Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6392 Territory Lords of the Major Heavenly Territories

The domain lords of all the major domains were also very surprised.

"What? The domain lord of the Demon Destroying Domain was beheaded by Chen Xuan."

When the Domain Lord of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain heard the news, his face was full of surprise.

"Where this thing came from, it should be true, if there are no mistakes, but there is still no way to be sure."

Nearby, Zhao Guangbei agreed in his heart and whispered that now they have found many ways.

Although he had known it before, he was still surprised when he came out of his vicinity again. Under such circumstances, Chen Xuan's cultivation improved so quickly, which was a huge trouble.

This is also the domain master of the demon-destroying domain. Even Zhao Guangbei cannot do this, let alone Chen Xuan.


There were too many things to consider, Zhao Guangbei said with a helpless smile.

"The Domain Master of the Demon-Destroying Domain is not the strongest among the Domain Masters of the five domains, but he is powerful, and the power of the Demon God is even more arrogant. Even I am not willing to provoke him casually."

The domain lord of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain said helplessly: "If you want to kill the domain lord of the Demon-Destroying Domain, you must know that Chen Xuan's cultivation level is already higher than that of the domain lords in many domains, and he may even be even stronger."

Now the Domain Master of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain could not speak a word, and he was very panicked.

Two years ago in front of the Blood Dragon Plain, the Territory Lord of the Thunder Cloud Domain and the Territory Lord of the Rukong Domain had done all they could to threaten him. This guy still needed his own action to deal with it.

However, now he has killed the Domain Lord of the Demon-Destroying Domain alone. The speed of this breakthrough can be described as exaggerated. No one in the world can do it.

Such a breakthrough speed is really amazing.

Even though the Domain Master of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain boasted of his amazing talents and cultivation, it was nothing in front of Chen Xuan, and his heart became even more shocked.

The leader of the Demonic Blood Dragon Territory has no doubts about where the news brought back by Zhao Guangbei is. Now he has received the general information.

"The Domain Lord of the Demon Slayer Domain has died, and the Demon Slayer Dragon Domain has lost its leader. It's time to hold the Domain Lord Conference. We still had important things to do before, so we couldn't think too much about it. This child is really... It’s so surprising that he can actually make such a big noise, and I’ve never heard of it before. Now that he has made such a big noise, it’s quite a feat.” The domain master of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain whispered.

Zhao Guangbei has been in contact with Chen Xuan for a long time and relatively knows Chen Xuan relatively well. He has heard a lot of news about Chen Xue recently. Although the envelope is a little reluctant to believe it, it is the fact.

Now Chen Xuan's name has spread all over the country. People in different places have heard these two words, and they know how powerful this man named Chen Xuan is.

"When I was inheriting the relics, I saw that there was a 100% chance that he could grow into a powerful person in the future. And the most important thing is that I discovered that there was a nine-star power of sword intent in his body. This is It's a very rare power that ordinary people can't get, but he can get it easily now, which shows that his identity is definitely extraordinary," Zhao Guangbei said helplessly.

"The nine-star power of Dao Sword Intent."

The Domain Lord of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain showed a puzzled expression, and then said: "Is Zhao Bureau a practitioner? In this case, killing the Domain Master of the Demon-Destroying Domain would not surprise many warriors. This guy is really too mysterious. ”

"Lord of the domain, what are your plans and what should we do now?"

Zhao Guangbei said doubtfully.

"Chen Xuan's cultivation level is almost the same as mine. Now he is indeed very powerful. Since he killed the domain lord of the Demon Slayer Domain, he will become the domain lord of the new Demon Slayer Dragon Domain. Now the Demon Slayer Domain The large-scale battles in the Dragon Domain can be calmed down, and the overall cultivation level of my eastern region can also be improved a lot." The domain master of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain smiled and said: "Tell the domain masters of other domains to go to the Demon-Slaying Dragon Domain and expand their domain. The Territory Lords Conference, now we must have a good meeting."

Now that Chen Xuan's fame has soared, many people want to meet him.

"Don't worry, there is no problem. Territory Lord, I will take care of this matter right away. You don't need to worry about other things, just leave them to me."

Zhao Guangbei agreed in his heart, and left quickly. He had many things to be busy with, and he had no time to stay here now.

Staring at Zhao Guangbei's departing body, the Domain Master of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain showed a terrifying smile.

"He is indeed a top talent valued by General Zhao. With such talent and cultivation, I am really surprised in my heart. I am really shocked that he can grow to this point. If he wants to grow to this point, he It took a lot of effort, and it was not easy.”

The Domain Master of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain also had some expectations for Chen Xuan. He vaguely felt that Chen Xuan should be very unusual. His identity alone was already very mysterious, and he was able to change his mind in a short period of time. No one knew how he could achieve such an outstanding level of cultivation.

He is very aware of the real mystery of the central area, where there are hundreds of top talents, and there are too many strong ones.

Among the younger generation, very outstanding figures include Song Huadong, Song Jian and Wan Yanze.

However, he knew that even the talents and cultivation of Song Huadong, Song Jian and Wan Yanze were far from comparable to Chen Xuan.

"I highly doubt that when you break through into the central area, where there are too many powerful people, what kind of terrifying energy will be released."

Now, the Domain Master of the Demonic Blood Dragon Domain has made an extremely important decision.

The entire eastern region trembled.

Hundreds of warriors began to discuss nervously.

Especially in the area controlled by the Eastern General Territory, many warriors were surprised.

Under such circumstances, Zhao Guangbei came to the Demon Slayer Dragon Territory much earlier than many domain lords.

"Chen Xuan, I haven't seen you for two years, but you already exude such a powerful aura."

From a distance, Zhao Guangbei saw Chen Xuan and smiled helplessly.

Seeing Zhao Guangbei's arrival, Chen Xuan stood up from the high platform and smiled: "I didn't expect that the first person to come to the Demon Slayer Dragon Territory would be you, senior."

Zhao Guangbei shook his head helplessly and said: "Your current cultivation level is even more terrifying than mine. Don't call me senior anymore. If you don't mind, you can call me brother."

Chen Xuan was not polite and said directly: "Brother Zhao Guangbei."

"Actually, I'm very curious about how you defeated the Domain Lord of the Demon-Destroying Domain."

Zhao Guangbei is actually very interested in this issue.

Chen Xuan told the story of the fight, and then said with doubts: "Brother Zhao Guangbei, how much do you know about the central area?"

As soon as the central area was mentioned, Zhao Guangbei's face became gloomy.

"Did you know it too?"

Zhao Guangbei stared at Chen Xuan.

"The reason why the Demon-Slaying Dragon Territory and the Beidi Region are able to command people with strong cultivation in the eastern region is because of the powerful forces behind them." Zhao Guangbei said: "The sects behind the Demon-Slaying Dragon Territory are actually the gods of the central area. Shi Zong, and our Beidi region also has a backer in the central area.”

After hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded in agreement.

Chen Xuan pondered for a moment, and became very interested in the central area. He knew that only by entering the central area could he have access to broader cultivation resources and top talents. For him, the central area is a place full of challenges and opportunities.

Zhao Guangbei noticed the desire in Chen Xuan's eyes. He took a deep breath and said, "Chen Xuan, I have a decision that may help you enter the central area."

A hint of surprise flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Brother Zhao Guangbei, what can you do?"

Zhao Guangbei smiled mysteriously, and then patiently explained: "There is a supreme strongman in the central area of ​​our Beidi region, and he has a deep relationship with me. If you are willing to become my disciple, I can help introduce you to him. "You get access to the central area."

Chen Xuan was very excited when he heard this. He knew now wasn't the time.

"By the way, how about we compare notes?"

Hearing this, Chen Xuan became excited.

Next, the two sides started fighting.

A flash of fighting spirit flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. He quickly jumped into the air from the high platform, and the aura on his body burst out instantly. He spread his wings, like a ferocious phoenix, and swooped towards Zhao Guangbei with a blazing breath of fire.

Zhao Guangbei was not to be outdone, and an invisible majestic momentum rose from his body. He condensed a huge battle axe, and the battle ax emitted a dazzling cold light, as if it could freeze everything. He shouted angrily and faced Chen Xuan's Phoenix attack.

The moment the two of them fought, the ground changed color. Chen Xuan turned into a flame, and his offensive was violent and fiery. He used the unique skill of flame body refining, and every move carried destructive power, instantly burning and distorting the surrounding space.

Zhao Guangbei waved his battle ax, and every slash brought a biting chill. He displayed the unique martial arts of the Beidi region, condensing ice into a sharp blade, and slashed through the air with great sharpness. Although his power is not as strong as Chen Xuan's blazing flames, he has a sharp edge.

During the battle, fire and ice collided, making explosive sounds. The flames were condensed by the frost, and the ice was melted by the flames. The two people's moves were intertwined, and the scene was extremely intense.

Their figures shuttled rapidly across the battlefield, and every collision triggered violent energy fluctuations. The warriors who were watching were all amazed. They could not imagine that these two young talents could show such terrifying combat power.

The battle lasted for a long time, and both men's strength reached its limit. Chen Xuan's flame gradually extinguished, and Zhao Guangbei's battle ax also began to tremble. They faced each other, and both sides could feel the fierce aura on the other's body.

Suddenly, a cunning look flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. He quickly mobilized the power in his body and gathered a huge fireball. The fireball exuded scorching heat. Chen Xuan shouted and threw the fireball towards Zhao Guangbei.

Zhao Guangbei was extremely alert. He clenched his battle ax tightly and used his ultimate blink. He swung the battle ax and condensed a giant frost dragon, which rushed towards the fireball with endless chill.

The huge fireball collided with the frost dragon, erupting into a dazzling light. Strong energy fluctuations swept around, earth and rocks splashed, and the air was filled with a mixture of scorching heat and cold.

The outcome of the battle was shocking. When the light dissipated, both of them took a few steps back, feeling exhausted. They looked at each other and saw the determination and admiration in each other's eyes.

"Brother Zhao Guangbei, you have indeed lived up to my expectations. Your power of frost impresses me." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

Zhao Guangbei stroked the battle ax, with pride in his smile. He responded: "Chen Xuan, your power of fire also impressed me. You are a real talent. Our battle made me more convinced that only by constantly surpassing Only by ourselves can we gain a foothold in the central area."

The battle between the two was not over, their duel was just the beginning. Chen Xuan and Zhao Guangbei could feel each other's potential, and they knew they were far from reaching their peak.

Chen Xuan stared at Zhao Guangbei, with a glimmer of determination in his eyes. He decided to show his true strength. A strong energy surged from his body, and his whole body radiated a dazzling light. Chen Xuan's mouth curled up a confident smile, and his voice was full of firm strength: "Zhao Guangbei, get ready to face my strongest blow!"

Zhao Guangbei raised his head, and a glimmer of challenge flashed in his eyes. He ignited the passion for fighting in his heart, raised his battle axe, and prepared to meet Chen Xuan's challenge. "Chen Xuan, I will not be afraid, let me see your true strength!"

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