface."

"Don't make me laugh. What do you think you are? Look here, how many warriors are unable to reach the mountain peak. You are just making me laugh. Moreover, this place cannot be easily climbed. "

"You shouldn't take a good look at your own strength. Do you think Wanyan Zilu is someone you can meet if you want? What is his status, and what is your strength? Don't blame me for being a little too aggressive. After all, this is for you." Okay, if you’re not strong enough, just practice hard.”

"Even if you are not invincible at the third level of the divine dragon realm, you still won't be able to reach the mountain peak. You, a third level divine dragon realm, can roll as far as you want, but he won't come over."

"Oh, that's right. With his level of strength, he actually dares to come here. I don't know if he should be stupid or if he should be a fool."

Some warriors nearby were also mocking Chen Xuan, and some were even shouting crazily, mocking him, thinking that he was too real.

"Get out of here quickly, don't ruin my mood, or your soul will be completely destroyed. Trash like you is not qualified to participate at all."

"Yes, you are weak. You still want to take a dip in this troubled water. I think you just want to fish in troubled waters. When the time comes, we will fight hard in front to kill the enemy, but you sneak behind. I think you must be smiling. That’s what I thought.”

Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly. He didn't expect these people to treat him like this.

If they are not in the third level of the extremely powerful Shenlong Breaking God, would they dare to go to the gloomy land alone? I am afraid they don't understand how strong they are.

He passed the obstacle and continued walking towards a place not far away.

"Very good. It seems you didn't take my words seriously. In that case, go and die."

A warrior who had previously ridiculed Chen Xuan directly used his skills.

He is an invincible third-level divine dragon who has experienced three divine thunders. He actually did not hold back when faced with the third-level divine dragon. Obviously, he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to show his strength, so he was directly a terrifying sword. Anger burst out.

go to hell!

He shouted lowly, and the tip of his sword exploded.

Many warriors were watching the exciting battle and stared at Chen Xuan mockingly. For a man of Chen Xuan's strength, they did not believe what kind of help he could provide if a fight broke out.

But the fighting situation soon changed.


At this moment, Chen Xuan stood still without saying a word. Even the tip of the sword, which was invincible at the third level of Shenlong Breaking God, affected Chen Xuan, and then flew directly backwards. Chen Xuan actually acted as if nothing happened. If the same thing happens, it means that he has not exerted his full strength, and this can already cause him a lot of trouble.

The most surprising thing was when he landed on the ground, many warriors found that he was already dead.

What does this mean?

A counterattack that can be accomplished by just relying on defense, being able to kill a Shenlong who has experienced three divine thunders and is invincible at the third level of God Breaking is so terrifying. This is basically impossible to happen, so everyone's hearts are filled with shock at this moment. , they were full of surprise at Chen Xuan's actions.

Killing people directly after a disagreement is a bit too much. Although they don't want to believe it in their hearts, it is the fact.

Chen Xuan's cultivation is stronger than it appears on the surface.

"How can it be."

Many warriors shouted loudly, especially the few monks who blocked Chen Xuan, who were also trembling at this time.

"Who is he and why is he so domineering?"

Many warriors couldn't figure it out, and were filled with surprise in their hearts. They had offended Chen Xuan just now, and now they were worried that Chen Xuan would be angry with them. For a person like him who is decisive in killing, and his attacks are very fierce, it is very likely that he will be angry with them. Kill them all instantly.

But no monk dared to stop Chen Xuan and let him come to Shayan. This is the benefit of strength.

After a long time, a monk suddenly said loudly.

"Could he be the mysterious master who defeated Wang Junlong in the previous cross? Otherwise, I really can't think of anyone else."

All the monks were very surprised after hearing this, and they felt that it made sense.

At this moment, many warriors looked very surprised.

The main reason is that the warriors who did not appear on the mountain are basically some whose cultivation is not very powerful, so they are even more afraid.

Almost all the top talents from the five regions have come to Shayan, and now they have begun meetings. Those who are as powerful as them will not pay attention to the disputes between these weak disciples.

Many warriors on the sandstone had naturally seen what happened in front of the mountain, but they did not pay attention to it.

"The current warriors are really more arrogant than before, and they actually kill people now."

A strong young warrior showed a terrifying expression and said: "If you are weak in cultivation, you don't have to worry about it so much. You still want to come in directly."

Chen Xuan wanted to come to Shayan because he obviously wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to get acquainted with top talents like them. However, why his cultivation level is so powerful is probably because he is only slightly stronger than those in the same realm.

"On the contrary, he is really interesting. He is at the third level of Shenlong Breaking God, but he is able to explode with such a level of cultivation. Didn't you notice that he is very similar to the mysterious master who was rumored before? I think it may really be him. ”

Many top talents and monks agree with Chen Xuan. They feel that Chen Xuan is probably the mysterious master who has been rumored recently. Otherwise, no one can explain why he is so powerful.

However, some people agree and others are against it. They believe that Chen Xuan is just a hollow name. He may have just used some special means before, so he successfully killed many high-level powerful men.


Soon Chen Xuan came to Shayan.

Looking around, he obviously found a dozen warriors appearing on the sandstone. These dozen people were almost all the strongest in cultivation. From the introduction, they could all claim to be kings and hegemons.

When he saw the young warrior with black hair and blue aura at the top, his pupils were slightly surprised.

If correct, this guy should be Wanyan Zilu from the previous legend. However, his aura is very unusual and his power is very powerful. Chen Xuan actually felt his power when he first saw him. It was unusual. Now that I saw him again, I found that he was stronger than before.

"We are here to discuss the fight against the Ten Thousand Dragon Demon King. Why are you here to join in all the fun? Leave immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

The warrior who spoke was the handsome young man with thick eyebrows who had mocked Chen Xuan before.

He is Shangguan Yunzhi, the top talent in Shuiyun Territory. His body is filled with Tao Thunder secrets. He is very arrogant. In fact, he doesn't look down on securities at all.

Many warriors saw Shangguan Yunzhi speaking out and watched the excitement. They were all curious about who this man named Chen Xuan was.

Only Wanyan Zilu seemed to know Chen Xuan's identity.

He wanted to talk, but in the end he couldn't say a word. He didn't know whether the person in front of him was the rumored Chen Xuan, and if it was really him.

Obviously, he was also very curious about how powerful Chen Xuan was in terms of his knowledge of immortal swordsmanship and his cultivation.

"It was Wanyan Zilu who decided to fight against the Ten Thousand Dragons Demon King. He doesn't seem to have it. If he is weak in cultivation, he can't come up. He is just anyone who can come here, so why can't I come." Chen Xuandao.

Although Wanyan Zilu is gone, in the hearts of many warriors, this is already clear. There is no need for anything. Because they are weak, if they rashly join the war, they may be ruined first. However, for masters like them, , the lives of these weak disciples have nothing to do with them at all. The main reason is because they think that this time they have gained a lot. If they can unite and kill this monster, they can get more benefits.

Upon hearing Chen Xuan's words, Shangguan Yunzhi laughed violently and horribly.

"I'll give you one last chance. Go away. If you don't hurry up, run as far as you can. Then you'll be able to look good."

Shangguan Yunzhi was a little angry. Even in the Shuiyun Domain, he was considered the top talent. Apart from Wanyan, who could deal with him?

However, now he was being ridiculed by a person who was in the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God. His anger had reached the extreme. If he hadn't been worried that he would lose his grace by taking action rashly, he would have launched an attack on Chen Xuan by now.

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