Yue Lei wielded the power of thunder and lightning, and bolts of lightning shot through the air, trying to repel Chen Xuan. Han Xueer is charming and elegant, using the power of ice and snow to the extreme, trying to freeze Zhang Fengyun's movements. Qin Feng controlled the wind blade and attacked Li Qingyun like thousands of sharp blades, trying to break her time and space barrier.

Three fierce duels started at the same time, and the scene was extremely fierce. The Three Musketeers of the Prairie Fire showed their tacit understanding and cooperation, supporting and protecting each other at critical moments. They believe that only through unity and cooperation can they defeat these three powerful forces.

As time passed by, the battle situation entered a fierce stage. The three opponents showed off their own unique skills in an attempt to defeat the Three Musketeers. However, the three swordsmen of the prairie fire are equally powerful. They respond flexibly and keep a cool head at all times.

Finally, after a fierce battle, the Three Musketeers of the prairie fire successfully defeated three powerful opponents and successfully advanced to the next round. Their record and strength shocked the entire Fengyun City, and they were even more looking forward to the next game. The names of the Three Musketeers of the Prairie Fire were completely spread throughout the martial arts conference.

The victories of Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun once again shocked everyone. The strength they showed in the game amazed everyone. Especially Chen Xuan's performance is simply unbelievable.

When facing a powerful opponent, Chen Xuan seemed to be at ease and won effortlessly. His swordsmanship is like a gust of wind and rain, agile and sharp, dazzling. Every move and style shows his profound understanding of the sword, which makes people admire him.

"Chen Xuan, he is really too strong!"

"That's right, his swordsmanship is so powerful that he doesn't give his opponent any power to fight back."

"Such strength is probably one of the best in Fengyun City."

Everyone was talking and admiring Chen Xuan's performance. They are used to witnessing Chen Xuan's power in competitions, but they are still shocked by his strength every time.

In Fengyun City, Chen Xuan's name has spread to every corner. He has become the idol and goal in the hearts of countless practitioners. His friends Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun have also received public attention and recognition.

"Chen Xuan, you are so awesome!" Li Qingyun smiled and patted Chen Xuan on the shoulder, "We finally won this game!"

Zhang Fengyun also held Chen Xuan's hand excitedly, "Yes, the three of us together are truly an invincible combination!"

Chen Xuan smiled and nodded. He knew that he was lucky to be able to fight side by side with Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun. The tacit understanding and trust between the three of them made their strength even higher.

Although they won the competition, all three knew that the road to cultivation would never end. They still have a lot to learn and improve. In this vast world of practitioners, there are always stronger opponents waiting for them.

However, this did not scare them, but instead inspired them with stronger fighting spirit and determination. They know that as long as they persevere and pursue strong beliefs, they will eventually be able to become the true pinnacle of the sword.

At the Feast of Ten Thousand Swords in Fengyun City, the names of Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun were once again hailed as legends. Their brilliant achievements and fearless fighting spirit have become legends in Fengyun City.

However, the practitioners in Fengyun City are still full of awe and expectation for Chen Xuan's strength. They know that there will be countless challenges and difficulties in the future of cultivation, but Chen Xuan's outstanding performance makes them believe that as long as they work hard, it is possible to catch up with this legendary figure at the pinnacle of the sword.

"The Three Musketeers of the Prairie Fire are so awesome!" someone else echoed.

Everyone's eyes focused on Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun, and they were all shocked by the three's strength and tacit understanding. In Fengyun City, a gathering place for cultivators, there are many strong people, but the performance of the Three Musketeers of the prairie fire is really eye-catching.

"Their cooperation is perfect."

"Chen Xuan's swordsmanship is so fast that people can't see clearly."

"Li Qingyun's movement skills are even more incredible, and there is no trace of him at all."

"And Zhang Fengyun's control is amazing, every move is just right."

Everyone was amazed by the performances of Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun, and talked about their wonderful performance in the game. Not only did they defeat their opponents, but they also showed extraordinary strength and tacit understanding, which was eye-opening.

“It was such a great game.”

"Yes, this is just the preliminary round of the Feast of Ten Thousand Swords, and the subsequent competition will be more intense."

"Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing the performance of the Three Musketeers in the following games."

The practitioners present looked at Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun with anticipation. They knew that these three people would become the focus and highlight of this Ten Thousand Swords Feast.

But in this lively atmosphere, there was a person who didn't look very good. This man's name is Qin, and he is also a cultivator in Fengyun City. He has always thought highly of himself and thought he was a talent in Fengyun City, but today's game made him feel a huge setback.

"The Three Musketeers of the Prairie Fire? Hey, they're just some lucky guys." Qin sneered and said to himself.

He was unwilling to admit the strength of Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun. He believed that he was the number one person in Fengyun City. However, today's competition made him fully realize that there is still a huge gap between himself and the Three Musketeers of the prairie fire.

"It's just the preliminary round. I still have a chance. I must prove myself in the subsequent matches!" Qin gritted his teeth.

His heart was full of competition and jealousy towards the Three Musketeers, and he was determined to surpass them in the following games and become the true number one in Fengyun City.

Near Fengyun City, the Yunfeng Shen Sect is the largest sect and is known as one of the strongest forces in cultivation. Qin is Yunfeng's top disciple. He is good at mysterious Taoist magic and has amazing power. There are two companions with equally strong cultivation beside him, namely Thunder Sword Fairy Lei Lei Feng and Ice Heart Fairy Bing Xinxue.

Lei Lei Feng is a master swordsman with sharp swordsmanship and is good at lightning magic. Every sword contains the power of shocking thunder and lightning. He has a graceful demeanor and a sweeping sword aura. He is known as the Thunder Sword Immortal and is the master of swordsmanship in Fengyun City.

Bing Xinxue is a woman who practices ice magic. Her magic is so cold that it can condense frost and freeze all enemies. Her beauty and cold arrogance coexist, and she is known as the Bingxin Fairy of Fengyun City.

Qin, Lei Leifeng and Bing Xinxue formed a powerful team of the Yunfeng God Sect. The three of them cooperated tacitly and their strength cannot be underestimated. They are famous in the cultivation world of Fengyun City for their invincibility, and countless cultivators regard them as gods.

Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun who participated in the Feast of Ten Thousand Swords were also in awe of the strength of Yunfeng Sanrao. During the competition, they knew that it was not easy to compete with the strong players of Yunfeng, but it also inspired their determination to work harder. After all, only through constant challenges and confrontations can they continue to grow.

The competition in the Feast of Ten Thousand Swords is becoming increasingly fierce. Chen Xuan and his friends are determined to go all the way to the end, strive to stand out in this feast, and prove their strength and determination.

For this feast, they are full of expectations and longing, as well as fear and excitement about unknown challenges.

When the game was over, Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun returned to the inn, relaxed and exchanged their previous game experiences with each other.

"Chen Xuan, your swordsmanship is getting more and more powerful. That sword strike just now was like a dragon flying through the clouds, impeccable!" Li Qingyun praised.

Chen Xuan smiled and shook his head, and said modestly: "Actually, I still have a lot of shortcomings, and I still need to work hard. But today's game can be regarded as a warm-up for our duel tomorrow."

Zhang Fengyun also echoed: "Yes, Ming's game is indeed a big challenge for us. Qin is a very strong opponent. We must go all out to have a chance to defeat him."

Just as they were discussing Ming's game, the door of the inn was pushed open, and a figure walked in. It was Qin from the Yunfeng God Sect.

Qin walked up to Chen Xuan and the others, smiled and said hello: "Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun, Zhang Fengyun, your performance today is really impressive, your strength is getting stronger and stronger. I heard that we are going to play against each other in the game, I don't know. Do you have confidence? "

Chen Xuan smiled faintly. He didn't like others to test him, but he still answered calmly: "We just want to improve our strength and don't care about the results of the competition. But since it is a competition field, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Qin smiled slightly. He could see that Chen Xuan was not weak, and he was also a little curious about this confident young man. He said: "Very good, I like confident opponents. I will go all out for tomorrow's game, and I hope you don't let me down."

"Of course, we will go all out to give you a really exciting showdown." Chen Xuan looked calm and not afraid of the challenge.

Qin nodded, then turned and left the inn. He knew that Ming's duel would not be easy, but he had full confidence in his own strength.

Looking at Qin's leaving figure, Chen Xuan and the others also felt that Ming's showdown would be a fierce battle. They looked at each other, determination shining in their eyes.

"The decisive battle is coming tomorrow. We must go all out to defeat him and lay a solid step for our cultivation path!" Li Qingyun said excitedly.

"Yes, we must defeat him and prove our strength to the seniors!" Zhang Fengyun is also full of fighting spirit.

The next morning, the day of competition finally arrived. The sun shines on the competition ground in Fengyun City. The competition venue has been neatly arranged. Players from all parties have arrived at the venue early to prepare for a new round of challenges.

Chen Xuan and the other three also arrived at the competition ground early, and their figures stood out among the crowd. Everyone knows that today will be a fierce showdown, because Qin from the Yunfeng Divine Sect is a powerful practitioner, and Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun are also practitioners with considerable strength. This game is destined to It will attract the attention of countless viewers.

Before the game started, Chen Xuan and the other three stood on the stage, their eyes firm and calm. They know that this moment is the starting point for them to move towards the peak of the sword, and it is also the moment for them to fight for their dreams.

Qin Ye stood on the other side of the competition stage, his eyes revealing his serious attitude towards Chen Xuan Sanrao. He knew that this duel was not simple, and his opponent was not easily defeated.

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