The figures of Chen Xuan and Zhao Guangbei moved intertwined, and their fists, kicks, and martial arts were intertwined to form a spectacular battle scene. The energy fluctuations were raging, and the momentum erupted like a mountain torrent, setting off a violent storm.

Chen Xuan used the power of flame to create a sea of ​​fire. His body is as flexible as a fire elf, and every attack contains destructive power. As the flames danced, the air was filled with fiery temperature, making it difficult for people to get close.

Zhao Guangbei displayed the unique frost martial arts in the Beidi region. He condensed the wind of ice blades and cut through the air, bringing a biting chill. His figure is dignified and powerful, and every attack has a huge deterrent effect. The power of frost swept across the battlefield, freezing everything

The moves between the two are getting more and more intense, and they are both pursuing the ultimate strength and skills. The collision of flames and ice caused a series of violent explosions. Energy fluctuations swept around, and the battlefield became a mess.

Time seemed to have stopped, and only the duel between Chen Xuan and Zhao Guangbei remained on the battlefield. Their eyes were locked on each other, determination evident.

Finally, Chen Xuan suddenly stopped attacking, and his figure froze in the air. A powerful aura surged out of him, as if an invisible mountain was oppressing Zhao Guangbei.

Zhao Guangbei felt the tremendous pressure and his face was solemn. He knew that Chen Xuan had entered a critical state and he could not take it lightly. Zhao Guangbei gritted his teeth and burst out with unparalleled strength. He decided to meet Chen Xuan's challenge with the strongest strength.

The battlefield was filled with a tense atmosphere, the two men's eyes met, and the fierce duel was about to reach its peak. Their strength will determine who can stand out in this life and death battle and move towards the central area.

After the smoke and dust of the battle dispersed, Chen Xuan and Zhao Guangbei each stopped their attacks. After their confrontation for a moment, they suddenly burst into laughter at the same time. The pressure and tension in the battle were completely released at this moment, replaced by mutual respect and friendship.

Chen Xuan patted Zhao Guangbei on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Brother Zhao Guangbei, you really lived up to my expectations. Your ice power impressed me with admiration. It was a wonderful showdown!"

Zhao Guangbei responded with a smile: "Chen Xuan, your power of fire also amazes me. The battle between us was really a rare exchange and an unforgettable experience for me."

The two patted each other's chests and decided to put aside their thoughts about fighting and have a relaxing time. They walked out of the battlefield together and came to a quiet area. A table of fine wine and a chess board have been placed.

Zhao Guangbei filled the wine glass, handed it to Chen Xuan, and said with a smile: "Chen Xuan, come, cheers to this battle! Regardless of victory or defeat, we are destined to be in the central area."

Chen Xuan took the wine glass and sat opposite Zhao Guangbei. They raised their glasses and clinked them together, celebrating the fierce battle.

After a few sips of wine, the two began to play chess. As the pieces marched across the chessboard, their minds wandered. Although they tried their best to fight each other, at this moment they have become confidants who talk about everything.

They exchanged their thoughts on their own practice and shared their experiences in the central area. The exchanges between them broadened their horizons and inspired a deeper passion for spiritual practice.

During their game, the chess game gradually unfolded. They listened to each other's thinking. From the game, they felt that every step on the chess board was a confrontation of thoughts, and their thoughts became clearer and deeper.

Time passed quietly during their game, and they were immersed in thinking about the game and practice. They inspired each other and felt the tacit understanding between them.

Finally, they played the last game of chess. Chen Xuan and Zhao Guangbei looked at each other and smiled, feeling each other's strength and talent. Although there are wins and losses when playing chess, communication in their hearts is the most important gain.

They put down their chess pieces and stood up.

Chen Xuan patted Zhao Guangbei on the shoulder and expressed his respect for him: "Brother Zhao Guangbei, we are not winning or losing today, but this game makes me admire you even more. I hope we can continue in the central area Communicate and grow together.”

Zhao Guangbei responded with the same respect: "Chen Xuan, you are a rare opponent I know. Our battles and games have made me more convinced that only by communicating with top talents can we continue to surpass ourselves. I look forward to working with you." You meet again in the central area.”

In fact, he had guessed it before. Without a backer, he is just a fifth-level warrior of the Divine Dragon Breaking God Stage. How can he be in charge of an area?

"But you don't need to worry. Compared to the Divine Consciousness Sect, the Demon Slayer Dragon Territory is just a part of the vassal forces. Although you killed the domain master of the Demon Slayer Domain, the Divine Consciousness Sect will not observe this matter carefully at all. "Zhao Guangbei said with a smile.

He was worried that Chen Xuan would suppress him.

"But with your current cultivation level, almost no monk in the fifth level of the divine dragon realm can kill you." Zhao Guangbei has already seen that Chen Xuan's cultivation has reached the invincible perfection of the third level of the divine dragon realm.

Zhao Guangbei's face was even more shocked.

With the invincible strength of the triple god-breaking stage of the divine dragon realm, he killed the domain lord of the demon-destroying domain. With this kind of power, even if you look carefully at the eastern region, who can compete with it?

"The domain lords of many domains are likely to arrive in the next few cities. After the discussion is over, you will become the new domain lord of the demon-destroying domain." Zhao Guangbei said.

Half a month later, Zhao Guangbei's arrival triggered a change in Lin, and an extremely dark atmosphere enveloped the entire blood domain.

These dark auras gathered together and filled the entire ground. The Blood Domain fell into panic.

When Chen Xuan was talking to Zhao Guangbei, he suddenly noticed the dark aura in the ground, and his expression changed slightly.

"It's the domain master of the sky domain." Zhao Guangbei said.

However, at this moment, Chen Xuan stomped on the ground and quickly left the main hall, his body quickly shuttled through the ground.

"The domain master of the sky domain actually played this kind of trick, which makes people laugh." Chen Xuan's voice suddenly came out.

The next moment, he gently waved his long sword, and a powerful thunder rune sword energy was released, piercing the dark ground.

The thunder rune sword energy dissipated, and the terrifying fire wave was released instantly. Just in the moment when Chen Xuan operated his spiritual power, the dark aura nearby was completely dispelled.

The two sides began to test the battle, and their figures intertwined between the ground. Chen Xuan used the power of fire, and every attack was destructive. The domain master of the Rukong domain, relying on the power of darkness, turned into a shadow and flexibly dodged Chen Xuan's attack.

Chen Xuan's eyes were sharp, and he kept launching fierce attacks, trying to break through the opponent's defense line. He waved his long sword, releasing the fiery sword energy, illuminating the ground.

The domain master of the Rukong domain sneered, and the dark power continued to condense, forming a huge black hole.

The black hole contained a terrifying devouring power, trying to swallow Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan felt the threat of the black hole, he was not afraid, and his whole body burst out with powerful flame power. The flames surrounded him, forming a protective fire wall to resist the swallowing of the black hole.

The battle continued, and both sides exerted their strongest strength. The flames and the dark power intertwined, and strong energy fluctuations broke out between the ground. Chen Xuan's figure flickered, like a ball of blazing flames, while the domain master of the Rukong domain turned into a shadow, wandering in the darkness.

Every attack they made tried to defeat each other, but their strengths were extraordinary. The battle entered a white-hot stage, and the ground was shaking because of their battle.

Chen Xuan was alert and alert, with a firm determination rising in his heart.

"I haven't seen you for two years, and the weak guy back then has actually broken through to this step." A warrior with a gloomy aura slowly appeared on the ground. He waved his long sword, flying in the air, and stared at Chen Xuan with sarcasm.

"But do you think you have the ability to become the new domain master of the Demon-Destroying Domain?" The words of the domain master of the Rukong Domain instantly made the Taoist monks nearby unhappy. It was obvious that he was here to make trouble.

Zhao Guangbei's face became unhappy. He glanced at Chen Xuan and finally remained calm.

Looking at the domain master of the Rukong Domain, Chen Xuan said indifferently: "Domain master of the Rukong Domain, such a powerful warrior, is it very uncomfortable for me to absolutely kill Wang Junlong back then?"

Mentioning the name of Wang Junlong, the domain master of the Rukong Domain showed a sad expression.

At this time, the words coming out of Chen Xuan's mouth made people unhappy.

In an instant, a terrifying aura emerged around the Lord of the Rukong Domain, and he attacked Chen Xuan.

"You are simply courting death." The Lord of the Rukong Domain stared at Chen Xuan.

"Wang Junlong practiced the magic sect's great method and killed the warriors of the famous and upright sects. He deserves to die." Zhao Guangbei said: "Lord of the Rukong Domain, you are the Lord of the Great Domain, and you should put our interests first."

"I have no connection with Wang Junlong. I just can't stand Chen Xuan and want to challenge him. Does the Northern Emperor Region have to take care of so many things?" How could Zhao Guangbei not know the purpose of the Lord of the Rukong Domain.

"If you challenge my Northern Emperor Region, we will naturally not ask. But since we are all warriors in the Eastern Region, I would like to kindly remind you that the warrior you want to challenge just a few days ago, with his personal strength, killed the Lord of the Demon-killing Domain." Zhao Guangbei said sarcastically.

This is what he wants the Lord of the Rukong Domain to realize the gap in cultivation between him and Chen Xuan.

No matter how powerful the domain master of the Rukong domain is, he can't be stronger than the domain master of the Demon-killing Domain.

However, the domain master of the Rukong domain has been overwhelmed by hatred. He only thinks about how to punish Chen Xuan and seize the opportunity to kill him.

"Why, don't you have the courage to use your skills?" The domain master of the Rukong domain stared at Chen Xuan with a terrible expression.

"If I use my skills, you will definitely die. Are you sure you want me to use my skills?" Chen Xuan responded sarcastically.

"You are so shameless." The domain master of the Rukong domain said, stomping his feet on the ground, and the surging breath rushed towards Chen Xuan.

The gloomy breath reached its peak, as if it was going to kill the entire blood domain.

At this moment, Chen Xuan raised his long sword and slowly released the fairy sword rune, and the sword energy continued to flow around.

"Go to hell." Chen Xuan shouted in a low voice, and hundreds of breaths emerged from the long sword. These breaths condensed together to form a terrible fairy sword formation.

Chen Xuan stepped on the ground quickly, hundreds of breaths burst out, condensed into a huge sword energy, silently killing the invisible defense of the Daoxingkong formation in front of the domain master of the Rukong domain.

This is a terrifying collision!

The huge sword energy carries an extremely violent force, bombarding the invisible defense of the Daoxingkong formation.

Although the domain master of the Rukong domain is very confident in this invisible defense, it gathers the terrifying Rukong power.

However, in front of Chen Xuan, it is completely useless.

Terrifying power!

The invisible defense of the Daoxingkong formation only lasted for a short time before it was completely destroyed by Chen Xuan.

Now, the domain master of the Rukong domain finally felt the gap in strength between him and Chen Xuan.

No matter how powerful he is, he cannot compare with the Domain Lord of the Demon-Destroying Domain.

At this moment, his heart was full of resentment, and he could only think about how to retaliate against Chen Xuan and seize this opportunity to kill him.

The turbulent and powerful sword energy continued to wreak havoc on the Domain Lord of Rukong Domain, completely sealing his defense.

Many warriors in the Demon-Destroying Domain were filled with surprise when they saw the Territory Lord of Rukong Domain looking slightly embarrassed. Chen Xuan's cultivation level is really terrifying. His power is enough to attack the eastern region wantonly. No one can withstand it.

Zhao Guangbei couldn't help but be shocked by Chen Xuan's terrifying defensive aura, which reached a very terrifying situation. "He is indeed a master who left the Eastern General Territory safely. His defensive spiritual energy perception and cultivation are unparalleled." Zhao Guangbei said, and the Lord of Jianxun Territory also slowly walked over.

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