"You want to get out if you are weak, right? That's really funny. You are too overbearing." Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly: "If that's the case, I feel that your cultivation is really not good. Please get out and don't disturb us to discuss the plan. Trash like you is not qualified to stand here at all." After hearing this, many warriors were surprised. They didn't expect Chen Xuan to be like this. They stared at Chen Xuan in surprise, a little confused. At this time, all of them were a little hesitant, and seemed to be a little unhappy with Chen Xuan. After a while, a cultivator showed a horrified expression and said, "You actually have the guts to provoke Shangguan Yunzhi. You will never escape from my grasp. You simply don't know how to live or die. Don't you know how powerful he is?"

"Shangguan Yunzhi can kill you in an instant. You son, don't be so arrogant."

"When you mock Bie Rao, have you ever thought that others can also mock you?" Chen Xuan waved his long sword and flew between the ground, not worried about Shangguan Yunzhi at all: "When you think others are weak in cultivation, they also feel weak in cultivation. If I think you are weak and ask you to get out, what would you think? Haha, it seems that you really don't know that clay people have three points of anger. I look down on you from the bottom of my heart for a guy like you who is usually high and mighty."

Chen Xuan's words have now instantly angered Shangguan Yunzhi.

"If that's the case, then great. You really won't cry until you see the coffin." Shangguan Yunzhi quickly raised his long sword, and the terrifying Dao Thunder instantly emerged from the long sword. He wanted to teach this man a lesson and let him know how terrible he was. "Nebula Thunder." Many warriors nearby showed surprised expressions. Shangguan Yunzhi's Nebula Thunder is very unique and difficult to see at ordinary times, because it is a very rare martial art. "I gave you a chance, but you didn't surrender. Now let you feel how powerful my Nebula Thunder is. When you feel it, you will know how big the gap between us is." Shangguan Yunzhi suddenly laughed, and the long sword was quickly discharged. The Dao Thunder in his body also completely burst out. Seeing that the purple Nebula Thunder, which was not far away, was getting closer and closer to him, Chen Xuan shook his head gently. "You are very confident. Although Nebula Thunder is very strong, it is nothing to me."

At this moment, Chen Xuan showed an arrogant aura. He looked down on the other party.

Even the top talents in other regions did not have the courage to ignore Nebula Thunder. After all, this kind of thunder can burn the soul, and the speed is very fast. It is very difficult for ordinary people to defend.

But he is just a warrior of the third level of Shenlong Posing God. He actually wants to resist this kind of thunder. It is simply a foolish dream. No one believes Chen Xuan, and no one is willing to believe him.

Wanyan Zilu has been observing Chen Xuan. He is waiting for him to perform the terrifying fairy sword method. He has heard a little about Chen Xuan, but he knows too little. This mysterious master who suddenly appeared, if it is really Chen Xuan, is indeed qualified to participate with them.

"Are you going to use the fairy sword method?" Wanyan Zilu said.

But Chen Xuan was beyond his original idea.

Obviously, there was also a surge of Dao thunder near Chen Xuan. The aura of the Dao Star space nearby was rapidly increasing, and violent power quickly gathered around him.

"Stupid and ridiculous, he actually wanted to use Dao thunder to deal with Shangguan Yunzhi. Is this guy mentally ill?"

"He is simply an idiot. Shuiyunyu loves Dao thunder the most. Isn't this courting death in the past? Does he really think that he is invincible?"

"Arrogant boy, even if you are so arrogant, you have to have a limit, otherwise what will happen if you put his life in it? I think this boy's strength is still okay, at least his talent should be quite good."

When many warriors saw Chen Xuan urging Dao thunder to fight Shangguan Yunzhi, they all shook their heads. They thought this boy was stupid, and normal people would never have such thinking.

"Dao thunder."

Shangguan Yunzhi, who was attacking, also showed a horrified expression after seeing the Dao thunder on Chen Xuan. He didn't expect that Chen Xuan actually had similar skills to him.

Then he continued to increase his attack, wanting to seal Chen Xuan with Nebula Thunder and its extremely strong power, and then tell everyone thoroughly that he was absolutely irreplaceable.

At this time!

In the ground, the space covered by the Nebula Thunder was almost sealed, and even the Dao Starry Sky was instantly destroyed.

On the sandstone, the aura was very terrifying. Many warriors in front of the mountain also saw what happened there. They all felt very curious and didn't know what kind of battle had happened there.

"Look quickly, if I'm not mistaken, it should be a fight. It seems that he was fighting with Shangguan Yunzhi before. I didn't expect it to be so powerful."

"Shangguan Yunzhi, is he the one who has Nebula Thunder?"

"He actually wants to use Dao Thunder to defeat Shangguan Yunzhi."

At this moment, hundreds of discussions spread out.

In fact, some of the top talents on the sandstone have also discovered Chen Xuan's identity, but they didn't know.

Instead, they wanted to see how powerful the mysterious warrior who could defeat Wang Junlong of the Sky Realm was. They were also full of curiosity about Chen Xuan.

"He defeated Wang Junlong using the Immortal Sword Technique, which shows that he has a strong understanding of the Immortal Sword Technique and is very strong in cultivation. But now he actually does not use the Immortal Sword Technique, but uses Dao Thunderbolt. What on earth is he thinking about? It really makes him sad. People can’t figure it out, and the origin of this guy is very mysterious. Now I don’t know what sect he belongs to and what area he comes from.” Many top talents were thinking secretly.

Warring Area Zheng

The power of Huoxian has all been concentrated on Chen Xuan's long sword Zheng

When the power of Xian and Dao Thunder converged, the most terrifying power blossomed.

at this time.

Chen Xuan tightly suppressed the long sword, the terrifying sword energy was released, and the red aura dissipated.

Shangguan Yunzhi used his Nebula Thunder to angrily attack Chen Xuan's sword tip.

The two sides exchanged fierce exchanges, and a terrifying sound erupted. The sandstone was wrapped in the turbulence of time and space, and many top talents all retreated. After feeling this powerful energy, everyone was somewhat shocked in their hearts. It seemed that there was no I thought that such a terrifying aura would erupt.

Gradually, several rays of fiery red light could be seen confronting each other in the turbulence of time and space. It was obvious that no one of them had been able to win just now.

"It's really funny. My Nebula Thunder is extremely terrifying. You will never escape my grasp. I was just testing you just now."

But before Shangguan Yunzhi finished speaking, he felt something was wrong.

"How is it possible? This is absolutely impossible. How did this guy do it? Why did this happen?"

His face suddenly became gloomy with shock, and he yelled loudly.

At this time, he found that his Nebula Thunder was no longer under his control, and he felt a little surprised in his heart.

At the same time, Chen Xuan's Dao Thunder was actually absorbing Nebula Thunder, which made him feel a little unacceptable.

"This is terrible. Why is it absorbing my power?"

Shangguan Yunzhi was trembling very much. He stamped his feet on the ground and wanted to retreat. This strange change occurred, and he couldn't accept it in his heart.

Seeing him retreating, Chen Xuan released another terrifying sword energy, directly knocking Shangguan Yunzhi away. At this time, Chen Xuan still did not use all his power.

The power of fire, coupled with the power of thunder itself, is the top power of thunder. In addition, it has been absorbed, and it has reached the highest level without a doubt. At least in the same realm, if you want to use the power of thunder, It is basically impossible to attack him with force.

Even the Patriarch of Divine Thunder is nothing at all, let alone him.

Just at this time!

Chen Xuan withdrew his long sword, and the thunder gradually dissipated. The turbulence of time and space on the sandstone also dissipated on the ground.

Many warriors turned their heads and found that Shangguan Yunzhi had been seriously injured, and he could have been seriously injured and was about to die. At this moment, his body fell on the ground, and he was not as arrogant as before.

Many warriors were so surprised that they were speechless.

The situation in the ground has changed a lot compared to before.

Many people's inner surprise has reached its extreme.

Wanyan Zilu's eyes turned extremely gloomy when he looked at Chen Xuan.

Immortal swordsmanship is amazing, and now Dao Lei is so powerful, and he can resist Xing Yun Lei, which is completely unimaginable.

After silence, many warriors finally looked over, and they observed Chen Xuan carefully.

"It's simply impossible. Is he so strong in Dao Thunder? Who is this guy?"

"This is also Nebula Thunder, but he didn't spend much effort to defend it. How is this possible?"

"Such a terrifying Dao Lei, Shangguan Yunzhi, hey, it is true that he may not be able to win. I think losing this time is very normal."

Many warriors said.

"He is indeed a master who can defeat Wang Junlong. Now that I see him, he is really, really powerful. I didn't expect him to be so terrifying."

Wanyan Zilu came over and smiled slightly at Chen Xuan and said: "Let me meet you, I am Wanyan Zilu. I just saw my brother doing something and found that your cultivation is indeed good. Now you have fully gained our recognition. "

Chen Xuan looked at Yan Zilu and said the same: "I am Chen Xuan."

"Being able to defeat Wang Junlong shows that Chen Xuan's understanding of the Immortal Sword Technique and his cultivation are very powerful. And now Chen Xuan uses the Tao Thunder to absorb the Nebula Thunder and defeat Shangguan Yunzhi. It is simply unimaginable."

Moreover, his perception and cultivation are very high, which can completely surprise many warriors.

"Is he the mysterious master who defeated Wang Junlong?"

Some warriors who didn't know what to do shouted loudly. Even Shangguan Yunzhi can be defeated, and it is completely clear that Chen Xuan's cultivation has the ability to come to Shayan.

At this moment, the eyes of many warriors looking at Chen Xuan also became profound. They were thinking in their hearts that there must be a magic weapon near him. Otherwise, if he was only at the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God realm, he could defeat the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God. The powerful and invincible Shangguan Yunzhi?

This is simply astonishing.

Many warriors, although most of them were stronger than Shangguan Yun, did not have the guts to completely suppress him.

However, Chen Xuan defeated Shangguan Yunzhi with a thunderbolt, which was more powerful than imagined.

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